Baboon Attack!

You do not wonder long if they are inhabited, as you can see near the dilapidated buildings, on the top of the gulley as you are, there is a group of savage looking long-armed baboons. Their fur is a bright orange color, and they are rolling about some stones, apparently amusing themselves in this manner. Though they have not noticed you yet, they surely will soon, unless you turn and go back some distance the way you came.

Tolik whispers sarcastically to anyone nearby "Ahh, here is the ambush we have been on the watch for." Then to Arkady, "So, are you going to go negotiate with them? I doubt that you could anger them like you managed to do with the villagers, but hey, you could always give it a try." He grins cruelly, then smiles. "I'm joking with you, of course. Don't take it personally."

Although trying to keep his face stern, Ullar has to smile about Tolik's comment. The ex-gladiator looks at Arkady to see if he responds to Tolik's words.

Dakath turns to face the winged elf "You think a bunch of orange furred monkeys have setup an ambush for us ? More likely they have setup their home in these buildings." he chuckles "You shouldn't spend so much time with your head in the clouds." The rogue then proceeds to remove his newly acquired shortbow.

"Ahh, first the man mocks me, then he frees his bow. I think my theory, made in jest, perhaps has more significance than he would like to acknowledge." Tolik does not smile, but neither does he frown.

Dakath notches an arrow "No my friend I just like to err on the side of caution."

Tolik does not move. "Oh, of course friend. You're so forward thinking.," he answers not entirely sarcastic, but not entirely serious either. He sits on his horse, which is ambling around among the other horses.

Dakath suppresses a small grin, he can't help but like the moody winged elf. "If I remember rightly I wasn't the one caught unaware by a group of archers." he says without taking his eyes off the orange baboons.

"If I remember correctly, I wasn't the one on watch. A little warning wouldn't have hurt matters any. And the only reason you can even say that is because they shot for those of us above human, not for your weak race."

Dakath raises his eyebrow "I wasn't on watch either? Although I thank you for putting this weak human in his place." he chuckles "I shall be sure to keep close to you when we next enter combat. As for contempt well I'm sure Rhune would disagree with you there."

Forte's ears perk up at hearing this, but he says nothing.

"Notice only elves and gnomes got shot. Another example of your race's contempt for mine." replies Tolik, eyes focused on Dakath, not the baboons. He reaches down absent mindedly to rub the spot on his leg where he was shot.

Arkady sighs again. "We need to not argue and fight. Let's figure a way around these baboons and get to the tower. Do we kill them or go around?" Arkady draws his long sword and test the edge with his thumb.

Arkady stares at his saddle mumbling and shaking his head as if to clear it. It almost appears as if he is having an argument. Finally he looks up and smiles wanly at Tolik and the rest of the group. "Perhaps the language barrier will be too great. I am interested in these creatures though, I have never seen the likes of them. Before we attack or any other rash plan, let me get a drawing."

Tolik sighs, as his attempt to lighten the mood seems to have flopped. With this he takes a long look up at the sky before turning back to the group.

Arkady pulls out his book and draws a picture of the baboons at play. "I wonder if they taste good?? We are short on rations, maybe we could kill and roast these creatures for our supper??"

Forte's nose wrinkles in disgust at the thought of eating the creatures. "Yuk!"

"I will not eat of such. It is forbidden by the gods and by our culture. Would you eat of a dead goblin?" Tolik seems disgusted beyond words, and is hardly able to express this in the words he spat out.

Arkady sighs and speaks again. "Goblin may taste like chicken, one never knows until they try. I merely try to find a solution to our current food problem. As to fighting the beasts. Maybe we can lure them away but the seem to be tenacious by appearance."

"The one who can make something eatable out of them wins my vote in cook of the day" replies Ullar, his facial expression showing that the chance that someone can make something fancy from baboon meat is very little.

Tolik sticks his tongue out disgustedly. "I don't care how good they taste. I'm not gonna eat that. I'd sooner starve."

