Tomb Raiders!, pt. II

Augustus notices Dakath examining the frescoes, rapping on them lightly with his quarterstaff, he says, "I do not like the sound of that...there could be something behind this." He examines the frescoes to see if there is any writing anywhere, particularly Hieroglyphs.

There are inscriptions on the frescoes about the paintings on all sides, but they are not in any language the Auggie has ever seen or read of. They are absolutely not Hieroglyphs. They do appear very old, but do not seem like a human language.

Forte interjects, "Well, do we grab the stuff in the coffin? Or do we smash through these wall paintings? I've never seen drawings like these before. But I could probably smash them pretty quickly. Does anyone recognize them?"

"I'd rather examine those wall paintings first. You never know what is behind them," Ullar responds.

After finding out about the ten frescoes that appear to be hollow, Rhune examines each in turn beginning with the left most one. She looks all around it for traps or a way to open it. "I think we should take a look at what is behind these frescoes before we tackle the coffin. It might prove to be useful," she calls over her shoulder as she examines the third one.

Asif rejoinders, "Yes that is the most sensible option. My guess is they are some form of trap. If the tomb makers of Italy are as devious as ours, I would say that some means of quick death would lurk beneath those frescoes. We touch the coffin and divine judgment will be dealt us."

"More likely a trap planned by man for the unwitting," Xania adds. "The gods, if they even exist, surely have better things to do than to sit in dank tombs and wait for intruders."

Tag suddenly clears his throat and spits in disgust, turning to the group. "I may have a vivid imagination, but if the legions of the dead are behind those frescoes, ready to take the souls of those who disturb our crystal cardinal there, it seems we have two choices," Tag pauses and crosses himself again. "We could defile the tomb and risk offending Asif's gods or leave and let the dead lie," He turns to the Saracen. "Asif, you speak of these tomb robbers of your home land as if they are the scoundrels of the century, yet here you stand ready to defile this tomb, for a few baubles. One wonders if the real reason you had to flee your homeland is related to this, Si."

He gives Asif a look of revulsion and quickly aims a scowl at the others as well.

Asif eyes bulge and his face goes white with anger. His hands fly to the twin scabbards on his back and partially draws them before an extreme effort of will stays his hands. Hawk like eyes bore into the skull of Tag.

"USKUT! Such insults bring swift retribution....I wish not to be here, that is well known. Retract this foul accusation or you shall die where you stand!."

occur - Musket = Be Silent.

Tag returns the Arab's stare, his face flushed with passion, he puffs out his chest and his rapier already in his hand comes up, though he makes no move to attack.

Xania looks at Asif scornfully, "Would you kill over words? Should I watch my tongue lest I find myself on the end of your sword? This is just great. Big macho bullying typical male..." Xania's voice trails off into muttering.

"Those who live not under Aten's sun, know not the depth of the insult given by those words. Consider yourself lucky that I did not give into the natural response to that insult. That an infidel may not fully understand the depth of such an attack upon my honor do I give time for an apology."

"We do not go by your strange laws here, Asif. Nor will I watch my tongue because it might displease you or some custom you bring from your land. If you attack me or my companions over words, be warned, I won't stand meekly while you draw your sword. Words are words. These people have fought by your side and at your back. To kill them because you disagree seems highly dishonorable, no matter what beliefs you drag from your homeland," Xania's eyes flash angrily at the barbarian.

"In such an alien land as this I have been forced to accept many customs and attitudes so alien to me. Lucky are you that I have been raised to accept the truths believed in by others. But in one thing I am unable to set aside. I cannot and will not accept insults to my faith or the honor of my people. Differences I may accept but not insults. If I did I would not be a man. It is only that you are friends that I take time to explain. In Amnara there is no worse insult than that spoken accidentally by Tag. We are an minority in our land who belief in the old and true gods. We believe in what we speak, and the TOMBS of Egypt are under our protection. They are the resting place of the Pharaohs of our ancestors, as we do our best to protect them from other Egyptians who believe in this false prophet Mohammad. To say I am a tomb robber is to say I am a traitor to my faith and my people."

