The Fate of the Prisoner

After these words, Ullar looks at the rest of the first group; Forte, Amibar and Taglio. "What are you going to do?" he inquires. The tone of his voice indicates that the ex-gladiator (actually) has a clue, but awaits the answers of his friends.

Amibar shuffles his feet nervously, his clothes still dripping from his dip in the lake. " Well... you see...I..." he puffs in exasperation of his inability to convey his feelings. " I'd like to stay with you and the rest, Ullar, "he says finally. " You've been kind to me, looking out for me and all..." he adds quietly.

Ullar smiles at the gnome. "Then come and ride with me. Zephyr can carry the both of us," says Ullar, helping Amibar sit behind him.

"I suppose I'll continue tracking Stephen," Forte answers simply. "I wouldn't want you to have all the fun!" he smiles at Ullar and the others with whom he has traveled these past few weeks.

"Lord Ullar, it seems these groups were brought together for a reason. Though me heart is heavy with the thought of leaving you all, I feel the tug to a new adventure. The knowledge I have gained since being with you about the Bishop and his activities I value greatly. I will try to use it to spoil his plans. I will ask our new friends if they will have me. By your leave, si." Taglio responds.

"I would welcome your company, "Daegwyn says. "My path also lies in providing aid to the dwarves." Turning to the other group Daegwyn continues, "You are obviously people of courage and honor. I wish you success in your endeavor to find your friend and right the wrongs the Katoliks are forcing upon the people."

Manus nods his head in the direction of Tag..."As Daegwyn says...we would be happy to have you join us in our aid to the dwarves. I can see by the tears in your mail shirt that must be a man of action...other than that I know little about you...can you tell us a little about yourself?" he says this with a friendly curiosity in his eyes.

"Thank you friend. I will tell you my short story. I was born to a merchant in Venezia and there I grew up. I spent some time in the soldiery there and then at the University of Padua, which is of course a territory of the Republic. I learned much of the arts and history there, as well as a little of religion. I have been a traveling troubadour and poet. Then earlier this year I was called home to hear the sad tale of my fathers murder. I have had to flee Venezia for the powers that be there have no love for my family.

Now you know more than I would my enemies know, so guard your heart and your tongue. As to my motivation, I am a scholar of Dante Aligheri and the church is destroying all his manuscripts where they can. I would find his works and rescue them, for my children (may I be blessed with them when I find the right wife!). I can liven your feet and your hearts with song and my rapier I will use if there be need. The Bishops enemies are my friends."

Arkady rides back to the group just as these words are spoken. "Then I am your friend, good Taglio. For the Bishop and I are to be on opposite sides of any argument." Arkady wheels his horse up next to Ullar's group and doffs his hat to the ladies present. "When ever you are ready, friends."

When Tag finishes his introduction, Plebius does the same, "I feel that in receiving your trust, I must extend mine as well. My name is Plebius. I come from a simple home of my mother, my father and myself. I was raised in the forested hills outside of Corinth. We lived a simple life of family, friends, and honest labor. When I came of age, I searched out education in my beliefs, the will of Jerboha, and in the magical arts. My father is an elf and has lived many lifetimes longer than most. He has seen the wickedness of the Katoliks time and again. He warned me of them. But my faith in Jerboha was strong. Alas, I have found that my father was right all along. I still believe in Jerboha and attempt to serve him, but not in the Katolik manner."

"I wonder how my family is doing...or what the church is up to in our village..." Forte sort of mutters to himself as he wanders away from their conversation.

"Taglio, it was great traveling with you. Your songs filled our hearts with hope and your courage should be mentioned as well! I'm sorry to see you leave, but I can understand your reasoning. I hope we will meet again my friend." Ullar offers his hand to Taglio and shakes his firmly.

"Ullar my friend I will never forget you. I truly believe you have a great destiny. I am no prophet, but I feel it in my bones. I am sure you can lead this group to great feats which can shake the foundations of Rome and bring you greater glory than you ever had in the arena. Good luck and good fortune."

Dakath wanders over to Taglio and pats him on the back "Safe journey, who knows our paths may cross again."

"No doubt I will not know you my friend for you will have changed your name and persona yet again before long, I am sure. But, come and give me a wink and your cheeky grin and we can enjoy a glass of chianti and a story or two, when next we meet."

Dakath grins "Rest assured if I hear of you on my travels, I'll be sure to keep you to your promise of a glass of chianti."

Asif looks towards Tag with undisguised sadness.

