Dakath's Advice…on Marriage?

Tolik stops feeling sorry for himself and rises carefully to his feet. Wishing he had a staff, he limps heavily towards where everyone seems to be gathering. "Tie him up and let him walk behind the horses, that's what I say. I'm assuming we're going to the lake? It will be good to be among elves, we should leave soon."

As the others are preparing to journey to the Lake Dakath asks no one in particular "Does anyone know of the closest town ? I have a lot of business that needs to be conducted in town which is getting more urgent as time goes by, also I could learn about the current state of affairs." "Perhaps there is a town I could visit while the rest of you visit the lake and I could meet you back there."

"I am not familiar with this area, Dakath...I just don't know." Rhune replies as they head back to the lake "but you be careful"

"Somewhere one of us should have a map. If you are really planning on visiting a town, can you buy me some stuff as well?" Ullar inquires.

Tag looks up at Dakath's comments. "Mio amico, I would be very grateful if you could find more lamp oil, for I fear I will have much need. Four or five vials should be sufficient. If they have none, then half a dozen torches, per piacere. Also food and wines. I can give you the gold you need, from my share, but only what you need for the purchases."

Dakath nods "Perhaps it would be wiser if I compiled a list of items that everyone wants and proceeded to the nearest town to obtain them ?"

"That sounds like a good plan to me." replies Ullar

"Well, I need a few things, Dakath, "Forte tells the stealthy rogue. "A battle axe, two-handed sword, armor - preferably chain mail or better. Hmmm, we also need some torches. And I need some oil and a few small tools and soft cloth to maintain our armor." After pausing a second to gauge Dakath's reaction, the large warrior continues, "And do we need some more rations? I'd also like a lantern, and oil to go with it. And some burning oil, to throw on the next nasty creature who looks weak against fire. Got that? How much will that be?"

"That sounds like a good idea...hmmmmm...a new pair of boots, pants and tunic and a very nice dress in a lovely shade of green for a wedding dress. oh and new cloak" Rhune replies with a smile

Dakath looks over at Forte "Assuming there is a town nearby, just how do you propose I carry all of that?"

"I guess that with the treasures we found you can buy a mule or two to carry most of the load" replies Ullar.

Forte pauses before laughing, "I didn't really think you'd be able to get all that stuff." Turning a bit more serious, "But some armor for myself - and the tools and equipment to maintain it - would be my first priority, if possible." He looks ruefully at Dakath, "Though that armor may just be too bulky to carry...unless you do get a mule - or take an extra horse."

Asif despite his tiredness listens upon the conversation with some amusement. Hoping to help lighten the mood of the nights events he comments:

"Such is the work of household slaves efendi. None of my fathers wifes would ever travel to the markets without at least three in tow to carry all that was brought. A most comic sight often was there return to the harem after a day in the markets. In this land however, how one copes with such tasks is a mystery."

Dakath looks over to Asif "Such a shame you didn't bring any household slaves eh ? While we're at it, I wish you'd of thought to bring your harem as well we would all be happy men."

Asif smiles at Dakath culturally confused as to the bent of the conversation. Asif unsure whether Dakath was being serious or humorous answers very innocently:.

"Yes most surely efendi, but alas I doubt so many would allow themselves to be dragged away from the comforts of the palace. Even if they did they would never consider traveling without an extensive camel train to carry their jewels, tents, clothes, food and creature comforts. Such a train would be a nightmare for us to control and make a very tempting target for those of evil intent."

Dakath tries to keep a straight face when replying to Asif "Ahh, I had forgotten about that Asif. Our women folk certainly love the finer things in life, don't they ? I think they'd of survived, there was a time when I wouldn't travel anywhere without a mule train, my jewels, tents, clothes and food and yet here I am."

Rhune leans down to the ground and picks up a small clump of dirt and throws it at Dakath. "MEN!" she utters with a smile

Asif ducks playfully. "Yes most sad it is too in these days of unrest. A good man cannot travel without suffering the ill intent of men created by such foul men as the Bishop and those who follow his unjust Jihad against those not of his religion. I pray for the day that the children of Rhune and I may travel safe from such harm"

Turning toward Asif just after throwing the clump of dirt at Dakath, Rhune can't help but chuckle. "Oh, Asif. I hope so, too," she murmurs with a smile obviously thinking about children. Then hearing the word wives mentioned, Rhune looks over to Asif, "Your father had more than one wife?" asking politely.

