Smiling "I know but......humor me," Rhune says
Dakath grins. "You know if I had known my Mother, I bet she'd of been just like you."
"Hmmmmm........I am not sure about that. I will take it as a compliment, though," Rhune replies with a chuckle
Arkady crosses him self in orthodox fashion and says a silent prayer. He then limps among the bodies piercing each heart with the long black blade. "Well friends, what now??"
Seeing that Forte is 'finishing' the goblin, Ullar gulps. His disapproval of such actions is speaking form his face, however he keeps quiet, knowing that the anger in Forte is caused by these goblins.
When the warrior asks if he should keep one alive, Ullar returns a question to the group: "Does anyone of us speak Goblin? If not.. well.. suit yourself than Forte..."
Then Ullar's eyes catch Amibar. He walks over to the little gnome and lifts him up.... "YOU.. my friend, are a true hero. I can't believe the inner strength you showed here! I'm truly impressed!"
"Yes, Ullar is right," Forte says to Ami with a smile on his face. "Without you, we would surely have perished."
Rhune smiles at the gnome, "Yes, you are indeed the savior of this battle."
Putting him down again, Ullar walks over to the door where the goblins went through. "We've got to barricade this door. You are all right that we're in no shape to continue, even though I'd rather finish it today! Can someone help me move the furniture to keep the door from opening?"
The others somewhat quizzically help Ullar block the door, but once done, they realize that the flimsy furniture would not hold back the determined charge of anything more than a field mouse.
Pietro reaches Tolik. "Ok, my elven friend, I am going to heal you a bit, look you might need some." With a small grin on his face, he finishes with, "don't worry, it will not hurt at all." Pietro sits on the ground for a moment, putting his hand on the chest of Tolik. "Hermes, help this brave soul, let him fight the fight he hasn't finished yet." After that Pietro is saying a few arcane words, which disappear from your mind as soon as he said them.
Pietro seems to be in the favor of his god, as his magical healing ability flows into Tolik. Not only is he restored to consciousness, but every trace of his injuries disappears. He is as healthy as he was when he met you.
Tolik sits up as if he had just awoken after a nights sleep. Stretching his limbs, he asks groggily, "wha-" then stops, looking around him. Seeing he is surrounded in a pool of his own blood, he starts to check himself over, but sees Pietro standing there and realizes what must have happened. "Thank you." he says simply, slowly rises to his feet. Looking at Ullar, he adds, "That's the last time I chase after you into the unknown." He smiles, then tries to help the others as they search the room.
"You just need some practice Tolik, that's all" says Ullar, with a smile to enlighten his words.
Pietro slowly smiles at Tolik. "Do not thank me, it was the powers of Hermes that healed you. I am merely a tiny vessel for his powers. Please do not feel an obligation to me or swift Hermes, the healing has been given freely, it's a gift. I am sensing in you a purpose and goal, and I do not think it is your destiny to go to the eternal lands already. One thing I cannot do though, and that is mending your clothes." As always Pietro manages the humorous smiles when mentioning Tolik's clothing.
After healing Tolik, Pietro stands up, looking at the table with all the gold. "It's probably smart to get moving as fast as possible, we do not have a clue about how many of these goblins there are going to be here. I think we are almost out of spells as well. Anybody have some good ideas? Let's get a few hands of this gold though, might be useful later on. Leave all the copper though, way too heavy to carry."
Rhune begins to gather up all the additional cash and anything else out of the ordinary.
When 'defensive' positions have been taken, Ullar moves the dead bodies of the goblins and the baboons to the first chamber, so that this area is clear of bodies. Closely he examines the 'collars' the goblins were wearing, even trying to retrieve one of them. He then removes the flag from the main chamber and uses it to cover the bodies in the previous room.
It is a lot of work, but Ullar and some of the others move the bodies into the first chamber, then cover them up with the flag. It doesn't quite fit, leaving some bodies splayed about, but at least Ullar doesn't have to look at them now!
Ullar then addresses Rhune: "I don't know about you, but I find this wooden platform rather interesting. Can you give it a closer look, to see if the chair has any 'hidden' places, or the platform itself has some irregularities?"
Calling over her shoulder as she barricades the door, "I will look in a moment. I don't want anymore surprise attacks." Rhune utters.
Rhune examines the platform, chair, and anything else in the room. Everything is of exceedingly crude and flimsy manufacture, and she can easily tell that nothing hidden or secret exists within them.
With a loud puff, the warrior than, finally, sits down, closing his eyes in relief. His pulsing veins bring back the tired feeling but he can't rest. In his mind he relives the whole battle, over and over again, trying to figure out how many goblins he has slain. Every time the goblin Chief reappears, with a sword Ullar hungers for, which is planted in Ullar his right shoulder. The sparks emerging from it twinkle for his eyes and a low, but softly spoken, groan comes from his body.
As the battle replays through his mind, Ullar slaps his head with a resounding, "D'oh!" The sword he covets was not taken away. Deflected by his armor, the weapon flew out of the goblin's hand and into the corner, probably the main reason the creature fled. Looking over, he sees it, still where it fell.
