Eager to get more information, Ullar orders a round of drinks for everyone of the group present, intending to please Stubbs with more business. "Oh, and last night I asked you if you could fill us in on the details regarding the hero of your village who left in that magnificent ship yesterday. Do you have any stories to tell about him? I'd love to hear some!" says Ullar, with a genuine smile to the halfling.
Stubbs shrugs, "Better to ask the elves here. I'm sure they'd regale you with tales of him all night. Lucien is a popular fellow here. Don't know how he got tangled up with Burgundy and his bunch, but it's a good place to make your name. He comes and visits on occasion." He shrugs, apparently about to continue, when a couple of young elves approach.
"Sir, we are sorry to intrude, but we heard you ask about our hero Lucien. We would be more than happy to tell you everything." They smile eagerly, then begin to bend Ullar (and anyone else who will listen)'s ear. They tell fantastic stories about the Elven Warguard of the Duke of Burgundy, of whom this fellow is a member. Most of you have never even heard of this group, not even Rhune, though she is from a rural village.
She frowns as she tries to concentrate on if she has heard of the Warguard, and the Duke of Burgundy.
Apparently they are elite warriors of the French noble, and have fought wars with the English, Spanish, and the Germanic Orc-tribes. Apparently they have never lost, to hear the boys speak, though you very much suspect that they are exaggerating, as this fellow does not seem to be a leader of the group, and yet seems to be involved in every major battle, turning the tide against the villains.
The ship that left was helmed by the Captain of that Warguard, of whom the boy elves are quite reverent. No one knows for sure where he came from, but he has been warring on the continent for hundreds of years, and is purported to have traveled throughout the known world. No one is certain what he was doing here, as usually Lucien comes alone or with a few others, not with his Captain. However, that is ignored in the regaling of all the battles and stories.
Noticing the local elves' interest in them, Forte turns to the others. "Do you think they're just curious, or truly trying to find out something about us? Information to pass on, perhaps?"
Ullar shrugs. "I'd say the first, but I'm not that familiar with elves, to be honest."
The night passes uneventfully, as the group seems to be in good company. They look forward to the next few days of rest and relaxation.
Later that night as she and Asif are laying in bed, "I wonder why this man was here and with his captain?" she asks him as she looks at him.
Tolik wakes up early in the morning to study his spellbook before the noise and distractions make this difficult. He memorizes a change self and a sleep.
When Pietro comes down to get his breakfast, he seems a bit preoccupied. Once he is sitting though, he is eating with a healthy appetite, although he still seems to be dreaming a bit. After the good breakfast, he face suddenly clears, and he approaches one of the waiters. "Excuse me, young sir. Is there a person here who knows a few things about herbs, and maybe a bit of healing? Though I must say that knowledge from herbs would be preferable."
The young elf looks at him strangely. "I am sure there are, sir, though I don't know of one. Ask Prestelle. She knows everyone around here." The fellow seems a bit intimidated by Pietro, though he cannot imagine why.
Pietro looks up at the elf. "Thank you for the information, I will ask her." Pietro soothes his features with a smile. "What is the matter my friend, have you never seen a priest before?"
The fellow looks away, busy with his work, and does not answer."
After the conversation, Pietro walks outside, asking the first elf that comes in sight. "I'm, sorry, where can I find Prestelle?" After getting directions from the elf, the elf leisurely strolls through the village to find Prestelle.
Prestelle's shop is easy to find, being the only other large building besides the Silver Swan. However, she is not in at the moment. The elf at the counter assures you that she is not available today, but shall return tomorrow, if you have any questions for her.
In the morning, as the sun begins to make itself visible in the east, Tolik rises from his slumber. After dismissing the possibility that it was all just a dream, he hops down and heads for the inn. At breakfast, when everyone has come to eat, he says nonchalantly, "Saw Antonia last night. She says they have been following us trying to catch up. If I remember correctly, they should be here today, as they were at the ferry when she arrived."
He pauses, scratching his head while he tries to remember everything from the distracting encounter. "Oh, and she said she was happy to be able to make the wedding. I think that's about everything, we'll talk to her today so anything else can be covered then.
"That is good news Rhune, now you have Taglio at your wedding as well, I'm sure he can come up with a great song about the two of you.." says Ullar, with a smile to Asif.
Rhune comes down to breakfast in the morning and sits down though she looks a little uncomfortable for some reason. When it is time for breakfast she searches through her pack for any more money and orders a rather large breakfast for her, eggs, bread, honey, butter, oatmeal, milk, meat, fruit...
Forte looks at the elf in surprise, wondering how she will manage to pack away all that food.
"Oh that will be so good. I was sort of saddened that they would not be here for the wedding. It will be good to see them all again. Perhaps they have got news to share." she says while she waits for breakfast. She eats most of it but when it comes to the eggs she does turn a bit pale and seems about to loose all she just ate but manages to control it
"Rhune, are you o.k.?" Forte asks with a worried look on his face. "All of a sudden, you look kind of sick."
