Packing Up

Pietro looks around the small group of people again, "Is it just me, or are by far of the most wounded not human? No offense, but since the Vyalia were hit worst, I think that our attackers are locals, with a grudge to elven people." He shakes his head a bit. "Why are humans and elven on bad terms a lot of the time?

"I don't know.." replies Ullar, ".. but I was surprised about the marching order they wanted us to take as well. Who holds a grunge against Gnomes anyway? And against elves?"

Ratlin looks over at Pietro, "Probably because humans need something to feel better than. I would not be the least surprised that if there weren't any elves, dwarves, or gnomes to hate, we would hate others for the color of their skin." He shrugs and continues with what he is doing.

Pietro adds, "Some of my best friends are human."

"And one of my best friends is elven, "Forte adds, looking at Rhune.

Rhune blushes as Forte looks over at her, "Thank you, my friend." then looking over at Asif, "and my fiancé is human." she replies with an obvious look of love in her eyes.

Upon hearing this, Ratlin seems to wilt just a little bit but soon covers it up, he looks around the motley group and smiles a bit, "Before we go anywhere, we need to find Arkady before he gets himself into any more trouble."

"I suggest you better find him soon, for that elf doesn't have that much longer" replies Ullar.

As Pietro was speaking, Tolik had limped over from Zifnab and reached the growing congregation. "Anyone seen Arkady? Giovani was looking for him, " the elf says quietly. "As for humans, I cannot say that I have had the same luck. Most the human I have ever met have tried to kill me. Though these went about it in a more civil manner than most. The fact that they asked for the elves and gnomes first showed that they were going to target us first."

Dakath looked over and joined their conversation "Well I've not tried to kill you yet Tolik." he grinned "and I'm about as human as they come."

Tolik who was standing with his back to Dakath, hears the man's words. "Yet?" he says, wheeling around. Then he sees Dakath's smile and sighs. "Oh, yes..." he adds quietly.

Dakath chuckles, shaking his head slightly "If I wanted to kill you, you'd not of woken up from your slumber. Tolik, I judge every man or elf, on their actions not on their heritage."

"I think they did that because of our inherent abilities. They may perceive us as being more dangerous because of it. but that is just my opinion." Rhune replies to the elf.

Asif busy with the saddling of his horse overhears the last moments of this conversation.

"Pardon my interruption efendi, but beyond the ocean in the land of my people elven kind does not exist. The Desert would be unkind to those of such fair completion as you. Strange however is this land I feel where man and elf dwell together, but not in harmony. Clan, religion and nationality is the cause of conflict in my land, not race. ...For as sons of Aten see it, all who receive the blessing of Aten in the rising of the sun each day are worthy of respect if they treat others with honor. All must find there own path to enlightenment. My journey of 18 years has revealed many things to one whose life will be much shorter than that of elfkind. Elfkind are very new to me. Indeed these who I ride with me now are all that I have had the pleasure to know. Praise be to Aten, and the gods of your people that this has come to pass. For one I have come to know so well that she has claimed my heart."

Asif bows his hand over his heart, his eyes then turning to look upon Rhune his beloved.

Blushing lightly and with her amethyst eyes sparkling Rhune returns the bow and the gesture. Just from looking at her eyes one can see that she is hopelessly in love with the dark skin Arab. "If I can help it you will be around for quite a while, Love." She responds

Asif eyes are a mirror to the same set of feelings in his heart. Smiling he replies: "All lies in the hands of the gods my love. Despite all the obstacles Aten has put before me. I can still find cause for celebration. If my past had not been as it was, and my exile had not happens I would not have met you. My life indeed would be less for it"

Tolik pauses for a moment, as if this is a difficult subject for him. However, those who had traveled with him notice he speaks with less secrecy now than before the attack "Now, what's the plan? To the lake? I'm sure they have healers there, get us taken care of. Plebius, "he speaks the name with a slight air of distaste, "has some skill in healing and medicine, I believe between the two of us we can get there with everyone intact."

