What else do we want? Just remember that we already received some supplies and torches. Now we need to check if that is enough for us for a trip to the golden area.."
Dakath's Equipment list:
Winter Blanket Winter clothes Arctic mittens High hard riding boots Silk Breeches Human cannons Cotton Jerkin Silk Shirt Money Belt Fancy Cloak w/fur Wool Full cloth Expensive leather gloves Silk, Handkerchief Fine Hat w/feather Wig with falling black curls Food Water Food for Stenu Black Studded Leather Bed Roll Mess Kit Bath Oil Silver comb Chalk Cologne Main-Gauche Rapier
Tools of the Trade : Superior Lock Picks (Open Locks) Dark suit (Hide in Shadows) Weapon black (Hide in Shadows) Key making set aniseed Caltrops Death Knife hidden in brooch
Arkady interjects "I would like to improve my armor as well. If my share is great enough I have always wanted to learn to use the arquebus or Hakbut as the Germans say. In addition I need food and warm clothes for our journey into the mountains. My supply of wax is running low as well."
Arkady's list - Warm Clothes - Vambraces and cuisses (Arm and Leg armor) - Arquebuss (if they exist yet) - Buckler - Perfumes - Moustache Wax - Some shirts and trousers - Food - Vodka - New Blankets cause mine are old - New tack for Krilpesh
"I've got a tent, coat and most of what I need except for the above."
"Arkady is right about clothes. I never thought of that," says Forte. "And Dakath is right about a nap. Even a full night's sleep doesn't seem enough after our little tower adventure."
Asif replies. "That is indeed a good idea efendi but such a list as I would write I doubt you would read. I read and write only in the holy script passed from father to son amongst my people. Your letters to me are totally meaningless. If one of you may act as scribe I desire a few things to make my life more comfortable."
Asif rattles off a small list of items he requires, some of which appear to be quite bizarre in nature.. "Efendi if you may take down the following, two spare bowstrings, a studded leather haulberk, a bolt of sky blue cloth of the finest quality, a bag of refined pure salt, a bag of pure white flour, four fine quality aromatic scented candles, a bottle of blessed water, a bag of dried dates, a pot of honey and finally I must have a cup and plate made of gold. The expense is unimportant take what you must from my share of the coin, but for the wedding all of these items must be present. Also my friend much pleasure would I take if these following hieroglyphs could be inscribed upon the plate."
Asif takes the pen from the scribe and with great concentration writes down a number of mystic looking pictographs at the foot of the list. He then hands the list back to the scribe, before bowing deeply his hand upon his heart. "May the blessings of my ancestors bring you great fortune if this small task may be done for me"
"I would be honored to take up such a task. I might need some help when the time arrives, but that can be arranged. I am a priest after all and know my way around marriages. Do you two follow a particular ethos?" Pietro writes down all the things Asif mentions. Looking really interested in the task at hand.
"Well, I follow Erevan Illsier. He is an elven god. But I don't think He would mind if you said the wedding." Rhune smiles at him.
After listening to Arkady's list, Forte listens to Asif's list. He realizes needs to add an item to his own list. "I should get a few spare bowstrings, as well. All of us with bows should."
"You are right, I need some as well." Rhune replies also listening to Asif's list and wondering what the items mean.
"I am going to need more clothing as well. Maybe some ink and parchment too. I can't think of anything else I would need besides spell components of course." Ratlin adds.
"If those are enough supplies for all of us, then I am fine," says Tolik.
Still giggling, Arkady rolls over and looks to the mages. "Remember we will need clothes of warmth for the mountains. I have been in many snows and many mountains and they are cold even in summer."
Tolik rolls his eyes at the giddy warrior. "Like I said, I'm fine. My cloak served me fine in my home, where it grew plenty cold. I'll be alright."
"I have to look at what was gotten already but Asif will need warm clothing of winter. He won't be used to the cold." Rhune offers, "and we could use more arrows"
"Oh, yeah, definitely more arrows," exclaims Forte as he checks his dwindling supply.
Rhune pauses to think, "Additional clothing, I am wearing altered stuff here. and rope. lots of rope and maybe a few grappling hooks. perfume would be nice...well at least for me." she adds with a smile
Forte listens to Ullar's list very carefully, and waits for Rhune to finish speaking. "Barding would be nice, but chain barding is just a pain - especially since we need to travel hastily quite often. I'd prefer leather barding for now. I think it would be easier on the horses and require less maintenance. I don't know much about horses, but anything to make their job easier."
The warrior continues, "You mentioned several things I did not think of. A tent, winter blanket. And clawed gloves - I like that idea if we're to be climbing mountains. It's still summer, so I'm not sure we need to buy winter clothes now, but if we have a couple of pack animals to carry all this stuff, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared and just get it now." Forte smiles, "In which case, I need to add some winter clothes to my shopping list. Regardless, I need some extra clothes now," he says, gesturing to his bloody shirt. "And some basic supplies - lantern, oil, torches, saddle bag.... Some proper oil and rags to maintain the armor..... I wonder what I'm forgetting?" muses the mighty warrior.