Looking up at him, "Oh I am okay, Forte." looking down at her plate, "Guess I may have eaten more than I should have, but I was hungry this morning. Or it could be just nerves. I do have a wedding to plan and very little time to get it done in. Usually takes a year to plan an elven wedding." she says chuckling actually starting to look better now.
"A year? To plan a wedding? Is there anything I can do to help?" Forte seems genuinely curious as he asks, "Why does it take so long?"
Giggling, "If this were an elven wedding it would and I would gladly take your help. You see it takes longer for elves to plan important events as they need time to make sure things are just right for it. Since this is not a completely elven wedding, it won't take as long. Let's see, Ullar is giving me away. How about you ask Asif if he would like you to help in someway." she says with a smile.
"I'll do that," Forte smiles back.
Though a few minutes later after the serving wench brings out some rather rare meat for a group at a table near them Rhune definitely turns green and rushes from the room. She does come back to the door a few minutes later looking somewhat better but keeps her eyes averted from the platter of rare meat.
"You'd better see someone about that," Forte notes with concern in his voice. "Perhaps you have a touch of food poisoning," he adds in a whisper, not wishing to insult the proprietor of the inn. "Though, no one else seems ill at the moment," he finishes with a confused look on his face.
"Yes Rhune, you should see someone about that." A small red-haired man - the Celt, Rhees who traveled with you for a time, "I heard there was a wedding taking place soon. If I can't wrangle an invitation, I intend to sneak in, for I've been told the bride is as radiant as the dawn. I would hate to be disappointed."
"No I don't think it is anything like that. I would be a lot sicker I think. I think it is just nerves about the wedding and stuff. I am not really that old by elven standards and my family is not here." she murmurs the last as she turns slightly so he won't see her lavender eyes tear.
"Perhaps, someday soon, we can all escort you and Asif back home to meet your family," Forte says gently. "I grew up near France, but have never been there. I hear it's lovely."
"Yes it is very lovely Forte. The forest is a magical place at times." she replies, "and I would enjoy having you all meet my family."
After breakfast, Pietro walk up to Ullar. "Ullar, can I speak with you for a moment?" The elf and the big human walk down the small town, so nobody can follow their conversation. "There is no official leader in our group, but you are the closest thing to it. I know you guys hardly know anything about me, so I guess it is time for some information. You know I am a priest of Hermes, but not why I am here. I am investigating the matters with the Catholic church to gather information for my own priesthood." He looks to Ullar for a second to see his reactions, then continues.
The warrior turns his head slightly, but keeps quiet as Pietro continues:
"Sad enough, I do not have more information for you than you already have. As you know, there are a lot of things which aren't how they are supposed to be, starting with the Bishop. I am determined to get things solved," with a laugh Pietro finishes, "and get out alive as well with all of us."
"That sounds intriguing, but to be honest, it sounds a bit vague as well. Like that church of Hermes, isn't that Greek or something? And who is telling you what to do, how do you report back and how do maintain your contact with your church?" Ullar asks.
Pietro answers "Yes, you are right, Hermes is the Greek messenger god. One of the other things Hermes does, is to play the part of judge. In Greece, priests of Hermes are often used as judges in conflicts and misunderstandings. This is also why we like to have a lot of information of a variety of things. First, The catholic church has always been one of the strongest in Italy. There have been stories that a priests and believers turned away from their own religion, exchanging it for another. This in itself is not a really unknown phenomenon, but too many believers turned coat. Second, There have been a lot of rumors about an obscure cult gaining a lot of followers in the last few years. These are two main reasons our abbots are concerned, and would like a lot of information about the matter. Or, as I would say, there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
"We don't have a clear leader, although it seems that since I'm one of the three who is present for the longest time, people tend to take my advises seriously. Since 2 weeks it feels as the largest part of the party sees me as their leader, and I have to admit it, it does give me a sensational feeling; responsibility resting on my shoulders." Ullar continues.
"However, Asif, Rhune and I have been honest to each other from the start of this, well, adventure. I expect that anyone who joins us does the same. I'm glad you told me that, but I can't see how you fit in the original story when you and Arkady, Ratlin and Tolik were 'forced' to track us down. What is your lead? Why us? And what brought you here in the first place? If you are investigating the ways of the bishop, Florence would be a better place to start..." says Ullar, while giving Pietro a curious look.
"Look, I'm here because I was curious and have a strong feeling of what is right and what is wrong. What the Bishop tried to pull of in Florence was way out of line. I've been in his torture chambers later as well, and that didn't actually improve my impression of this man. We have got something very valuable with us in the form of that blue tube, and I'm anxious to find out what it is. I don't have a clue why the Bishop doesn't pursue us with some elite-troops. Thus far the encounters with his men were pretty easy. But still, as Akhitos made clear, a lot is known about us. If we plan to accomplish anything, we have to come up with a plan how to mislead any pursuers."
Pausing for a brief moment, Ullar looks up at Pietro and asks: ".. that is, if you are with us on this one..."