"Yes I think we are going to take them all to the lake. It is not that far from here and we should be able to reach it soon." Rhune replies as she puts out the last of the fires...then turns to look at him and his wings, "I have never seen wings like that before they are very pretty." she says with a smile as she brushes soot from her face and slip over to Asif in the process.

Tolik answers, "Thank you madam, others have said such before, but most of those wanted my wings for themselves." He unconsciously reaches up to make sure his cloak is securely fastened.

"Well they won't get yours, not while we travel together." she says smiling at him.

The effort Rhees put into standing makes it clear that his injuries are effecting him more than he lets on, "Tolik is right, while some humans were hurt, "he pauses to look at his own perforated gut, "the elves were especially targeted. I seem to recall, Ullar, in your telling of the events that started all this that elves were receiving special attention even then from the Bishop. I don't know if our 'guest' knows anything about this, but his exact orders may, in themselves, be interesting. If I am successful, he will also be much more cooperative. The process will go much more smoothly if I am not interrupted, so before I start, does anyone have a particular question they wish me to ask, or information they would like to see get back to the Bishop - a completely false direction for our travel, for example."

"The innocence to my crime would be great but probably would not be believable." Ratlin replies with a snort.

"I think that perhaps something should be asked about the bishops enchantments over us. While I doubt he knows anything about it, he might. Also, I think that asking how they found us might be worthwhile. Was it a conventional means, or..." Tolik's voice trails off. "Now, "he looks closely at Rhees, "we're gonna get you on one of those horses. Your in no shape to be up and about." He takes on the tone of a doctor ordering a patient, and it is clear that it would be a bad idea to argue.

"I'm afraid I have to agree. Cuchulain may have stuck his guts back into his belly and bound them with his belt to continue fighting, but, alas, I am no hero. But, I might have been foolish enough to forget that fact. Thank you." Pointing to Tolik's game leg Rhees continues with a weak grin, "And take your own advice!"

"I'll be fine, "replies Tolik. "I have people to tend to, can't be let a little limp stop me. It won't stop me." He seems to be trying to convince himself as much as everyone else. He then turns to count the number of horses, then the number of people seriously injured. "I think we have enough horses, even if one is taken to town. We might have to double up on some though. Now who's going to load all these people up, because I sure as heck can't."

"I will help" Rhune says as she goes about helping people mount their horses.

"Uh, Ullar, can you help me mount my horse?" asks Forte, turning to his large friend. He glances down at his right arm. "I really need to get this thing working again."

Ullar nods, lending his arms to Forte.

Forte looks over at the extinguished fire. "So, should we rebuild the fire and rest? Or just leave and head for the lake right now?"

"I think we need to head for the lake as quickly as possible." Rhune replies as she crosses over from where the fire has finally been put out.

Tolik is heavily favoring his right leg, but as is usually, he is concealed by his cloak; no one can tell the severity of the wound. "Between those we hurt among ourselves, "he glances to Celeste, "and those shot in this attack, "looking at Zifnab and the new elves, "we have many grave injuries. Delay will only aggravate them."

"I agree with Asif that we need to get to the Lake as fast as possible, although I think it is a full day ride. Since the newcomers don't have horses I guess we'll have to share some. Zephyr, my warhorse can hold me and some light person, so any volunteers?" Ullar offers up.

"To the lake then. I cannot wait to feel its cool touch my friends. Those waters are like falling into the arms of a lover sated, so I will swear. We should make as good time as we may, there may be other threats stalking us, si? Could we use some of these captured horses to help get the wounded to safety more quickly?"

"It is just too bad that not all of us managed to survive. I agree with Rhune and the elder that we need to get moving to the lake as soon as possible, so let's get going!" Ullar responds.

Walking past him, Ullar gives Rhees a thankful glance. Walking over to Forte he checks how his friend is doing. He does the same for Amibar, Asif, Rhune and finally walks over to Dakath. With a friendly slap on the back he thanks his companion.

"That was a pretty good move, cutting lose those straps. Somehow you always manage to surprise me" Ullar says, with a wide grin.

"Forte, can you help me wear my breastplate? I still can't do it all by myself" he says, with a faint smile.

