The Black Mirror

Forte looks around at the invisible creatures making the buzzing noise.

A strong female voice rings out, disturbingly familiar. "Surrender the mirror and you will walk out of here alive. Do not and I will feed you to the guardian. It's your choice." It is impossible to tell where the voice is coming from. Looking up, you see that the metal plate blocking the ladder up is gone. "Just put it down and walk away. Leave the island and do not look back." Ullar and a few others finally realize whose voice it is.

"Let's get out of here," mumbles Forte in a flat voice. "We're in no shape to take on these evil beings." He looks to the others in the group to see if they agree.

"Um, won't this make the lake demons a bit pissed at us? Not that I don't agree with you, Forte, but... all things considered..." Xania lets her voice trail off though she makes no move to keep anyone from giving the woman the mirror.

"What ever they say Fortissimo, I doubt that they have any intention of letting us go alive. This mirror is the source of their power and may be the only ace we have to play, Si."

Ullar is heavily breathing. That voice! Is it really? Could it be?

"Nah...." he thinks for himself. "It can't be! She wouldn't do that!"

His eyes opened wide Ullar stares around, slowly repeating the words in his head. His doubt rises and softly he speaks: "Marika... is that you?"

There is no response to Ullar's soft plea.

"It seems to me my friends that we have the upper hand, Si. Mirrors are notoriously fragile things and our enemies are the ones who will suffer the bad luck if this one is damaged, no." Tag grabs the mirror and holds it menacingly, threatening to smash it on the floor. Gesturing for help from Dakath and Xania in case it's too heavy for him to lift alone. "Release our comrade from her enchantment immediately and show us that our friends above are unharmed or your precious toy will be smashed into more pieces than you can count."

Xania draws back in alarm, "Tag," she hisses, "that will be 7 years of bad luck!"

"I think that it is a little late for that princess. This sorceress is like a black cat, si, and she has already crossed our path. Maybe destroying an evil mirror will bring us good luck instead." Tag says, ever the optimist.

Dakath grins, "I'm sure she wouldn't be too happy if this mirror were to be broken. Recall your stone fiend otherwise this mirror may be accidentally smashed."

The voice returns, "I think not. Look inside." A quick glance inside the mirror reveals not only the former faces of Rhune, the other woman, and the tiny sprites, but also that of Brother Augustus. Contrary to the other's faces, which are contorted and twisted, Auggie's looks rather pained and fearful.

Forte just gazes at the mirror with a look of horror on his face.

Dakath shrugs, "Return our friends to us and you can have your mirror."

Xania nods her agreement.

Ullar whispers to Dakath: "Where is Asif!?"

Dakath's head nods slightly at Ullar's whispering, he moves to the mirror and places his hand on it's surface.

Kyo's hands clench involuntarily. He was not sure what to fear more, the buzzing in his ears, the same sound that left him helpless on the raft, the hideous black living statue hovering over his head, the cackling demon who's voice he has heard, or the promise of bad fortune if Tag shatters the mirror. He had never heard of such a thing from breaking a mirror, he had never seen a mirror before now, but that was the least of the strangeness that he had seen in his travels with these strange people. Kyo merely stood his ground, and waited for an opportunity to do something... anything that would allow him and his new friends to live another day.

Ullar, seeing that everyone is threatening the voice with destroying the mirror, walks over to Taglio, who is currently holding the mirror.

"Hold it towards the Gargoyle, Tag. I'm curious what it will do," he says on a calm tone.

"Did the creature really came out of this mirror?" he wonders out loud. "What if we put something in it. What will happen to it?"

With that, he takes a pebble from the ground and holds it before the mirror. Softly he puts it on the glass, assuring that it not falls down and break the glass.

When nothing happens he addresses the voice the group just heard: "Marika. This is Ullar. Is that really you?"

Ullar's heart is pounding, his blood racing through his veins, but his voice remains calm, at least, that is what he tries.

When Ullar's attention is distracted from the mirror by trying to speak to Marika (presumably), suddenly all of it's own accord, the mirror slides from his fingers. Before he can react, he sees the slight form of Rhune dashing away toward the corner of the room, holding the mirror. She sets it down gently and draws her sword and glares menacingly at the party.

