Stephen, At Last!

After stashing his drawings, Arkady looks over to Rhune and Asif. "Pietro we are probably not going to get a rest. Are they going to live??"

Rhune continues to moan and writhe in some kind of torment.

"I reckon they are going to live, although they will be severely drained of energy for while. They need lots of the things that are good for humans, sleep, food, and an often overlooked aspect of getting better, people you love and care for you." Pietro answers.

"Rhune and Asif must be saved; we sure can't leave them here. Next to that, I feel my strength float away from my body and I'm not sure how much longer I can rely on it. I've never killed as many opponents in a battle as today, but I rather live to tell it. So unless most of you want to press our luck and continue, I say we find shelter someplace else."

Having that said, Ullar awaits any responses and settles with the majority.

Arkady looks up from his preparation to cook. "Well if we leave they might fortify the tower so we can't reenter but I'm willing to go. We should decide soon. Maybe we should eat first??" He gestures to the monkey he is preparing to roast.

Tolik looks at the party and its many injuries. "I want to say charge ahead, but I'm doubting we are in any condition to do that. And I'm not the one in the front line getting hit, not again." He shakes his head at the memory. "No, I'm going to have to agree. If we can find a safe place to stop, we should pull back and try to recover a little bit."

"I'm feeling the urge to press through as well, since we're so close, but my first obligation is with my two friends here who cannot care for themselves in their current state. Therefore, let's move out." says Ullar, removing any obstacles which are barricaded for the door and then picking up Asif and his gear.

"I agree with Tolik. We need to recover from our injuries," concurs Forte. "But I'm worried about moving Asif and Rhune too much." He turns to Pietro, "Do you think it's o.k. to move them?"

Pietro checks his two patients for a moment, after that he turns to the rest of the group., but making sure that the patients cannot hear him. "The situation is still very grave. It is still not certain that they will survive the night. Moving them now would be something like giving them the death penalty. If they stay in this bed and have a good night, they will probably survive. Their will is strong enough, which is maybe the most important thing right now. I think we have to stay here, we cannot leave them, but I think that I'm not the only one who has that opinion. It is good that Dakath is going to scout. I think we are almost upstairs, if we neutralize the threat there, I think we will be sort of safe. I reckon the goblins are to frightened to go up here, since the boss is here. Another thing is the spiders. It would have been easy for the goblins to kill them, but they were probably kept as guards. If you keep something poisonous as a guard, I would make sure that I'd have some kind of antidote. The person who would have the antidote, is the guy upstairs. Let's wait what Dakath has to say when he gets back."

Ullar frowns at the situation. "Then we have no option but to stay here" he says, clearly unhappy. "I guess it will be best to barricade both doors. The one which is smashed can have my bed standing vertically in front of it; I'll sleep on the ground." Then, softly, he adds: "Just as long as Rhune and Asif are safe. Gotta protect my friends."

(Rhune begins to toss and turn on the bed.....the sweat plastering her silver hair to her shoulders....calling out Asif! Asif! in her mind as the spiders get closer and closer.....looking up as shadowy figure in desert robes pulls out a gleaming sword and begins slicing at the webbing)

Blinded by unyielding darkness Asif staggers through thick sand dunes in a place unknown. He recognizes a voice calling to him, he breaks into a run but losing his footing. He tumbles, his body turning over and over going faster and faster. A burning pain tears at his flesh as the decent shreds his clothing. His half naked flesh rubbed raw by the hot sand. The voice grows louder as the feeling of falling leaves him. The voice calls, a female voice........"Asif!" Asif!.....Help me......"

Pushing through the pain he sees light before him. The light of a moon bouncing off the still waters of a desert Oasis. Entering this strangely unwelcoming place he hears a voice coming from a web like cocoon suspended from a palm tree. He runs forward across the sand his swords drawn and then he hears his own screams echoing in the night. He too is embalmed in the cloth of the dead and cannot move...........

Arkady has abandoned his cookery and stands near the back of the room, shaking slightly and staring at the wall.

Ullar approaches Arkady, making sure not to surprise him. "Arkady, it seems to me something troubles you. Want to talk about it? If you don't, that's ok, but perhaps some other diversion would please you: barricading this room with me and Forte. What do you say?" says Ullar, with a polite smile on his face.

Forte starts to walk over to Arkady, then stops when he sees the weeping. A look of relief passes over Forte's face when he sees Ullar and Pietro attempting to deal with the situation.