Asif hawk like eyes scan the horizon with great intensity. Seeing the monkeys scampering around the buildings he utters an sigh of amazement.

"Oh by Aten. Since when have creatures of Thoth dwelled in this land of the merchants? Beware my friends for the heka of Thoth is strong, and where his creatures abode so may strong heka. He is one of the judges of the dead and one should not upset him."

"Baboons...YUCK!" says Ullar, folding his face in disgust. "I don't know much about them, but I know they are strong and smell rather funny." "Anyone with more information about them?" asks Ullar, not turning his gaze from the baboons.

Asif calls to Ullar. "I know a little of these creatures efendi. It is amazing to see them so far west of my homeland. They are creatures of Thoth the god of scholarship, heka of the mind and the moon. In my land they are known to guard ruins of places once inhabited by wielders of strong heka. The aura of such places seems to attract them."

Dakath rubs his chin thoughtfully "They're animals." he adds sagely. "and I'd prefer to avoid them if at all possible, is there another way down into the canals ?"

"We don't know how many there are....Perhaps those of us who use bows could get within position and begin firing arrows down then the fighters could start in........though I do wish we knew how many there were." Rhune utters as she begins to withdraw her bow.

"If there is a way, I rather avoid combat with them. They are known for their strength I believe and are a vicious opponent. So, the issue is, how are we going to get down there. And once we get down, how are we planning to engage whatever is in that ruined tower."

"Forte, perhaps you can tell our new friends here.." says Ullar, while gesturing towards Arkady, Tolik, Ratlin and Pietro ".. what it exactly was you saw in your first vision. All I know is that somehow Vlack is visiting HIS boss here. At least, that is what we've been told."

Forte explains to the new party members. "A few weeks ago we were fighting some undead creatures in a tomb. Somehow, one of them started putting visions in my head. One of the visions was this -" he gestures toward the tower - "place." The large man pauses a moment before finishing. "In my vision, some goblins were pushing a large red-headed man, toward the tower. But I don't remember seeing any orange monkeys."

Forte pulls out his longbow and nocks one of his remaining elven arrows. "Well, what next?" he asks.

"If possible I'd like to get as close as possible without alarming anyone inside this ruin. Is there any way we can lure this baboons away? I suppose no one has some spare bananas?" says Ullar, with a semi-grin on his face.

Chuckling, "No I don't have any bananas, Ullar. All I have are some arrows and cold steel. If we can avoid them that would be great, but how?" Rhune replies.

With the discussions of how to avoid them, how to draw them, and even how to eat them, concluded, the choice is taken from your hands when one of the creatures notices you all. They begin to pick up rocks and come running at you, swinging them in their long arms!

Promptly, those archers with their bows readied fire a salvo at them, hitting three of them, but not dropping any. Forte, always a good target for any attack, is impacted by a stone in the chest. Ratlin feels the sting of a small rock skimming past his head, while the same thing happens to Pietro.

The cloud of rocks startles the horses, who rear back and make it impossible to launch another volley of arrows. Ratlin's steed is hit by a rock for it's trouble, as the group dismounts to defend themselves.

The baboons are quite wild, and carry large stones in their hands, you can only presume to bash you with! In the open plain, the warriors use their large weapons and flashing styles, but the monkeys are amazingly agile, dodging both the heavy weapons of Ullar and Forte.

Asif slashes down one of the creatures with his scimitars, though, as they are not as fast as he is. Arkady's vicious sword proves similarly effective, taking down his opponent with one stroke. Dakath, seeing one of the creatures with two arrows sticking out of it's furry orange hide, picks that one out and stabs it with his magic dagger, ending it's life.

Asif twists and turns in the typical dance of swordplay in the throes of battle. Feigning to the left and right, thrusting through an opening with the blade in his right hand, while keeping the enemy at bay with his left. Wresting his blade from the baboon he sees the enemy in wholesale retreat. Sucking in the air after his exertions he turns to see how his companions are.

