As the group decides where to depart, the chief's revelation that Vlack's quarters lie beyond the weasels incites some interest in staying, for the moment. Natasha seems very enthused when Amibar suggests this to her.
The goblin chief, when asked, says, "Weasels not let us pass. Vlack tell them to attack if we do." He seems quite displeased by this.
"We could try and take out this Vlack person now....he may not be expecting us and we could maybe surprise him......what do the rest of you think?" Rhune asks.
Forte looks a little confused. (so what else is new?) He turns to Amibar, "A few minutes ago, didn't the chief say he would help us go there? To Vlack's, I mean. I thought that meant he would help us get past the weasels. Is he now saying he won't? Because it means going through the weasels?" Forte pauses a moment before finishing. He shrugs and with a tired resigned look around at the group, especially Ullar, says, "Just tell me what to do and when to do it."
Ullar slaps Forte friendly on the back. "Don't worry my friend. You understand correctly. Big Chief and his men can't pass through the weasel compound," he adds with a smile
"I think we can work something out with the weasels Big Chief. And I guess that you can come with us to Vlack in that case, if you like the idea of becoming the Goblin King," says Ullar.
The goblin chief finally appears to come to some sort of revelation. He speaks to Amibar, "I not Big Chief. Vlack Big Chief. You say I be Big Chief, and this is good. But he not there. As say, he go to tower after red-hair man and collar goblins. Say he need talk to Boss."
"Well, if he's not there, pillaging his quarters should be fairly easy," Forte says with excitement in his voice. Perhaps a few weasels will not be such a hard fight....
"Amibar, could you check out the area, perhaps with Dakath and Rhune? And perhaps find out why the weasels won't let these Goblins pass?" Ullar requests.
Tag looks thoughtful listening to Ullar’s recruiting skills displayed cleverly. He turns to the gnome with an idea. "Amibar can you ask your furry friend, what animals/noises weasels fear the most. Perhaps you and I, by combining a few spells could put these giant weasels to flight without a shot being fired?"
"Well, perhaps I can talk to them, convince them to let us through...."
When the party decides to check out the weasels, Amibar tries to converse with them.
Amibar comes down the hallway, followed by the rest of the group. The chamber before him seems better appointed than the others you have found. For one thing it is tidier, and it also has wooden furniture; a table, some chairs and a few beds. There is a scuffling sound, and three furry, weasel-like creatures, each as long as a human's arm, emerge from a hole at the base of a tree-trunk, teeth bared.
As he gets close, Amibar realizes that these are some fairly unfriendly ferrets, not weasels at all. He tries to chitter at them, but they gnash their teeth and do not seem pleased.
Hesitant to approach the hostile rodents, Ami holds back some distance. Briefly wondering what he would do if they charge him, he edges forward slowly, trying to calm the oversized ferrets in their own tongue.
>From behind the group, he hears the sounds of the goblin chief yelling at some of his men. The group panics briefly, thinking he has led them into an ambush, but they are relieved when they see several goblins carting one of the wolf's bodies into the chamber. They heave the carcass into the room, which is greeted by much enthusiasm by the ferrets. Five more come from a hole in the upper reaches of the central tree in the chamber, and they all begin to feast. It is a rather disgusting sight.
Forte rethinks his earlier assessment. Maybe these weasels won't be so easy, after all.
Feeling the bile rise up from his stomach, Amibar purposely looks away from the ravenous rodents as they eat.
As the group prepares to move on, one of them looks up and squeaks at Amibar, "Hole up in tunnel. Drop into water if not careful. Lifeless goblins at end. Not let you pass."
Thanking the large ferret, Ami tries to ignore it's blood-dripping snout, and heads in the direction it indicated.
With mention of the 'lifeless goblins' Forte turns sharply to look at Amibar, then quickly cranes his neck to look down the tunnel they are traversing. He absent-mindedly fingers the handle of his mace wondering if these are undead goblins, and if the strange mace will prove extra helpful against them.
Thinking about this curious advice, the group passes on into the next chamber. There is a pile of rough bedding therein, but it doesn't look like anyone has been sleeping there for a while. On the opposite side of the room, rough stairs have been carved into the petrified tree, ending at what looks like round doorway of some sort. The door bears a crude painting of a skull split in half.
Dakath peers at the door. "Well that's certainly a welcoming image."
"I guess it's just the way Vlack wants to scare his fellow Goblins. If I wanted a Goblin to stay away from my stuff, I would try to scare him as well."
"However..." Ullar continues, not completely sure, "I'd still be very cautious in opening this door."