Retrieving it, the sword is a plain blade, but well-crafted, certainly not goblin-make. Engraved on the blade is the word "silmar" in beautiful flowing script. Yes, certainly not an goblin blade. Ullar, however, has no experience with this blade, even though it is very common (a long sword), and realizes that if he were to use it, his combat would certainly suffer.
After examining the sword, Ullar frowns a bit. "Hmm.. this is not the sword I had in mind... however, it seems to be a very beautiful weapon. Is there anyone in our group who would like to use it?"
Glancing at the sword, "That is a finely crafted long sword, Ullar. I use the long sword but there are others who might be fare better. One of the fighters." Rhune says. Arkady looks to Ami and Tolik. "Can you tell if it is magical?? Ullar might I test the balance?"
"Feel free, my friend!" Ullar says, emphasizing the word 'friend'.
"Thank you Ullar," Arkady replies with a smile. He swings the sword and goes through a few practice routines to test it.
Tolik replies to Arkady, "I cannot. I have not the abilities to test for magic. I shoulda tried to learn that when it was used to search for the geas. I bet he woulda let me look it over. Ratlin, you wouldn't by any chance have picked that spell up at one time or another, would you have?"
Arkady tests the balance of the weapon and finds it much to his liking. Though the blade is sturdy, it is light, and, judging from Ullar's smashed shoulder plate, very strong. It is certainly superior to the one he carries now.
Arkady smiles as he feels the excellent balance and weight of the blade. "If no one objects I will use this for now??" He sheathes his black blade and follows Dakath with the Silmar blade bared.
"That should prove worth while in combat, Arkady. My people make fine weapons." Rhune nods to the man.
"Enjoy it! May it serve you well" says Ullar, while handing over the blade after one final examination.
"Rhune, do you have any knowledge if this, per chance, could be an Elven blade, with an elven inscription? Perhaps if the wielder speaks the words correctly it has even more hidden powers."
"That could be.....I will try later if you like." she replies
Dakath follows the goblins out the double doors, stealthily but speedily pursuing them past a half dozen of the cliffside dwellings. He sees them dart into one of the larger ones, not emerging. Taking care, he opens the door a touch and sees that there is a door on the opposite side of the room.
Continuing the chase, Dakath sees that the dwellings outside the door he just exited head in three different directions. Only the sound of a faint footstep straight ahead indicates which way they fled.
Continuing the pursuit, Dakath sees the three goblins emerge from another building, then rush off past it. As they do, they run through a large clearing in the gulley. To the left of that clearing, Dakath sees a set of very large steps running up, to the Tower! Inadvertently, he has found the entrance, not far from where the rest of the group is. Next to this main entrance, he sees what must be the door to an outbuilding, as it's a smaller staircase leading to an adjoining building.
Looking on, the goblins have disappeared, and he realizes that they could have darted into any one of the buildings ahead, or just kept running. His discovery excites him, though, and so he lets them go. Taking just a moment, he peers into the building the goblins stopped in.
Inside, he sees not regular quarters at all, but a makeshift stable, obviously set up for horses, though there are none here now. There are spare saddles and other regular equipment. Odd, though, as goblins cannot ride horses, even the big ones don't. They much prefer wolves. There are eight bays in the stable.
Returning, he easily retraces his steps and finds the others, no longer in danger, all their opponents dead except one goblin, who has just recently awoken and looks with fierce anger at the party.
Dakath jogs back into the room grinning "I've found the entrance to the tower." he glances round the room "We need to get out of here, this is the last place the goblins know where we are. Close to the entrance to the tower there is a small outbuilding, we could hide up there."
Before he helps the others he sees the remaining goblin "He's no good to us, he's just going to slow us down." he draws his magic dagger and moves forward swiftly and deadly. Not pausing to watch the body fall to the fall he again repeats his request "Come on let's go."
"Did you find anything out?" Rhune asks when he comes visibly relieved that he is alright. She is sitting next to Asif trying to help him with the wound. "Well we know the tower is there, and the fact that there is a stable means that there is a way down here for horses. We just didn't find it, but who would the horse have belonged to? Or were they just used for food?" she asks a look of obvious concentration on her face.
Arkady watches the scene emotionlessly. He helps pack up as much of the treasure as the group can carry and then follows Dakath.
Dakath turns and catches Arkady's eye for a moment, he can see the pain hidden behind them briefly before he turns to watch the others turn to pack up the coin. "First rule in stealing, always leave the coins, unless nothing else is yielded, they weigh too much. Take the Goblet and the horn nothing more. Chances are we'll find more before we leave."
Arkady gives Dakath a silent nod. He scoops a handful of gold coins and drops them in his pouch. "In case we have to flee with nothing, a small amount of coin will be easier to use than shining baubles, moi drug!"
Dakath grins despite himself giving Arkady a conspiratorial wink "This trip's already been profitable." he adds cryptically.
Arkady stares quizzically at Dakath's statement and prepares to travel. "What do you mean Dak?"