Tolik and Ratlin, picked out by the last baboon, swing about in a frenzy to defend themselves, having almost no experience in such matters. However, they are bailed out by the mad dash of the creature away from them.

As half the creatures fall in their immediate rush, the others turn and madly dash back toward the buildings, making it impossible to strike them from behind. However, there is plenty of room for a volley of arrows or two.

Forte drops his mace and attempts to shoot one more arrow into one of the orange-skinned beasts.

He manages to feather one of them in the leg, making it howl, but it keeps on running.

Ullar, awaiting the last volley of the archers, remounts on Zephyr and shouts to the group: "Let's get them... " and the warrior charges off on Zephyr, showing quite some riding skill. However, he doesn't want to risk the life of late Leslie's horse, so when it gets more difficult to ride down he slows his pace.

While gathering up the useful arrows, Forte looks up to see Ullar riding away. "Uh, sure, Ullar!" he calls after the warrior. "I'll be right there!" Shaking his head in disbelief and laughing silently to himself, Forte spends quite a long time attempting to mount his horse. While he finally manages to get in the saddle again, he rubs his chest where the rock hit him. "Ouch, that smarts," the massive man says, as he draws his hand away to see if any blood is on it.

Ullar's a vain attempt, as the time he is up on his horse, the baboons have scrambled down onto the rooftops of the buildings, then down into the canals and are gone.

Which leaves the warrior sitting quite disappointed on the back of his horse.

Rhune continues to fire arrows at the fleeing beasts as they head for the buildings....."Can anyone see a way to take the horses? I don't want to leave them here. those creatures could harm them." she calls out keeping an eye on the beasts and any further attack.

She manages to drop one of the creatures with two arrows in it before it reaches the edge of the gulley.

Tolik grins sheepishly at Ratlin, then walks over to check out the mage's head wound. "Hmm," he say, applying a paste of herbs onto the wound to help it heal.

It is just a scratch, and once cleaned, doesn't even hurt...much.

Ratlin nods to Tolik, "Thanks. This should be fine for now."

Upon fixing up Ratlin, Tolik walks among the rest of the group, checking for injuries and helping to tend to them.

Forte's injury is just a bruise on his chest, though Tolik soothes it with a salve. Pietro's injury is a deeper cut, but Tolik stops the bleeding easily enough and bandages him.

When he reaches Arkady, he announces, "I apologize. It seems you have quite excellent diplomacy. The only difference is it comes in the form of a sharp sword rather than a sharp tongue." He smiles slightly, then continues on his way.

"Thank be to the prophets that none have suffered too much ill from the attack of these creatures of Thoth. Their unprovoked attacks suggests my friends that something important lies beyond. Baboons are attracted to sites of strong heka. Whether the heka within is good or malign I know not, but we must decide whether or not we proceed upon this path." Asif says.

"Thanks Asif.." replies Ullar. "I'll consider this as a warning. So we've got to be rather careful for what inhabits these ruins. At least, that seems to be the case."

"Do any of you know anything about the history of these ruins? In such knowledge may lie the reason that theses creatures reside here. Tell me if I am wrong but are not Baboons foreign to these parts. I always thought they where a creature of my homeland and of Africanus, the distant land of the slaves?" Asif queries.

"I don't know Asif. I have never seen them before." Rhune replies

"Me too.." acknowledges Ullar, ".. but I'm not hundred percent certain about that. About who or what is inhabiting this ruins, I thought it was some kind of wizard."

Ratlin looks over at Ullar, his interest piqued, "A wizard? Any idea how powerful he or she might be?"

"Nope, sorry. Don't have a clue on that one." says Ullar, with a frown on his forehead.

Indeed, no one in the group has ever heard anything about these ruins, or has the slightest idea what could have brought the baboons here (they are definitely not native).

Ratlin looks at Asif, "You keep mentioning this 'heka'. Is that the word for magic in your land?"