Asif's left eyebrow raises briefly with surprise at such a question.

"Yes my love, does not the sun rise in the morning, and trees sprout from the fertile earth. It is a most unusual question. For is it not uncommon for a man of wealth to take as many wives as he is able to support? I alas profess no such great wealth. My father however as the Sultans chief Vizier of the Armory was blessed with great fortune to be able to support three much loved wires. My twin sister and I where born to Adrina his third wife and if truth be known I think his favorite. For only in this third match was my father blessed with a choice based on love. She was a wife of his own choosing, the others of political and economic policy ordained by the Sultan. Praise be to Aten, my love that I was granted the power to follow my own heart. Love shall bind us, Good is it not?"

"We only take one spouse Asif. though for elves that may mean we are married to the same person for several hundred years. Very seldom do we take more than one spouse at a time no matter how wealthy a man or woman be. And yes love WILL bind us, Asif" she says to her young lover with a coy smile, though her eyes seem to say something deeper.

Asif looks to Rhune with great surprise.

"A single spouse? What strange customs you elfs have. Are the marriage customs of the Italians the same? Would Dakath and Ullar only take one wife as well? Or is this just an elven custom?"

Ullar is about to comment on that one, but one glance of Rhune makes him hold his word. He just smiles at Asif surprised look.

"I believe so...But you could ask them." Rhune replies her amethyst eyes twirling as she glances over at Ullar then back to Asif.

Dakath grins "Well Asif that depends upon who's wife it is ?" Realizing that Asif is truly confused and in danger of upsetting Rhune he stands up and comes over to his friend, "Come with me my friend, there are some things you should know."

Asif then looks further confused for a moment, his mind deep in thought over what was said.

"Rhune much apology but you did say something I find most impossible to fathom. I realize elvenkind is longer lived than mankind but surely you jest when you speak of an marriage lasting several hundred years? The oldest man know to me, was an distant uncle who according to all reports lasted the reign of four Sultans until he took his final rest after 91 summers upon the earth. I find it hard to see how anyone can live beyond that. Twenty or thirty years maybe but 100? 200?. You are of simple flesh and blood and suffer the same wear and tear upon the body as mankind does. How does this lifespan come to pass?"

"Asif, I am already 90 years old and still considered a young girl by elven standards. It is the bane of elvenkind that we are so long lived and bear so few children, though those elves who have children by humans tend to have more children and closer together." she says with a smile.

Dakath looks to Rhune a moment "Would you excuse us a moment, there are some things Asif and I need to discuss." With that he leads Asif to a spot out of earshot of everyone else.

He looks at Asif before sitting down, he indicates Asif should sit as well.

"Asif, my friend, here in the west it is usual for a man to take a single spouse, whether they be human, elven, dwarven etc. Two people usually marry for love, they wish to spend their lives together and share a bed to the exclusion of all others. If you marry Rhune she will not accept you taking any other wives, you must become hers and hers alone." Dakath sighs before placing a hand on his friends shoulder "She must really love you my friend, for Elves do indeed age slower than us. I will not lie to you my friend, when you and I reach old age and die, Rhune will still be considered young by her people. She will see you grow old, while you see her unchanged. Rhune is aware of this and still she loves you, for this sacrifice alone you owe it to her to only take the one wife."

The young Arab stares intently listening to every word spoken by Dakath. As he speaks of the great measure of Rhune's love for him, he is overcome with emotion. His faith in his god and his proud Noble exterior melts away revealing his very evident youth and inexperience in such things. His eyes glaze over with moisture which he attempts to fights back with a quick wipe with his right hand. .

"Oh.. oh... Aten...oh Aten forgive my selfishness. Such nobility of spirit, ...such a selfish rogue as I is unworthy of such...such a ... sacrifice. So little can I offer her but my love...heaven forbid such a small sacrifice of giving her my heart alone is so little a thing...when oh ... heaven forbid she will experience the pain of watching me die of old age. To become a widow would bring great sadness ... such things I saw as a child in the harem... Many of my mothers sisters mourned dead husbands in the war against the Franks... but to think that Rhune may see me fade away...while she remains young...By Aten tell me what I must do...You are much older and wiser than I. ...I fear it begins again... Too much pain have I caused in my short life...my loins and my misguided love for the sultans daughter no less, banished me here to your land...I wish not another heart to be destroyed by my foolishness"

Asif's head falls into his hands, his shoulders trembling with emotion.

