Elf Encounter

Just as the rest of you sit back, so weary you don't even wish to mount your own steeds, two things happen at once. Ullar springs back into view from very near to the same spot he vanished. Before you have a chance to berate him for not helping with the tasks that only he would have been suited for, Asif sees beyond his mount a single small figure approaching from the southwest. The figure is moving quite slowly, but the open plain is not a good place to hide.

"Please remind me not to drink potions anymore! Jeez. Everything changed in height. You all grew like hell. Even you Rhune, and even the grass..." Ullar ponders this for a few moments, scratching his chin which reminds him, again, that it needs to be shaved.

"On the other hand. it could be the case that I shrank in size...." the warrior says. "Well, never mind. I'm back again. So, where is that huge sword of the Chief? And is Kyo still frozen?"

Seeing that there are not traces of a fight except for the one he fought and the one Asif downed, nor a huge sword waiting for Ullar to grab, the warrior sighs, realizing that the group and the Goblinoid must have come to an agreement. On the other side, he sees Forte, Taglio and Kyo on their horses and compliments Asif, Rhune and Amibar for managing that.

"Ullar, you just disappeared from sight there," Rhune utters in a weary voice. Then she smiles as she hears his explanation, "Perhaps you did shrink. That must have been something,” she adds.

"Lemme tell you, Rhune, being small isn't so great," says Ami bitterly. "Bigger people tend to step on you and stuff..."

Sitting down next to Asif, her breath coming in short shallow drafts, Rhune tries to get her energy back to just move much less mount her horse. In fact she is to tired to even smile at Asif even though she tries to do so. Looking up to where Asif is pointing, she sees the figure.

As he motions for quiet, the figure approaches closely enough that he determines it is a single elven female, lightly armed if armed at all. Way off in the distance in the direction the elf came from, the sharp-eyed Arab sees what seems to be a group of humanoids, on foot, with one horse and what might be a wolf or a dog. They are standing about, almost certainly looking in your direction.

Straining to see, his lack of height being in his disadvantage, Amibar looks worriedly at Asif. "Trouble?" he asks quietly.

Asif gives an comforting smile to Amibar and whispers. "We can handle it I think efendi. The gods have not yet finished with us"

Ami nods his head, though he seems not completely convinced. "That may mean the gods have not finished toying with us, Asif..." he retorts.

"I wonder who that is? Maybe it is someone who can help? What do you think? She is elven. Maybe she will help us if we ask," Rhune utters as her breath slowly returns to normal and she stands slowly.

"We're in no position to fight" deducts Ullar, "but we don't have a place to hide, nor the mobility to move. I say we wait here for them to make a first move. For your information, if it is a fight they want, I'll try to hold them off as long as possible. Just make sure, Amibar, Asif and Rhune, that you get the hell out of here with that tube. I've a feeling a even bigger scheme is waiting for you, ehm, us."

"Worry not my friends if this poor Faris can parley with a huge Goblin I think little fear I have in speaking with them. I shall go challenge them about their intent. Asif then smiles at Rhune and then gets up and moves to intercept the approaching stranger.

Noticing Rhune's remark about the stranger being an elven lady, Ullar can't do anything but smile, but, perhaps wisely, says nothing and just waits.

"I hope they don't want a fight, but something tells me that if they did they all would be heading this way. Unless...she is very powerful," Rhune utters

Wordlessly, Dakath moves off in a wide arc, hoping to approach the Elf silently from behind, as he does so he draws his dagger.

Crouching down into the grass, Dakath disappears. Meanwhile, the elven female steadily and slowly approaches. The group notices that another small figure breaks off from the pack and begins heading this direction as well.

The lone elven female approaches the band. She sees a large fellow in dented plate mail. He looks as battered as his armor. Next to him are a dark-skinned fellow with a sharp beard dressed in flowing robes, a small pretty elven woman, and a very small figure (gnome?) draped in a cloak.

Alongside the group are three more people that seem to have died in combat. They are each hanging on the saddles of horses. One is a very large fellow on an equally large horse, while the other two look like humans. One seems to be dressed in Italian clothing, while the other is scarcely dressed and his skin seems bluish.

