In the end, he has halved the prices he offered to each of you, other than the information, which he does not budge on. The prices remain high, but they are as good as they are going to get, and there is much he has that you would find difficult to get someplace else.
Finally, Akhitos gestures outside, "Your woman's plans have softened my usual merchant's greed, and I have decided that in fair trade, I would offer you the bolt of white silk as well as the 'special' item we discussed in a straight trade for the platinum mirror frame resting upon the merchant's horse. Is this acceptable to you?" He thinks for a moment, "I would also advise that you rid yourselves of the bags of coins many of you carry. They will attract robbers and thieves everywhere you go, and the country ahead is quite dangerous. You also will suffer the greed of merchant's whose morality is not so pure as my own. I would be glad to dispose of them for you, in merchandise more easily concealed." He smiles broadly at his jest.
Rhune looks at the others trying to gauge their reactions to this. she just about holds her breath wondering if the others will part with the mirror frame.
Forte looks at the mirror, and then back at Rhune, with great concentration on his face.
Ratlin looks a bit anxious as well, though he is trying to hide it.
Forte is excited to have some new supplies, even if he still does not have better armor. In the end, his contentment with new supplies seems to quash any reservations he has about the mirror frame. He approaches Rhune and taps her lightly on the shoulder. "It's o.k. with me if we trade the frame for the cloth," he says with a smile, hoping that some happiness might come from that accursed mirror. His smile grows a little, as he realizes he is glad to be rid of it, and all that it reminds him of. "It's about time we got rid of it, anyway," Forte says before he walks away.
Akhitos does indeed have bow strings, for the negotiated price of 3 gold apiece. Those who were interested (Forte and Rhune) make those purchases.
Here is the list of everything Forte is going to buy.
10 flasks lamp oil - 6 silver ea - 60 silver = 6 gp
2 common shirts - 12 gp ea - 24 gp
1 common surcoat - 8 gp ea - 8 gp
1 winter blanket - 6 gp
1 pr. boots - 10 gp
1 pr. gauntlets - 10 gp ea - 10 gp
3 bow strings - 3 gp ea - 9 gp
1 pr. clawed gloves - 36 gp
1 pr. clawed boots - 70 gp
1 doz. English War Arrows (Sheaf) - 6 gp ea - 72 gp
Total = 251 gp Dakath Discount = 1/2 = 126 gp total for Forte, not including bow strings
Ullar's "supplies for horses" was for the entire party; otherwise Forte would ask for some.
Forte approaches Ullar next. "Do you think we need a pick or two? We probably have enough money for it, what with my personal money and all the party's money."
"Good idea, next to the shovel I already asked about. I doubt our friend has this kind of merchandise, but it is worth a try. Did you ask about the barding?" Ullar returns the question.
"No, I didn't," Forte answers. "Even if he has some, which I doubt, maybe we had better spend the money for the information he has. Let's keep the horses and get more money at Rifflian."
Akhitos replies, "As I said before, I do have picks, and I shall be pleased to provide them to both you and your friend."
You are able to purchase all those items you wish from Akhitos, taking up most of your surplus gold to do it.
Ullar takes most of the material, as he requested it, and Forte and Rhune take the rest, leaving Asif with his few items. The others requested, and received, nothing.
Akhitos leaves his offer for individual information on the table after dropping the bombshell about Asif. He does agree with Arkady, though, noting that nothing about his homeland has happened of note regarding him. This does not mean there is nothing interested to be known about the mad Russian, but he leaves that for when you are more interested.
This peaks Arkady's interest and he ponders the coins he carries as a method of getting more info.
At Ratlin's bequest, Ullar tries to pay Akhitos for further information with cash, not another horse, to which Akhitos agrees, for the sum of 150 gold, not the sum he offered to pay for the horse. He hints that is not the way the game is played.
"Ullar!! Give him a horse! Or do you fancy leading all of these beasts around and trying to hide not only us but a herd from the hunters??" Arkady pleads.