The voice chuckles, "Nice work, Morthaine." Growing in volume, it spans the entire room again. "Now climb the ladder and depart this place. Your priest and barbarian will be returned to you once you are off the island."

Forte looks at the mirror, trying to see Rhune's face in it.

"Barbarian? Asif?" mumbles Forte.

"The girl belongs to me, and would not go with you even if you asked. Isn't that right, Rhune?" the voice turns calm, "Now off with you, and tell those false elves on the shore that the next group they send out here will fare far worse."

"Yes.... but Asif... I... he... can't he stay with us?" Rhune calls out as she stands guard over the mirror. Watching the others as she does so.

Wanting desperately to get back to full strength before taking on this malevolent force, Forte says, "Let's go," and then adds in a childlike voice, with extreme mock seriousness, "I will NEVER EVER come back. PROMISE." He crosses his heart, adding very softly "Cross my heart that you will die... when I break my promise." He heads for the ladder.

Caught in the mood she is in Rhune does not notice Forte's change of words to the old saying.

Tag frowns as the mirror wrests itself from the grasp of Dakath, Ullar and himself who all had a hand on it. "What is this? More magical trickery. Morthaine? That is your surname, Si." He speaks to Rhune.

"It seems we have little choice friends, we should live to tell the elves of this evil, no." Tag remains poised with rapier in hand and alert as the tension continues to grow. He takes one step toward the ladder.

"Xania, they have the mirror and Rhune Morthaine is lost to us. Come this fight musts need be fought another time, Si!" Tag pleads.

Xania ignores Tag.

"It is not I who is lost. But all of you. you will see one day." Rhune utters as she keeps an eye on both of them.

Ullar checks what the Gargoyle is doing right now. He then walks towards Rhune and Xania.

The gargoyle is still hovering about the ceiling, and has taken no aggressive actions yet.

"Rhune, I think you have taken something which was in my possession. I would like to have it back, now," he says, emphasizing the now.

"Back off Ullar, the mirror was never yours to begin with. You were the one who took it and I am just making sure that the rightful owners take it back," Rhune growls menacingly at the big man. "But then, this would give you the perfect opportunity and excuse to kill me," she adds.

Ullar just frowns at her. Then Dakath interrupts.

Dakath moves forward slightly toward Rhune, "Well I'm sure you've been dying to have a chance to try and kill me, just think all those tombs I was more than happy to rob"

He looks around the room, "I'd certainly steal everything I could out of here, given the chance." Dakath tries to look through the mirror to see what is beyond. He angles himself so that he is directly facing the mirror.

Rhune just glares at Dakath.

Dakath smiles slightly, "It's going to take more than a look to kill me Rhune."

Xania follows Rhune, then looks up toward the voice. "I presume that you know I have no love for priests or barbarians. I also have no problem with breaking this mirror." Xania draws her non-magical dagger. "Or killing your servant."

The voice responds briefly, "Of that I have no doubt. One of the reasons why she has accepted this change of heart so readily, I would imagine."

Sighing from exhaustion more than frustration, Forte turns around with his hand on the mace.

"Then come on, Xania. You have been wanting to kill me for a long time anyway... now's your chance." Rhune hisses at her, going into crouch in front of the mirror her longsword at the ready, alert to her surroundings.

Dakath gets ready to throw his dagger and moves next to Xania "That goes for me too, I've no problem sinking this dagger into your heart."

"You're just like her. You two should be happy together," Rhune replies.

Xania throws a surprised look at Dakath.

Out of the corner of his eye Dakath notices the look Xania gives him. "I don't take kindly to being double-crossed, only one person has lived that has doubled-crossed me, and when I have time, I'll right that wrong."

Xania half nods, turning back to the scene at hand.

Ullar moves his body between the two parties. "Rhune, please give me back that mirror. I did not give it to you, and you took it from me. Don't ruin our friendship for this mirror you are supposed to take. Where lies your loyalty? To her, or to the group, where Asif belongs as well!"