Dakath moves to the side of Asif and places a tentative arm around his shoulder "Asif, there are two things you must remember, one, Rhune knows all of this and yet still she is ready to give herself to you. Love, true love is blind. Two, I think the only thing Rhune requires is your heart, everything else will take care of itself, these things have a habit of doing so."

"You're hardly a rogue my friend, your deeds speak of heroism and nobility, the past is the past, you cannot shape the past to lessen it's impact on your future, so you shouldn't keep punishing yourself for something you can't change."

"If the worst comes to the worst I'll seek out the crown of Longevity and steal it for you." Dakath lies to Asif, not knowing if there even is a crown of Longevity. "That way you'll be able to grow old together for a VERY long time."

Dakath pats him on the back. "You're a lucky man, Elves are the fairest race of all and you have captured the heart of an exceptionally beautiful elf. The sooner we get you married the better it will be for all of us. Now come, I'm sure the others are wondering were we are, I bet Rhune is thinking I've scared you so much now that you ran off into the woods never to return."

He chuckles to himself. "Let's surprise her." With that he stands up and offers his hand to his friend.

Asif eyes look up, his face a mirror of misery.

"Thank you efendi. Strange can be places where one find the greatest wisdom. Funny is this day. Weird that not from an Inman or priest do I find some comfort but from the mouth of...how can one say, a man whose fortune comes from shady dealings. Strange is the mouthpiece that the gods chose. I owe you much, and upon my honor I thank you from the depth of my heart for your comfort and advice. One day I think, shall one of our sons bear with pride your name. Let me compose myself, for I wish not to dishonor Rhune by this display of weakness. How could any love a weeping boy. I start to feel much better, go my good friend tell her I shall return within an hour."

Dakath grins "You don't have to worry your not going to offend me Asif, I am a thief and rogue and will remain as such until I become a very rich man. It would be an honor to have one of your son's bare my name, perhaps one day you may even learn it." Dakath bows slightly "I shall tell her you will return in the hour."

Asif stands to his feet using the offer hand of Dakath for leverage. Rolling his shoulders he smiles weakly and strides off into the trees to be alone for a few moments.

Dakath lets him go and returns to find Rhune "Asif will be back shortly, there were some things he needed explaining." Looking at Rhune's face he adds "Relax, I explained things so that he understands, it must of worked because one of your sons is going to be named after me." Dakath placed a hand on Rhune's shoulder and smiled "If you ever learn my true identity it would be an honor, and one can only hope he is blessed with the same inclinations and skills as I am."

Looking up as Dakath returns her deep lavender eyes twirling, "he is alright? And I would be happy to have a son named after you...but as far as the same skills...you forget I too am a thief." she says smiling at him...then turns to wait for Asif.

Dakath nods "Asif is fine, I guess he's just a little culture-shocked. He promised me he'd be back within the hour." He leans closer "I've not forgotten what you are Rhune, although with your good heart sometimes I wonder how you came to such a profession?"

The last group I was with had something taken from them...with my natural skills I was able to sneak up on the person...as luck would have it pick his pocket...I enjoyed the thrill...what can I say. But then we elves tend to look upon thieving a little differently than humans do." she says looking over his shoulder obviously wanting to go find Asif but also wanting to let him his time alone.

Dakath chuckles "There's nothing quite like the thrill of thieving is there Rhune ?"

Looking toward where Asif would be in the woods, "well I can think of one thing that is far more thrilling." she answers with a smile

Dakath faces her with a dark smile "I guess Xania and myself would agree with you there."

After consulting the map and based on what he knows Dakath looks to the others "Since the nearest town is Arezzo, about 40 miles away is it worth it? I for one think it is since I am sick to death of all this countryside. How I long for just one night in a town to be able to fulfill my needs. Getting all the equipment everyone requires would mean I would have to hire mules, thus slowing me down on my return. Although I think it would be prudent if one or two of us returned to town to pick up some essentials."