"Efendi it is with sadness that I hear of your departure from our company. Such great pleasure have you brought me not just as a master of song but also as a true friend. Worry not I shall remember you each day in my prayers. Aten sees all and recognizes all honorable men even if they follow a different path of truth. I pray that our parting is not a long one, and that in more pleasurable times you may once again share our fire. Next time I play my instrument I shall remember our nights of shared playing of song. Both Rhune and I shall miss you my friend"

Asif stands up and reaches forward embracing Tag quickly in a brief bear hug. "Follow your destiny, efendi with my blessing"

Curious as always, Ullar also turns to the new companions. "I don't know what your intentions are. You have no obligation or whatsoever to rescue Stephan, but as far as I'm concerned you're welcome to join us in this mission. On the other hand, there are other missions to be fulfilled; the elves spoke of a new danger which would darken our paths. I wonder who will pick up that gauntlet?" says Ullar, with a quite puzzling look.

"Anyway, I don't want to lose any more time than we already did. I know I'm still not in full health, but neither is Stephan, who is in a more awkward situation. So please, make up your minds. I'd like to depart in 10 minutes."

Manus sits in contemplation for a few minutes his left hand rubbing his still wet beard his right absently holding the haft of his halberd like weapon. He stands and says..."The geas has been lifted from me by the power of the lake...I am honor bound to repay the spirits of this place...I shall undertake the task of finding and destroying this new evil among the mining dwarves."

With this said he will rise and don his mail shirt once again. Then he will tie his pack behind the saddle of the horse he has chosen as best as he can. A great chestnut gelding...he strokes it's neck and says..."I will call you Capallcath. The horse of battle." He stands up in his saddle and bellows..." Who is with me?"

Plebius too is still dripping water from the lake, and replies, " Though my desire is to return to my home and family, I too am bound by conscience to serve. I will go and attempt to help the dwarves unless someone can convince me that I can serve better elsewhere."

Pietro steps out of the fog with an amazed look on his face. He waits a moment, trying to hide the excitement on his face and coping with the message he got in the lake. When Ullar and Manus seem eager to get going, Pietro looks confused for a minute, before walking up to Ullar. "I am a bit unsure about what to do myself, but a little voice in my mind is telling me that I should go with you guys. Another thing is that you will need healing in the next few days, and need to be looked after. Therefore I am asking permission to join your group of friends, in search of Stephen and to whatever fate has to deal with us."

"We would be happy to have you with us." Rhune replies

After a nap, Arkady seems more like himself. He captures a flying bug and takes some lake water in his jars and then dresses. He re-braids and wraps his long hair and breaks out a block of smelly wax which he rubs and pinches into his moustaches until he can curl them in the fashion he is accustomed to.

He sits quietly while the elder speaks, even though he desperately wants to know what the berries are. When the topic turns to who will go where, he finally speaks.

"Friends, new and newer. I feel that I will travel with whoever needs me. But I am inclined to accompany Ullar and company if they will have me."

"We would be happy to have you as well." Rhune replies...then looks over at Ratlin, "didn't you say you wanted to travel with us as well?" she asks

Ratlin nods, quietly reflecting upon what he saw in the lake.

Arkady bows with a flourish and grins widely. "Thank you good Lady."

Soon after the elder leaves, Tolik gets up and slips unnoticed into the trees. While the others talk, he is off in the trees, trying to decide what to do. After a while a rustling in the bushes announces his return. He is affixing the pin that holds his cloak on, and his hair is windswept, but still tied back. Brushing a few loose strands out of his face, he speaks. "Ahh, this is the decision that plagues me. With whom do I go?" His voice comes slowly, as if even now he deliberates. "I wish, at times, that I had stayed in my happy home. But I know that this cannot be. It is with a heavy heart that I must make my decision., yet I have done so. Unless there are objections, I shall go with the group journeying with Ullar. While I do not know them as well as I should, it seems that they strike at the heart of the problem of the church. I came to find out about these zealots, and I think that I must continue to work to such. Stopping to help the elves, which my heart cries out for me to do, would be a betrayal of my people's cause."

A moment of silence passes, and he bows to those he hoped to come with. "Will you take me along?" he asks.

"Of course we will, you're more than welcome." says Ullar, looking Tolik straight in the eyes.

"However, I'm curious who is going to assist Manus his group? With 9 people for the rescue of Stephen I think our lines have been more than reinforced. However, if there are more persons who feel it's their destiny to help us to free Stephen and whatever lays beyond, join us now."

"As I so bluntly offered before, I would like to travel with you. I'm not sure what I could offer since obviously I am still new at my abilities but hopefully I will learn to choose my actions better, " Ratlin winces at the memory of the little forest fire he created earlier.

"So if you will have me, I would like to travel with you."

Ullar nods at Ratlin and smiles a little, remembering some of his own less 'effective' actions.

Rhune, sitting on her horse next to Asif, says to the man, "you are welcome to join us, Ratlin."

Ratlin smirks a bit and climbs up onto his horse.