Though the temptation to hurl the dagger into Ullar's back is near overwhelming, Xania simply moves slightly to where she can still see Rhune.

Rhune replies, "You took from the rightful owners, I did not. I am only giving it back to them. You think you can come in here and steal what you want and then say it was yours all along. I will not give it back. On Asif's life I will not give it back. As for our friendship... what friendship? You have all wanted to kill me ever since we started cleaning out the tombs. You believed HIS (nodding toward Kyo) lies that I am a demon and want to kill me.... If she can't have Asif she will see him dead or me. So leave now. Go, take Asif and leave," she utters as she takes an imperceptible movement back toward the mirror.

Although it is difficult, Forte manages to keep quiet during Rhune's outrageous accusations. His knuckles are white as he grips the mace handle harder and harder. He can finally stand it no longer, takes a deep breath, and is about to start shouting obscenities at Rhune, when Ullar speaks.

"I took from the rightful owners, Rhune?" Ullar replies, emphasizing the s. "I did never claim that mirror was mine, I just stated I had it in my possession. Why would you think I would steal it? I was merely examining it, as it made movement for us in this room rather hard."

Ullar tries to remain calm. He is for sure on his guard for a possible action from Rhune, but still keeps his hands folded open before his body.

"The way you talk about our friendship really hurts me Rhune. It seems to me that you have forgotten that I stood up for you when Kyo called you a demon, as well as Forte and all the others. WE even convinced him that you, for sure, are no demon. I never tried to kill you, and I never will. Don't you remember the time we were first stuck in a tunnel, and you would crawl up against me to get some sleep? Or the burial of Sam and the way we supported each other? Or the time everybody laughed at me for my dangerous adventure in a tree, thanks to Fyodorll?"

Ullar's words calm the large warrior somewhat, and Forte's knuckles regain a little of their color.

Ullar tries to bring back some memories of events related to different emotions, which hopefully reach Rhune's true heart.

Rhune looks at him, her purple eyes swirling... the look on her face apparently not changing. "Go now Ullar... take your friends and Asif and leave the island and live.... I can't let you have the mirror. I can't let you destroy it. I won't let you."

Then realizing the words Rhune just spoke about Asif, Ullar's eyes widen. "This can't be you Rhune, you would never leave 'your love' Asif to us. What has happened to my caring elven friend, who felt in love with our extremely agile friend?"

"I still love him... take him and go now," she utters through clenched teeth.

Turning his back to Rhune, facing Dakath and Xania again, Ullar looks up and speaks in the direction from where he heard the familiar voice speak to them.

"Marika, if this is really you, what on earth has happened? Those elves, as you address the elves at the other side of the lake, helped us and are in need of the healing powers of the lake. Whatever happened to you, is now influencing them. We are solely here to help them. We have no need of this mirror, but handing it over to you will not get us from this isle. First we need to clean this place of it's evil. Then we will continue our search for Stephen. You do remember him, don't you? And 'mother' Kuzma and Ilana, who healed you as well. The longer we are kept here, the lesser our chances will be to return Stephen unharmed."

Missing the finishing touch for his plea, Ullar just adds one last sentence: "Why don't you rejoin us, Marika? I've looked forward to that moment for I surely missed you. I really did, or..." clearing his throat, "!"

The voice responds harshly, "I healed more than my share! We saved the human's home. Little Sam died trying to return those accursed horses! I almost died myself! And for what? This is not what we came here to do! Saving some red-bearded idiot from his own stupidity!" The voice calms and turns colder, "What about the elves that were butchered by the Bishop? That old man that was burned in the clearing? The mind-slaves? Silus, Kenishiro, Matteo, Urak? Avenging them? No, rather save some silly human clan that was moronic enough to put a settlement out in the middle of goblin-country, then cries because they are attacked!?! The blue tube that Rhune holds! That is the secret to defeating the Bishop and all his evil! The mirror knows!" The voice becomes eager, "It has told me much, and will tell me much more. Join you? Why not join me? It seems that I am doing more to fulfill our original goal than any of you are." Marika seems ready to say more when the situation with Rhune and Xania interrupts.

