Off to the Tower

After a while, Amibar timidly speaks up again. "Ullar, do you think we'll see more fighting soon? Only I'm not very good at it, and I always feel like I'm getting in everyone's way."

"I'm afraid so, Amibar. This Vlack guy doesn't seem very reasonable to me, and neither does the 'boss' he serves. However, you don't have to worry about standing in our way. I think you can prove yourself worthy with your sling. If you practice some more it can turn into a deadly weapon. I've experienced what fighters can do with a sling in the Arena, and it is awesome!"

"Well, I'm no fighter Ullar. I get confused with all the running around and screaming and sword waving." The gnome thinks for a while. "I'll try and get some more practice with the sling, though. It can't hurt any."

"Please practice. I don't want to be hit by a sling bullet in the middle of a battle," Forte laughs. "And I need to practice my archery. I'd like to get better with my bow."

"Good thing, Amibar. If you watch from a distance, it's mostly much better to oversee things. Like watching a forest. If you're inside, you can't see the forest..." says Ullar, smiling about the metaphor.

"Just make sure you avoid melee combat, leave that to Forte, Asif, Kyo and me," Ullar adds, with a smile at the little fellow.

"Yes, you're quite good at it, aren't you?" Ami asks.

"It is what I've been trained in. It was mostly training with swords, spears and axes I did in the Arena, but occasionally me and two of my friends were set up against a bear. Vicious creatures when angry," says Ullar, a shudder running through his spine.

Dakath is riding ahead of the party, turns back to speak with Ullar, "Ahh, yes and I'm sure the bear had a choice in the matter, facing three armed men in an arena. What a primitive means of entertainment."

He shakes his head. "I myself have never been interested in watching grown men end their lives for money, such a waste. Amibar there is nothing wrong with avoiding conflict if you can, believe me, fight only when you have no other choice."

Ullar eyes Dakath with some annoyance. "Regarding your remark about the Arena, you are right. I was young and didn't know how it would be inside there. I received a proper training, was treated with respect and had a meal at set times. The only thing I had to do was spar with the other Gladiators and, occasionally, fight an animal. I didn't consider the fact that the animal had no choice in this matter, for, as far as I know, I didn't had a choice either. If you were to refuse a fight, you would become a coward. A coward among Gladiators, what life would that be?"

Dakath merely shrugs his shoulders.

"Before judging me Dakath, I'd prefer you take into account my point of view. However, if you were saying something about the whole thing of entertainment by killing in the Arena, you got my full support," Ullar says, with a faint smile, expressing he understands Dakath's point of view, but feels obliged to defend his.

Dakath smiles slightly, "I was not having a go at you Ullar, If there wasn't a desire to see that kind of blood sport then you would never have had that type of life. I see no pleasure in watching men kill each other for sport."

"Dakath, I don't understand this. You can avoid the conflict we're about to have with that Big Chief simply by turning your back on us and leave, for it's sure we'll end up in a conflict with him. Still you remain with us, which pleases me, but doesn't that prove that your words regarding combat are not true? Because where do you draw the line between avoiding conflict (and thereby leaving your friends in this case) or engaging in conflict?"

Dakath nods. "That is true, I can leave anytime I choose, but where would I go? I am a fugitive and hunted by the Bishop, who happens to be at the top of a very long list."

He grins. "Ullar you've failed to take into account my natural desire to get rich with the minimum of effort, if I were to travel alone I would be forced to slit a few throats, at the very least, perhaps become a bandit." He rubs his chin thoughtfully as if thinking about his last comment. "If I travel with you, however, I've got at least 4 able warriors to do the fighting, the only thing I have to do is scout, do the occasional break-in, look for traps and divide up the treasure."

He grins. "This arrangement suits me fine. I enter combat if I have no other choice, believe me I'd be more than happy to avoid it at all costs. That is why I've borrowed Rhune's bow, so I can attack from afar!!" he grins. "I can see myself becoming a very rich man this way."

"Agreed," responds Ullar. "But we'll have to discuss about this dividing stuff! If it comes to appraising of jewelry, we totally rely on you and Rhune, but money can be split up by anyone of us."

Dakath shrugs. "Don't worry my friend, I'll ensure that everyone gets a fair share of the treasure." As if re-thinking what Ullar has just said, "Are you implying something by your last statement?"

"I'm not implying anything," says Ullar, with cute bunny-eyes and a sincere smile. "I was merely bringing it up to show that we are dependant on the two of you and that we trust you with that. It's my personal opinion that I will the trust the two of you until proven different."

Dakath looks at Ullar. "I may be a thief, but have I ever done you wrong before?" He looks to the rest of the group. "Does anyone else have a problem with this?"

Forte's response is to look at anything but Dakath. The large warrior still remembers his previous social blunders when discussing Dakath's line of work.

Looking a bit guilty over her previous actions regarding Xania, Rhune speaks, "No Dakath I don't." Turning to Ullar, "If anyone has done anything wrong lately it would be me, possession not withstanding," turning away just before he can see the flash of tears brimming in her eyes.