"Remind me.. " says Ullar while looking at the shirt Forte is wearing, ".. not to lend you any clothes in the future!". A grin appears once again. Ullar shakes his head, while laughing.
"I think I might just be able to afford to replace it, if I cut back on the gourmet meals we have every day," Forte laughs back.
"Food." Rhune replies.
"I thought I already mentioned that..." says Ullar. "However, if I did not, we CERTAINLY need food" he adds, with a wink to Rhune.
"You did, but I wanted to make sure we had enough, Ullar." she replies returning his wink.
Dakath finds a place to half-sit, half slouch against the wall "Compile a list of what you all need and once we reach a reputable town I will endeavor to find what you require."
"Ok, we basically want a lot of things. I think it would be wise to discuss the items with the deals the people are going to get from us. Mention that we need a lot of goods, if they are available that is. We want to buy them for decent, normal prices. Things are bound to be a bit more expensive, but that is normal with the lack of availability. I will compile a list, and see what I will be able to get my hands on. I will probably use Petr or his wife as a negotiator of some sort. They are to be trusted. I have compiled a list of the things I have heard so far, may have mist a few, but please correct me." Pietro rattles of the list.
"Thanks for putting all this stuff on one list, Pietro," Forte says to the cleric. "Could you read back to me the stuff I mentioned--just in case I want to add anything else." After Pietro reads back the list, Forte notes, "I would like leather barding for my horse. We should also have a whetstone for sharpening edged weapons. And if we're going to buy weapons and armor, I need a battle axe and a two-handed sword, and some armor - preferably banded or splint mail, but chain mail would be o.k., too. Heck, I'll take anything that affords more protection than this leather!"
"Make that leather barding for me as well..."says Ullar, after hearing Forte wise words regarding this topic.
Dakath raises an eyebrow "That's quite a list, you'll need to give me sometime to get all of that. As for the Barding Ullar are you aware that it's highly likely that it must be made to fit the horse ? It could take several weeks to make it but I'll see what I can do."
Dakath crosses his feet and his arms "Do we have time for a little nap ? Getting used for target practice by a bunch of goblins certainly saps the energy."
Stepping over to Dakath and whispering in his ear, "I would like to have something special for Asif, a necklace or an armband of gold....for the wedding."
Dakath nods "Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do."
Smiling at him, "Thanks, Dakath. I appreciate it." she replies
Arkady shakes his head. "And what did you do last night while we were all sleeping. Did some lass find your favor??"
Dakath shrugs "Alas, I wish I could agree with you, but having three crossbow bolts impaled in one's flesh does nothing for ones sexual appetite"
Arkady laughs a little. "Yes I see what you mean. Well rest good merchant and we will awake you before the meeting." Dakath's last remark makes Ullar laugh. "Certainly my friend. We've got all day to regain our strength, so if you like to take a nap, be my guest. I've asked Petr to arrange a meeting for this evening, so you have a couple of hours."
"By the way, are we all going to attend that meeting with the 'camp- heads' or just me, Arkady and Dakath?" Ullar asks.
"I think we should all be there," says Forte, "just so they know that we all support the plan. Or at least most of us, anyway."
"Then I will be there" Rhune replies
Arkady nods. "That is correct. We must all stand as a unified group if this plan is to work. If we show consolidated front then they will hopefully want to form a strong unified community as well. I know there is division here but I think it stems from these others feeling dependant on Petr."
"I would like to attend just so I know what is going on." Ratlin replies.
"If you'll excuse me, I'd rather not attend," Tolik replies. Though he speaks politely enough, he wouldn't go if he was bound hand and foot and carried in.
"May I make a suggestion?" Ratlin butts in. "I feel that the mages in the group should spend some time sharing some of the spells they know so that we all are better prepared. I am willing to trade spells with anyone who wishes to trade with me."
Tolik answers Ratlin. "I can see how there would be some benefits to that. After this meeting is over we'll have to find a quiet spot to compare notes."
"Good. How about you Ami?" Ratlin asks.
"Sure," answers the Gnome. " I think I'm getting the hang of this magic stuff, and I feel I'm up to learning some new things..."
"Well then, when do we want to do this? We might want to do it before we leave again." Ratlin says with a smile.
Kuzma, Irina, and Pietro deal with the group's injuries as best they can. The night of rest is well taken, and the feast itself is quite refreshing. Freshly cooked river fish, along with borscht and rye bread. Some grain vodka is also produced and it is quite a party. There is much dancing and singing, though it is in a language unfamiliar to all those here except Arkady.
