Wedding Announcement

Stepping from behind Ullar, where he was standing, made uncomfortable by all the new people, Amibar raises his hand. " Bring those here, ummm, Rhees, I'll see what I can do with them." He takes the provisions and sets to preparing dinner.

Approaching the red-haired warrior, Rhees shakes his head to the stump of an arrow that is protruding from the mailed chest, "At least it wasn't barbed. If someone here is skilled at removing arrows, I can take care of the wound afterwards - if I pull it out it might not be pretty."

Manus motions to Rhees to aid him as he painfully shrugs his mail shirt over his shoulders doing his best to let the broken shaft of the arrow slip through the torn links the arrow head made. Drawing open his shirt he pulls his dirk out from it's sheath and begins cutting at the flesh on either side of the arrowhead imbedded in his chest..."I can get it out if you can heal the wound."

"Aye, that I can do - though to what degree will depend in part on how serious the wound is and whether we have the good will of Mother Earth at this time. Though I have to admit, Manus, that I didn't realize your brain was so large as to extend into your chest - I hope my help will restore your cognitive abilities." Rhees smiles at the feeble joke, hoping it any developing tensions at bay.

Looking a bit sheepish, "I am sorry about that, but I didn't know you were not going to attack us." Rhune says scuffing her foot on the ground.

Rhees' healing abilities prove strong, as after treatment and a spell, Manus' injury disappears as if it had never been, even after the gory cutting he performed on his own flesh.

The elf with the staff starts to walk towards Ullar. "Good, enough of this useless fighting." He walks straight at the big guy. "You desperately are in need of some help, sit down and I will treat you", Pietro is commanding with a voice that does not leave much choice. "Where are all your wounds?" He cleans out every wound very well with some water. "My name is Pietro Paolo, but Pietro will do nicely. Does anybody have some herbs that I can put on his wounds?", he says no nobody in particular.

Plebius takes a few herbs from his pouch to continue working on Taglio and closes the bag again. Throwing the bag to Pietro, he replies, "You may use some of these."

Ratlin walks up, "I may have a few that are of some use." He pulls out a drawstring pouch and begins pulling little leather wrapped packages out of it and laying them on the ground. He opens each packet so Pietro can see the herbs.

After he has finished the cleaning of the wounds, he looks to the warrior. "You have to trust me for a second, lie down and close your eyes, that way I can assess your physical situation a lot better." Pietro closes his eyes and starts to move his hands a little above the body of the warrior. You can see his lips moving, but no sound is emitted. After a moment, Pietro opens his eyes again. "You will live, although you will need to rest a lot as soon as possible."

Ullar lays down and closes his eyes. Somehow the tone in the voice of this Pietro guy assures him that nothing bad can happen to him during this action and the warrior tries to be as relaxed as possible.

Pietro's healing proves strong, though it only makes a dent in the large warrior's harsh injuries, which seem to cover most of his body. To Ullar, though, it is a godsend, as he now knows he is capable of engaging in combat again without fear of the wind pushing him over.

"Thank you!" he exclaims, feeling a lot better. Mentally it seems as if the warrior is restored to complete health. He grabs Pietro's hand and starts to shake it. Being back on his feet he stretches his body, rolling his head and finally shaking it as if a shudder runs through his body.

The Slavic fellow watches this all with some trepidation but when it looks like all will be well he sheathes his sword and approaches.

"I am Arkady Arkadovich Ogrumnov, at your service" He makes a short bow without his usual flourish. Arkady approaches Ullar and offers to help Pietro.

"Sorry, you are who?" inquires Ullar, finding the name really, really difficult to comprehend.

From the rear of the group, heretofore hidden by the tall grass, a very well-dressed, civilized looking gnome joins the rest of the group, bows, and introduce himself: "Hello, I am Zifnab da Finci"

Eyeing him nervously for a moment , Ami avoids making eye contact with the other Gnome. " He WOULD be a pretty one, wouldn't he?" those very near him can hear him say to himself in a bitter tone. " It's going to be the same now, same as before..."

Again a smile appears on the huge guy's face. He closes his eyes and somehow gets an image of an old mage in his head, who keeps fumbling with his hat. The image, however, quickly subsides.

Introductions having been completed, the group decides to camp, though it is only early afternoon. There is much to talk about, and many new people to speak to.

Helping to set up camp Rhune makes sure that she is not anywhere near the little man known as Ratlin. Afterward she sets about trying to cook something to eat for everyone and sits near Asif while she does so...She also sets her bedroll next to Asif's.