While all the negotiations were going over his head, literally, here was something Amibar found some interest in. It wasn't likely the Arab merchant had any information about HIM, but hell, it would be exciting if he had. " Ullar, I want to hear if he knows anything about me," pipes up the little guy. " I'm willing to pay too..."
"Me too Amibar, me too. If we all pay for it from our own pouches, I bet that it won't be a problem and the persons who don't want the information still have their money. Is that acceptable? And.. if a lot of us want this information, perhaps we can get a discount!" says Ullar with a smile.
Forte adds, "I think we should pay for any information about any of us. Now we've got an angry wizard after us, too, if his information is correct. Anything he can tell us might give us a tactical advantage we can't get anywhere else." The large man pauses briefly before finishing, "I wonder what the Bishop knows about me?"
"I also want the info but I'd rather keep my coin and give away horses we have no use for." Arkady reasserts.
"I think that since we found out that nearly everyone is interested, we can pay him from our groups wealth. That makes traveling for our horses somewhat lighter." replies Ullar.
"I don't mind making our load lighter, but what are we going to do with all these horse." Arkady gestures at their half herd. "WE are going to have to feed them, groom them and lead them. What a waste of effort and time!!! Sell these to the Arab and we'll take the coin with us."
Tolik chimes in, "I thought the elves where going to buy the horses. What kind of price would we get there?"
"Tolik is right," agrees Forte, "that was our plan." He looks over at the horses. "If Stephen and Taras are convinced they can get a much better deal with the elves, we should sell our horses there as well."
"The plan is to sell them to the Rifflians and get a much better price. They are located on our current route, so I don't see any problem regarding that matter. All these bags filled with coins will attract people and we should keep a low profile.
"Not sure about the price, Tolik, but that is what I plan on doing." Rhune replies
I rather exchange as much gold for jewels as possible. Dakath, Rhune, could the two of you make a deal with our friend here..", says Ullar with a nod to [what is his name?], ".. so that we both benefit from it? We still should all have enough 'pocket' money to do some necessary purchases, but I'd like to convert about 75% to gems. They are much better 'portable'" says Ullar, with a wink to Dakath.
Tolik wanders in, seeing that stuff is beginning to move from the wagons to the party. As he arrives, he listens quietly for a few moments to get an idea what is being discussed. As Amibar speaks, he nods his head. "I agree. I would hope information about me and my home are not floating about so freely, but I should know if they are," he adds. "I am quite willing to pay if he knows anything but would be happier if he doesn't."
"I'd rather give him some money. We need to convert it to something more portable and not that heavy, right? And I think he'll make us a fair deal..." says Ullar, looking if indeed everyone is so anxious to find out what is known about them.
"My friend.. " says Ullar to the merchant, ".. it's obvious that you really know a lot about us. Let's say we're willing to pay for all the information you have regarding all of us, for 300 gold. That sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Besides, we're buying a lot of merchandise, so I'd say we ensured you a fair profit. I'm willing to pay 100 gold extra for all the information you can give us about Golthar and his possible connections. Next to that I'd like to spend some more money, since you made it perfectly clear that we need to disguise ourselves a lot better. If you have any suggestions regarding that issue, I'm open to it. Perhaps Rhune and Dakath have some skills in this ability as well."
Looking up at Ullar, "uh....Ullar I can't do any type of disguises..." Rhune mutters.
"Sorry Rhune," says Ullar with regret ".. I thought you could. Didn't mean to embarrass you!" the warrior continues, while looking at the 'little' elven lady.
After the information has been passed, Tolik directs his attention at Ullar and Stephan. "I do believe we should be moving on soon. If we don't get on our way shortly, we will not be able to make the elven lands before nightfall. I don't look forward to being in open, dangerous lands such as these more than we must."
Stephen and Taras assure you that even with the negotiated prices, they can still get about twice as much from the elves. However, Akhitos is charging more in cash for the information than he is if you barter the horses, so you'll have to make up your own minds.
