The Prisoner

Back at the campsite, the remaining two archers engage Asif and Manus with similar results. Asif flashes his scimitars, swinging doubly on the same side and chopping into his neck and chest, killing him quickly, while Manus smashes messily into his opponent's head, dropping him in a gory pile.

Asif looks over to the bloody work of the man who answers to the name of Manus. Respectively he comments:

"A crude but effective piece of work efendi. I certainly find it a much greater blessing to fight by your side, than to ward of your steel from my throat. May Aten forgive me, (Asif looks to the long departed sun, and puts his left hand to his heart) but I feel I may have misjudged you and your companions."

Asif offers his hand in friendship to Manus, his cold attitude to Manus and his friends melting for the first time since they arrived."

Manus wipes the splattered blood off his hand onto his breeches before taken the proffered hand of Asif. He cocks his head to one side and says with a questioning tone..."Efendi?...I am having a hard enough time wrapping my head around this foreign language without more languages to confuse me." A smile spreads across his face as he finishes speaking.

Asif nods and smiles warmly.

"In that efendi we share the same path of fate. I too find it difficult to speak the language of this foreign land of the merchants. Far across the sea do I come. Blessed am I by Aten to travel with such good friends who teach me well the language of their birth. Much practice have I had since my arrival, so now I understand and speak much more than I did. From what land do you come Efendi, if this not be your home?"

"I come from the furthest reaches of Europe...from Tyrconnell on the Isle of Eire(Ireland)." He looks up at the sky and continues..."This land is green enough but it does not rain nearly as much as I am used to."

"Such a place is unknown to me I fear. But this phenomena called rain is something I am finding hard to get used too. Never have I experienced such an abundance of water. Water itself has value like gold in my land. He who owns the Oasis or dominates access to the River Nile and the fertile soil it brings is a most wealthy man. One wonders why a man does not drown in this country. My heart mourns for the cooling wind and the pleasant warmth of the desert sun at dusk."

Looking about, the group has survived. Arkady, Dakath, and the speaker have not returned, but you hear no combat from that direction. Ullar is in quite bad shape, but as usual, he has managed to survive. Zifnab is also alive, though badly injured, as is Rhees. Almost all of the others have been injured, but none severely.

However, there were casualties. Along with the several trees that have fallen victim to Ratlin's fire, and the dozens more that seem about to follow, both of the Vyalia elves have terrific injuries. Approaching them, the younger is clearly beyond help, quite dead. The elder is alive, but only just. He gasps, "The waters...they can heal us..." He then lapses into unconsciousness.

Moving back to the camp Asif sees the injuries of those who have fallen and shakes his head with some sadness. He bends down beside the Elvish elder and in his limited elvish says: "Relax holy man, fear not. Your journey is not yet ended upon this earth"

Realizing that the elf has fainted with the pain of his injuries Asif stands up and commands with grim purpose in his voice: "Come haste must we make to get to the lake. I wish not the death of another who has helped us."

Plebius immediately treats the elf. However, his meager talents can do little to heal the severely injured elf. There is no change in his condition. He then turns his attention to others who need his healing touch.

Breathing hard and with bloodied sword in hand, "We need to get them to the water as quickly as possible...Can we afford to separate at the moment? They will need help in getting there...How many can help?" Rhune asks as she looks around to see who is wounded and who isn't

"Who ISN'T wounded?" asks Forte. "We should probably all go to the lake, and then split up. One more ambush, and a smaller group tracking Stephen will be wiped out."

"Yes that is true..." Rhune calls as she attempts to put out the remnants of the fire.

Forte helps Rhune (and the others) put out the forest fire, as best he can with his one good arm.

Dakath pipes up "Well I'm not wounded."

"Neither am I, but all of us going to the lake is a good idea." Ratlin adds.

Forte looks at Dakath, smiling, "Well, I'm glad at least one of us is up to full health."

"I'm not hurt, Rhune, "says Ami, "except this sore spot on my back. But I won't be much help carrying them... Maybe some of their things?"

"That will be alright just rest...we will see what can be done about it." Rhune replies with a smile.

Tolik struggles to regain his focus, and quickly does so. He rises carefully up and finds it uncomfortable to put weight on his leg. "Bloody hell, "cries the elf. "That's downright unpleasant."

Ratlin looks at the effects of his spell, winces and shakes his head. Seeing that the others have been taken care of, or soon will be, he grabs for water skins and blankets and tries to start putting the fire out. He pours some of the water upon the blankets and begins beating the life out of the flames.

Antonia also notices that the most critical of the group is cared for and turns to the next immediate threat. She motions to Shadow to guard the man they warmed, and then moves to Ratlin's side to help keep the flames under control.