Naturally, those from the original group slightly separate their camp from that of the newcomers, who appear to be engaged in a very serious conversation. A couple of them get very animated and storm off.

As they prepare, two more strangers come and join you. Interestingly enough, they look familiar as well, though you do not recognize them specifically. They have large, dreamy eyes and pace casually toward you.

Addressing some of the group who just joined you, they speak quietly and urgently. They then approach Ullar, bowing, "Those of you most severely injured are welcome to come with us to the Lake. I am sure that our elders will find the means to heal them, and then they might rejoin you when you return from your quest. Some of those, "He motions toward the newcomers, "desire to accompany you, others to travel with us. Will you allow this?

Looking at the two new comers Rhune realizes that some of her friends are in no shape to take on whatever or whoever may holding Stephan, "Yes that might be a good idea. I know that others here would have liked to continue on till we found Stephan now that we are so close, but with their wounds that they still have it might be better if they could to with you so that they can be healed. Then we could all get together and combine forces against the Church and the Bishop and whatever is behind this growing evil."

Forte smiles at memories of the lake. It would be nice to bathe in its healing waters once again. Or to get a week of rest without working at a forge the entire time.

Ullar now recognizes that these 'strangers' are indeed Elves from the Lake.

"Thank you for your kind offer. I agree that we need to take care of our wounds before we can go any further in our rescue attempt. Are you sure your elders don't find it disturbing seeing us again in such a short time?"

Ullar considers the situation for a moment, rubbing his forehead as if to stimulate his thoughts.

"These newcomers are more than welcome to travel with us to the Lake and stay with our group if the want to. We are in their debt, for they helped Taglio and Forte back on their feet. However, the problem is that we still have one of our friends, Kyo, who is unconscious. If we have to take him with us in this condition, he will really slow us down, while Stephen could be taken further and further away. Perhaps you can help us out in this situation? Or do you have any ideas how to transport him without risking his health?"

Addressing to everyone in the camp, Ullar speaks up: "Although I'm rather tired myself, I'd like to waste as less time as possible. We were this close to the one and final lead we had on Stephan, but were felt by exhaustion. I don't know about you, but if we find a way for transporting Kyo and break up camp now, we can still travel a couple of hours towards the Lake. If I'm not mistaken, we then can reach it tomorrow at the end of the afternoon. With a good night rest in it's healing waters, and with the impressive capabilities of your elders.." Ullar says, with a nod to the two last joining 'strangers' ".. we can be back on our chase in no-time."

"It's not only Stephan we're trying to rescue, it is also that we're trying to take out the leader of the Goblins who attacked most of the surrounding lodge-camps and villages. And I have a good idea where this Goblinoid, called Vlack, is heading!". This last sentence is accompanied with a nod to Forte.

"So, what do you say. Are we all able to travel a little more today?"

Forte looks at his fellow warrior as if Ullar is nuts. But even though Forte would like nothing better than to rest, he understands the need to move on, despite the physical condition of some party members.

"Yes we could travel a few more hours Ullar. But I think that what the Elves are saying is that we split up for now...some of them take those that are still pretty much wounded and travel back to the lake and those, along with the new group continue on." Rhune says to the big man still sitting close to Asif as she glances quickly at Ratlin and back again

"You mean, let the wounded travel to the lake and let the others continue?" Ullar asks, with a surprised look on his face. He seems to consider this for a moment and then starts speaking once more:

"Well.. although some of us still bear the marks of battle, and the wounds accompanying those marks I think you are right. We should split up. In that case, I'd prefer to pursue Vlack and his wolf right away, if, any of our new friends has the ability to find tracks. Does any of them posses those skills?" Ullar looks to inquire with his new companions.

Not wanting to interrupt the argument going on in the other's campsite for the moment, Ullar moves over to Forte, excusing him to the elves. "Forte, my friend. I know you are wounded, and can use all the rest you can get, but I'd like to ask you a big favor. Even in your current state, I'd like you to come with us, getting this Vlack guy this time. I know how much you hunger for his mail and I bet you know how much I'd like to get my hands on his greatsword. Do you think you're up to it? With you on my side I feel nearly invincible in battle, but.. " and he laughs at this remark, ".. that can be due to the fact that you take all the bashes!"

"Sincerely, I hope you can come with us. If not, perhaps we can meet on a fixed day, say in about a week or so, but.. well.. you know what I prefer." he ends his plea.

"Don't think you and I should split up just yet, "Forte manages to croak out of his chapped lips. "You've still got my sword and I don't want to leave you weaponless. And I need to repair some damage to your armor." Forte shakes his head in mock disappointment at the way Ullar has 'treated' his armor recently.