He refuses Ullar's offer of one hundred gold for the rest of the information from the Bishop's POV. Either one horse or 150 gold.
For information about each of you, he will provide all that he knows about your specific situations for the small sum of five hundred gold or four white horses. If you want the information individually, it will cost one horse or one hundred gold.
Tolik, doing the simple math for everyone, says, "It's going to be cheaper if we just buy it as a group, there are at least five of us who wish to know this information. And it will be good to know just how far the church's powers reach. I suggest we pay the 500 coins, then sell the horses to the elves and make it back."
Ami nods at Tolik's words. "I agree, this information will be lighter to carry around, and may even prove more valuable than the coins."
Arkady nods and grimaces. "If we will recover our fund with the elves then fine." Ullar pays for the information regarding the Bishop and the group in cash, as you stated. He also asks if Akhitos has any information regarding the Rifflians.
Akhitos says that he has much information of value concerning that elven tribe, but Stephen discourages Ullar from spending more money, "I know all that we need know about the elves. We are giving too much money to this fellow already."
Before Rhune can offer money or gems, Forte approaches her. "Trade the mirror frame for the cloth. It's of no use to us, and I don't think it will bring back Augustus or Marika if we carry it around forever. We can just pay Akitos a lump sum for the information, which will lighten our load for traveling." Glancing at the magnificent white horses, Forte adds, "And I think we should keep as many of the horses as we can, so I don't plan on selling my horse to this merchant."
Rhune smiles at Forte, then gets a sad look in her eyes at the mention of Marika and Augustus. "Thank you Forte. Perhaps You are right." she takes the mirror frame and offers it to the merchant in exchange for all she wishes to purchase including the bolt of cloth.
As if lightning strikes him, Ullar turns around and faces Forte. However, in a brief moment his reason returns and with a truly sad look he nods, while facing another direction.
Tolik raises an eyebrow at Ullar's sharp reaction. He makes a mental note to ask someone about this when the opportunity presents itself.
Seeing Ullar's reaction Rhune approaches him and lays a hand on his shoulder, "If you would rather I didn't trade the mirror Ullar, I won't. I have never stopped praying that we will find Marika one day or Augustus either. Maybe we will." she whispers to him.
The group's concession is to use the mirror frame to pay for Rhune's goodies. This being the most apparent item of value that was exposed to casual view, it will be a relief to get rid of it. It also will be less painful for Ullar to have to relive the memories of the thing each time he saw it.
In any case, Akhitos takes the deal happily, giving over to Rhune the cloth and the clasp and having one of his guards cart the platinum frame away, which quickly disappears onto one of the wagons. At the same time, he takes the previously bartered white horse, tying it alongside one of the wagons. It does not appear to be pleased to be set amongst the other horses, and looks fearfully at it's companions as it realizes it will be the only one traded away.
The cloth is indeed wondrously beautiful and fine. The clasp is rather plain, but is engraved with Arabic runes, which Rhune thinks have something to do with the sun.
Rhune hides the gold clasp in her pack so that Asif doesn't see it. And she makes sure the cloth is wrapped carefully to protect against the elements. She hopes that when they get to the elves she can have a dress made and so that they can have the wedding. Maybe they can have the wedding at the elves.
"I would like to purchase something with the money that I have. If you have any gems that could be traded that would be good." she say after she has either given Dakath or the merchant the money for the mundane items she was purchasing .
"Indeed, such I have, of all variations and values. Let me know how much in value you would like to purchase, and I shall bring you something in that price range."
Gathering up nearly the entire sum of bulk cash that you have left pays for the various items you all requested as well as the information Akhitos has to offer. You are pleased that he was not aware of how much in the way of jewelry that you still have in reserve, as it is probable that he would have kept his prices higher if he thought you were able to pay more.
The guards cart the miscellaneous items into the hostel or the stable, as directed, placing them upon the horses if you wish or turning them over to you directly.