Pausing a moment to light Kyo's one remaining torch, as Taglio's lantern has run out of oil, Dakath and Asif continue their scouting. In the dim light provided, they see that some type of river or stream flows through the forest here. It is thick, muddy, and appears black in the torchlight. Following along the rivulet, they see that up ahead a petrified log has been placed across it. On the others side of the log bridge they see that someone has placed rough stone walls between the trees, completely enclosing an area a hundred feet square roughly.
Immediately across the log, they see dim light emerging from a small opening between two trees.
Pulling up before coming into the clearing, "I don't like this...we will be sitting ducks as we cross that bridge......there has to be another way across the river," Rhune utters in a low whisper to the rest of the party. "Although with the torch they may already know we are here anyway. Does anyone have any ideas of what to do now?" she asks quietly.
Tag comes over to Rhune as they crouch in cover together out of sight of the enclosure. "Rhune, the spells which Xania taught me are of little use for a frontal assault, but I could use them perhaps to create a diversion. That could distract the defenders long enough to get across the bridge perhaps. Although the noise would alert them to our presence. What do you and the others think? And I would have to take off my armor which would mean I could not be in the frontal attack."
"Why don't we, or at least a scouting party, just sneak across the bridge?" asks Forte. "If the light is coming from inside those walls, they won't be able to see anyone crossing the bridge. One of us can take the torch back in the woods and maybe they'll think we left - if they even saw the torch."
"It might work....we would have to be quick and the timing just right for it to do so,” she replies looking at Tag and the others as well.
"Dakath and I could do that.....I also would have to remove my armor to do that....but at least it might just give us an idea of what is there,” she says. "And then we would know how better to use your spell Taglio."
Rhune discards her light chain mail and moves to scout across the bridge with Dakath. Once they reach it, they see the log has been smoothed across the top to form a nice stone bridge. However, it was certainly not made for the pace of humans, and Rhune even finds her petite feet hard put to stay on it. Dakath follows with no more ease.
Approaching cautiously, they see that there are several goblins inside the stone walled chamber ahead along with a couple of the same fierce wolves. Knowing how alert the wolves are, Dakath motions for Rhune to retreat, realizing that the narrow entryway will provide no ability to sneak any further in. The bridge is only large enough for single file crossing, and crossing into the mouths of the wolves does not sound appealing, particularly as there are probably several more where the pair within came from.
Dakath moves back to the bridge, "Go back and tell the others, I'll wait here just in case we get surprised."
With that he crouches by the crossing and draws both his daggers.
Rhune nods in agreement and heads back as quickly as she can without falling into the river...Once back she whispers to the others what they have discovered. She then looks back to see if it would be possible to get into a tree and offer covering fire for those who are crossing the bridge.
Once Rhune has gone Dakath begins looking for a way around the crude structure or another way in, perhaps circling around the structure and scaling the walls.
Unfortunately, he cannot get across the bridge in order to observe the structure closely. He cannot tell if the walls are scaleable, though they do seem rather roughly made. Looking overhead, he can see that the boughs of the trees far above do connect with those of the stone trees forming the posts of the structure ahead, but making that crossover would require a truly inspired tree-climbing effort, where a fall would surely spell death.
As soon as Rhune and Dakath return, Ullar starts to recap. "So, if I get this straight we'll have to cross that small bridge, which Rhune and Dakath already had difficulty with crossing, one-by-one while Goblins and wolves are waiting for us inside."
"Sounds appealing to me" says Ullar, with some sarcasm in his voice.
"Would it be possible for us to tie a rope to a tree here and let Rhune and Dakath hold it on the other side? That way we can determine where we cross this river. If we determine where the wind is coming from and cross it from the opposite side, I doubt it the wolves will smell our scent. Perhaps we can even wade through this rivulet. Is it any deep?"
"I don't know about that Ullar, it looks like it," Rhune replies with a shrug. "As for the trying to get down wind that would be a good idea but if the river is deep then there will be only one way across,” she nods toward the log.
Ullar uses his spear to determine the depth of the rivulet, judging the strength of the flow as well.
The stream does not look terribly deep, perhaps ten feet, but when Ullar puts his spear in the water, he feels it being pushed about. Withdrawing it from the water, he sees lots of very small marks on the wood, as of lots of teeth gnawing. He can see movement under the blackish water as he pulls it out.
"And what is the plan once we're inside? Or, on the other side to be precise. Did you find any way were we can enter the building? I doubt I can sneak around in this plate mail," Ullar says, a bit disappointed.
Rhune smiles, "And I won't be very quiet either once I put my armor back on. As for finding a way inside I think Dakath is doing that now."
"They have the advantage, and I think we need to find a way to adjust the balance. Detailed information could come in very handy here. Amibar, do you think your rodent can scout out some more and tell us in detail what we can expect on the inside? Perhaps it even can find an entrance to the building!" Ullar asks enthusiastically.