"Dakath, I thought you took much pride in your lack of trust worthiness," Tag chuckles. "Anyway, I will make sure you cannot cheat any of us. My father taught me much of the value of things you know. Of course for a fair cut I could look the other way once or twice. He he."

"Ehm.. Dakath..." interjects Ullar. "Don't get me wrong. I'm very glad having you with us. And I trust you completely and don't doubt your judgment in this matter."

"If I said anything which contradicts that, please point it out to me, for it was surely not my intention!"

Dakath turns to Ullar. "It's just that ever since I joined the group I have endeavored to remain trustworthy with those I call my friends. That's why I was open with what I do."

Forte finally looks at Dakath. "And it is greatly appreciated, my friend," he notes, his face displaying the honesty of his sentiments.

"Glad you see it that way and that you consider me a friend, as I consider you a trustworthy friend," replies Ullar.

Dakath nods as if satisfied with both Forte’s and Ullar's comments. "Your words are a comfort to me. Let this be an end to it, I've got some scouting to do!!"

With that he moves ahead, becoming the eyes and ears of the party.

"Amibar, as you can see we all have a different approach when it comes to a conflict. I think that's based on our different backgrounds. Dakath is more proficient in the 'grey area' as I like to call it, where I'm more proficient in the man to man fights. Together we form a great team which complement the whole. You add your magicks to the team, and so we all add something. The synergy I was referring to earlier is best witnessed within our team, and I hope that in the future we will complement each other even more."

After having all this said, Ullar falls silent.

Dakath leans back toward Amibar, grinning, as he rides to the fore, "What Ullar means by 'grey area' is that I'd much prefer to remain hidden in the shadows before slitting my foe's throat than fighting him face to face."

Hearing the conversation and calling over her shoulder, "Ullar I agree with you. We all compliment one another in some ways. Dakath is a con man, I am a pick pocket. I have marginal success with traps but am getting better.... As for fighting, you and the others are better at that than I am but still I can do a fair amount of damage at times. As for magic, never really could understand it but then never really tried," Rhune replies

Having yet another light-bulb appearing above his head, after saying those words, Ullar calls out to Taglio and asks the bard to ride next to him and Amibar. He repeats what he asked Amibar and now asks Taglio the same.

"The spells which Xania helped me to understand, Ullar will make illusory sounds come from a distance away. I can show you when we stop for the night. With my musical skills, I am sure I can create a spectacular effect for a concert, but little more than a distraction in a fight I am afraid. I was thinking that if Amibar uses his scare spell and I my spell to make scary noises, then we could put on quite a show. These goblins are not the bravest creatures, if we could rout a few of our enemies this way then much may be gained. What noises do you think goblins would be most frightened of?"

"Something nastier, maybe?" Amibar queries.

"Dunno...." replies Ullar. "I'm rather curious what sounds would frighten wolves," he adds.

"How about bears?" suggests Ami.

"Good idea. Both of you encountered bears before I hope?" Ullar is asking.

"Seen plenty of bears and lions on visits to the arena. As a spectator I might add. The problem with the wolves though would be that I believe they rely more on smell than hearing, and I can't create the illusions of smells. A thunder clap might work to scare them and they wouldn't expect a smell with that one. The other thing we could try could be ghostly sounds like chains rattling, moans etc. That might scare both goblins and wolves."

Amibar responds to Ullar's question, "Well, no, not really. But I've encountered a lion! It was the night I met you. Put him to sleep." Ami shudders as he remembers that frightful night.

"Well, maybe a lion would be better, then. How did you put him to sleep by the way?"

"I cast a spell on it. Lucky for me it worked, or I'd be cat-food for sure," he answers with a shaky smile.

"Does that work on one creature/animal, or can you affect more with it?" says Ullar, interested in the powers of magick when they can come in handy.

"Well, we know I got several goblins when they charged us, but I'm sure there's a limit. And stronger creatures might stand up to the power of the spell, I'm sure I've read that somewhere...."

Ullar slaps his forehead and goes "Duh..!" for yet another stupid remark.

"Hmm. But wolves would fall asleep? They didn't do that outside!"

"And remember at least one of these wolves may be very different from the others. The goblin chief said that Vlack rides one that has a winter mouth.....that might mean it is more powerful than the others," Rhune adds in a concerned tone

"We do miss that color-thingy of Xania, don't we?" Ullar shrugs, feeling not really comfortable.

"Yes, we do." After a thoughtful pause, Forte says to Ullar with a sad smile on his face, "and some of us miss Xania, too."

"Yes we do, Forte," Rhune replies in a soft voice, tinged with guilt.

The group is riding the northern path.

Keeping alert as the party rides along, Rhune pays attention to the surrounding area, looking for anything out of the ordinary, listening for sounds and the like.

Dakath urges his horse ahead of the others (for scouting purposes) and turns to the North, the last known location of Flak.

Ullar asks Asif and Dakath if they can see any fresh tracks leading ahead.