"And that makes ten. Though I would guess that soon Celest and, umm, Kyo? will be healed. Seeing that the elves are taking care of them, and those saving the lake are helping the elves, those who will be healed will sooner be meeting up with them than us, "Tolik says with a contemplative tone. "However, I cannot predict what fate has in store. It is far beyond my understanding." Tolik walks over to the horses. Acting rather unhappy to be riding, he climbs awkwardly on to the mount he had ridden to the lake from the forest.

Rhune looks toward the group that is joining them on the quest to rescue Stephan, "I am Rhune Morthaine...I am from France." she says. you see a small elven girl that looks no older than a human girl of 17 or so...she has shoulder length curly silver hair and amethyst colored the moment she is wearing chainmail and is carrying a long bow, longsword and several daggers.

Dakath shrugs before grinning "At present my name is Dakath, but as soon as the opportunity presents itself I shall be called by a different name. I trust you will all respect my wishes on this matter." He runs a hand across the top of his head, it was recently bald but is beginning to grow back. Dakath is a rather small man at about 5'8" he is dressed as a merchant and has what look like faded tribal tattoo's on his cheeks, on his right ear he wears a long earring made out of animal feathers. Despite his attempts to look primitive the sharp-eyed can notice something not quite right. His face seems open and friendly, although his bright soulful eyes give the impression of intelligence and a calculating nature. His smile is never far from those lips and he uses it to good effect. At the moment he is wearing studded leather beneath his cloak. At his side is an empty long sword scabbard, although you can see a dagger sheath that holds it's intended weapon.

Arkady smiles and nods his head to Rhune. "And I am Arkady Arkadovich Ogrumnov. I hail from Russia as you might have guessed. I once served in the Slavic Guard of Venice. Now I seek knowledge and adventure."

Arkady is tall (6'2") and athletic. He wears Italian styled clothing with a Slavic flair. His black hair is pulled back into a leather wrapped pigtail that hangs down his back. He wears large curled moustaches and has green eyes. He wears Back and Breast plates over a buff coat. Tassets, gauntlets, and a morion helmet complete his protection. A Large black basketed hilted sword hangs at his side as does a matching hilted maine gauche.

He has an intelligent and observant look to him and he frequently stops to study something or to take notes in a small book he always carries.

Nodding her head at Ullar, Antonia pipes up, "I believe my path is to find this other darkness, I believe it may be the clue or the source of the imbalance I was sent to find." Her eyes light on Daegwyn as she wonders what his decision will be (apparently not having heard him declare his similar intent earlier on).

Daegwyn's eyes meet Antonia's. After a moment a warm smile comes to his lips, his body relaxing ever so slightly.

Having all of this said, Ullar rides Zephyr around, trying to get the others on their horses as well. The ex-gladiator is eager to leave, but that he made pretty obvious.

Rhune mounts her horse and pulls in with Asif and waits for the others to join them.

Turning to his former companions, Tolik says, "How I wish that I could come to help you on your quest. May the Light favor you on your journey." A sadness in his eyes can be seen for only a moment as he stares into the fog, then he steels himself and regains his composure.

Dakath mounts his horse somewhat slowly, he moves to join Asif, Rhune and the others "Well what about our prisoner ?"

Plebius attempts one further technique to question the prisoner, who has been dragged along on foot behind the horses unto the lake, where he has witnessed all that has gone on. He moves forward to the fellow and incants some soothing words. However, the prisoner looks at him casually, "Such magicks will yield you nothing, elfkind." And indeed, he is not compulsed to answer anything. The spell seems not to have worked.

Plebius replies, "Perhaps the Vidalia onion elves can help us out with the prisoner."

Just as she is about head out, Rhune turns her horse back to the group, looking toward any of the elves that might be there from the lake, "Can you take care of him for us and keep him here?"

However, the elves from the lake are nowhere in sight.

Ullar shrugs. "I don't care. If the elves can keep him here and try to get him off the influence of the Bishop, I'll be happy. If they can't I'm afraid more drastic measures have to be taken, since we can't allow him to simply walk over to the Bishop and tell him where we're headed."

"Anyone with a good solution?" Ullar asks, frowning a little since he nearly forgot all about the prisoner

Arkady smiles an evil smile. "We could send him to the heavenly reward the Bishop always promises"

"Sure. Let's row him out to the island and toss him into that hellish white building, "suggests Forte. Though his tone has a force joviality, others can sense he is not kidding.

"If this is a death sentence, shouldn't he just be killed to spare everyone, himself included, a lot of trouble?" replies Tolik.

"Well, just killing him would be quicker and easier, "agrees Forte. But it seems Plebius has other ideas." Forte shrugs, and is pleased to note that both shoulders now move when commanded. "Let Plebius handle it; if he wants to give the shithead one more chance, I don't mind."

