A Discussion of Magic

The village seems to embrace Ullar's plan, and when Arkady and Dakath have put together some legal documentation (Dakath must attempt to derail his natural instinct to put in some rather nasty fine print), Arkady writes it up in his native language, as Petr and his clan cannot read Italian, and Petr and Stephen, as well as Gregor and Alexei (the young clan chief of former Segenyev) sign it eagerly.

When the camp leaders have signed it, Ullar once again brings up the major issues. "So, who is going to organize the training of all the capable men and women? With the threat of an attack of Golthar still present I think that might be one of the most important issues."

"We have the rest of the day, so if anyone likes to spar with me we might be able to teach each other some skills. I'd like to be trained a bit in the use of a dagger, and I have skills in fighting with a hand-axe, spear and bastard sword." Ullar concludes.

Petr and the others seem surprised at Ullar's urgency. However, giving him the floor, they muster up several young men with little or no martial training, who work with Ullar for the rest of the day. Judging from their lack of ability, Ullar thinks it will be some time before these men are ready to engage in war with anything stronger than a bale of hay.

Tolik watches them and decides now would probably be a good time to care of his business too. So wanders off to find Ratlin and Ami so they can compare spells again.

Ratlin waits for Ami as Tolik approaches and finds a secluded spot for the task at hand. "I don't have much but I may have something you two don't."

He pulls out his spellbook and thumbs through the pages a bit, "I have a detect magic spell, which I need to use on the items later, a spell for reading magic, Sleep, which I assume Ami has already since he mentioned the component for it," Ratlin nods to Ami when he says this, " And I have the burning hands spell which is useful for starting forest fires," He finishes with a smirk.

Ratlin, Amibar, and Tolik study each other's spell books. They cannot transcribe the spells into their own books unfortunately, but wishing to know more, they try to understand the workings of each of their spells.

OOC: Amibar is able to gain Cantrip and Change Self from Tolik (cannot learn Magic Missile or Armor), as well as Identify from Ratlin, after failing to learn Burning Hands or Detect Magic. He does not seem the natural magical student that Ratlin and Tolik are. Ratlin is able to learn every spell Tolik has, Armor, Cantrip, Change Self, and Magic Missile. He also gains Phantasmal Force from Amibar, failing to learn Spook. Tolik gains Detect Magic, Identify, and Sleep from Ratlin, as well as Spook and Phantasmal Force from Amibar. He shies away from the spell to create fire in your hands. Otherwise, he seems a virtual magic sponge.

Through combined usage of their books, the magicians now have a much better repertoire to choose from.

Tolik says, "Well, that was enlightening." He pauses, as if something from his memory is bothering him. "Hey Ratlin, back at the camp where we were attacked the first time, was that YOUR fire?" He sounds rather bothered by the fact, and seems to want the mage to deny it.

"Yes it was but it all I had at the moment" Ratlin replies.

Tolik gives the man a long look, saying nothing. After almost a minute, he breaks the gaze, but remains silent.

Amibar is really exhausted by the time the learning is done with. Smiling weakly at the other two mages, he is nonetheless thrown into a bad mood, apparently from his poor ability, compared to the others'. Mumbling something about needing rest, he goes off to sit in a corner, not talking to anyone but Natasha.

Once you have eaten, Stephen approaches you with a plan, "We shall rest here one more evening to get you all tip-top, then we shall begin our voyage. Do you remember the original work I hired you for? The transportation of the white horses to the Riffliani? Well it just so happens that Threshold is beyond Rifflian in the same direction. To kill two birds with one stone, as it were, we can transport the horses, where the settlement can recoup some of their financial losses, as well as you can make quite a bit of profit yourselves, to the elves there. Then from there we can continue upriver to Threshold, where we shall gain a scout to take us up the river to the golden valley. If we manage to avoid Golthar and his minions, the Death's Head gnolls, and any pirates and thieves from Threshold, we should be able to find out what this map leads to. We can almost certainly have the scroll translated therein also, to find what is so interesting to Golthar. In the meantime, my brother can begin to put Ullar's plan into motion, purchasing armaments and such for the settlement. What say you? Is it not a good plan?" He seems very pleased with himself.

"Sounds fine with me, I'm longing to see a bit of civilization anyway, no offense Stephan." he says turning to face him.

Stephen smiles broadly, "None taken, my friend. As you may or may not be able to tell, I rather prefer the city myself. This outback living just isn't for me." He whispers the last conspiratorially.

Arkady agrees with Stephan's plan. He is quite excited to see something new and Hyena-headed men sound like the thing that would attract Arkady. "I like this plan. So we will sell horses first then travel into the mountains and find these 'Death Heads'??"

"That is a mighty big IF.." replies Ullar. "IF we mange to avoid Golthar, IF we manage to avoid the Death Head's gnolls, IF we manage to avoid the pirates of Threshold and IF we manage to avoid the thieves."

Chuckling. "That is a lot of IFS, my friend." Rhune replies.