"It still isn't worth killing for," Xania replies stubbornly, "especially when you know Tag doesn't mean that."

Placing her hand on Asif's arm Rhune interrupts, "Asif, I don't think Taglio meant to be insulting. I think he misunderstood that you do not wish to take the stuff from the dead person," she says quietly.

"Rhees, Forte, surely there is no honor in this! The man we seek is not here. This priest evil or no obviously held much power in life. He may yet have much power in death, Si". Tag turns to Rhune. "Rhune surely a cute new frock is not worth this?" "Ullar, I will buy you a pretty mask in Venice, where they have the greatest masks and masked parade in the world? Are we sure this man," he indicates the coffin, "deserves to be pillaged?" Xania, Dakath we have just found riches to satisfy all our greed for a while, I beg you, let us search the other tombs for our friends, and then begonia from this fey place of death."

"Your reasoning is only sound if you believe in gods," Xania replies. "Which I don't," she adds.

"What do you believe in, Xania? There is good and evil in this world surely and all you must do is believe in that. Or in an after life. Tell me where will you go when your soul departs?" Tag looks thoughtful.

"Oh, I believe in good and evil. I've seen evidence of both, but that they are caused by man, not gods. I like the idea that I control my own destiny, not that I'm a puppet of 'higher powers'."

She looks toward Augustus, "No offense, Augustus."

"Where does my soul go when I die? Nowhere. That's why I'm living as much as I can now," she grins.

Ullar listens to Tag and ponders his words. "Perhaps you are right Taglio, perhaps we shouldn't pillage this grave. But don't you think it's interesting in finding out what is behind those fresco's? It seems that they make quite an impression on the local population here. We can clarify a lot for them if we investigate this thoroughly."

"Mio amico, I do not want to offend, and I would gladly join you in destroying this tomb, if we had proof that the evil here still lived. But, all we have is a decayed body and a few depictions, it may suffice to leave its rest undisturbed,"

"Proof?" Forte asks incredulously. "You want proof? I think your 'proof' attacked us outside. Remember? It almost killed Xania and Noir. That's all the proof I need. I'd say there is some evil here."

Tag continues, "Perhaps we could seal the entrance and leave warnings for others that might stumble in here."

"Perhaps. But it would be a shame to leave that fine mace and those fine robes and Ullar's pretty mask just laying around now wouldn't it. I mean, that dead guy certainly can't use it," Xania responds.

"The locals already avoid this place; at least that's what Petr told us, didn't he? If we scribble a warning, no tomb-raider would pay attention to it. And with those...THINGS....outside, no poor peasant will ever get this far."

Glad that someone else has the courage to stand up against those strange occurrences in the tomb, Ullar moves behind Xania, as if he chooses her side, without saying it out loud.

"Gods are often used as a means to scare us by 'self perceived' holy people. I think that most of the stories regarding spirits and Gods who guard tombs are fairy-tales."

"However, we've experienced this strange 'fight' with those creatures outside, turned by Augustus' faith. I'll go with the majority in this case. Until now we have 1 for taking stuff (Xania) and one against it (Taglio). What do the rest of us say?"

Ullar watches Augustus closely. The young priest has made quite an impression on the ex-gladiator, however, Ullar still doesn't know how to mix his experience with the Bishop with Auggie's unselfish behavior.

"I say we take it. We have earned it. And if there is anything behind the frescoes, and we have to fight them or it, then I say the stuff is ours by right of battle," Rhune replies, keeping at eye toward the frescoes.

"What do you say, Ullar? You were attacked by those things out there," Forte says, gesturing toward the exit. "I say take it...if our, uh--," here, Forte looks at Rhune and Dakath, "--light-fingered companions think it's safe. What have we got to lose?"