Rhune, with sword drawn, turns away from the grisly feast.....but as Amibar translates what the creature said she frowns. That doesn't sound good. Looking up at the rest of the party, "You don't suppose it means undead do you?" she asks as they continue past the ferrets.
Before leaving the room through the round door, Amibar makes sure to check in and under the pile of bedding for anything of interest.
"I suggest we go for the door. If Dakath and Rhune can check it for traps, we might be able to open it from a distance with one of my spears."
"Yes we could...though I think Dakath is better at detecting traps than I am," Rhune replies hefting her longsword.
Dakath turns to Amibar, "I need to get me one of those." He indicates his ferret before moving up to the door checking for traps on the stairs and on the door itself.
"Oh, great, another door," Forte mutters with little excitement. "I wonder what acid-throwing creature will be behind this one?"
Ullar can do nothing but laugh at this comment. Quite amused by the sarcasm Forte is able to express he shakes his head, while smiling from ear to ear.
Rhune shudders, then frowns as if remembering something. Looking at Forte, "If there are any acid-throwing creatures behind this door, please don't get hit by them,” she utters in an almost plaintive voice.
Cheered somewhat by Rhune's request, Forte smiles at the elf. "I will certainly try to avoid projectiles hurling my way," he grins. With a more serious expression appearing on his face, the massive man grabs his mace tightly, ready for whatever lies behind the door, when a thought hits him. "Maybe we should attach a rope to Dakath in case the door is trapped and he plunges into that stream?"
"Good thinking! Are you ok with that Dakath? Or does this hinder your movements too much?" Ullar adds.
Smiling at both of them, "Yes that is a good idea," Rhune utters
Dakath turns to the others. "I'll go check the door shall I?" he says sarcastically as he cautiously approaches the door.
Then looking over at Dakath, "But not for a thief, Forte." Rhune adds just as Dakath turns for the door.
Forte shrugs. "Ok, it's your skin."
"Hmm by fall into water if not careful I assume the creature means the piranha infested water," Tag muses.
"Dakath, I know you will be thorough with your checks, but keep an eye out for any trap doors etc. that might take us by surprise."
Tag switches to his rapier in the room. "What can we do for light friends? And what of that strange symbol? I don't think I have seen its like before."
Taglio recognizes only that this does not seem the symbol for the goblin tribe outside, as their symbol would almost certainly contain a wolf. It does appear to be a tribal symbol, but what of he has no idea.
"Hmm not the symbol of the wolf tribe for sure, but definitely goblin work. It could mean a 'skull splitter' tribe or perhaps refer to death or danger. Perhaps it refers to these not dead goblins the chief mentioned," Tag says
"Light is a good issue," replies Ullar. "Ok, how many torches do we have left? Are there any lanterns here? If we don't have enough left, I suggest someone head back to the Goblins and get us some."
"I think you're right about the water Tag. I don't wanna be fish bait, that's for sure. I think we'll have to keep in mind that we are merely trying to loot this Vlack his place now. In case things get really out of hand, there is no point in continuing that effort. I'd rather go and follow him to the place where he had to consult with his 'Boss' as the Goblin chief put it."
"F*cking hell, what a hierarchy. It's getting bigger and bigger what we're dealing with. I wouldn't be surprised is the Bishop of Florence or another constable is behind all this. But we'll see, first things first."
"Si, I agree, all roads lead to Roma, as they say. Who knows maybe his holiness himself has something to do with it. I just wish we could open that blue tube and find out. Did Xania try any magicks for opening things? Perhaps we could research a spell which might help?"
Tag tenses ready for more confrontation as Dakath opens the door.
Handing over his torch, the only one remaining in the party, Kyo rushes off to get some torches from the goblins as Dakath examines the round door. He finds it to be a simple wooden affair with one handle. It does not appear to have any traps upon it. He tests that cautiously by opening the door, and is proven correct.
Rhune smiles at the young man. "That is one way to test for traps. Though the last time I tried that, there was a trap."
As usual, he then serves as point man for the group, heading down the tunnel. It is circular as well, and does not have enough room for more than one at a time. On his hands and knees, Dakath feels for a trap door. Listening intently, he can hear the sound of water below him, and within seconds has found a fairly crude trap door in the center of the floor. It is easy to avoid, once located, and he informs those behind him.
Continuing to crawl forward, he finds no other such impediments. Reaching the end of the tunnel, he peeks into an area between several trees which have been walled as those they left earlier, though he guestimates that he is on the south side of the river moat now.
Looking ahead, a group of tall, armed, humanoids blocks your way. They look like large goblins, but their eyes have a vacant, blank stare. They see Dakath and begin to approach, but he has no interest in the odds and rushes back through the tunnel.
