The ferry is larger and more stable than Misha's. As you all begin to board, Asif's sharp eyes pick out a strange sight. Coming from the south he sees a cloud of dust, as many mounted men approaching.
Looking toward the ferry, you see that there is no way that you will be able to get the horses across before the army reaches you, though you might be able to get across all on foot leaving the horses behind.
Three armored men ride in the vanguard of the large group behind them, which seems to include not only scores of armored men, but wagons as well, several of them. The three advance will surely see you whether you leave the horses or not, though if the gnomes are true to their word, you can probably get to the other side before they can interfere.
Riding after Dakath along with Asif, "We will never get across with the horses. They will be on us before then. We need to get across the river and now." Rhune shouts as she pulls up near the ferry. "Maybe if the gnomes can take horses back we can hide out till the army goes by and we can come back for them."
"Do not longer hesitate!" says Ullar to everyone. "We've got to hurry. Stephen, Taras, select the best horses for the ride to the other side. As far as I know you have nothing to fear from the Bishop's men. We'll just get to the other side and wait for you there, so that you won't get in any trouble because of us."
"How much longer before they get here?" Forte asks Asif, wondering if they will have time to get away safely.
"By the dust efendi I would say that many are on horse as well. Time alas is very short, flee we must to fight another day!"
Having that said, Ullar rushes over to get everyone, with their horses, on the ferry and as much horses for the Rifflians as well, intending to get them out of view as soon as the group reaches the other side.
"Just say we bought them from you, ok? Here is a gem to back that up!" says Ullar, while tossing over a gem from his pouch to Stephen.
Stephen shakes his head, "You can't take the horses. There is no room!" He moves to gather the horses back together in some organized fashion.
Forte looks at Dakath with a wry smile. "Next time we shoot someone with an arrow, let's finish off the lot of them. Or at least try to, before they run away for reinforcements," the large warrior chuckles as he tries to follow Ullar's directives and get on the ferry.
Dakath grins enjoying the adrenaline "Well next time you go charging out try to avoid the horses."
Arkady leaps to his horse and prays that Krilpesh's winged feet keep working. Spurring him up he heads for the ferry, still trying to shake the alcoholic blur from his mind. "I'm coming, don't leave with out me."
Tolik looks at Ullar with a slightly puzzled look. "You know, I hate to be the devil's advocate, but do we know those guys are coming for us? I mean, couldn't it be coincidental? We don't even know for sure that those guys Dakath shot were related to the church either."
"Let's just say that I don't want to take that risk.." Ullar replies, while getting ready for departure.
He shrugs. "If you want, I could stay behind for moment to see, then skirt across and tell you what is going on." He pauses in thought of his previous attempts at making himself worthwhile. "Of course, I'll probably end up captured or worse, so maybe it isn't such a good idea. But I'd go on with it if you guys want."
"I have a feeling that whether or not they are affiliated with the others that attacked us, they are here to retaliate for the shooting of their comrade." Ratlin frowns, unsure what to do next.
Ullar ponders the situation for a brief moment. "I can't decide upon your actions, my friend. However you staying here to spy on them might get us some valuable information. On the other hand, if you end up captured, there is nothing we can do. So I'd say it is your call. Do you think you can spy on them and return safely?" Ullar asks.
Tolik laughs, strange for such an important decision. "Well I was hoping you'd decide so I could blame you later. But you're right, this isn't something I can force on someone else. No, I need to start carrying my weight around here." Without waiting for a reply, he rolls up his cloak and flits quickly up into the trees, and out of sight of the others.
Watching Tolik, "Please be careful. But if you do need us we will try and help as best we can." Rhune says as he starts to flit into the trees.
Ullar suggests that all of the group but Stephen and Taras move over to the other side. "Stephen and Taras can say the we are mercenaries hired by them to guard their horses and that they are about to send them all over. We were just 'scouting' around to see if there was no ambush of any goblins!"
Stephen, seeing that you all have made the valiant decision to flee and leave he and his nephew behind, shrugs his shoulders. "Fare well." He waves as all the group but Tolik set off on the ferry, guided by the confused hands of the gnomes. It is notable that most of the party's gold is still in bags on the horses, as well as all their rations.
"We're not abandoning you, but trust me, it's better not to be seen with us if these are men of the Bishop. We'll just wait at the other side of the river for you to cross!" responds Ullar, while dashing off to the ferry.
"We will be back as soon as we can, please don't worry. But as Ullar said it is best that they not know you are with us." Rhune adds
Just in the nick of time, the group gets across the river as the advance scouts arrive, with Stephen, Taras, and the two score horses await on the easternmost shore.
The three men hail the villagers as well as the gnomes and begin to converse with them, cautiously. You cannot (other than Tolik) hear anything they say, but you note they are armored and armed rather heavily, and seem quite suspicious.
As the men walk up and converse with Stephen, Taras, and the gnomes, you note that they spot Tolik immediately. They seem very alert and suspicious, as well as heavily armed and armored.