Looking at Amibar, "Yes that might be a very good idea. If we could find someway inside....perhaps a diversion to lure some of the goblins out here and on this side to take care of while others sneak inside to find Stephan might work out real well." Rhune agrees...."I could even get set up to offer covering fire for people when they do cross the river. Or we could try and get them to come out and start firing arrows at them."
"Well, could we draw them out?" Forte whispers. "I mean, we can only go over the bridge single file - but the same applies to them as well. With archery cover, we could hit them as they cross the bridge single file. The ones that get across can be attacked by us warriors." He looks around at the group. "What do you think?"
"If you know a way of drawing them out, I'd favor your plan for sure," replies Ullar. "However, is there a way for driving them out? We could try to set the building on fire, but if we succeed we might burn any possible prisoners alive."
Ullar puzzles the situation for a minute, then smiles. "We could, of course, put one of us in front of the log, calling out to the Goblins inside. If that person would be able to insult to a point where they would take it no longer, I'll bet they will come out. The rest of us could hide in the dark around here and take them out when they try to cross the log."
Then another thought crosses his mind. "Nah. That would not work, for none of us speaks Goblin and I doubt they speak common. That would only leave us with nonverbal 'insults', which are commonly known of course," he says with a grin.
"Next to that, I doubt that they will continue walking over the log if they see their comrades fall, trusting you are all as good with your bows as you were earlier today."
"Well. I don't see how to get them ALL out at once" Ullar says, frowning a little and giving Forte a questioning-look. "Do you?"
"No," Forte says with a disappointed tone. "But any goblin and wolf we kill on the bridge is one less we have to fight in their 'building' once we charge in."
"If we follow that plan Ullar, Forte, we will lose the element of surprise and enable them to call for reinforcements. I could use my spell perhaps to draw them out and down stream, so that we could cross the bridge while they are distracted. Although my spell does not have any smell, so it would be less likely to fool the wolves. Although being animals I suppose they are less likely to figure out the illusion," Tag replies.
Dakath crouches by the log waiting for the others, he turns around and watches as they discuss their options. He can't help but throw up his arms in despair. He shakes his head once before standing up and moving toward the camp, he breaks into a gentle trot making enough noise to alert the goblins to his presence. He pretends to look shocked as if he has just noticed the goblins before turning round and running at full speed across the bridge.
"Oh. My. God..." says Ullar. "That stupid f*ck! What the hell is he thinking! Well. There goes our advantage!"
"Anyone with long-range attack weapons, stand ready. We've got a moron coming this way, followed, hopefully, by Goblins and wolves."
Ullar shakes his head in disbelief, although, for the record, there is a little smile on his lips.
Looking toward the goblin camp just as Dakath starts his act, Rhune smiles and pulls out her bow and arrows and gets ready to fire as soon as the goblins come out. She gets to a tree that will offer her some cover and sticks several arrows in the ground.....targeting any that might look like they are casting spells first, then crossbows second, then wolves third.
As Forte sees Dakath approach, he prepares his bow with elven arrows. He checks to make sure that his mace is easily accessible for closer combat. Then he takes aim at the 'door' to the goblin compound, or as far as his bow range allows in that direction.
Tag sees the wild Dakath trying to outrun the slavering canines and their masters. He sighs deeply, realizing he should have just taken off his armor and put his own plan into action. Instead he (still in his chainmail) loads his crossbow and crouches next to the warriors ready to kill. "That boy has a death wish, Si, I hope none of us hits him instead of the enemy!"
For a few moments, the group, gathering up their bows, thinks that Dakath's plan does not work, as they hear some shouting from inside, but no goblins or wolves. But only for a moment. Then the wolves come flashing out, hot breath erupting visibly from their slavering fangs.
Dakath finds cover behind the trees, but the wolves still head straight toward him. Within a few seconds, three are on the bridge with the small greenskins behind them cheering them on.
The archers from their concealment begin to fire arrows at the huge dog-creatures as Ullar moves to defend the hard way. With no less than three arrows protruding from it's leathery skin, the lead wolf crosses the bridge and Ullar swings his great sword at it, but must have been too eager, as he misses it completely.
Meanwhile, the others take aim at the second wolf, and he does not survive the barrage, as he falls with four arrows and a quarrel stuck in him. The third wolf, though, dashes across the bridge past Ullar and right at Dakath.
However, Ullar is not about to see his small friend dog-food, and he turns against the unharmed opponent. With a great overhand blow, he smashes his sword into the thing's spine, severing it and sending the thing down in agony. His armor protects him from paying a price for his dangerous maneuver as the second wolf is foiled.