"However, a gladiator, even an ex-one, is not afraid of upcoming danger, so you have my vote" he adds with a smile. "But, regarding Rifflian, can't we buy some weapons and armaments there? If it's an elven town I'm sure Rhune, Pietro and Tolik can negotiate with them and get ourselves a fair deal. Just a thought."

"I can try, Ullar. I hope so. I would like to get some different armor. Chain is well and good but not for a thief even an elven one." she smiles at him.

Ullar, looking at the map retrieved from Golthar, frowns. "Threshold seems to me to be a perfect town for outlaws to hide. We might find some trainers for the men here and some other exotic goods. However, if we plan to move further north I hope that we can use a boat and that some of us are skilled mountaineers, for it's almost all but mountains towards the golden area. And where exactly is that Death Head?" asks Ullar

The priests once again divert their energies this morning to healing. With the rest, care from the various settlement women, and the magical healing, most of the group is able to regain their full strength. Also, the group finds itself reveling in it's accomplishments to the Tower, feeling better about themselves and their huge haul of treasure.

Tolik takes the extra day to memorize another armor spell and cast it on Forte.

Forte thanks the mage for the added protection.

"Why don't we put all our gear down and see if there is anything magickal between the casual stuff.." says Ullar, opening his backpack and unloading it to the ground.

"Uh, can any of you detect magic?" Forte asks the assembled mages. He waits for an answer before unloading his backpack.

"Ratlin can. I think he said that.." Ullar speaks.

Turning to Ratlin, Forte asks, "Do you have the spell now, or do we need to wait until later. I'll never understand this magic business," Forte says a little sheepishly.

Arkady lays out the equipment he has. He also makes sure that someone puts the archer's sword in the pile.

Tolik puts the remaining ingots on the ground. "I'll be happy to not be carrying those. I don't care for the extra weight."

Rhune adds all the stuff from her backpack and removes the chain armor she is wearing and lays it with the pile of stuff.

Ratlin's detection of magic reveals quite a few items. Amibar has only his spell book, glowing quite dimly. Arkady's silmar blade glows with a nice light, brighter than any other items the group possesses. Asif, who thought he had nothing magical, is surprised when someone points out five arrows in his quiver, which he remembers he retrieved from the Wolfskull lair, in the room where the ferocious moles lived. They glow with a fine light.

Arkady whistles appreciatively as he examines the silmar blade again. "Enchanted! How excellent." He places this blade in his sheath and ties his black sword to his saddlebag in case he needs a spare.

Dakath's sword (the one from the Minotaur) and dagger glow, the sword rather stronger. Forte's mace glows nicely. Pietro's flask with the metallic fluid inside glows dimly. Ratlin and Tolik's spell books glow dimly. Rhune's chain mail glows dimly. Amazingly, Ullar has nothing magical at all, though he is much better equipped mundanely than any of the others.

"I can identify these items later if you all wish but It will take a few days to do it." Ratlin says with a satisfied smile.

"You mean you can tell exactly what they do?" asks Forte.

"I can if the spell works but the casting usually takes an entire day for it to work." Ratlin replies.

"Wow," says a stunned Forte. "An entire day to cast a spell?" He smiles at Ratlin, "If we've got the time some day, and you're willing, I would really appreciate it. Would it take that long to cast the spell for each item, or can you do several items at once?"

"Actually it is only 16 or so hours total. Eight to purify the items and eight to recover from the casting." Ratlin says, delighted that someone is interested in his spell casting. "I must rest for eight hours afterwards for the spell is very taxing. I will not be able to do anything after casting."

"You might as well count the time to memorize the spell," adds Tolik, "So eight hours sleep, and 10 minutes or so looking it over and you would hit your full day.

Ratlin nods, "Yes, there is that."

Dakath, who had been listening in adds "I'd be interested to see what my sword and the dagger Xania gave me are."

Arkady's ears perk up at this talk of studying and identifying magical items. "Really. I'm quite interested. How does this work??"

"I need to purify the items in question 8 hours before casting the spell and I need to be in contact with the item at all times during that time." Ratlin replies. "I usually prefer to be alone for this spell."

"Somehow, I don't think that we are able to have a few relaxing days in a row for quite a while," says a grinning Pietro, "though I can image that you want to know what your magical stuff can do."

"What can you tell me about the energy you are wielding. I am very much aware from the power source that I am receiving from swift Hermes, feeling it every moment in the very core of my being. How do you wield the energy you are using to weave your spells?" Pietro just joined the discussion, but as always is very interested in new knowledge.

Arkady's eyes light up. "Yes please let us discuss the sources of power. This is something I have always wanted to know."

"Well, I'm not really sure how to explain it. There are certain formulas that need to be followed, a recipe of sorts. As for the energy..." Ratlin shrugs.

Tolik motions with his hand. "As it was taught to me, magic is born of the energy that binds the universe together. When we memorize a spell, it is as if we are tying a knot that holds back a portion of this energy. Then in casting, the knot is untied and the energy is freed. But just as a knot in rope can have different uses, such as holding something down or connecting two things, these energy knots have differences that result in the different types of spell."