One yells for him to come down immediately before he is pulled down.
Tolik hops down to a branch just out of reach from the ground. In aviela, he calls back, "What do you want? I do not understand you." His eyes twinkle, as if he is only a mischievous elf, and he swings his legs as would a young carefree child.
The men begin riding toward the tree, shaking their fists at the fellow.
Tolik hops down to the ground with a shrug, maintaining the innocent look, then runs over and stands on the side of Stephan and Taras farthest from the armed men.
The guards look menacingly at Tolik, but for the moment allow the man who is apparently their leader to do the talking.
When the robed fellow approaches, he seems much friendlier, speaking with Stephen and embracing he and Taras warmly. He motions toward the horses and then back toward the hostel.
Behind the three, you see the dust is being roused not only by mounted men, of which there are about forty, all armed and armored similarly to the advance scouts, but also by a score or so of wagons, each with a driver and team of horses.
It is impossible to tell what the wagons contain, but a magnificently robed fellow with a pointed black beard steps down from the lead and moves grandiosely toward the gnomes, Stephen, and Taras. He embraces them warmly, ignoring Tolik completely. The guards, however, keep a very close eye on him, as well as watching you all as intently from their mounts as you all are them from the opposite shore.
Arkady, still uncomfortably not sober, stares openly at the black bearded man. He tries to compare him to the man of his visions while warding off the yammering accusations of cowardice from the voices.
Ullar grunts in frustration, realizing what he left on Zephyr. Knowing that some sort of description on him is running around, he tries to conceal himself from sight as much as possible, cursing under his breath.
Pietro stands there with his arms crossed, looking at the development of the situation. "I am not sure they are men of the church. Let's wait and see for a moment. Seems we have a small problem here without horses." Pietro scans the armored men, but particularly looks at the grandiosely dressed man, and the ferry on their side of the river.
He does not recognize any religious symbolism in the man's dress, and from his gestures he does not appear to be any type of holy man. Looking down at the ferry, Pietro sees that it's destruction would not be an easy task, but is certainly possible. It would be particularly easy just to cut the rope and let it float down the river, as there would be little anyone could do about it.
"We weren't completely leaving Pietro, just hiding out a bit. We will go back as soon as we can. and if they are not part of the church then we can go back and continue with Stephan. If they are hopefully they will not associate Stephan with us and leave him alone." Rhune says to him.
Pietro looks at Rhune with a sadness in his eyes. "It is a sad thing that we are a bunch of renegades now, having to look over our shoulder all of the time." When saying those words, realization of the situation comes fully to the elf. The friendliness is still in the eyes of the elf, but there is also something new, something you cannot really place. "We will succeed in our mission, I am sure of it, so that later we can be whoever we want to be and not be bothered by more pushy people."
Looking at him, Rhune places her hand on his shoulder, "I hope so. I have a wedding to plan." she says trying to smile at him.
Watching intently, "You know maybe something else is going on here. they have seen Tolik but as of yet haven't tried to capture him. What if those guys were not part of the ones that the have been trying to kill us?" she says to Asif, Ullar and the others.
"Than we have nothing to fear, do we? But if their intentions are not that good, I rather be on this side of the river.." adds Ullar.
"I agree, Ullar. let's hope that we have nothing to fear." she nods in agreement.
Dakath looks over at Rhune from his position on the river bank "Well I think it's a little late for me to say sorry. If that black-leather clad man was not hunting us why did he run from the Inn when he saw you all inside ?"
"Who knows? But anyway, I'm not going to argue the point. Let's just wait and see what happens." she says.
"Mmm, I haven't seen the things when we shot the leader of that small group, my question is, is that man part of the group across the water or not? If the shot man is part of this group, the least that we are going to have to do is make apologies to the man and the group." Pietro looks to a few of the faces, hoping to find an answer to his question.
Dakath grins "Let's hope he's the forgiving type, otherwise I could find myself hanging from a yard arm."
Pietro returns the grin. "I guess that if they wanted to kill us, they would not drive to the inn so casual as they are doing know. Maybe they are from some foreign country with strange special laws against people who shoot other people with arrows. You never know."
Dakath chuckles "That would be a first. I've lived most of my life as a renegade, being chased by the city watch, assassins, men at arms and angry husbands." He turns to face Pietro "What's one more to add to the list?"
"We'll lets just hope the man wasn't killed. Then we would be wanted for murder." Ratlin says with a frown.
"What's this we business ? I was the one who shot him." he turns to look across the river bank again "Anyway, it's not the first time I've been accused of murder."
Turning their attention back to the shore, the group notes that the robed man is talking cheerfully to Stephen and Taras, with Tolik having joined them.
After a few moments, he motions toward the shore, shaking his head and smiling. At the same time Asif takes note of the fellow's clothing, which seem a bit like his Egyptian garb he wore on the day of the meeting so long ago, now tattered rags. He notes also that the guards carry curved swords of the type he bears, and their spiral helmets, and the turbans on the heads of the wagon-drivers, all come together to point at these certainly not being the Bishop's men.