The standing group seem exhausted, battered, and worn out. They stand by what appear to be their own steeds looking cautiously at the woman as she approaches. Waiting a few minutes, the female draws close. She is attractive, though she looks a bit haughty. She seems hesitant as to what to do now that she has come close.

(Tag dreams himself in his finest doublet and hose, with a fine embroidered cloak of short design and deepest burgundy, bowing in a sweeping gesture low at the woman’s feet. "Taglio Di Gondola at your service. Traveling troubadour and adventurer, and who might you be?" He then proceeds to swing his lute into his arms and play a rousing welcome with his nimble fingers.)

In fact all that comes out is a low groan from the back of the horse.

With hand near her sword but not touching it, "Well met. How fair thee?" Rhune calls out in elven. Rhune waits till she receives an answer not knowing what to do till then.

Ullar, not speaking elvish, frowns at Rhune and whispers: "Could you speak common? I know that in elven you can communicate with her, but I'd like to hear what she has to say as well, if she speaks common."

Smiling at him, "Well Met. How fair thee?" Rhune calls out again this time in common waiting to see what she does.

Giving Rhune a grateful look, Ullar adds: "Hail stranger. What brings you to this deserted place in Italy? And are those..." says Ullar, while waving to the group a little behind her, "your friends?"

"My name is Ullar Capachio and we were on a goblin-rescue mission, well, ehm, not exactly, but that is a long story. Anyway, we're looking for some guy captured by those large Goblinoids," says Ullar, pointing to the place where two of them lay slain.

"As you can see, three of our friends have been badly hurt and we would appreciate it if you or your friends can give us any aid on reviving them."

Asif moves to intercept the figure moving towards them. To the stranger his tread is smooth like a hunting cat, and his eyes hawk-like in their intensity. Both glare defiantly from beneath a black turban. As the gentle breeze rustles his flowing robes he lifts his hand high calling the elf to halt when she gets within 15 meters or so. In simple and accented elvish he calls to her.

"Come closer not efendi unless it is with peace in your heart. Aten sees all, and if with malign intent you come, be ready to accept those consequences. The Gods it seems have decided our paths of fate should cross. But be that good or bad we shall decide."

The tall Arab stands there awaiting an answer, the hilts of two scimitars peering menacingly from above his shoulders.

There seems to be something wrong with the elven lady, as she does not speak. She looks curiously at the group, who are beginning to get impatient.

Ullar looks at Rhune, Dakath, Asif and Amibar but misses the male thief. Softly he whispers to Rhune: "Ehm. Where is Dakath?"

Digging her elbow into Ullar's side, "He is around,” she whispers

And sure enough, there he is. Something very strange occurs in the grass right behind the elven maiden. The grass itself begins thrashing about, and you see Dakath in the midst of it. As the grass pulls at him, he fires his dagger at the elven woman, hitting her in the back of the head and felling her like a stone.

Realizing something is going on, the group stares into the grass, and Rhune sees that someone is in the grass very nearby Dakath, apparently hiding there as well. The person's head only popped up for a moment, but it appeared to be a woman, who has ducked back into the grass now. Dakath struggles with the entangling grass, which has pinned him in place.

"ARGH! Dakath is being attacked! Charge!!!!" Ullar calls out, rushing forward as fast as he can in his dented plate mail. He has Forte's greatsword ready.

A worried look comes over Tag's face as he hears the sounds of Dakath's struggle with the grass. But he remains firmly in purgatory.

"Asif, Rhune, Amibar, can you keep the others at a distance with your bows and slings?!" is the last thing Ullar says, before rushing into battle. The gladiator is already severely wounded, but will not let his friend die by the hands of these stranger(s).

"DamnDamnDamn!" mumbles the Gnome, as he fumbles with the sling at his belt. "Seems our woes continue," he says to no-one in particular, as he fits a stone to the sling. He strains to see beyond Ullar's frame and get a clear shot.

"Asif, don't go any further. That is a spell, I recognize it from the meeting," Rhune calls out in Arabic as she draws her sword and steps to just behind him. Looking over at Dakath, "Are you alright?" she calls out, then looks around to see what is happening.