Arkady turns to grin weakly at the gladiator. Tears streak the dirt and blood on his face and his eyes are red and swollen. "Ullar, I thank you. Maybe Pietro is right? Maybe I am cursed? I will help with the barricade." Arkady works efficiently but silently to secure the room. When it is secure he stands guard as he said earlier. Silmar blade at the ready. His formal parade stance is the one that was drilled into him in Venice.

Tolik, feeling rather useless, wanders of into a corner to discuss magely matters with Ratlin and Amibar.

Dakath strides up the stairs, where the bull-man so recently came from. Taking his time, he emerges into the room where he saw nothing last time, but heard plenty, still carrying the Minotaur's sword loosely in his right hand, the poisoned dagger in his left. The door was still open, and the door on the opposite side has not closed completely. This time, Dakath sees the room clearly, and a very strange room it is.

There is something of a mini-chamber within this room, with walls made completely out of glass. In the center of the glass walls there is a single chair with a tall red-haired man upon it, bound by a thick rope. He looks when the door opens but then looks about as if he cannot see.

"Friend! You have returned to rescue me?" He curses, "I cannot see a thing in this blasted magic chamber, and I'll venture you can't either, hmm? I am in the center of the room. You can feel your way around the walls. There is an opening behind me." Dakath wonders why he is telling him this, as it is all very clear.

He walks around the glass walls easily and through the entrance. Dakath can see that it is indeed Stephen, who you all have been looking for so long. He looks about like a blind man, and Dakath fears for a moment that the yellow-robe has spelled him so. "Friend, I would be much in your debt were you to release me. Whatever your business here, surely that could not hurt?"

He smiles when Dakath cuts him free, "Many thanks, stranger." He still stares about. "Let us depart this cursed chamber that blanks out vision and then we shall talk." Taking his hand, Dakath guides him out toward the door he entered from.

Once they step through the door, Stephen smiles, "You look familiar, friend.....Jacobus?" He laughs out loud, "In disguise, hmmm? Well, you look much like the raggedy rogue that pulled himself out of the river onto my boat, not so long ago." He continues a wide smile, "Where are your friends? The orc, the large fellow, what was his name, Ullar? The elves? The Arab?" He seems contemplative, "Surely you are not the only one left?" He shakes his head, "No, surely not. Someone dispatched that bull-headed beast. I'll wager it was that big fellow with the big sword."

Dakath grins at having found Stephen "It's Dakath, not Jacobus. My name's Dakath. No I'm not the only one left, but not all of us are faring as well as us. Come, I'll take you to them."

He seems very cheerful as you walk together down the steps, not at all bothered by the temporary blindness. Walking down, you both emerge into the room with the beds, where Ullar and the other have begun to work on refortifying the door. Stephen seems very happy to see Ullar. "I suspected your brawn was responsible for slaying that beast. Many thanks." he looks about, "And I see that you have replaced your former band with another, hmmm? A shame, as I'd hoped to see the two lovely ladies, one of whom I hired on myself."

The fact Stephen seems so cheerful, arouses Dakath's suspicions immediately.

"But what have we here?" He moves toward the beds with Asif and Rhune upon them, "You did not leave all your former companions behind, I see." He looks closely at them, "What happened to them? They look close to death. My mother might not even be able to help."

Tolik looks at the stranger, but says nothing, realizing this must be the one for whom they searched.

Rhune tosses and writhes in the throes of a poison induced fever....her face drawn and shallow, sweat dripping down her cheeks, plastering her hair to her shoulders.

Once the group explains their situation, Stephen replies, "Then I hope upon all the gods that they live. I cannot believe you have traveled so far in pursuit of me. I am much in your debt, tenfold what I paid you in Arezzo!" He looks about, "My gear! Excellent." He continues to speak as he puts on the leathers that Ullar looked at and straps on the sword, bow, and quiver, "There is no time to waste. We must pursue Golthar before he can escape!" Though beaten and bruised, he has a light in his eyes.

Dakath frowns ever so slightly hoping to speak to Ullar, Forte or Arkady.

Dakath tells the group all that he saw. Stephen seems very surprised that Dakath could see what was in the room he was tied in, but says nothing about it for the moment. Stephen waits impatiently for the group to make it's decision.

After Stephen his words, Ullar walks forward to him and gives him a big hug. "Glad you are still alive. I'll tell you all about what has happened to our original group, but there are more urgent matters at hand here. Now tell me why you were captured by this Golthar-guy!"

Stephen answers, "He had many interesting questions, but there is plenty of time for that later. Even now he undoubtedly prepares for our coming!"