Interestingly enough, the cheering goblins did not follow the wolves out across the bridge, as the hail of death did not appear to appeal to them. However, they now emerge en masse, and hurl spears at the party. One does not get the chance, as an arrow pierces it's thigh and it falls into the water. The party is briefly distracted as a frenzy of activity erupts in the water, turning the murky black water a dark red momentarily. No sign of the fallen goblin remains. Amazingly, one of the thrown spears finds its way through the tree cover and lightly grazes Forte's head, leaving a trace of blood through his dark hair.
As Ullar raises his sword up to finish his final canine foe, Dakath brings both daggers crashing down from behind just as the beast was crouching to lunge at Ullar's unprotected underarm. The two look up to see the goblins on the other side yelling as more wolves emerge from the torch lit chamber.
Three arrows hit the monster emerging once again, but it no more stops him than it did his earlier brother, just slain by Dakath. The group sees a second wolf running behind the first and several more within the chamber.
As the first beast charges Ullar once again, his massive blade crashes through it's forelegs, sending it sprawling on the ground. The second sees two arrows hit it's hairy body, but the crossbow bolt smashing into it's head is what spells it's demise. Unfortunately, Rhune snaps her bowstring while trying to shoot, realizing that she has never obtained a spare. As the string is broken at the middle, she cannot reuse it, and is forced to drop her bow in frustration.
A trio more of the wolves emerges panting heavily, not hesitating at all at the sight of five of their kin dead. They move across the bridge at high speed urged on by the half dozen goblins on the other side.
The first is hit by three arrows and one bolt, as the other archers make up for the loss of the sharp-eyed Rhune, but it does not fall, continuing on toward Ullar's waiting embrace. But the embrace is faulty, as Ullar's stroke misses by some distance. However, the thick metal plates surrounding him continue to confound his foes.
The archery from the party's side appears to be wearing out, as the second wolf emerges with only one minor wound, and the third is uninjured. They split, one charging toward Ullar and the other toward Asif and Rhune. The party sees one more wolf emerge from the other side and charge across as well.
Asif targets the wolf racing toward him, but is forced to hurry his shot and misses. He is confounded that his usual deadly accuracy has largely deserted him. Rhune, however, has taken the opportunity to draw her long sword and thrusts at the beast, bloodying it. Dodging the creature's foul maw at the same time, she just feels a grazing wound on her thigh, but it is slight.
Ullar, meanwhile, seems to be wearing out from the weight of the new armor, as he flails about with his sword, the beast dodging him easily. It times it's strike and lunges, biting him hard on his forearm. Dakath, at the same time, cannot get good position to strike it as the second wolf scents him and rushes at him. Not as proficient at up front combat as he is with the sneak attack, it is all he can do to keep the beast's sharp teeth from snapping into him.
As Asif draws out his flashing scimitars, Rhune manages to ward the monster she fights off with her longsword, but does not harm it. Ullar manages to keep his away as well, but is horrified to see his massive blade slip from his grip falling some feet away from him. As he lunges to catch it, he falls to the ground heavily, having quite a bit of trouble rousing himself.
Dakath is only able to keep himself from harm, but unable to hurt the beast attacking him. Observing the whole party, he cannot help but think things are starting to turn the way of the wolves.
The solo wolf crosses the bridge unharmed by Forte and Taglio's continued archery, and charges in their direction. Heartened by the archer's failure, the goblins now come running across behind it.
Asif's blades prove no more trustworthy than his arrows, and the wary beast manages to dodge Rhune's sword with equal ease, lashing out at her and biting her cheek, leaving the taste of her own blood in her mouth.
Ullar grabs the short axe that Urak-gor gave him so long ago to defend himself when his sword was lost then. As he rolls himself up, the creature howls with glee and pounces, but barely misses his throat. Dakath is once again only barely able to keep himself from being Wolf-chow.
Forte sends a final arrow crashing into the beast charging at he and Tag, as does his smaller companion, but the unnatural beast does not halt, lunging at Forte's unarmored body as is usual with the unlucky big fellow. But the wound is only a scratch.
Seeing their way unhindered by missiles, the goblins come charging across gleefully, assuming they will only have to clean up for their canine friends. And it very well may be so, as the party is clearly bogged down with the wolves already across the bridge. Seeing Amibar, who has been hurling slingstones badly the whole time, and Kyo standing about with a club, the goblins charge toward them.
However, that proves an ill-thought out plan, as the quiet little fellow incants, sending no less than eight of the similarly sized men dropping like flies. One of the other two is fortunate enough to evade Kyo's stone club. The other is not. At the rear of the pack that came across, he dashes back across the bridge.
Asif and Rhune combine to finally fell their slavering opponent, while Ullar and Dakath trade blows with theirs. Dakath comes away finally with an injury, as the wolf snaps at his abdomen. Forte and Dakath manage to team up and dispatch their dog-breathed opponent, leaving only the two in the center of the group.
Ullar sends Urak-gor's ancient hand-axe crashing into the wolf's shoulder, muscling it down more through force than skill. At the same time, Dakath uppercuts his with the magic dagger, slicing open it's belly and dropping it.