Cutting north through the forest, the group finds there is something of a path there. Unfortunately, the ground is stony hard, and there is not the slightest hint of any tracks.

"It seems that we will have a slightly harder time than we thought trying to find tracks," Rhune utters in an exasperated tone as she tries to find something that might tell them they are on the right path.

However, the path branches into many semi-trails, some heading north, some east or west. As it's a crap shoot, the group continues on as much to the north as possible. There is not the slightest trace of anyone going any of these ways within the last week.

After about an hour, the group emerges from the petrified area into the regular forest. Once the ground becomes earthy again, they have the amazing luck of stumbling onto some traces, a particularly pungent pile of what looks like dog excrement. Tracing away from that, there are some humanoid tracks and heavy clawed footprints.

Ullar comments, to no one in particular: "Seems we're on the right way!"

Finally, Rhune breathes a sigh of relief at being out of the strange forest. "I am glad of being out of that. I just couldn't get used to there not being any sounds or the smell of trees,” she says as she looks back with a shudder. Then smiling at Ullar, "Yes it looks like that way doesn't it?"

Enthused to have an aim in mind, the group moves on. They are forced to make slow progress, as they have no skill in riding a track. The day is dry and windy, and the clear sky makes them able to not lose it, but they cannot ride at any pace.

The forest becomes less dense after nearly an hour of travel, and the ground becomes harder, leaving less of a trail, and finally, no trail at all. As the tracks were leading roughly northwest, the party continues on in that direction.

Not far ahead, there is some sort of mound of dirt among the trees. Right near that, Asif rediscovers the trail of those you followed. All around the area are much smaller footprints as well, looking much like goblin prints. There are also signs of dried blood here, as if wounded creatures passed through. There are no signs of any battle conducted here.

Heading up toward the mound, the tracks lead up to a recessed wooden door. It is brightly-painted with a green snake on it. The tracks also lead away from this door, heading north.

Pulling up her horse just before they get to the door, "Well this looks promising," she whispers to the others. "Seems we have found what might be a goblin home. I for one am willing to bypass it and continue on north to the tower. What do you all think?" Rhune utters still in a low whispers as she watches for signs of movement.

"It seems like the goblins we are following passed through here. The blood on the ground suggests they fought someone or something, but there are no signs of a struggle here..." Amibar looks at the painted door. " It would therefore be likely the fight took place in there. We should be cautious - whatever is in there might have been too strong for them...."

Asif looks over the shoulder of the gnome. "Your eyes are most keen efendi. Your kind I am unfamiliar with. Are all so observant?"

Hearing Amibar's words, Forte draws his bow and knocks an arrow. He faces in the general direction of the door, in case Dakath needs any cover.

Very slowly Rhune also draws her bow and knocks an arrow in it, all the while paying attention to the surrounding area.

Ullar removes his dagger from it's sheath. Noticing that people eye him with questions in their eyes, he comments: "Well. I don't know about you guys, but I think it's going to be a small space on the other side of this door."

Dakath motions for silence from the others as he slides from his horse's back. He moves a little way toward the door before making a full circle, checking the surrounding trees for unwanted attention, he then draws his 'magic' dagger before cautiously making his way to the wooden door (looking for traps or alarms of any kind).

Once he reaches the door he examines the snake symbol carefully before listening to see if he can hear anything beyond the door. Dakath then begins checking for a handle, if he can find one, then checking the door for traps before trying the handle.

He is reasonably sure that there are no traps here. It's a very crude door, though it is locked. As it is locked he tries to pick it.

Unable to work on the fairly crude mechanism, Dakath swears quietly in frustration, realizing that his skills in this area have grown too soft. Rhune moves up to assist, but her lesser skills are no better at opening the door.

Dakath turns to Rhune and grins "Now that's highly embarrassing, sometimes simplicity is best."

Blushing crimson, "I never really was very good with locks, but this is very embarrassing," Rhune agrees.

Rhune falls silent as Dakath investigates the door. While he is doing this, she watches and listens at the surrounding area...looking for anything or listing for anything that might be approaching.

Forte watches Dakath's work, amazed that anyone can move so silently. Unable to work with machinery himself, he finds lock-picking skills truly fascinating. He wonders why anyone bothers with locks anymore, since some brilliant thief will just come along and pick it anyway.

He nudges his horse closer to Taglio and asks in a whisper, "Is that the same mark of the goblin leader we talked with back there?" gesturing with his hand toward the south. "I can't remember what his design looked like."

Taglio too watches Dakath at work. "Hmm goblin workmanship should be a piece of cake for a master like you Dakath."

Dakath chuckles. "You'd think not, yet here we are still standing outside the door. Forte or Ullar you can always kick the door down." He turns round to face the trail north. "Or we can stop our curiosity getting the better of us and carry on?"

Smiling at the young man, "I think we should go on. After all the only thing we could do now is knock." Rhune replies

Dakath grins. "I once knew a thug of a man who would insist on breaking the door with a crowbar. Too bad he's not here now eh? Torn apart by guard dogs by all accounts," he shrugs.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 7 December 2000

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