"Great!" exclaims the big warrior "Of course you need to come along. Who else can take care of this beautiful armor, dented at all sides. And there is this question of your greatsword."

Ullar eyes Forte with respect. Knowing deep down that sleeping and resting would be great, there is still that inner turmoil which drives him on in keeping his word to Petr and his clan.

Standing just behind Rhune, Asif looks over her shoulder to see Forte's condition.

"Worry not my efendi, Forte we shall not abandon you to those we as yet do not know. (Asif looks towards the groups new companions with suspicion etched over his face). I for one take time to trust those who bite a hand offered in friendship. Time will tell if this be because of a slight misunderstanding. Until then I shall not abandon a friend into there care. On this may Aten be my judge!"

Forte looks at the Arab with gratitude, a small grateful smile on his lips. "Thank you, Asif."

"It is nothing Forte to hold dear to a friend. Together many hurts have we felt and lived through. Fear not Rhune and I shall ensure you are taken care of until you are up on your feet again."

Looking over at Forte, "I am glad that you are coming with us, Forte. And hopefully we can get you to be feeling better soon...And I am getting married!!!!!" Rhune utters to the warrior

"Married? Finally, a *pleasant* surprise in my recent travels. Congratulations!" Forte looks at both Rhune and Asif, smiling widely.

Glancing at both Ullar and Forte, "Thank you...hopefully you will all be there when we can do this." Rhune utters.

Tag smiles at the love and contentment in the eyes of the beautiful elf and her Saracen lover. In a husky voice, betraying his infirmed state, he lifts his head. "I must play at your wedding. A wedding march and then a tune to gladden all our hearts. Lets us bring some light into this troubled times, my friends. But, I pray you not until I can dance again on this leg" Tag indicates his wounded limb, "for I demand the first dance with the happy bride. Ullar I think it would be appropriate if you gave the bride away, si."

"Of Course Taglio, you must play the wedding. However the first dance is reserved for Asif, perhaps the second dance?" Rhune replies looking between the two of them.

Tag smiles and chuckles. "Ah! Of course..." He coughs and splutters his face betraying the physical pain he is trying to hide.

"You rest, now...we will talk more of this later. First we need to get Stephan." Rhune utters while she ties to comfort her friend.

Ullar smiles at the bard. "Thank you for thinking of me. I would be honored to do it, but I'll let Rhune and Asif decide how they plan their wedding."

Turning to face Rhune and Asif, the warrior says: "Of course I'll be happy to assist you in any way you see fit."

Chuckling a bit, "Ullar, you are one of a kind. And since my own family can't be here, then I would be honored if you did give me away." Rhune replies her amethyst eyes sparkling

The warrior smiles at the elven lady. "I'll be glad to give you away into the caring arms of Asif."

Dakath chuckles "I can preside over the wedding ceremony, in fact given a couple of hours I could even produce an authentic-looking marriage certificate, I saw one once when I was looting the temple of earthly pleasures."

"Ah...don't take offense, my friend. but if you don't mind I think I would like to a real priest marry us." Rhune says with a smile

Dakath shrugged "A real priest ? If I remember correctly we're trying to rid corruption from within the church, you would probably me better having me do the ceremony."

Ullar interjects, "However, I assume you don't want to get married here, at this instance, do you? If not, then let's proceed while it's still light!"

"Of course not, we can wait...I would like to have something other than this to wear." Rhune replies

"Whatever for? Any mere gown will pale in comparison to you, "Forte compliments the elf, trying to make her blush.

Blushing crimson at Forte's words, Rhune looks down a little. "Or just wait another fight or two, and I'll have these clothes looking as ragged as my old ones. Then, your current outfit will look positively formal compared to mine." Then glancing up she begins to chuckle, "That would be something to see." she utters.

While the group is talking about things natural, they note that the mounted group seems to have found something to smile about, as they are cheerfully smiling and patting each other on the back.

Plebius approaches the other group, "You're spirits seem to have lifted, may I ask what has brought you such joy?"

"But of course!" exclaims Ullar enthusiastically. "These two dear friends of mine just decided to get married! So no more traveling today, we're going to celebrate!!!!"

After posing his questions about *natural* to Arkady, Rhees and Plebius, Caboto excuses himself briefly and approaches Ullar, Rhune, Dakath and Amibar and all others near.