Tolik sighs. "But I've read of other explanations, no one really knows for sure."

Ullar is remarkably silent during the exchange of 'magickal energy sources'. Still, he is listening carefully, not wanting to miss a thing; probably making more mental notes...

Arkady writes a few notes in his journal. "That's fascinating. And how do get to be able to tie these knots?? Is it born to you or do you have to learn it. I've been told that if you are born with the magic in your blood then you can cast spells, but if it is not in your blood you are out of luck. Is this true??"

Ratlin looks at Tolik, wondering how he plans on answering this one.

"Probably a little of both," answer Tolik. "I don't think its an innate trait, I had to work for years to learn the basics. But on the other hand, some would never be able to learn, lacking the concentration and the perseverance. Those usually end up with a big sword." He grins, and suppresses a laugh.

"No, but seriously, it takes so much time it usually results in exclusion of all other activities. Before I began my apprenticeship, I was being trained with a sword to fight. Well, you've all seen me fight, so you know what became of that."

"I ask because I have always wanted to learn how to use magic. The desire and the concentration are there but if I need to have blood then the desire does me very little good. I know a great deal about spells and their use but I do not have the skill to control the energies. Perhaps when we have some free time I could ask you more questions??"

Tolik looks at him, then nods. "Of course. Whenever you feel like it, come find me."

Pietro smiles at seeing Tolik having a good time for a moment, especially since it is Arkady he is talking to. The elf then enters the conversation again. "From what I have learnt in my studies, you do need a few special mental abilities to learn to work with magic. Another thing is that it is preferred to start at an early age, because then it is a lot easier to learn the concepts. I heard it is possible to study magic at an older age, but it is supposed to be a lot harder then."

True to his word, Pietro speaks with Petr and his wife Darya about their supply list, wondering if he can shortcut any of it by purchasing it here before departing. He finds that the camp has plenty of saddle blankets for keeping the horses warm, and gives them over freely. As instructed when they sent someone to Arezzo to purchase supplies, they bough lamp oil and lots of traveling rations, enough for each group member to carry two weeks worth, which have been loaded onto the horses already, as have the saddle blankets. One of the men gives Ullar a knife sheath cheerfully to house his dagger. Sadly, clothing is in very scarce supply. The people here had only the clothes on their backs, and what little they have been able to purchase is even now being worn. What is left is in even worse shape than that which the party even now possesses. There are a few heavy blankets to spare, which the clan gives over as well.

There are no spare horses in the settlement for drafting, as the few spare riding horses have been claimed by the homeless clans. There is plenty of horse feed distributed out to Taras, enough for your horses as well as the white ones. The clan has not even heard of much of that requested by Dakath and even less that desired by Asif, and has little to offer Arkady as well, other than the mentioned supplies. They even ran out of vodka at the feast.

They gathered up all the arrows in the aftermath of the goblin siege, and replenish your supplies from those, though they have no spare bowstrings to offer. They offer up what lantern oil they purchased, though you note with chagrin that no one here has a lantern to put it in. The clan finally digs one up for you, an old and battered, but serviceable unit. Ratlin is given it, as the most likely suspect, as well as the oil for it.

As for weapons and armor, the settlement has little of those, though they do provide Forte with the requested battle-axe, one from a dead goblin, with red paint on it.

The next morning, the group is prepared to travel. Pietro reserves his magics for traveling, not emptying his reservoir by healing, but Irina and Mama Kuzma are able to restore everyone but Ullar to absolute top condition, and Ullar's remaining wounds are quite marginal. He also finds that Forte and some of the villagers, in fact the fellow from Gregor's camp that you gave the furs to for opening the other chest, have managed to repair the dents and dings that Ullar's plate has suffered, and in much more convincing fashion than Forte had before. It now looks fine, though it is still dulled from continuous reforging and hammering

"Looks to me we found ourselves an armorer for the fort Sukiskayn" says Ullar with a grin towards Forte.

When the group is getting ready for departure, Ullar approaches Mama Kuzma.

"Madam. Again I come to you to get some of your potions. They surely saved my life the previous time and in case of an emergency I'd like to have one, or more, at hand. I'm willing to pay you a fair amount of money for it, if that is what you would like to receive in return. Can you help me out on this one?" says Ullar with shining blue eyes.

Kuzma turns sadly to the big fellow, "I am afraid we haven't been able to purchase the raw materials for them, my friend. I would gladly provide it to you if I had. However, there is a small expense, and we have not had any extra money for some time. I am very sorry. Hopefully with the money you are providing my son, I can purchase some more and prepare something for you."

After Ratlin is filled in on the plans and the past events, he looks at the others and asks, "May I see the scroll? I may be able to decipher it."

Stephen hands it over with a shrug of the shoulders. However, the writings mean nothing more to Ratlin than they did to anyone else. He is fairly certain they are not magical writings, though. They merely seem to be some pictographic language.

Ratlin explains this to the others.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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