Seeing Ullar charging forward, "Ullar, wait, it is a spell. you could-" she stops realizing it is too late to warn him of the danger. Sighing deeply, Rhune puts her sword in the ground point first next to her and draws her bow and knocks an arrow in it.

Asif stands still heeding Rhune's warning. He glares at the elvish stranger a seed of an idea sowing in his mind. Heka must be at work here. Maybe the work of those who can make thing appear which are not really there. What was that Italian word for it. Illusion? or something like that. Smiling with the clarity offered by such thoughts he smiles evilly at the stranger and speaks.

"Be gone vision of heka I belief in you not. You stand not there--be gone!"

However, the figure in the grass does not disappear. In fact, as Ullar comes charging forward, two humanoid figures rise up, one a striking human woman and the other a wild-looking elf. Both are lightly armed and armored, and look about in terror as Ullar comes bearing down on them. The woman reaches toward a belt pouch, seemingly ready to cast a spell, while the elf quickly draws forth his bow.

Rhune is unable to target either of them with her bow as Ullar presents too much of an obstacle. However, both she and Asif see that the group the elf coming forward from seems to be charging your way, and you can see the reflection of metal from upraised weapons. They are some distance away, but are closing at a hurried pace. There are at least four people rushing this way, and more behind them milling about for the moment.

Letting loose with a string of elven curses that are probably setting Asif's ears on fire, even as Rhune lets loose with two arrows toward the oncoming rush of people, shouting, "Dakath, see if you can cut your way out," knowing that they don't have to much time and knowing that with several fighters down and one hurt and as tired as they are, they don't really have much of chance, Rhune sighs deeply, hoping that Dakath can free himself before the others get here.

As she figured, the figures are out of range for the moment, and her arrows fall well short. Dakath does not appear to be having any luck cutting himself loose from the grass.

Ullar, recognizing that there is a spell-caster present, spurts forward, trying to pin her down. While running, he switches to the use of a dagger, much more convenient in the situation.

Trusting that the spell which caught Dakath won't get him, the warrior hurries forward, eager to help his friend.

Still attempting to disbelieve the presence in the grass, Asif is slow to raise up his bow. Amibar, however, brings up his sling and comes in next to Rhune swinging it about.

As the four strangers come rushing into their range, Ullar heads straight for the pair in the grass. However, the elf alongside the witch has a bow ready, and fires point blank range at Ullar as he comes forward. As he has so often, Ullar thanks his armor, which the arrows bounce off harmlessly, allowing him to close with the woman.

One of the fellows must dodge the impending bullet from Amibar's sling at very long range (a nice shot, he thinks absently while reloading) but Rhune's arrows are off the mark.

Meanwhile, the elf with the bow has reloaded, but Ullar gets to the human woman too fast. In one astonishing motion, he grabs her, spins her around, and holds the dagger in his hand to her throat. He yells out to those approaching, "Strangers! Drop your weapons if you want to avoid getting this woman killed. She attacked one of my friends and that can't be tolerated. I think we can settle this in peace, but mind you, on any suspicious movement from your side will I slit her throat."

Judging his voice, the huge fighter is not making a joke.

Added to that, Rhune is on target with one of her arrows as the four strangers get closer, plunking a large red-headed human in the chest. He staggers, but does not fall, continuing to run. They all pause when they hear Ullar's ultimatum.

"She was simply protecting our companion," the elven man says, motioning to the man held by the grass. Shouldering his bow, he begins moving toward the downed elven woman as he speaks, "While he is but held in place, my companion's life has been threatened...or perhaps already taken." He moves to the woman, attempting to bind her wounds.

One of the latecomers, an elf in a large heavy cloak, raises his hands to show them empty, then calls out to the armored warrior, "I too hope this can be settled peacefully. I'm sure it has all been a misunderstanding of these dangerous times." He continues to walk slowly towards the warrior until he is about fifty yards away, at which point he stops. "Please do not hurt her. We do NOT need more bloodshed."