"Whether this tomb is protected by gods, or ancient magics, I think we have witnessed how dangerous it can be. Augustus' faith in his Jerbohah repelled the first defenses on the tombs. Dakath is clearly disturbed by what he has seen - perhaps defenders even more foul than the first. Even if you believe that desecrating a tomb is acceptable, do you think we would survive another attack by unliving foes? And finally, I ask you this - How would you all feel about someone digging up the body of your friend Leslie because they thought to profit from it? I side with Taglio - I will take no part in this, nor will I claim the loot from it if you succeed. I will meet you outside," His part said, Rhees heads out of the room and will wait for the party some distance from the mounds (farther than the point where Asif's approach summoned the night).

Taglio gently grabs Rhees on the shoulder as he leaves. "Rhees, grazie for your support, but stay. Dakath and Xania will not desecrate these tombs, I think while Asif and I can keep an eye on them. Even the petty, godless and greedy fear the righteous blade," he indicates Asif's swords. "We need to know more of this place though, and if it is relevant to our quest, si. If there is evil here will you help us to root it out?"

"You forget Forte and Ullar and Rhune. All of us have expressed interest in what you call 'desecration', Tag. What I call, 'making a living'," Xania snorts.

Sighing deeply, "Either we fight as a party or not all. Since at least two of the party does not wish to deal with this, then it seems settled that we leave, as we can not fight divided. And before you go Rheese are you going to do this every time, what if Stephan is held captive by others and we have to battle them and once we defeat them, simply leave the spoils of battle behind because it would not seem proper to take from the dead? Half the stuff we have has been taken from the dead, . What if something you left behind was something that you could use to defeat the bishop and his evil? What if something here is something we could use in that? How are we to know if we do not take it and examine it?" Seeing that she is now in the minority, Rhune takes one last look at the coffin and steps closer to Asif, "Might as well go, nothing more to do here except stare at it," she says.

Asif interrupts.

"I think this is not the same. There is a great deal of difference from taking the weapons and goods from an enemy killed in battle than from robbing from someone already buried."

"Forgive me noble Egyptian, I am shamed to have accused you wrongly. We Italians are a passionate people is all I can say in my defense. I take back any insult to you or your descendants," Tag responds.

Asif hands drop unthreateningly to his sides. An apparent look of relief crosses his face. "Praise be to Aten, then Efendi. All is now as it was before. This insult never happened."

Xania looks at Asif. "I'm sorry, Asif, but your logic makes no sense. In one breath you say that one must have one's possessions to go to the afterlife with. In another breath you say that only matters after they're buried. So, if you die in battle and someone takes your stuff you don't need it for the afterlife?"

"Sorry, sounds like a kid playing Hide 'n Seek. If you get to the tomb, you're safe. But until then, your corpse and possessions may be desecrated without prejudice."

"Either that or you're just afraid of tomb guardians and figure folks on the battlefield don't have any guardian so they won't hurt you," she looks at him quizzically.

"After you're dead, you're dead," Xania replies. "It was rather silly to bury his stuff on him, but it made some people feel better. When I die, take all the stuff. I'm not going to be using it after I'm gone, and it's stupid to let it rot under ground. Death is final, after all."

Asif eyes go wide with dismay.

"One must leave the dead with goods and supplies sufficient for there journey to the afterlife. A dying Sultan may leave some heirlooms for his kin, but will take that which is necessary with him. It is the only way. A man cannot travel to the afterlife as a penniless beggar. It is just not right, and honorable."

Tag looks at Asif puzzled. "So you agree with me that robbing the dead will bring us dishonor?" His shoulders sag with relief.

Xania shakes her head, "There is no afterlife, Asif. Religion is just an opiate used to soothe the masses and keep them under control of religious leaders."

"Let's see, do what I say and pay me all your money and you'll live forever."

"Don't do what I say and think for yourself and burn in hell."

"I can't believe so many people fall for it," Xania says.

"USKUT Musket Infidel. A town's gate can be shut, a fool's mouth never. Sprout no more of this filth in my presence!"

"I don't know, yours just shut pretty easily," Xania responds. "Easy not to listen to what you don't want to hear. Poor brainwashed fool."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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