Ullar eyes Tolik with suspicion. "Hey.. if you don't want to stay with us... this is YOUR choice. I hold no grudge against you, nor any of my friends. But if we can't get along with each other, I'd rather split up, for I don't want to watch my back while I'm fighting."
Tolik blushes. "I'm sorry sir. I don't mean to make trouble. I just... find it really hard to trust others. But I mean no harm." And with that, he bows his head and silently takes several steps away from the rest of the group.
Forte turns to Ullar. "We will have to earn each other's trust. That will probably take some time - and maybe a few battles."
Rhune looks over, "come on Tolik...we are all a little edgy right now..." she utters to the elf with a smile and holding out her hand
Ullar, seeing that his tone was rather harsh, nods. "I.." he starts.. but then fall silent, knowing that his facial expression is clear enough. The tension of the past couple of days is still driving his emotions.
He makes a mental note to apologize to Tolik when the opportunity arises. "Although Ratlin advises against it, I say we split up and watch each others back. Well.. first we have to determine if we can split up at all. Are there two trails, on both side of the river, or what?"
"No I don't think we should split up at all, Ullar. We should try and stay together...you never know this may be on the only place to ford this river for miles in either direction. No we should either stay on this side of the river together or the other." Rhune quickly speaks up looking at Asif as a slightly worried look crosses her face briefly then is gone.
"Well" replies the warrior, with a big sigh, ".. let's continue traveling then. We'll need to take the best path available for clearly some us can't handle their horses too well."
Ullar turns Zephyr around and moves slowly forward, examining the way ahead.
There are indeed two open areas between the cliff faces and the river, though they do not look much like trails. The difficult part of this would be climbing the cliff on the opposite shore, as it is easy enough to walk around the one on this side. Tolik could make it easily enough, and probably with a rope the others could as well, but you see no way the horses could make it.
Looking at the trails, "Well which way? The creatures that Tolik saw are running to warn someone probably. I for one would like to be elsewhere when they come back." Rhune utters as she starts to cross the other side.
Peering into the rain Rhune tries to see what is happening...loosing her bow just in case..."We can ford the river here, but it seems that the only way to go is up that canyon. It would be a perfect place for an ambush. And with that lookout it is obvious that we have been spotted already."
"An ambush seems assured. I will ride first and attempt diplomacy if Tolik and Forte have no opposition?" Arkady checks to make sure his blades are ready and slide easily from their scabbards, before riding forward towards the ford.
"I guess, that because we need to know, I could fly over and check to see what is there." Tolik announces with some reluctance.
"If you do be careful...They could have archers." Rhune utters to the elf.
Having decided on their course of action while the others talk, the pair of newcomers to the party begin to move; Tolik up into the air while Arkady takes his horse down to the river.
Reaching the river, Arkady sees that the horse will have to swim for at least the middle part of the river. The current is rather slow and so there won't be much different from origin to destination. Holding onto his bridle and saddle, he dismounts and leads the steed across.
Meanwhile, Tolik flies across the canyon atop the cliff. The watcher, not human after all but some sort of tall goblinoid, yells out in panic, some unknown language and begins running down the other side of the cliff. Not terribly far ahead of him another similar being runs northward. Looking in that direction, the rain blocks his vision from seeing where they are headed. Unfortunately, that same rain has weighted Tolik's feathers down, and he realizes that he won't be able to stay aloft much longer.
Seeing it is safe, he alights on the cliff face he saw the watchers on. There is no pretense of ambush here, no rocks about to fall, no archers, nothing but the figures running madly across the plains, beginning to fade into the rain. Looking down, Tolik sees that Arkady has managed the crossing with ease, though he now is down the cliff face with no easy way up.
The others sit, mounted or not, upon the opposite shore, astounded they did not have to face any serious obstacle.
"Hey, if you guys are coming across, bring that beast, "he calls, indicating the horse he had been riding. "And don't let my cloak get wet, I'm wet enough as is." He walks over to the edge of the cliff and tries to decide if he can get down without breaking his neck. Peering over, he decides to wait until everyone has crossed the river. He sits on the edge of the cliff and drips miserably over the edge.
Ratlin watches Tolik risk his neck and then begins to ford his horse across the river.
Seeing nothing happen so for, Rhune nudges her horse across the ford to the opposite side...dismounting and leading her horse across and then remounting.
As everybody starts to move, Pietro slowly moves next to Tolik's horse, getting the reins of the animal. The elf puts all the stuff on the saddle, or in the saddle bags on top of his own backpack, tying it up there He then follows the rest of the group towards the river, crossing it with both horses.
"Well what do you know, "says Ami cheerfully, "The first break we've had in a long time." He looks around at his fellow travelers. "Maybe our luck is beginning to change..." he adds hopefully.
Knowing that his mounting skills are sorely lacking, Forte puts away his bow and arrow. He awkwardly dismounts and then leads his horse across the river, following Rhune. He waits for Ullar to cross, so someone with massive strength can help him re-mount his steed.