Asif shakes his head.

"I know not what is done with prisoners in this land. In Egypt a captive is either ransomed back to his family or lord, or if his life was so valueless to them, then he would be send to the slave markets. In rare occurrences when the nature of the captive was so vile, to make him impossible to keep, he would be executed. I have spoken not to the prisoner so I know not his nature. But if he is truly vile, and cannot remain with the elves without causing them grief, then he must die"

Tolik, listening to the conversation, nods his head. "While we do not ransom, my people have had some experience as of late with these enthusiastic members of the church. Our attempts to reform them have failed. If given a chance, they work to cause pain and kill those that spared them. None live in the land of my people. Not a one that has arrived has left either." His voice trails off, as if the horror of these actions has not worn off. "But to survive, the unpleasant in sometimes necessary."

"There must be a better way than to just kill him. don't know...callous." Rhune utters.

"Yes my love there is no honor in such a thing. Such an act of necessity pleases me little. But I would not see this man bring down upon the elves of this lake the wrath of the Bishop. For in his eyes we are outlaws and any who help us shall suffer his enmity."

"Yes that is true. but still I just don't know. There has to be a better way...some magic or something" Rhune utters.

Plebius objects as well, "I cannot in good conscience allow this man to be put to the sword on such little information as we have about his intentions. If the elves cannot keep him, then I will take responsibility for him."

"Would you rather he report back to the bishop?" asks Forte. "He's probably not as powerful as Fyodorll, but just as deadly if he reports back to his boss. We killed her to save ourselves future grief; I don't see the current situation as any different from that one."

"Yes we did...and oh well go ahead." Rhune utters riding she doesn't have to witness it...

"Arkady, Dakath and Forte. I clearly understand your reasoning and, Rhune, as revolting as it may sound, if the elves can't take care of him, I don't see any other option as well. But let's first check this with the elves of the Lake, perhaps they know of a way to re-educate this man." Ullar says, speaking up loud and clear so that everyone present can hear it.

He looks at the prisoner, wondering what is going through the man's head.

The prisoner's face is completely blank, as if he is resigned to whatever fate is in store for him. His transition from panic to calm is most eerie.

Arkady slides from his saddle. "I will do the deed. I have no objection to having this scum's blood on my hands."

Dakath dismounts his horse "Is this absolutely necessary ?"

Plebius replies, "No it is not. There are alternatives."

Dakath shrugs "Well then let's get this sorted so we can be on our way."

Plebius steps between Arkady's blade and the prisoner, "I beg of you. Allow me the opportunity and time to discern the intentions of his heart before judgment is drawn. He may well be under magical beguilings."

"I don't see the reason for debating, really, "pipes up Amibar from his position on Ullar's horse. He then stammers a bit when everyone looks to see what he has to say. " I mean... well, he... that is HE was intent on killing US last night, and was doing his damnedest to shoot every last one of us!" He seems to have picked up some inner strength along the way. "I say let Arkady do him in, and good riddance!" he finishes with some enthusiasm.

Rhune is no longer there to discuss it any more...having ridden some distance away from the group and reigning in her horse to wait for the others.

Plebius pleads once more for the man, "Please allow fair and due process to take its time here. If he proves himself wicked in his own heart, then I will execute punishment on him myself. But do not be hasty in taking a man's life. I will bear the duty of guarding him until time has shown his true intentions."

Arkady rests his blade in his belt, but his hands do not leave it. "Hurry then. You have only a few minutes Plebius. I promised to leave every minion of the Bishop with a hole in their hearts. If you can prove him innocent fine, if not I will kill him!"

Plebius casts his eyes down, " I cannot prove anything in the next few moments. What I propose is that I am given time to detect his goodness when I have the ability given by Jerboha on the morrow. If he proves wicked, then I give you my word that he will be executed."

Arkady sighs and resheathes his blade. "Your word is good enough for me Plebius. If you will test this man and swear that he will be dealt with then I am satisfied. Jerhoba be with you Plebius, but should he act up. You will answer to me after he does." Arkady remounts and turns to ride away from the lake.

Amibar merely shrugs his shoulders in resignation, having no desire to be in the group's center of attention again so soon.

"And how exactly are you going to take care of that? We can't take him with us, for he will only slow us down. Are you planning to stay here?" Ullar inquires with Plebius, frowning a little at the phrase about taking responsibility

Approaching the elven maid, "Rhune, Plebius says he will test this man and I believe that he will try his best for the preservation of life. All will be well once the priest has passed judgment" Arkady says as he follows Rhune and the others away, leaving the prisoner with Plebius.

"Yes Arkady, I...well...okay." Rhune replies as she waits for the results of Plebius' tests



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 December 2000

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