"I have no doubt about that, but is there anything special we need to know upfront?" the ex-gladiator replies.

Stephen shakes his head, "I know nothing more. I wasn't exactly given a tour. I have never seen anyone other than Golthar travel up the stairs, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything lurking up there." He shrugs his shoulders."

When the story is finished Ullar scratches his chin.

"So we got ourselves a yellow-robed, flying something up there. Well.. this door is smashed, so it will offer no protection anymore. However, I have the strong feeling that the yellow-robed is either a mage or a devote follower of some God and I'm sure that I can't rest in this room with such an opponent nearby."

"On the other hand, if there are more of these Minotaurs I rather leave this place and find a resting place somewhere else. What about one of the buildings outside? I know, it's still close but with all our wounded friends we surely can't climb up the rope to reach our horses."

"What do you all say, should we take our chances on the yellow-robed one above us and pray that reasoning is in place? Or shall we take shelter in the last building located from here? I'd favor that last option."

Stephen shakes his head, "I am confident that if we wait, Golthar will harness his minions and kill us all for sure. I saw no others above us, but I am certain that Golthar can summon that giant hobgoblin Vlack, who has a bunch of goblins serving him, along with a giant white wolf, and a whole squad of Hounds! Added to that, his magical energies, now depleted, will be restored if we delay, and I don't doubt that he is a very powerful foe when he has his full magical abilities. We must go forward now. Who else is fit to the chase?" He seems almost obsessed with the task.

"Yes, we must attack while he is still weak." Ratlin replies, grim faced.

Arkady shakes himself free of his dark thoughts at the stranger's entrance. "Who is this man??" After hearing of all the dangers still to come, Arkady shakes himself and nods. "I can pursue but know that Death pursues us. We are mostly all wounded and need rest and food."

"Then there is only one option left.. " says Ullar, looking at Stephen, ".. finish what we started. However, we must make sure that door leading down is securely fortified, for Asif and Rhune are unprotected while laying here alone. Perhaps someone can volunteer to watch and call out the alarm when things get out of hand?"

"Stephen, you don't have to worry about that wolf anymore. It's kinda finished. Vlack we've encountered before and I'm eager to match my strength in combat with him, again, for he has a sword my heart hungers for more than anything, well, almost anything" Ullar corrects himself, giving Stephen some kind of wink.

"But what about those hounds? Are those ice-breathing beasts? Or do they have any other special powers? And are the monkeys all the same, or are there better trained ones as well?"

Stephen shakes his head, "There are two of the ice-breathing wolves. I found that out when I arrived, and Golthar threatened to feed me to one of them. Vlack alternates riding them. The baboons, some are wild and some are the goblin's pets. The ones that are domestic have iron collars on them." He gestures at the corpse Arkady dragged into the room. "That one is wild, I would think.

"So the wolf is ice-breathing, the baboons are wild or tame, but what about those hounds?"

Stephen looks at Ullar." I am surprised that you have not already encountered them. Remember the group from the boat so long ago? Those were hounds, human hounds employed by the Bishop, mentally enslaved, thoughtless, but attackers. They are surely not above us, as their quarters are below. In fact, I have not seen or heard from them for two days." He seems thoughtful for a moment. "Undoubtedly the dangers above will be of a less mundane sort."

"Well, that is one less threat for us to take care of, isn't it?" replies Ullar, while remembering the battle he and his former companions fought. He glances at Asif and Rhune and makes a solemn oath to himself, ensuring that the three of them will stay together; 'they have a wedding planned' is what the fighter says to himself.

After hearing Stephen's answers Ullar brings up some sort of battle plan. "If I understand correctly Dakath, that rob-guy floated up? Well, get our missile weapons ready than! If our archers, including you Stephen, can take the corners left and right from our entrance, with Arkady and me in the middle of the room and Ratlin and Amibar at the door we enter, we are well divided across the room and cannot be caught all together. Our incoming opponents have to choose who they will face first, and by then I hope you all plunged your arrows in them" the warrior says, smiling vaguely.

Dakath shakes his head "No Ullar the yellow-robed guy ran up the stairs, he didn't float." Dakath then proceeds to walk past Ullar, whispering in his ear, "Something's not right," before moving back to the staircase.

Looking over at Dakath, Ullar frowns. Knowing him for quite some time now, the warrior takes such a remark rather serious but is unable to reply, since Dakath already moved over to the staircase. Frowning, Ullar looks at Forte, then back to Stephen and a thought comes to his mind.