"As much as I would like to go with you, Dakath. I don't think I should go with you. There aren't that many elves in this part of the world and I would stand out to much. Someone else should go with you, though, you are right about that." Rhune replies to her friend

"To the lake and back will take two days. How long to town and back?" asks Forte "At least a day there, a day to shop, and maybe two days back if there's a lot of stuff." Forte looks around at the others. "If we meet back here, that's three or four days for Stephen's trail to grow cold." He kicks the dirt in frustration. "Great. We need supplies. And many of us need to get healed." Forte turns to Dakath, "If you just pick up essentials, how long will the trip to town take?"

"I agree with Dakath." says Ullar "I guess that the best choice would be to let the ones go who are NOT injured. And frankly, I lost track in our injury status. Is there anyone besides Dakath with such an amount of luck?"

Ratlin looks up from his work at putting out the fire, soot smeared across his face, "I was not injured, a little singed now maybe but not seriously injured."

"I have escaped unscathed, "Daegwyn responds.

Plebius looks up from tending the wounds of others, "I am unharmed."

Rhune replies. "Ullar, I am not hurt that much either just bruised again. But I don't think we should split up just yet...right now we are just to few uninjured to do any good against Vlack...Let's all return to the lake and then split up at that point. Perhaps some could with Dakath to the town and others could after Stephan...I just don't know though there is something that I think we are over looking here." Rhune offers

"That is ok Rhune. It is just that if we travel to the Lake together, it would cost another day before some of us can head to town. But I'm tired right now and I can use the rest at the Lake. If there are two or more amongst us, who'd like to go to town right away I will not hold them, as it will surely saves us time." the warrior concludes.

"But if we go to the lake together, and *then* some of us go to town, that may be best. We can get more provisions that way, with more than one person shopping. The Bishop doesn't know who I am, so I don't have to worry about being recognized by his flunkies." Forte pauses before adding, "Just a thought. Let's get to the lake."

Ullar is about to comment on Forte his reasoning, when he just shrugs. "It's ok with me. Let's go to the Lake! Are the two of you, Dakath and Daegwyn, willing to travel together to get supplies?" Ullar inquires, on a calm tone.

"The two of you be careful." Rhune replies

"My path lies toward the lake, "Daegwyn replies. "All I have need of the forest supplies. Perhaps after we have journeyed to the lake our paths will lead to the city, but first we must see what the lake holds."

Dakath chuckles "For me all the forest provides is logs and good hiding places. Give me the bustling city any day."

Pietro keeps on sitting, looking around and looking at the strange group of people standing around him. As Dakath is mentioning provisions, Pietro asks the man. "Can you take bandages and maybe even a cleaning cream of some sort, I think we have used quite a lot, and somehow I think that we will need some more in the future." Strange enough, those last words do not sound fatalistic at all, Pietro just mentions it as something he believes is just going to happen.

"Since it seems as though everyone has a shopping list as long as their arm, I suggest that we move to the lake, take care of the injured and then organize a trip to a town." Dakath turns to Forte "If I just picked up essentials, we're talking 2 days at a push."

"Dakath, if you do go. Be careful. We don't know how many men the Bishop has looking for us. There could be spies anywhere and everywhere." Rhune says to the young man with concern.

Dakath chuckles "Save the motherly concern for your own children, old woman. You know me, I'm always careful."

"Yes I know you..." remembering the all the times he has been down on the ground..."and I am not an old woman" she utters.

Dakath chuckles "Well you're a lot older than me, that makes you an old woman."

Rhune utters an age old elven term at Dakath's words, "PPPPPPFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTT"

(elven raspberry)

Dakath shrugs "There's no use in denying it Rhune, I am a mere 23 years old."

"Never denied it...but you don't have to rub it in." she utters looking around for something non lethal to throw at the rogue.

Pietro cannot control himself after the remark, a big grin blooming on his face. "Haven't heard that one for a while. It would be fun to discuss some of the golden old elven sayings, I think I can come up with a few as well myself." Pietro walks toward his mount and pats the animal on his face. "Even though I am not used to traveling by horse, I normally just run from one place or another, I will try to ride as much as possible." His horse is a white one with a black streak on its head. Don't know if animals have a name or not, but I will call you Swift from now on." Pietro mounts his horse, and slowly walks towards Manus and the second group. "I have not known you for very long, but I think we would have been good friends. Good luck to you all, and hopefully we will meet again somewhere in a good pub to tell each other of our mutual adventures."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 December 2000

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