Ratlin smiles at Rhune and Antonia as they come to help him, the others notice that it is the first time he has smiled since they met him.

Antonia accepts his smile and nods her head in response returning immediately to the task at hand.

Rhune smiles back as she tries to put the fire out.

Seeing he can not move effectively with only one good leg, Tolik reaches up to the pin holding his cloak together. The pin comes loose and the cloak falls to the ground. Revealed beneath are a pair of large silver wings. The elf is wearing green clothes under his cloak, and these seem made to accommodate his wings. Tolik hops one legged into the air and flies over the scene, looking around for those injured but staying far from the fire. He spots Zifnab and lands with some difficulty beside him. He begins to work on the gnome's injuries, doing what he can to help stop the bleeding and bandage the wound.

Heart thumping, and crawling to help Tolik, who's magic bolt finished their shared archer-foe, Giovani Caboto was once again rendered speechless. Watching the elf take flight, it seemed the shrouded Tolik had unfettered himself and transformed into an angelic being. He stopped from reflexively crossing himself. A detached and analytical part of his mind, in a barely convincing voice, decided that Tolik was a winged elf, not an emissary of God.

Forte turns to those standing near him by the now-extinguished fire and asks, "Did anyone else just see a huge bird over near the forest?" He cranes his neck to try and get a better glance.

Rhune looks up eyes wide with surprise, "Ah Forte, don't think it was a bird. think it is Tolik." she utters in amazement.

"What is he - some kind of were-bird?" asks Forte, not really expecting an answer from Rhune.

Forte's remark results in a wide grin on Ullar's face, quickly folding his face in a 'more normal' look however, as he doesn't want to insult Tolik.

When returning to tend to the wounded, Daegwyn sees the winged elf land next to the gnome. He pauses momentarily until he recognizes it as Tolik. He proceeds to the elves which have been acting as their guides. Seeing that it is too late to tend to the younger, he does what he can for the older of the brothers.

Running in the dark towards Tolik's dark shadow and vague glinting of his silver wings on starlight, Caboto saw that Tolik was skillfully tending to wounded Zifnab.

"Tout sera bien, musicien. Ne craignez pas!" he said in gnomish to reassure Zifnab. With a shuddering glance at Tolik, Caboto move on, with intent to help Rhees by the extinguished fire. "I cannot imagine what sort of troubles the Church would cause the likes of you" was all Giovani could manage to say as he move away. (translation: Caboto said "Everything will be ok, musician. Don't worry!" to Zifnab.)

Tolik sees Cabot approach and reaches to put his cloak back on. But he realizes he left it behind in the trees, he is now exposed. He shakes his head disturbedly, then continues work. Looking up again, he sees Cabot's shudder. "For this we left the human world, "the elf mutters quietly. He hears the human speak, and answers, "We wished only to be left to our own, they did not allow this." Realizing the he is exposed, Tolik hurriedly finishes what he can for the gnome, hurries after his cloak, then returns, carrying it until he lands.

"I guess it's gone now...or I'm just seeing thing, "Forte shakes his head, questioning his own sanity for a brief moment.

Finding Rees, Caboto did what he could for the learned Irishman.

Rhees nods his thanks at Giovani's help, "By the gods but that hurts. I've been present at the Battle Crow's celebrations before, but I've never been quite so intimately involved. How . . ." Rhees winces as he attempts to sit up, "how are the others?"

Caboto's battle dressing, once seen to by Plebius, enables Rhees to move about better, but he is still in miserable condition. He moves to assist Ullar in whatever manner he may. However, the big fellow's injuries are more severe, and more numerous, than anything Rhees has ever seen, or even heard of. In truth, he should not be alive, much less walking and talking.

Reluctantly the warrior lets the Druid proceed. Seeing that objecting to the aid Rhees is providing him would be a really wasted effort, Ullar relaxes and looks around.

After the spell, the warrior stands up, thanking Rhees by shaking his hand. "Lord Ullar, what a name. I think we all owe Taglio a lot since it was his smart thinking, and his magickal abilities, which saved us from being kept." Looking around, Ullar frowns.

While with Rhees, Cabot wondered if Tolik's people once lived in the scattered highlands from Egypt and Nubia to the Dead Sea to the headwaters of the Tigress and Euphrates. He wondered if any lived near Jerusalem some 1500 odd years ago. Helping Rees, he was glad to do something with his quivering hands. He wondered whom they fled and when; the Phoenicians, the Macedonians, the Persians, the Anatolians, the Hebrews, the Romans, the Celts, the Bedouins, the Byzantines, the Ottomans?