He walks over to Forte and whispers: "I'm not a magick user, but I've heard of illusions or something like that. What if this is not the real Stephen, but an illusion, trying to lure us in trouble? We need to watch him very closely!"

Turning to Pietro and Tolik: "I don't know about your abilities in combat. Can you use anything like a ranged weapon? Otherwise you could stand with Ratlin and Amibar or defend our wounded here." Ullar asks.

Tolik avoids Ullar's look. "I suppose a dagger can be ranged, but I seriously doubt I could hit anything."

"I mean, last time I went charging after to get a lone opponent, well, you remember. And that time I had a spell ready." He clearly isn't wanting to go, but doesn't want to shirk his share of the work.

"I can understand your fear. However, it's not shameful to watch our backs, while we are moving one floor higher. Someone needs to keep an eye on that door.." says Ullar, with a nod to the door leading to the 'beautiful' room ".. and inform us any danger is coming from it. Next to that, Asif and Rhune need to be taken care of. Can, and will, you do that Tolik? And perhaps you too Pietro?"

Tolik is clearly relieved that he has been given an excuse not to charge ahead. "Gee, yeah, I can do that. Next time though, I'll come with."

Even though there is doubt on his face, Pietro's words are not. "There is wisdom in your words. I would like to join you into the unknown, as I am sure Tolik does as well. On the other hand I have got a responsibility now to take care of Rhune and Asif. I think that I am the only one capable of keeping them alive, so there is no point in getting me killed now. I need Tolik as well in that. I have got a small plan which might do some good. Tolik has to keep the pieces of cloth on their bodies as wet as possible, and give them a few drops of water to drink every few minutes. I am going to link the hands of Asif, Rhune, and me, and tell a story. I am hoping that they will be able to find strength in their brains by the physical connection and my voice. Even if there is only a bit of comfort in that combination it still would be a victory. When you are finished upstairs, fetch me, there might be things up there we can use to better their condition."

"We surely will do that" says Ullar, appreciation in his voice for the fact that Pietro and Tolik will remain here to watch over his wounded friends.

Tolik rolls his eyes, but plans to do as instructed. Though he doubts how much good it will do, he figures in can't do any harm. Plus the story might be entertaining. At the very least it would give Pietro some time to relax, something that he needs to do to recover from his own wounds. "Okay, I'll help," replies Tolik, "On the condition that we take a look at your injuries as well."

Matters decided, Pietro starts to instruct Tolik on the matters at hands. "It is quite simple, but it needs to be done. Give them a few drops of water to drink every few minutes, about half a mouthful will be enough. Keep the pieces of cloth on their bodies wet. I will be in a meditative state, so you will have to warn me and the rest when there is trouble. Easy does it, we've got some patients to heal!" Pietro sits in-between the beds, his legs crossed in the position that is called 'Way of the Lotus'. He takes a hand from both Asif and Rhune, and joins them together. He puts his on top of them and closes his eyes. In a few seconds you can see the look on Pietro is getting more and more relaxed. The pain and stress from his grave injuries are slowly disappearing as well. Pietro then starts to tell his story.

Tolik diligently carries out his duties, though every time he does anything he walks over to check the stairs for anyone coming up.

Tossing in her fever induced coma as the spiders come closer and closer.......the flashing blades of Asif, arcing over her cutting webbing and spiders......seeing a spider fall on Asif.........then his hand touching hers and a vague voice breaking through the dim haze.......soft moans issue........mumbled words, "Asif...........Asif"

Forte seems stunned for a moment - he can't believe the man from his visions is actually standing in front of him.

Adrenaline is once again floating through Ullar his veins. Tolik's words inspired him to continue, but Stephen gave the ex-gladiator the final push. Eager to strive forward he awaits the suggestions from his companions.

Inspired by Ullar's words Arkady raises his sword to the ceiling with a little leap. "Well then let us look Death in the eye and tell him to go to Hell!!! I am with you Ullar." He grins maniacally and begins eagerly pacing back and forth full of energy.

~Soon, you'll be soaked in blood again, it may be mine but I know that you care not what vintage you drink~ Arkady tells his voices.

Forte gets up and prepares his bow. He makes sure his mace is also handy for closer combat. And, surprising to himself, the adrenaline starts pumping and he begins to feel less tired. Perhaps this will all soon be over and they can really rest for a change.... The warrior ponders - for just a second - whether or not to use the long sword he recently borrowed. He quickly decides to stick with weapons he knows, even if they are not as damaging.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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