Indeed, the man yells across the river, "SALAAAM, EFFENDI!" bowing his head respectfully.
Seeing no reason to do otherwise, the group cautiously draws itself back across the river. When they do so, they see the fellow talking seriously with Stephen. Apparently he is very interested in the white horses.
Arkady shrugs and smiles at the others. "Shall we?? I guess he means no harm."
Seeing Asif, the man becomes even more cheerful, and begins talking rapidly to him in the Arabic tongue, with which he seems as comfortable as he does in Latin, much more so in that tongue than Asif is even now.
Listening intently to the conversation between the man and Asif she smiles as she tries to make sense of the conversation. She smiles at Asif at his obvious enjoyment at having someone from his homeland to talk to.
Forte watches all the bargaining with interest, but resists the temptation to jump in and agree to whatever the merchant wants for his wares. He waits to see how well Dakath's negotiations proceed before selecting any merchandise himself.
The fellow introduces himself to the group after bowing several times to Asif, "I am Akhitos, bringing wares from as far away as Byzantium and Persia. Anything that you require is within my wagons, my friends!" His eyes gleam, "I would relieve you of so much heavy Italian gold, and provide you with more interesting items, and certainly more portable!" He smiles.
"I would be most happy to see some of the things you have." Rhune says in Arabic with a smile on her face, her mind going over all the things she would like to purchase including something special for Asif for their wedding.
Arkady smiles at the mention of Byzantium and the east. "Perhaps weapons, good sir. I would look over what ever you have in terms of the irons of war."
Asif his heart bursting with the pleasure of hearing his own tongue spoken so fluently, returns most warmly the greeting given to him by Akhitos. Bowing formally, his right hand moving from head, to lips to heart in a ritual gesture of greeting he speaks quickly and confidently.
"May Aten's light guard your path, Akhitos the most honorable merchant. Faris Asif al Mansour finds great pleasure in speaking to one who speaks so well the language of the desert. I hope your journey has not been a difficult one. Pleasure me if you may by answering this question. Have you visited the most holy city of Amarna in the great land of Egypt? If so I wish news of it, for twelve months have passed since last I walked its streets"
Then, in a conspiratorial whisper, and still with a broad smile beneath his curved mustaches, "I carry such information, and I believe I have some other that might interest you." He gestures grandly to his caravan, which is quite impressive, then chatters off some quick words that only Asif understands, indicating that they should relieve themselves at the hostelry in shifts while he negotiates with the 'fine gentlemen'.
He then settles down to make a deal. For the white horses, he offers a price of fifty gold apiece, which Stephen scoffs at, saying he could sell them at four times that price in Rifflian, and they settle down to hard bargaining. For the nebulous 'information' he holds that would be valuable to you, he will accept one white horse for what he knows, and another for what rumors he has heard. In lieu of the horses, he would take 180 gold for the facts or the rumors, and 350 for everything all told. When confronted with the differentials in these offers, he smiles, shrugs, and offers up something about hard currency, negotiations, and other obvious ploys to make as much as possible. He is slippery, and a much better negotiator than Stephen or Taras, who are obviously in over their heads with this fellow.
Asif listens to the merchants clever spiel with great admiration, memories flooding back of the Bazaars and antics of the merchants of his home. Humored by the besieged demeanor of Stephen and Taras he pipes up to interrupt the long winded spiel of the merchant, and attempt to give his friends time to regain their wits. Speaking in Arabic he says:
"Efendi, gifted as you are with the tongue of my people, surely you are knowledgeable of our customs. Is it not more enlightened to share a pot of coffee, some bread and salt before jumping into the negotiations of business. Italians know little of such enlightened ways, but not so you. Let us share food first, then let us discuss business"
Indeed, the merchant agrees, and draws the group into the hostelry with him, though you note that he never stops negotiating with the others.
He has come most recently from Arezzo, and from there Florence, and from Rome before that. His travels have taken him on a circular route around the Mediterranean, and he is now on his way north and east, and he is looking forward to returning home to Alexandria after over a year of constant trading. He is a veritable cornucopia of information and resources, though he is unwilling to part with anything he sees the party cares about without getting top dollar.
He seems willing and able to trade in all currencies, and for any items of value. While he shares language with Asif, he does not seem willing to make any special compromises for him or any other.
Tolik, not wanting to distract those who are involved with the negotiations, leans over to whisper to Raygan. "See, what did I say? Not everyone we meet is necessarily trying to kill us. But we can't take the chance." He sighs, displeased with the group's current situation.
Ratlin shrugs, "Having a religion after you tends to make you paranoid."
Tolik nods in agreement. "So does having people trying to kill you. Story of my people."
After a bit, seeing the negotiations are going to take a bit, Tolik heads back up into the tree, first to grab his cloak, then to sit on a bottom branch and study his spell book.