The fording takes place without too much trouble, someone carting over Tolik's horse and Amibar. Reuniting on the opposite shore, you see that, though Tolik still sits perched on the top of the cliff, it will be a hard climb for the rest of you to join him, though it is not terribly steep, and Dakath and Rhune judge it not terribly dangerous. However, the horses will have to be left here or you all will have to travel alongside the cliff until an opportunity to ascend is located, wasting precious time.
Still seemingly upset by whatever her vision was Rhune looks over at the others, "well it seems that we may have to leave the horses behind if we want to make any time here at all. I don't like it but may be the difference here." Rhune utters, looking toward Asif trying to figure out what he has been so quiet lately.
Asif responds with a weak smile, his silence a reflection of his inner turmoil. He stretches in the saddle and strokes the mane of his horse, trying to display a feeling of calm, the strain however written all over his face. Although unspoken Rhune can see that, that which he saw within the lake has hit him very hard..
Ratlin looks up at Tolik and asks the others calmly, "Why are we going up there anyway?" You look closer and see that his hands are gripping the reins a little tighter than usual.
"We are looking for a tower, that Forte has seen in a vision...that is where we think that Stephan is and this Vlack creature who may be behind some of the recent goblinoid attacks" replies Rhune
"So just to clear this up in my mind, Stephan is a friend kidnapped by goblin-kin and we are going after him. And Vlack is the leader? I just want to make sure of what I am getting into." Ratlin says with a pensive look on his face. He doesn't seem bothered by what he saw in the lake but it is still upon his mind.
"That is basically it!" replies Ullar, frowning a little about the fact that they've lost more precious time.
Asif nods with agreement at Ullar's words. "To Stephen we do indeed owe a debt of honor. Our lives where once saved by his family. We intend to return him safely home from his enslavement. So by the Prophets do I declare that this shall be done while I breathe!!!!'
"Did anyone actually ever meet Stephen?" asks Forte. "I didn't, but I haven't been with this group that long."
"Yes I have...And I think Asif and Ullar have. He owned a boat that we rode on for a little bit of the way...He was a very nice man once you got to know him." Rhune replies.
"If you guys aren't coming up, then I'm gonna find my way down, "calls Tolik from the top of the cliff. "Its cold and wet and I want my cloak. So, where are we going?"
Arkady also looks pensive about scaling the slope. "Is it a waste of time to find a way where we might keep the horses?? We can always make up lost time with a spirited ride once we get around these cliffs"
Arkady wrings out his clothing as he waits for the others. He makes no move towards the cliff but instead looks in either direction to see if there is a way around. "I have no desire to leave my horse behind or to scale mountains."
"I agree, "says Amibar. " We have a much greater need of the horses' speed later on than the need to save a few hours by climbing here and leaving them behind..."
"Okay then let's try and find a place we can climb this mountain with the horses and get going those two who ran away are going to warn someone." Rhune replies
Very quietly as if he is unwilling to hear his own voice, Asif speaks. "Yes Efendi, I too, am unwilling to leave behind my faithful stead. Much ground have we traveled together."
"Me neither.." acknowledges Ullar. "Can we ride around it?" says Ullar, while redirecting Zephyr to the right position. Carefully the warrior rides back, trying to find a way to pass the cliff without leaving his horse alone.
"Ok, I guess that everybody has the same opinion about this, let's try to find a route out horses can pass without too much trouble. Tolik, over here, I've got your stuff. It is dry, or least a resemblance of that. One thing is sure, if I'd have the choice, the weather would be a lot fairer. But then again, I guess that everybody feels the same about that. " After that remark, Pietro just laughs and spurs his horse forward.
Arkady looks relieved that there is an agreement to NOT climb the cliff. "Shall we follow the river down and find a way around? TOLIK!!! COME BACK DOWN PLEASE"
"You don't hafta yell, I can hear you just fine, "replies Tolik, hopping down the side of the cliff, using his wings to slow his decent. With a deep bow, he adds, "Your telling me that I hafta get back on that thing? Uggh." First putting on his cloak, he climbs awkwardly up onto the horse, which tenses up at Tolik climbs on. "Well, I suppose we should be on our way."
Asif looks up into the sky, amazed by the miracle of flight revealed by Tolik. Only in the mysterious power wielded by the Djinn had he ever seen a creature take to the wind like an Hawk. This land of Italy was certainly a land rich in heka. One could only look upon it with amazement.
Arkady grins and turns his horse to head downstream. "Shall we ride down here and look for a way around??" Arkady rides downstream looking carefully for passes, breaks in the cliff face or other methods of circumnavigating these cliffs.
Following Arkady, Rhune keeps her eyes peeled looking around her for things out of the ordinary and any trails that would allow the horses up the mountain.