Giovani, realizing Rhees is doing better than he feared, follows the Irishman to the big warrior's side, and helps as he can. "What happened to Arkady?" he asks. "Last I heard, he was running into the woods like a very mad or very brave man."

Rhees pauses before answering, as the adrenaline wears off he finds his wounds bothering him more and more, "I'm not sure, nor do I think I can do much about it. As far as Arkady's state of mind, I'd venture that Manus would agree that, in battle madness and courage can be very closely related. Let us hope he returns soon - sound in all aspects. In the mean time, I thank you for you help but, "as he speaks Rhees gestures to where Tolik appears to be wishing no one had seen his wings "I think some of our companions could use more help than I - he needs to know he is still welcome among us, despite the little secret he's been keeping."

"Yes he does " said Caboto to Rhees.

Coming closer to Zifnab and Tolik, who seems to have mostly re-pinned his wing-hiding cloak, Caboto asks, "Ahhh, how's the leg? I'm not much of a bandager but that arrow wound of yours looks nasty. I'll do what I can, and perhaps Plebius could cast a healing spell on you afterwards." Caboto hesitates, awaiting Tolik's response. He recalls that Tolik was always a bit stand-offish, though he was warming to the group earlier, by the fire. Things are a bit strained now, though, to be sure.

"I take it your hidden wings are not wounded" he added, awkwardly.

Tolik starts to object, but realizes that if he doesn't let someone look at his leg, it will only get worse. Plus if he cannot walk, he must fly; this is something he rather not have to rely on. Not to mention this human already knows, although he is rather obsessed with it. "Go ahead, it needs to be looked at. Though the others probably need more tending."

The elf adjusts his clothing so Cabot can do what he needs to done. When this is finished, the checks once more on Zifnab, then sits down by the gnome pondering his ill-fortune.

Cabot proves ill-suited to treat the elf, as he keeps getting distracted by the feathery accoutrements, and after some fumbling, Tolik shoos him away.

"You seem almost as uncomfortable as I do, "Giovani Caboto grinned, finishing with the bindings. "Your secret is safe with me, rest assured. And I honor your selflessness in revealing it when you flew here to Zifnab's aid." Not wanting to add to the elf's gloomy mood, Caboto withdraws. "I want to find Arkady" he said. Making a makeshift torch from a log of the old fire, he sets off.

Pietro sits on the ground, obviously in a lot of pain from the two arrows that hit him. Though he obviously does not want to show his pain to the rest of the group. He looks up as Plebius is walking around bandaging the wounded. "Plebius, can you help me? I seem to have a bit of trouble here." Plebius looks at the wounds and looks at Pietro for a moment. "Hold on, this is going to hurt." As Plebius removes the arrows from Pietro's, you can see him in a lot of pain. Plebius cleans the wounds and puts bandages around the two wounds. "You will live, but take it easy on the wounds." Pietro is slowly recovering again and he manages to say, "Thank you for the help Plebius."

Manus looks at Tolik in amazement while wiping the gore from his sparth on the tall grass. Shaking his head in disbelief he makes his way to his mail shirt and shrugs it on over his massive shoulders donning his iron cap as well.

Squinting his eyes in the eerie glow of the fire he looks for Arkady and any of the others who have not returned. He walks in the direction of the sounds that seemed like troop movements but can see nothing and mutters to himself..."An illusion?" He then walks over to the two fallen elves..."We've lost one of our guides to the archers and the other one does not look too far from joining him. Little good they were in the fight but the one barely breathing is our only link to finding the lake...he mentioned the lake just before he passed out." He says this loudly hoping that someone with healing ability can come look at the dying elves.

While waiting to see if anyone is going to try and help the elves Manus goes and checks the two archers that he splattered for valuables including weapons and whatever else can be salvaged.

Once Dakath has rounded up the eight horses he escorts them back to the campsite. He is clearly glad to see his companions still alive. "I bet these horses will fetch a good price." he says nonchalantly. "Although each one of them will need a new saddle, someone cut the saddle straps." He grins at his friends before looking over at the Speaker "The consequence of such an irresponsible action is a very brief ride as our friend here found out to his cost."

Finally noticing the injured "But that tale can wait until we heal the injured eh?"

Still conscious, Ullar sits up, resting against a tree. "We... got to heal our healers first. If they are on their feet again, they can heal the ones amongst us who are hurt so badly that they are no longer conscious."

A faint smile appears on the face of the huge warrior as he sees Dakath presenting the horses. "Nice work, my friend. Nice work!"

"Don't forget to search our attackers, they might have some clues as to who has send them after us..." the warrior continues, ".. although I have little doubt about that." he adds, quite discontent judging the expression on his face.