Asif looks to Ratlin his face innocent as a new born babe, and slightly confused..

"This word you speak is foreign to me efendi. Heka is a word of my tongue, it means.......... mmmm... how does one say..... it be the power that some people, greatly blessed by the gods are able to wield. With secret words and the power of the mind they be able to shape the elements to there will. Although not priests or Inmans as we know them, it is said they can speak with the gods of the elements such as Geb, Tefnut, Shu and Ra or there very messengers the Djinn and are granted power. Is that not the way of this land?"

"Er...Kind of. Here we call it magic or Knowledge of the Arcane. Remember when I shot fire from my fingertips? That was magic."

"Ahhhh I see Efendi. You must indeed be blessed by your gods. Such a gift is rare in my land for too many have abandoned the old gods and listen to the prophet of the one god. In following the preachings of Mohamad, they are no longer allowed to speak to the elemental gods or the Djinn to gain power. It is there loss. The sons and daughters of ATEN are not so unfortunate. We listen not to this false prophet of the one god. Tell me off it friend. What god blesses your with this gift?"

Tolik smiles, but hides it, waiting to see what Ratlin will do with this one.

"None that I know of. It is more of a Study than a gift. Much like the study of swordplay, but different skills are needed. A swordsman needs his strength and speed to be a better warrior while a mage needs only his mind. The formulas needed to cast spells are very difficult ones and some of the more powerful spells are virtually impossible for one to cast unless they are a genius."

Beyond them, there is adequate room to climb down into the gulleys, though once again transporting the horses will be a significant problem.

The fight over, Ratlin tries to gather the horses together and calm them while everyone decides what to do with them.

Forte retrieves his mace, after putting his bow and arrows away. He then scours the are for any re-usable arrows, splitting them among the archers in the group.

Two of the arrows, ones that Forte notices are some of his very scarce remaining elven flights, have broken and are useless as is one of the ones that Rhune fired in her second volley. In addition, the one he hit the baboon with is still attached to him. The others arrows are all retrieved successfully

"Thank you Forte." Rhune says as she takes the pair of arrows he hands her.

Arkady looks about for a further threat and when one is not forthcoming, he jumps off his horse and guts a baboon. Making sure that the blood and all the innards are out of it before tying it to his saddle to tenderize before dinner. "I think this will be good eating" he says with a grin. "We need to head for that tower right?? We are going to have to go on foot to do that. Is there somewhere safe we can stable the horses??"

Tolik grimaces. "You really can't eat that. I think I'm going to be sick." He turns a shade of green a the thought of eating the baboon, then steps to the end of the group farthest away from Arkady.

Dakath watches Arkady for a moment "Are you serious, you think that will make a good meal ?" he indicates the baboon carcass with a nod of his head. Shaking his head for a moment he looks around "Looks like we're going to have to leave the horses here."

Arkady shakes his head at the close-mindedness of his companions. "You never know until you try it. Plus it beats starving!" Arkady slings his needed gear and the baboon and prepares for the downward climb.

Arkady sees no safe place to stable the animals, though if they could get down into the canals, they could most likely do so on one of the ancient buildings. The one-story drop from building to canal floor, though, would be most likely a leg-breaking one for the steeds.

When the thought occurs to him of having the horses jump the canal, he sees that two of the buildings are built into the walls across from each other, and there is perhaps fifteen feet between them. At full gallop, unhindered by any gear, the horses MIGHT make that, but any misstep would most likely prove fatal.

From the far end of the group, Tolik replies, "I for one will be happy to be rid of this beast. It doesn't listen, it causes all sorts of trouble because it can't travel everywhere. Give me a Giant Eagle any day. There you travel fast and get a good conversation. Wonderful fellows, they are..." He slips off into his own little world for a moment, muttering about eagle riding knights, and great battles with dragons. But his attention is quickly turned back to matters at hand. "We probably should get moving. I would guess that whatever is around here knows about us now, not just the baboons.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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