As he informs the group what he saw, they prepare for the odd creatures to come this way, but looking inside the tunnel, they see that they have not followed Dakath. Indeed, you cannot even see them from here.
"What manner of humanoid guards that place efendi? It is said that those that breath can also die. But your description of their behavior speaks of trouble. Heka is at work here and I like it not," Asif says.
"Yes there is magic at work here. Unfortunately we need some clerical magic to work here as well and we don't have any. We may just have to do this the hard way," Rhune replies as she prepares to follow the others into the tunnel, though she does keep looking at the stairs.
"By vacant look these must be the goblins the chief referred to. They may be under some enslavement of the mind or perhaps their bodies are alive though their souls are departed." Tag suppresses an involuntary shudder.
"Ah my Aten efendi I be of similar mind. This looks not good. I fear the web of our enemy once again traps us. Such reliance on Heka is not the work of an honorable enemy. One day I pray that this scoundrel shall hear my blades sing as they swing through the air in flight and remove his head from his shoulders."
"Ullar you should go first with your superior armament followed by the other warriors. I doubt any trick that Amibar and I can spin will fool those without the power to reason." Tag makes the sign of Jerboha on his breast and motions the group toward the tunnel. "I will hold the torch for light."
Tag grips his rapier in the right hand and the torch in the left and prepares to follow the fighters.
Asif whispers: "Ah efendi I think we shall need the blessing of those who dwell in the heavens before this deed is done. May your Jerboha protect you as Aten lights my path to redemption."
Tag gives Asif a warm grin. "If your god will light my path, mio amico, then perhaps I do not need this torch after all, si," Tag laughs. "May the one true god protect us, what ever he is called. For I am sure that our gods must be the same, though we worship them differently. Do you agree Asif?"
" seems that we must go to them and I don't like the fact that we have to go one at a time. There has to be a better way?" Rhune utters, looking at the staircase. "I wonder where these go? Anyone have any suggestions as to how to do this?"
The group looks about in confusion as Rhune refers again to the staircase which leads up to the door in question.
"I'm right behind you, Ullar," says Forte. He grips his mace extremely tightly for a second, then forces his hand to loosen back to normal battle grip as a relaxation exercise. "Let's go."
"Ok!" exclaims Ullar, feeling quite content in his plate mail "Let's go indeed!" and the warrior marches on into the room, avoiding the traps Dakath told him about.
"You do realize that with the tunnel being big enough for only one person at a time, that person is going to be doing most of the fighting unless you can get into the room and clear of the tunnel exit," Rhune utters.
When he faces the humanoid/goblin-spooky eyes thingies, the ex-gladiator halts, waiting for them to act first.
"Are those undeads Forte? Does your mace tell you anything?"
As Ullar looks back at his partner, the three strange staring goblins lurch forward at him. However, he was prepared for just this, and he sweeps Forte's greatsword at them. Such a blow would cut any goblin in half, but against this monster, it impacts him horribly, cutting deep into his chest, but does not appear to faze him greatly.
Thinking fast, Ullar moves out of the doorway long enough for Forte to move in and lend a hand. The three creatures, silently attacking, appear very slow and do not seem able to penetrate the swinging defense of Ullar's weapon.
He manages to smash into the same target, this time chopping it's leg out from under it. It falls in horrible silence, but does not die. It fumbles about, attempting to rise up on one leg. Forte, meanwhile, smashes his mace into another creature's head, caving it in completely. He feels a surge of energy rise up into him from the thing, as it does not rise back up.
"Yes!" Forte hisses to himself. "Yes!" He shouts back at whomever asked the question about the mace.
With unnatural strength, the remaining thing standing smashes it's sword at Forte, who through some amazing luck manages to dodge the blade, catching only the point as it slices through his belly. It is a grazing wound at best. The one-legged beast reaches up and hacks at Ullar's armor, and though it holds, Ullar feels the impact, knowing that he will have quite a bruise there.
"You die now, foul creature," says Forte with a smile.
The next go around, Forte is not so lucky. As he and Ullar lash out ineffectively, Forte's opponent swings his sword into his calf, inflicting a deep wound. Forte barely retains his balance. Taglio and Asif stand hard by at the tunnel mouth, but cannot interfere, for the moment.
"Ah, damn!" screams Forte in anguish, his face contorting in pain. "Die, hell-spawn!!"
Ullar, not pleased with his undying opponent, turns his blade sideways and bats the thing away, smashing through ribs and spine as he does so. In a crumbled heap, the thing still moves about, trying to crawl back toward you.