After the air has lightened and some trust is established between the groups, Plebius speaks with the group and relays the details of their conscription by the Katoliks to them, "Our spokesman spoke no untruth to you before, but there is much that was not told. Each of us was coerced into service to the Bishop of Florence for the sole purpose of hunting you down and obtaining a blue scroll from you. Each of us has voiced our disintent to serve the Katoliks. I personally would rather die. We each have some enchantment upon us. This enchantment was told to be a ward against our disobedience. I have detected this enchantment upon our persons, but am unconvinced that it is truly a geas or other such powerful spell, as it did not feel that strong. I fear it may be some sort of tracking or scrying magic. If such is true, I feel it my duty to tell you the whole truth as we may be placing you in danger. I nor any of our group have the ability to remove or fully identify what our curse is in truth. Would it be possible for some in your group to attempt to aid us to this end? It would be in all of our best interests, as we each are allies by common foe."

Dakath chuckles "I suppose we should be flattered the Bishop holds us in such high esteem, again we're back to the mysterious blue scroll." Dakath leans on the nearest tree "I wouldn't worry too much about the scrying magics, we've been watched pretty much our entire journey."

Clearing his throat, Daegwyn speaks up, "That is not quite correct. I don't believe that Celest, Antonia, or myself have had any type of enchantment placed upon us. I am not here because of the Katoliks, but because I was directed here by the spirits."

Plebius retracts, "Thank you Daegwyn for correcting my error. Indeed, some of our present group, myself, Giovani, Pietro, Manus, Zifnab, Arkady, and Tolik all seemed to be coerced into service by the Katoliks, and were later met by Daegwyn, Antonia, Rhees, and Celeste who stated that they were following a vision."

"Yes, I fit in that group as well, " Rhees joins in. "I too was not coerced by the Katoliks. As to why I'm here, I hope to find out a bit more at the lake. Also, Plebius, I thank you for your candor and analysis. And while it may be more cautious to assume that you are correct, another possibility is that a harmless glamour, a magical aura of no consequence, has been placed upon you all to reinforce the Bishop's suggestion that grave consequences would befall those who failed to obey his orders." Rhees looks around to the others, inviting other opinions.

Plebius replies, "Such is certainly possible, and I pray that it is the case that there is nothing of real threat upon us."

Tolik listens intently to Plebius, then speaks up. "I would like to make a correction. I was not coerced into service, but rather offered impossible rewards for my faithfulness. Though I have no doubt that the promises are lies, I have other reasons for wanting to know about the Katoliks. And I am doubtful that I am under exactly the same conditions as the others, for I fear they have power over more than just my life." The elf speaks quietly with a melancholy tone. He is sitting comfortable in the open away from the fire.

"Forgive me for being blunt Tolik, but you sound like they have a loved one hostage." Ratlin says quietly.

"Not as far as I know, "replies Tolik. "But I fear them just the same."

Manus speaks up and says..."I was not coerced by the Katoliks...I was hired by them as a Mercenary to act as a protector to those who were sent to seek the item the Katoliks wanted. I was to be paid when the mission was complete...then on the boat we learned of the geas laid upon us. This canceled any honorable contract that was made by me with the Katoliks. Now all I seek is to be free of the geas...I will deal with the Katoliks on my own terms next time."

Arkady interjects, "While I was not originally coerced, the actions of the Bishop's men since then have made me feel coerced, hunted, forced and put upon. I have no desire to work for them or receive their promised rewards anymore. The only consolation I have is that everything I own is on my person, and everyone I love is thousands of miles away out of reach of the Katoliks. Thus I feel free to fight the Bishop and suffer whatever curse or "divine wrath" may fall upon me.

Ratlin smirks. Sometimes he is just too quiet, "I was coerced by the Katolics as well."

Plebius smiles in return, "Apologies, I never seem to get all the names listed without leaving someone out."

Ratlin nods, "A simple mistake."

Tolik snickers from where he is sitting. "Seems like you never have any trouble with your own."

Plebius at first makes to ignore the elf's comment, but then speaks, "Point of view. It is difficult to lose ones self. No matter where I wake in the morning, or go each day, I am always there to remind myself of who I am."

Dakath smiles "An easy mistake to make, I do it all the time. Although I prefer to have my real self shrouded in mystery, it doesn't bode well in my profession to let others know of your past." He rummages around in his knapsack for a moment before producing a piece of parchment "There are quite a few people who would love to get their hands on this little business venture." For those who can see Dakath holds forth a bill of Ownership for the Bittersea Trading Company.

With that he places the bill back into his knapsack and moves off to find the elven woman he injured with his dagger to offer his apologies.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 December 2000

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