"Sure, "says Forte, helping his friend with the armor. "You know, we need to perform some, uh, what's the word, uh, maintenance on this armor. We don't want it falling apart like our last armor did."

"Mio amico, would you fix these torn links in my fathers chain mail also, if you have the time, when we get to the lake. I fear there will be much more fighting yet to come." Taglio speaks.

Forte looks over the maille, while Tag is still wearing it. "I can fix this - with the right tools and supplies. We'll need a forge and a few other things..." his voice trails off, as he wonders if he will again have access to the ancient forge at the lake. "We'll also have to see how much time we have." He gestures to his torn clothes. "My first priority is to get some armor myself; I'm pretty much just dead weight to the group without it. And if I buy it used, it may also need repair work, "the massive warrior sighs. Smiling at Tag, Forte finishes, "But repair work on your mail should not take too long."

"Thank you Forte. Of course anything you can do will be appreciated."

Ullar gulps, noting the look of disapproval Forte is giving him due to the way he is treating the breastplate. "I'm sorry Forte, it just seems that this piece of armor tends to attract slashes. But I agree, the dents in it should be removed asap."

"I didn't mean to reprimand you, "Forte says suddenly - and uncharacteristically anxious. "I just don't want us to lose armor if we can prevent it. Cheaper than buying new stuff." Forte smiles at Ullar. "Besides, those slashes show us the armor is doing its job. Now we just need to do ours and repair it soon."

Dakath grins at Ullar and gives him a flourishing low bow "Oh Lord Ullar I live to serve."

Rhune chuckles at Dakath's words.

He walks with Ullar as he is helped into his armor "It's not my fault you're all heavy sleepers, anyhow, I figured that if you were captured, you'd make slower progress if your captives didn't have mounts, give me a little more time to figure out a plan to save your Lordly padded ass." he chuckled "now I, I mean we have eight perfectly good horses to sell." Dakath indicates their captive "We know he was sent by the Bishop, it's hardly a big secret that we're wanted." Dakath leans closer "between you and me once we get to the lake Dakath is going to die, I want to setup a small cairn of stones and I'm going to leave my bone jewelry. Dakath has been a good companion but it's time to move on. I believe Rory Tannerworth a young foppish noble is eager to join the group, but that is just a rumor."

Rhune rolls her eyes at Dakath as she finishes putting out the fire..."will be interesting to meet this rumor of yours" she utters.

Dakath winks once before searching the rest of the bodies, hoping he can find a short bow of his own.

Forte laughs, remembering Jacobus and how he disappeared one day...

Ullar looks at Dakath and can do nothing but smile. "Of course, of course. I can see that my former friend Dakath fought a glorious fight with our attackers and died in the attempt to save the rest of the group. We will remember him as a most honorable man... and I think that this young foppish noble is going to be one of my closest friends..." Ullar adds, casually.

Dakath smiles before nodding "Well I'm sure you'll get on well enough."

Speaking to everyone present, Ullar raises his voice: "Although those elves.." he says, pointing to the young elf which died and the wounded other, ".. do not believe me, we actually have been to the lake you search before. It is a full day ride, but if we depart now we can be there before it starts getting dark again. With this eight new horses Dakath manage to get his hands on I think that most of us can be transported without getting their wounds open once again."

"Let's hope so, "mutter Forte, smiling sarcastically at Ullar.

After that said, Ullar looks around to see if anyone has a question regarding this last statement.

"If all are able to travel then we should make haste." Gesturing to the dying elf, "He is not long for this life. While he may no longer be needed to guide us to the lake, there is more I wish to learn from him."

Daegwyn quickly sizes up the new supply of horses and chooses one which he feels could carry himself and the elf without too much trouble. He then places then unconscious elf across the horse and climbs on himself. He waits for the others to prepare to leave, his decision to head to the lake already made.