"Why don't you just put down the mirror, Rhune? Before I have to break it and kill your true love." Xania says sarcastically, not dropping the dagger, but not stepping within the range of Rhune's sword either.

Smiling, "That is what you want. What you have wanted... can't stand to see anyone happy.... You are not going to break the mirror and you aren't going to kill anyone," Rhune utters through clenched teeth.

"Now, now, last I heard, I wanted Asif for myself. You're not being very consistent dear Rhune." Xania's voice drips acid.

"Then come on Xania. Let's get it over with." Rhune fairly spits at her, her deep purple eyes glittering wildly at the young woman.

"Drop the mirror and come at me. Or are you a coward as well as a bitch." Xania replies mockingly, holding her arms wide.

Ullar glances with anger to the vixen next to him. He just can't get it where Xania is aiming at, and in his eyes she is really missing the issue.

Laughing, "How can I drop the mirror when I am not even holding it? As for me being a coward.... You need Dakath to back you up there... why can't you just come to me and have it out?"

Suddenly unable to take it any longer, Rhune rushes toward Xania, attempting to hit her with the sword. "You never... did... know... when... to run...." she utters.

Dakath steps lightly to the side, hoping to be able to attack Rhune from behind with his dagger.

Forte rushes forward, hoping to protect Xania by swinging his mace up and knocking Rhune's sword from her hand.

Xania darts back, trying to get Rhune away from the mirror. "Get the mirror! Demand Rhune's freedom from whatever it is that's doing this to her as a condition along with our companions. Or break it! Try to get them out of there first." She yells in gasps as she tries to dodge the elven warrior, clearly making no attempt to fight Rhune back.

Ullar goes for the mirror, grabbing it and holding it above his head, so that it surely will be out of Rhune's reach.

Torn between protecting the mirror and attacking Xania, Rhune looks up at the voice for just a minute. "Please... am trying... don't ki...." she stops as she sees the others coming toward her. She tries to dodge back to the mirror.

Xania moves suddenly, interposing herself between Rhune and the mirror.

"Rhune!" calls Ullar out, "You don't have a chance if you listen to that voice only. Listen to your heart. Together we will be able to save Auggie and Asif. Trust me on that one!" he says, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Forte approaches Rhune, no longer trying to hit her arm. Instead, he tries to place himself between Ullar and the crazy elf, to keep her from getting close to the mirror and to distract her from killing Xania. "Rhune," he says, his voice trembling, "I don't want to kill you...." Forte prepares his mace for an attack, but does not strike quite yet.

Glaring at him, "Yes you do... you all do.... I know better," she replies trying to dodge around him.

"Oh, Rhune, cut the crap!" Forte screams at her as he blocks her dodge. "If we wanted you dead, you'd be dead by now! There are seven of us and only one of you - between us we could take you out quite easily." His anger subsiding, a pleading tone creeps into Forte's voice. "Please, Rhune. Come with us. We can ALL leave. Together. You, Asif, all of us. When we get back to the mainland, we can go our separate ways if you wish."

Purple eyes glaring madly, "That is what you say. I know better. You will get me on the boat and then drown me in the lake... take Asif and live... now... he doesn't love me any way... never did." Tears of rage and madness brim in Rhune's eyes.

"Jeeez! We do NOT WANT to kill you!" Exasperated, Forte doesn't know what to say, but then an idea crosses his mind. Finally, he says in a calm voice, "Come with us. You can hold your sword at my neck the entire way across the lake. You'll see. We don't want to hurt you." He doesn't put his mace away, but lets his hand drop to his side in a non-combative pose.

Rhune still caught in her madness and torn between getting the mirror back and attacking Xania just glares at him preparing to make a wild lunge for Xania.

"If we do not run, we must fight." Tag tries to get to the mirror again as well. It is time this evil were destroyed."

"No!" shouts Forte, never taking his eye off Rhune. "Augustus is still in there! We have to get him out first."

Tag moves to help Ullar unhinge the mirror from its moorings and hurl it to the ground. Watching for a counter attack from Marika and the pixies. "If this doesn't work then try the mace Forte. One evil against another, maybe the mace will be able to damage the mirror."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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