Dakath smiles at Arkady "I've learnt that the life of a merchant, even a dishonest one, certainly isn't for me. I've decided to give my life of crime a free reign when I get some free time, what a rush !!" He chuckles to himself, perhaps at some private joke, you can't be sure, before leading the way to the outhouse.
Arkady and Rhune gather up some gold coins, while Arkady takes the goblet and the horn. The remaining pile of coins is left on the table.
Pietro gets one of his belt pouches, opens it, and scoops in a few gold and silver coins, but not so much as to burden himself with it a lot. He is still looking quite surprised, as he has been since the first goblin attack. "I reckon that if I will travel with you guys for a month, I am going to be in more adventures than in the first century of my life."
Asif his purse light, scoops up a couple of handfuls of the remaining silver coins and drops them into his purse. Then tying the leather thongs back together drops it back into his much stained flowing robes.
"It is good to be blessed with some coin again. Soon may we find a place of peace for a while so we may spend it"
"On a wedding dress." Rhune says with a smile.
Asif laughs: "And a huge wedding feast as well!"
"With lots of ale, mead and wine and food." she says with a smile.
"I guess you are right, but all I need now is a bath, a beautiful lady and a bed..." replies Ullar, however, changing color quickly as he sees Rhune's look at him.
Rhune looks over and just flashes Ullar a sparkling smile, then turns to wink at Asif.
"Hey.. ladies are good company for dinner" he adds, hoping that this defends his former statement adequate enough
Asif smiles at the vision Ullar paints.
"Ah yes most certainly efendi. A single night in a luxurious caravesai, a bath, good warm five course meal fit for a sultan and a clean bed shared with one you love. (Asif smiles warmly at Rhune) What more could a man ask for Ullar. Pray that such a place we shall find soon. Our path so far has been an hard one, surely one night such as this is not too much to ask for. You too should find happiness in the arms of a good women Ullar. Your time under the warmth of Aten's sky has been much longer than mine. Why should only I be blessed amongst this party?"
"I don't know Asif. There once was this lady amongst us.. well.. you know. However, I'm glad you and Rhune have found each other. It enlightens my spirit, to phrase it the way you probably would." says Ullar, grinning at Asif.
Asif smiles knowingly at Ullar's words. "Love is found in many strange places my friend. That I would find it in such a foreign land is this was an unexpected blessing"
Dakath stands ready to help anyone who is having trouble walking "Come on let's go!"
"Wait Dakath. Half our fighting force is still not up to par. As far as I know the only one who is has been completely healed is Pietro." Rhune looks down at Asif and the other warriors.
Tired, but more than willing, Ullar stands up and follows Dakath
As they move through the corridors Dakath says "Oh one other thing, we're not just dealing with goblins, not unless they've suddenly developed an interest in horse riding, there's a stable not far from the tower entrance, it looks used"
"Oh just great." Rhune mumbles when she hears about the horses.
"As expected..." sighs Ullar. "As that other goblin Chief said, the one who had that piranha-pets, Vlack was reporting to his boss. And since we are being followed/watched by the Bishop his men since we're on track, I don't have to think long about who could be assisting these foul creatures."
"Asif, do you need any help?" Rhune asks with concern as she stays close to her lover.
Asif smiles with thanks as Rhune offers him some aid. "Much thanks"
Ullar shakes his head in disbelief, grunting something about the evilness of the Bishop and his followers.
"Just think," Forte says to Ullar, "what poetic justice it will be to run through the Bishop with this goblin chief's great sword once we catch him."
Arkady smiles wickedly as he pictures the Bishop run through. He lightly giggles but ends as a pain shoots through him. He sighs and limps after Dakath.
"Oh.. yes..." says Ullar, a cynical grin appearing on his face while he digs the picture.
Following Dakath's path, the party moves through a larger building, crossing to the other side of the cliff face. Emerging, you see the tower immediately to the left side. Crossing to it, Dakath points out the stable building and it's empty stalls.
Looking ahead, you see that the tower itself, while constructed of the same blocky stone that the buildings previously seen were, is much finer craftsmanship. The doors are equipped as modern doors, and the staircase is decorated and carved fancifully. Not art deco by the modern standings of Italy, but most likely well ahead of it's time whenever it was built, as it looks very old.
There are some interesting traits about the building, as there are no battlements on the top, nor are there arrow-slits along the walls. Indeed, it appears to be one solid structure, with no access in beyond the main door. The top story (of perhaps five) has collapsed onto the one below, under what constraint it is impossible to tell, giving it the ruined look, though the foundation of the tower is still in very solid shape. It does not appear to have collapsed through normal age or wear and tear.
Dakath points out the one-story building to the right of the tower, with it's much less fancy staircase half as high, leading to a single plain door. This, he mentions, is probably a good place to rest for the moment.
Moving up the staircase, you see that it is dusty, as if it has not been used for years, perhaps decades. Moving up toward the door, it is equally unused. Dakath checks it out, finding nothing resembling a trick or trap. He quietly opens the door. Inside is a dark, musty room.