Pietro thinks for a minute, before answering Ullar's questions. "I must say that I do not know a lot of the why's and how's. When I left from Greece, I was just a novice. My guess is that they wanted to give me the opportunity to gain experience in the ways of Hermes. They have probably sent more persons to gain information, but I think they thought this mission wasn't really important. That's why they sent me. I've been gaining strength in faith lately, and I can feel the powers of Hermes getting stronger in me. That is a reason that I must be doing something ok, isn't it? I am probably one of the few of us who has never met the Bishop personally. I was taken to a boat, and was told to scrub the decks. Half an hour later, the group with Arkady, Tolik, and the rest arrived. A few minutes after that the Bishop arrived, delivering a disgusting speech.
Personally, I think there is a smell to the man, something is not right. He couldn't see me, because I was hidden. After the Bishop left, I joined the group, and the rest is history. I still do not know the how and the why, but I think that my abbots have underestimated the Bishop and this little 'mission', otherwise they would have sent a person with more experience. On the other hand, I will do everything in my power to help you, and I am learning fast. My first obligation is to Hermes, and I will not abolish that faith. On the other hand, I have been getting to know you all pretty well in the last few days, and I will help you as long as I can. Our goals are a bit different, but the path to that goal is the same. I see you guys as friends, our paths may not be the same in the end, but for the moment I am definitely with you."
Later in the day while the others are busy with things Rhune visits the dress makers and sees how things are coming along. She tries on the dress if she needs to and helps in other plannings that need to be. "I have never been this far north before. When we came across the river I heard that the taxes are high in this area. They are high where I live as well."(she is trying to get the dress maker to talk and maybe open a line of question that she can use to steer toward the Bishop and her feelings
The dressmaker is a gossipy middle-aged elf, and she takes to the line of questioning well enough. "Indeed quite high. I don't know why we pay them, to tell you the truth. We aren't subjects of the Church." She shrugs her shoulders, "But rather than incite any violence, we give them their due. They don't ask for too much, just enough to be a bother. I think we are too far away to make too much trouble. As long as they make a profit." She sighs.
Rhune asks her, "I have something that I got on an adventure not too long ago. It is a sealed tube with some sort of magical writing on it. I can't seem to find anyone who can open it. Do you know of anyone in the village that might be able to decipher the writing or maybe even open it?" she asks the dressmaker as she turns slightly for her to pin the dress.
The dressmaker looks at her with wide eyes. "Do I? Of course not, honey. I don't interfere in the business of the wielders of magic. I'm sure if you ask around you can find someone that knows better than I do!"
At some point she finds Ratlin and the others and sees about getting a place alone and letting him take a look at the tube.
Unfortunately, he has nothing more to say about it than any of the others has. It's clearly magically sealed, with strange runic inscriptions, but other than that, he is mystified.
Ratlin is clearly frustrated at not being able to discover any secrets about the tube and says, "Sorry, but it looks like this thing will elude us for a long time."
Knowing that the wedding is coming up very quickly now, Ullar walks through the village in search of some nice clothes he could wear. As soon as he succeeds, he returns them to his room and starts exploring the village some more, particularly interested in any herbal shops where they might sell potions.
He is able to find some very fine clothes, at not hefty prices, as the elven cloth is soft and beautiful. He is unable to find any herbal shops or potion-makers, and when he asks around the elves seem mystified as to what he is talking about.
Ullar runs into Rhune every so often as she goes about getting things ready. At times he will see her take a deep breath and take hold of the nearest object for a few minutes. Also she seems tired and a little paler than normal at times. However her appetite doesn't seem affected as she eats rather heartily.
At a certain moment the warrior approaches the elven lady: "Rhune, are you alright? You seem troubled with something. Can I help you in any way?"
"Oh I am fine. Thank you, my friend. I just seem to be a little tired. Probably the excitement of the wedding and all the other stuff that has been going on. Don't worry." she says with a smile seemingly fine now. Though when they do get back to the inn, Rhune does order something to eat, some fruit and milk and honey and bread.
Pietro walks up to Rhune. "Rhune, can you spare me a moment? Please sit down with me." As Rhune sits down, the elf continues to talk. "I am so happy for Asif and you, that you are able to get married over here. Do not feel pressured by this, but if there is anything you would like me to do, you only have to ask. I will be at your service and honored to help you if you need anything."
"Why thank you Pietro. I think Asif would like it if you help say the ceremony. I don't know exactly how his religion works but you could ask him." she says with a smile.
Pietro returns the smile." Ok, I will see Asif right away." The young elf has to search for a few minutes, before finally finding Asif. "Good day Asif, busy with the preparations for the wedding? Are you getting nervous, now that the big day is approaching? I came here to offer my help in the preparations. Is there anything I can do now or in the ceremony?"
That night, at diner, Ullar addresses the group. "We're all excited for the up-coming wedding, and I hope it will be a feast long to remembered. However, I feel the urge to think ahead a bit further."
Rhune, looking a bit rested after an uncharacteristic mid-afternoon nap, blushes a bit at Ullar's words but nods in agreement as she waits for the rather hearty dinner she had ordered.
"Thinking? Us?" asks Forte in mock seriousness. "I don't know as that's necessarily been our strong point," he grins.