Tag searches any bodies he comes across and make sure that any others are dealt with in the same fashion by someone.

Several of the party ranges out into the forest to search the bodies of the archers. All told, they are seven in number, which added to the one that Dakath and Arkady captured equates to the eight horses that Dakath brought back to camp. No one apparently escaped. Some of the original group is disturbed that the archers appear rather familiar. All are shaven headed, never spoke, and upon close examination are revealed to have manacle, whip, and various other torture scars. The leader is nothing like this, but other than size difference, the seven all appear strikingly similar to each other as well. They carry nothing in the way of valuables, though each has a short sword, short bow, and quiver of arrows. Each wears somewhat ragged leather armor.

Arkady stands silently shaking while Dakath leads the prisoner and horses away. Looking down at the new long sword appraisingly, Arkady then grabs his maine gauche from the soil and resheathes it. The voice rattles and bangs inside his head. "You fail again!!! Worthless Beast. Feed Me!! Only in Blood can I give you strength."

Arkady strides away into the forest, blood and death his only thoughts. He begins to run and hack at things with the leader's long sword. Any animal he comes across is rent and torn limb from limb, Arkady guzzling the blood and babbling in Russian as he tries desperately to break free of the voice. Finally exhausted and sated he collapses in a bush. After a brief nightmare filled rest, Arkady arises and heads back towards the smell of burning wood and human occupation.

Rhune makes sure that all the weapons are removed and brought with the group so that they can be parceled out later.

Dakath nods his agreement before drawing his dagger and moving over to the Speaker, he begins searching his person for anything interesting. Whilst he's rifling through the man's pockets he says "What's your name ? How did you find us ? and what did you want with us ?" He pauses a moment, before sighing

Dakath holds his hand up "I know I know your not going to tell us anything, but that's alright I've no intention of promising your freedom or even your life, fair is fair I fully intend to gut you like a fish once I've taken your clothes for myself." He smiles "Take them off."

The man takes his clothes off silently along with his chain mail and weapons, laying them on the floor. He stands patiently, apparently awaiting the promised gutting. He appears to be rather calm about the whole thing.

Seeing no one left to fight, Tag climbs slowly to his feet with his stick and hobbles over to help with the wounded. Seeing the healers at work and surveying the carnage he then travels to where Ullar and Asif's 'prisoner' is being kept. "We should find out all about this man I think."

"Did the Bishop send you captain? You can see we are a desperate bunch, it will go much worse for you if you do not tell us, for we have no time to carry prisoners." He draws his dagger as if to emphasize an unspoken threat.

"What ever the Bishop told you, we are mostly good Catolik folk, abused and tortured by his holiness. I have no doubt the Bishop will go to the torments of hell for his sins soon enough. Or are you too deceived by his 'wisdom'?" Tag spits to leave no doubt of the sarcasm and venom in his words.

Though he does not respond, Taglio and Dakath cannot help but see a moment of confusion cross his eyes at the mention of the Bishop. You think for a moment that it might be the threat of harm, but no, that wasn't it. He seems to have no idea what Taglio is talking about.

Seeing that Taglio's and Dakath's threats are failing to bring about any answers, Rhees decides to speak up, "Dakath, before you give up on our guest, do you think he has information well worth knowing? I may be able to get more information from him than your reading of his entrails would provide." Waiting for an answer Rhees holds our his hand, hoping someone will help him get to where the prisoner is being kept.

Dakath looks at the prisoner "Well Rhees, he is obviously sent from the Bishop, that much is no secret. It was just my natural curiosity regarding how eager the Bishop is to get his hands on us. Feel free to try since my abilities to read a man's entrails are hardly perfect."

Rhees nods at Dakath's reply, "It's just that this . . .technique . . .I plan on using requires quite a bit of energy - energy that might serve better at another time. If you think he has information beyond who he works for that would be useful then I will proceed, otherwise it may be more efficient to read his entrails. If I do question him, I may also be able to ask him to do us a favor - like report back with false information. I haven't been dealing with the Bishop's men to the degree you have, I leave the decision in your hands."

Dakath looks at their prisoner "To be honest Rhees I wouldn't waste your time or effort on him."

Rhees nods in agreement, "Yes, I suspected that might be the case but felt I didn't have all the information. Perhaps if we are ever given the luxury of time and our guest is still with us I will reconsider."

The man seems at ease with Rhees talking about magical techniques and reading entrails. Not at all the same as the fellow who ran panicked into the forest at the sound of Lord Ullar's troops and the sight of murderous Arkady.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 December 2000

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