The thing attacking Rhune and Asif with intensity now does not appear so interested. As both attempt to lure it away from each other, it turns away from both of them, glaring with hatred at Forte as he dumps the pack. It hurls both it's spheres as the big man hefts the magical mace, which seems to pulse warmly in his hand with a feeling of empowerment. It doesn't last terribly long, though, as one of the glowing globes impacts his other shoulder, weakening the seam enough on that side so that his entire suit of chain drops entirely off of him! The damage was minimal, but now he faces the creature with only his clothes to protect him! (As Ullar has done for quite some time.) It advances on him with fury!.
----"NO! Get away from him," Rhune shouts as she attempts once more to gain its attention.
With renewed spirit Ullar rushes forward to rejoin in battle.
"Dakath, continue to harass them with your toothpick and can you lend me our mace?"
Aiming at the spheres, Ullar does his best to hammer them away, protecting himself with his buckler, hitting with his greatsword.
He is convinced his weapon is truly magical as well, as Xania's spell showed, and the warrior is eager to deal some damage.
"F**CKERS! DIE AGAIN!, he screams, while circling around, waiting for an opening to appear.
Ullar veritably hammers his mighty weapon down on the thing's back as it assails Dakath, with no more results than if he had blown it a kiss. A blow like that has killed several opponents, but does not even damage this thing!
Dakath grits his teeth and renews his attack with his dagger.
The two elf-spirits concentrate their attacks on Forte and Dakath, recognizing the danger their weapons pose. Now unprotected, Forte still wildly swings the magical mace, which seems to pulse even stronger as the thing approaches. However, Forte is slow and clumsy with the weapon, and the spirit takes advantage of this by smashing Forte's already burned shoulder with one of it's spheres. Though the other injuries were taken up by his armor, this one is all for him, and he feels weakness spread about him, only counteracted by the feeling of power granted by the mace. He swings it awkwardly about, not accounting for it's much different balance, which causes it to go in a very low arc. However, the weapon seems to adjust his swing by itself, raising up just high enough to impact the creature's leg, which results in a terrific howl of agony from it.
The efforts of the others to draw the thing's attention is futile, as the injured spirit claps both it's spheres together right in front of Dakath's face, sending him reeling backward and falling on his rear. Knowing it is possible he may not rise up again from such an injury, he tosses the weapon sideways towards the others in his group, before he falls back into unconsciousness.
Amibar gasps as the thief falls to the floor. It seems their only means of fighting these creatures has disappeared.
Xania gasps as Dakath is knocked to the ground but grabs for the dagger, knowing that it is likely her only chance at being able to do something.
Xania being clearly the closest one to Dakath, she is the recipient of her old weapon, sliding toward her as the thing continues to advance on Dakath's prone form, seemingly unaware that the weapon is not with him any longer. Ullar continues to bash away at the thing's back. However, his anger at not being able to harm it loosens his grip, and the large blade tumbles to the ground next to him. Not all is ill, though, as this seems to distract the creature's attention from ending Dakath's life, as it half-turns and it's thrown spheres impact close to him, but not close enough to injure him.
----seeing Dakath fall, "Nooo.....not again," she cries out and once again tries to gain their attention....the soft-hearted Rhune does not wish to face the death of another friend.
Meanwhile, the second thing sees the success of it's partner and attempts to smash it's two spheres in front of Forte's face. Being smarter than he looks, however, Forte ducks out of the way, catching only a little bit of force from the strong explosion. He swings the weapon again with horribly technique, but it corrects its own arc once again and stings the creature's arm with a light impact.
Seeing Dakath in danger, Xania becomes the Warrior Magess again, bringing up her dagger from behind the thing. However, her technique is almost as poor as Forte's, as she misses the wight entirely. It is impossible to see the creature's expression as it hurls both missiles at Dakath's comatose form, both impacting him and exploding. Those close do not think even his nine lives could save him from such injury. Indeed, he looks quite dead.
Xania screams in rage, a wordless snarl of fury. She forgets that she is a mere mage and not a warrior by any long stretch of the imagination and attacks with unbridled bloodlust.
A horrible smile appears on it's devastated face as it turns toward Xania, recognizing the new wielder of the dagger that so harmed it. It casually smashes it's left hand into her chest as she tries to attack it frantically in an attempt to avenge Dakath. The injury is terribly painful for her, and she is surprised that she remains standing. However, the impact is too strong for her to mount much of a counter attack, and she reels back as the thing advances on her, still bearing the terrible split smile.
Xania barely notices the pain. She is so intent on revenge for him taking her lover's life.
Meanwhile, Forte continues to dodge his opponent, as Asif and Rhune manage to annoy it enough with their harmless attacks that it is unable to focus. This time he swings with a blow worthy of such a warrior, and hits the thing squarely in the head. It falls backward shrieking as the globes in it's hands explode on their own, then falls back in a pile, whatever animated it having departed.
Seeing the creature destroyed, the little gnome feels a glimmer of hope return to his heavy heart. Ami strongly wishes his magic could be used on these terrible fiends, but alas, he was taught his kind of art was useless against creatures such as these...
The first spirit creature wails along with it's now twice deceased counterpart, turning toward Forte with vengeance on it's mind, and hurls it's globes toward him. One hits him in the leg and the other in the chest, and he falls to the ground as the explosions prove too much for him to withstand. The mace falls to the ground next to him.
Xania strikes at the thing as it hurls it's weapons, not caring for her own life without Dakath. However, her rage does not help her aim, and she misses by a mile once again. Meanwhile the thing turns it's attention back to her as Xania sees Brother Augustus sneak his way around the rear of the group and kneels before Dakath's body.
Asif, totally unfamiliar with such a crude weapon, nonetheless seizes the very effective tool. When he grabs it, he is amazed to see some sort of waifish energy rise up from the twice-deceased elven corpse at his feet and settle into the weapon. He feels a veritable rush of energy. Not trusting the heka, but having no choice, Asif surges into conflict with the creature battling Xania.
------Noticing Asif picking up the mace....Rhune continues her ineffectual battle, hoping that he will be able to use it to some good.
As he approaches, he sees that Xania has finally targeted the creature, but at the same time, it has done the same to her. Through some lucky stroke of fate (for it surely couldn't be the gods, for Xania!), the impact of the glowing sphere appears to have dimmed quite a bit, as she barely feels it, continuing her attack with vengeance as she withdraws the dagger from the being's chest. It howls once again with anger, but this time quieter. It appears that with the other creature gone, it's power has weakened.
However, it appears that it is not going down without a fight. Xania dodges in the wrong direction and sees the thing bringing both spheres down upon her with fatal intent. Only satisfied that she can take the thing with her, she hears a loud thump as the creature is suddenly hurled away from her. Asif steps back from his double-handed baseball swing, which has thrown the spirit across the room. Mimicking it's counterpart, both globes explode and it falls in a lifeless heap.