Reloading her bow but waiting to see what happens now, Rhune keeps her sites on the large red-headed man. She is waiting to see what they do next, but is taking no chances here. Hopefully Ullar is correct and they can end this peacefully.

Slowly the warrior walks backward to Asif, Amibar and Rhune, holding the lady in a tight grip.

One of the humans slows but doesn't stop his approach. He looks of similar ethnicity to the villagers hereabouts. He lowers the point of his sword to a less threatening, yet still prepared position. His eyes never leave Ullar. Shaking his head to clear it, he calls out to the large red-haired fellow that Rhune feathered.

"Manus, how fare thee, Gael?"

Having slowed down, the fellow replies...."Ouch! I fair well enough." He then reaches up and grabs the shaft of the arrow, snapping it off with just a few inches protruding from his chest. He shakes his head and mumbles something, then drops his huge axe at his feet and approaches the plate clad man with empty hands extended in a gesture of peace. "There I have dropped my weapon with one of your parties arrows still sticking out of my chest...please release the girl in the same spirit I have shown." He shouts to the man as he gets closer slowing his pace to a fast walk.

Rhune watches them as the big man tries to take her arrow out of his chest.

"You there!" Ullar shouts to the group approaching them. "Walk next to each other, so that I can see your hands."

The cloaked elf catches up with the large man. "Stop, you're just going to make it worse." Obviously he is referring to the situation at hand and the wound. "Too many cooks spoil the soup. The same holds true for negotiations." As soon as the redhead stops, the elf sets in, caring for the wound inflicted by Rhune

Reluctantly the large man slows his pace long enough to have the elf look at his wound. He truly seems more worried about the hole punched through his mail by the arrow than the wound in his chest.

An olive-skinned half-elf comes rushing up behind the others, moving toward the cloaked elf and the warrior. The elf turns to him and speaks, "Plebius, hold for now, but if you could take care of Celest when it becomes possible."

The half-elf, apparently named Plebius nods to the elf and moves to help the fallen elf woman, apparently named Celest. He treats her injuries, apparently with the help of some magic.

A small greasy-looking fellow who rushed up with the half-elf slows and holds his hands out to the sides to show they are empty. He says nothing, but seems to be thinking.

A third fellow, another elf walks on past the little fellow, clearly showing that he has nothing in his hand, except his staff. His voice is very commanding and his words carry quite a bit as he says. "Everybody, lower your weapons for now, we will talk first before a lot of people will get hurt. Antonia, are you ok?" He slowly walks forward, obviously not intending to do anything. He addresses Ullar. "Ok, you want to talk of peace, so talk! I do not know what has aspired before this moment, so please enlighten me. I will welcome not having to fight, so I think we are having a common goal to start with."

Rhune lowers her bow to the ground and looks toward the newcomers...calling out, "Yes it would seem that we have a common goal as we, too, do not wish to fight."

The cloaked elf scowls at the newcomer, but lets him take charge. "As you wish, you can have your chance to screw up as well," he says with a mocking tone.

The Slavic fellow stops out of Ullar's sword range and points the tip of his blade at the ground. He stands about, clearly thinking and ready for action. There is another fellow behind them that looks mildly familiar, but he is amongst the others and you cannot identify him for the moment.

Waiting to see if they obey, he pauses for a moment. Then, trying to influence the other group, Ullar starts shouting again: "Strangers, I think we can settle this without bloodshed. I have not the intention of killing this lady, but I will if I have to. Please state why you attacked us. And, ehm, approach us to a safe distance, say 10 feet."

Ullar whispers something to Asif. "Asif, please. Try to get Dakath loose, otherwise they will try to take him hostage and then we've lost our advantage."

"Rhune, Amibar. We'll approach them as a group, staying close together. Make sure you watch our backs, for I can't do that while holding her hostage. We have to get Dakath free."

Rhune complies with Ullar's orders, still keeping her bow up she edges forward to just a few next to him, careful not to get within the circle of the spell.

Heartened by his recent successes with the sling, Amibar is nevertheless watchful when he too edges nearer to the warrior and his captive. Sling ready, he is almost eager to hurl another stone at the slightest provocation, just to see if he is improving, like Ullar promised he would be.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 December 2000

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