Traveling downstream for several hours, there is not the slightest hint of a break in the cliffs or a path around them. In fact, the cliffs grow more impassable, steep and tall, by the minute. Looking up into the sky, Asif sees a flight of the dark, long-beaked crows that seem to frequent this part of the country, an ominous portent.
Deciding that it might be best to turn around, the group continues on for just a bit more time, hoping that the wrong decision might be remedied by luck. However, the decision is doomed when, looking across the river, you see the forest north of Sukiskayn, indicating you are nearly parallel to the west to where you began this voyage at the Lake of Lost Dreams. In fact, you can still see the burned out remains of the furthest northern logging camp, Selo it was called?
The rain has slowed to just a sprinkle as the sun begins to fall behind the mountains once again. Surely you have lost much time with this detour. The question now is, resting or continuing on? If continuing on into the night, returning to the ford or continuing southwest until you reach north of Misha's Ferry, where you know there was no cliff face blocking the north shore of the river. By your estimation, that would be less than ten miles to the south, returning north would be a bit more than that.
"I guess we could turn back...Even though that would be further and a bit time consuming that might be the way to go." Rhune says as she looks around at the familiar country side.
Arkady stares at the forest in shock and anger. "My friends I am sorry. I seem to wear the Black Wings of Chornog as my Cloak**. I will step back and let you decide where we are to go." He looks totally depressed and downtrodden.
** OOC --- Chornog was the Pagan Russian God of Death and Really Bad Luck. He was portrayed as a huge raven who would wrap his wings around you and then you would have bad luck or die.
"Doesn't bother me. They are not of my beliefs. Do not worry about my fate while riding with you Arkady" Ratlin replies, smiling.
"Do not blame yourself Arkady, there is nothing to blame you for anything. We made a choice, plain and simple. I guess that if there is a ferry further down, it will be easier to go there then to go back again. I do not have an idea where we are going though, as I and the other new ones have never been in this neighborhood before." Pietro replies.
After Pietro's words Ullar smiles at Arkady. "Pietro is right. Don't take it personal, neither of us had a clue which route was the best to take. Now we have found a nice camping place." says Ullar, with a faint 'trying-to-be-reassuring' smile.
Smiling at Arkady, 'Don't worry about it." Rhune utters.
After hearing the reassurances of his comrades, Arkady smiles wanly. "Thank you my friends. The visions from the lake have disturbed me and this just seemed to be the final straw."
Dakath glances around at the group "So it seems the lake gave us all disturbing visions, well I suggest we keep our minds at the task at hand."
"Think they have disturbed us all" Rhune utters in a low whisper, as she looks over at Asif and tries to smile at him.
"My vision was not disturbing in the least, only a conformation of my goals for the future, "Ratlin adds with a smirk.
Tolik nods in agreement, but remains silently contemplative.
"Visions? I didn't have any visions in the water, "says Forte. "What did you see, Rhune?"
Looking over at Forte then at Asif, "I...ah...I...saw my wedding...there were elves there...none of you were there...Asif...I...he...was taken away...there was an older elf, a wood elf...I...he...we...I...was marrying him...I never saw Asif again." tears brim in her swirling amethyst eyes as she scoots closer to Asif.
Dakath looks over at Rhune with a sad look in his eyes. "You were not alone Rhune, I was there, I too saw a vision of your wedding to this old elf." He walked over to her and placed an arm around her shoulder "If I saw the vision too then I must be present too." He grins in an effort to cheer her up "If I am present do you honestly think I'd let you marry someone else ?"
He chuckles "The very thought...Could you imagine the fun I could have ?"
"It seemed that I didn't have any choice in the matter, Dakath. And that's what bothers me the most...and not seeing Asif again." she utters in a tiny voice.
"Dakath is right, "Forte says, almost sorry he asked Rhune about her vision. "As long as we're around, you'll be marrying who you want." He smiles at Rhune, hoping to help cheer her up.
Looking up at the big warrior. "thank you...I appreciate that." she says smiling at him.
Ratlin frowns when it begins to rain again, "Well I was pondering the decision to climb but now this rain will make to far too dangerous. Shall we continue on the ferry?"
Dakath shifts his weight in the saddle, "I believe so, we can camp at Misha's ferry and decide where to go tomorrow morning."
Ullar shrugs. "Sounds like a good plan to me. However, do we still have some supplies for meals? I'm getting rather hungry and could use another good night of sleep as well."
Asif glances in the direction of Dakath, nodding his head with agreement. "There at least Efendi may we by the grace of Aten get out of this rain. I pray that the old cottage near the wharf still stands"
With the sun settling down below the mountains, you all ride, continuing south, paralleling the cliff face. Suddenly the cliff takes a turn and begins west, allowing you to travel in that direction if you wish. Still in the open, you estimate that the ferry is only a few miles to the south, but the cliffs do not resume their march south, and you might save a bit of time by following the cliffside. For the moment indecisive, it is decided it cannot hurt to follow them west for a short time.