Following Daegwyn's example, Antonia lets out an ear piercing whistle. Grey comes galloping out of the distance to charge her and come to a halt just before knocking into her. She throws a modified saddle pack over his back and launches on top of it. She uses no reigns and no saddle, depending on the mutual respect between her and her mount to stay on. This is the first any have seen her ride, as always before she has walked with the others with Grey and Shadow walking with her. Shadow frolics around the two of them for a while knowing that it is time to move again and fairly ancy to do so. Grey moves close to Daegwyn's mount and Antonia nods at the rider now beside her. She then turns and waits for everyone else to mount up, leaving the unconscious man to be taken care of by his companions. Her eyes briefly meet those of Tolik's and she nods at him. She suspected before and it was good to know her instincts were right. She smiles to herself, knowing that she has more in common with the group she travels with than any may ever know.

Daegwyn watches Antonia's actions, enjoying seeing such harmony among woman and animal. "If only more could see the benefits of such harmony, "he thinks to himself. He smiles and returns Antonia's nod as she draws up along his side.

Pietro slowly stands up, as everybody is starting to pack and getting ready for the ride to the lake. He limps towards Tolik. "It is an honor to meet one of the 'winged ones'. I have heard a lot of stories about your people, but never had the opportunity to meet one of you in person. I know it is strange, but most humans are not bad, they just fear changes and the unknown. Elves are 'different' than them, so it is easy to blame them for a lot of things." Suddenly Pietro laughs quite freely with real pleasure. "Talking about that, I know some elves who are just like that as well."

"As do I." replies Tolik, but he does not laugh. "So you know of my people? You are among a very few, the number of which seems to be rapidly growing, for better or worse."

While saying nothing, the conversation between Pietro and Tolik has Ullar his full attention. Curious as ever, he tries to pick up as much as possible about Tolik's background.

When Rhune and Forte express their opinions about the known hatred between humans and elves by talking about their friendship, Ullar says nothing but barely smiles at them, nodding in agreement.

"I don't know if you noticed, but there is something about Arkady that is not quite natural. I commanded him to fall down, but he didn't. Seeing the way he reacted and talked, I think he is somehow fighting an inner battle with some inner demon that does not belong there. I will talk to him, maybe somebody is able to help." Pietro continues.

Hearing Pietro's words, "that could be...for a while there I was possessed as well...made me do and say things that I would never have said and done...this may be the case with him as well." Rhune utters obviously in discomfort with the memories.

Pietro looks at Forte. "Well, I guess this group of people is somehow different from a lot of other people because people are getting along pretty well, being elf or human does not matter too much for most people. Pretty good for people who hardly know each other."

"True, we haven't known each other long, but fighting alongside others in battle tends to bond a group together quickly, "notes Forte. "I guess it never occurred to me *what* everyone was - we were all just helping each other survive."

"Yes, sometimes it is mere survival, but I am sensing something else as well in this group of people, although I cannot put a finger on what though. Who is this Stephen you are tracking? Pietro takes one of the horses, and gets up a bit awkwardly because of his hurt leg. Surprisingly though, he is up on his horse pretty fast.

Arkady wails from the distance "Wait for me"

Hearing the voice, "Hey isn't that your friend?" Rhune replies.

Caboto's ears perk with relief. "Over here, Arkady" he cried, brandishing his makeshift torch. "The coast is clear, as they say."

When Arkady hears Caboto's voice he sighs in relief and jogs forward as best as he can. He bursts out of the trees, dirty, possibly blood-soaked and carrying a strange sword.

"Sorry, I got lost in the woods." He keeps his eyes down and sets to packing his gear, carefully examining his own sword and then regarding it. He drinks an entire waterskin in a gulp and then stretches out until the others are ready to leave.

He mounts and while riding jots notes on the landscape into his notebook. But his notes are interspersed with "Never Again" and "Must fight the Beast within" type notes to him self.

Tag spits at the prisoner and hobbles off in disgust. He packs his things and saddles Beatrice for the journey to the lake.

With sixteen horses and twenty people, it is not terribly difficult to get everyone aboard, several two to a horse. With the injured and those riding double, you must travel cautiously and fairly slowly, but it is still faster and much easier than walking.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 December 2000

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