As Mother Kuzma and Irina finish up with his wounds, Forte asks them, "Is there, perchance, someone in your camp who can sell me a few shirts?" He gestures to the bloody rag on the floor, "You can see they don't tend to last too long on me. I can pay handsomely for two or three shirts. Heck, they wouldn't even have to be new so long as they were clean!" He looks at the women, hoping they can point him to someone who can help.
The ladies laugh for a moment, then gesture for Forte to ask those doing the washing. When he does so, the girls turn out not to speak Italian. He clenches his fist in frustration, hoping that he can find something before he leaves.
A little while later, Forte sees Arkady talking with these villages in a strange language. When he has a moment, Forte approaches his new friend. "Arkady, I know we are planning to stock up, but I really need some proper clothes now," he says, gesturing to his torn and bloody shirt. "But I can't communicate with the women here. At least not the ones doing the washing. Could you translate for me? I just need a new shirt or two. Well, not even new, but clean would do!" he says with a smile. "Can you help me? You can tell them I will pay for the shirts, of course."
Arkady goes to the laundering women and speaks to them, returning to Forte. He tells him that they have nothing of such a size that it would fit Forte, and in any case clothing is their worst shortage, as they were barely able to provide provisions for the settlement with Petr's remaining money. Forte notices that the men here are all wearing ripped and worn shirts themselves, and none of them is anywhere near Forte's size. Stephen is nearly as tall, but nowhere near the girth.
During the feasting and celebrating Arkady tries to discover the source of the tension and disharmony afflicting the village.
It seems to be pride getting in the way of clan harmony. Also there are clearly some very old divisions at work here. These people have been forced together for too long already and forced to impose on one clan chief's hospitality, indebting themselves to him, which does not sit well with the other elder males.
Tolik gets a little to eat, then leaves the celebration to walk through the woods, staying close to the village. As he walks, he picks herbs to replace the ones he is running short on.
In the aftermath of his mirth, Arkady sleeps. Filled with ideas from Ullar and Asif, Arkady dreams of a wooden stockade full of mighty Russian woodsmen, trained and armed by the party. He himself stands on a platform above them with his beautiful wife, Irina. He revels in the security and in the beauty of his wife.
Things go dark however and a black cloaked figure waving a blue tube appears in his dreams. He sees a green venomed blade and a haunted man hunting others like him. With a hideous blood curdling shriek Arkady pops awake, soaked in sweat and with blood dripping from his gnawed up lower lip.
After he composes himself Arkady rises and takes a long drink from the well bucket. Carefully he binds his hair, brushes and cleans his clothes as best as he can and dresses as formally as possible, in his uniform with the hat and leather gloves. He then rouses Dakath. "Dak, we need to draft a contract for this proposal of Ullar's. Come let's get to work."
Dakath grins "Very well, do you have a quill and ink ? or would you like to use mine?"
"I have all needed tools, Dakath."
As he rummages through his pack, he finds his bill of ownership for the BitterSea trading company, he passes it to Arkady. "What do you think of this, I own one of the largest merchant companies in the Western Hemisphere."
Arkady reads over the document and his eyes grow wide with admiration. "Why sir would you adventure if fortunes such as these await you at home??"
He gauges Arkady's reaction before admitting the truth. "I forged the document. Pretty good huh ?" He then grins and places it back into his backpack.
Arkady laughs embarrassed that he did not spot the fake. "Ah, I see. Yes well it fooled me. Good work. But make the contract honest Dakath."
Dakath sighs once "The strange thing is before a cruel twist of fate I was fabulously wealthy. I once held a vice-like grip on the Jerbohan Religious item and symbol market. It made me a very rich man. Oh don't get me wrong they were all fake and none of them blessed by a high ranking church official." He grins "I dread to think how many so called Priests of Jerboha are carrying round holy symbols that I sold them. Problem was I got caught and a certain high-ranking member of the clergy thought it apt if I were to crawl within the bowels of the Earth for the rest of my worthless life. That roughly equated to a life-time mining with a bunch of Rock Gnomes, no offense Ami, but you guys sure do get worked up over a bunch of rocks." "I was slowly going mad until a party of intrepid adventurers happened to be wandering around down there as I discovered the secret tunnels they were in." He grinned "And now look what I've got myself embroiled in."
Arkady listens with interest. He grins at Dak's final commentary. "A sad tale but at least you are free to make a new fortune. And no high ranking official will take you while we are here."
"I think I've been done a favor, apart from the numerous wounds and pain I've gone through, the adventuring life is certainly agreeing with me and having a little bit of muscle around never hurt anyone."
"That contract can open a lot of doors when you show it to the right people. It goes against my nature but I'll endeavor to make the contract honest."
"Thank you, Dak." Arkady helps with transcription and whatever wording he can.