The Party Never Ends!

Stephen says that it will take probably a full day to reach Rifflian, then a half day beyond that to Threshold. Taras, Petr's son, has harnessed the herd of beautiful white horses, and all of your more plain riding horses, as well as Forte and Ullar's warhorses, are ready to travel. He will accompany you as far as Rifflian, then return with the village's share of the profits.

"Taras. If I take it correctly, those beautiful horses are going to get a great price at Rifflian. Are you sure you want to carry all that gold alone on your way back? Perhaps the Rifflians can repay you with some ground-materials as well. In that case you need a cart or something and I'd say three more men to guard it! It's just a suggestion, it's your call" says Ullar, trying not to be to dominant towards the youngster.

Taras smiles slightly, "I'd not be foolish enough to take such payment in gold. In any case, I doubt the elves would have it to give. They are more used to payments in beautiful things, things that can be sold for even more than the elves value them for. Thus a profit on both ends!" He smiles more broadly at that.

Tolik is pleased to be getting out of the village. Though it was safe, he was never able to get quite comfortable there. He rides with the now large group, happy to be on the move once again.

Feeling much better now, Rhune saddles up after getting her things from the supplies, then putting on the chainmail and adding the new arrows to her quiver. "Okay which way do we go from here?" she looks at Asif, "I hope this journey doesn't take too long my love, would like to get married soon." she smiles at him. "I love you."

Asif returns a warm smile. "Such a glorious day shall soon be upon us my love. Much preparation do I make for this day"

Ratlin watches the two from within his hood and smiles a hidden smile. He looks forward, ready to explore lands he has never seen.

Leaving behind about two thirds of the gold at Sukiskayn, the group piles up the remaining loot on the horses.

Once the group is ready for departure, the two dozen white horses are herded together behind your ten, an army of steeds. The inhabitants of the village seem all to be behind you now, as your generosity appears to have amended any divisions within them for the time being.

"Good bye village," Tolik mutters under his breath. He is definitely not sad to be leaving, though it is a safe place.

It is a peaceful journey, for once, as the group meanders toward Misha's Ferry, lightly chatting. They are pleased to have had such success and that Vlack and his goblins and baboons did not see fit to attack the village. Reassured that Golthar must have something else in mind, the party heads north toward the river, and the much-sighted Ferry.

"Lovely day, isn't it." Tolik says happily.

"It certainly is.." Ullar replies, riding calm and easy on the back of Zephyr.

Asif looks toward the winged elf. "Ah efendi the blessing of Aten is most strong today. Such warmth brings life to all. Pity is that in this land of the less enlightened the blessing of Aten is not more evident. I find this land most cold efendi. Today is an exception"

Realizing that it will take several trips to cart over the horses, each member takes about four horses (including their own) and ferries them across. Dakath takes point as usual. However, just as everyone is getting together their own group of horses and Dakath is boarding up, a flight of arrows comes sailing across the river, as you see a group of shaven-headed archers emerge from the cabin on the other side.

Pietro and Tolik narrowly dodge one each, as another careens off Rhune's armor. One hits and bounces off Arkady's breastplate, surely a bruise, while another misses ending his life by inches, slashing by his face, leaving a red trail. Amibar also is nicked in the right side by another arrow.

Ullar, who is not much of use in long distance combats, herds all of the horses back, towards any brushes or trees further south. "Remind me that I need to learn how to fight with bows..." he mutters to anyone standing close.

Dakath takes cover behind the horses drawing his short bow "Those archers on the other bank, hold your fire. We mean no harm and merely wish to cross the river."

There is no response aside from another volley of arrows. Most of the arrows miss, but one come very close to hitting Rhune in the stomach while another does hit Ratlin in the ribs, causing him to yell out.

His foul mood from the learning not having left him yet, Amibar is further aggravated by the wound. "Stop it already with the shooting!" he yells at the silent archers, waving his fist in the air. Seeing another volley of arrows coming, he remembers to take cover lest he be less fortunate this time.

Pietro quickly turns his horse, and searches for cover behind the first thing that he sees. He glides from Swift, and starts looking in the direction of the archers. Scanning for other archers or strange things as well.

Biting down to ignore the pain, Arkady wheels his horse into the trees and tries to get in cover. "Cover up, let the archers do their work." Arkady wishes he had a shield.

Ratlin casts his sleep spell at the archers.

Before they can complete their second volley, Ratlin's spell takes them, and five drop to the ground on the opposite shore, leaving only two remaining. The group sees that those felled by the spell are being dragged away by some more unseen companions, behind the bushes they are using for cover.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted," sighs Tolik, then begins muttering the words to a spell. He waits for the return volley of arrows from his companions, then fires his missile at who ever is left standing.

However, none of the archers have their bows ready, and thus rather than be pin-cushioned, Tolik fires a bolt of magical energy at one of the two remaining. It hits him in the leg, but does not elicit a scream, or even better, the fellow falling down. He returns to firing his bow.

Both target Ratlin as the most prominent threat, and he is hit squarely in the foot by one of the shots.

Dodging the arrows and grabbing her bow, Rhune quickly lets fly with a volley of arrows. After she lets go with the first two she seeks some partial cover somewhere and lets go with another volley.

Forte grabs his bow, ducks behind the nearest tree for a little cover, and returns fire.

Asif face flushes with red anger. Angrily he growls and he unsheathes his bow. "Offer the hospitality of Vipers will you. Well face the consequences. I shall not play this game." Asif draws his bow upon a target on the far bank and with great strength send the first of a volley of return fire across the river.

Asif does not seek cover as the others, and narrowly dodges an arrow for his troubles. As Rhune and Forte combine to take one down, he fells the other with a pair of shots.

The last of the sleeping ones you see dragged off into the woods by their helpers, and you realize that they will most likely be awake by the time you manage to get across the river.

Ratlin decides now would be a good idea to take cover. Readying his other spell for when they finally cross.

Ullar, watching the horses and a possible rear-attack grunts in frustration. As he has no ranged weapons but his daggers he sighs and tosses one in frustration at a nearby tree, picking it up quickly after realizing what a waste this would be.

Then a idea comes to his mind: "Hey, what if I hold three of those winter blankets in front of me and you get behind me. With this platemail and those blankets I doubt they are able to get through. Than we can finish the fight on the other side.."

Arkady draws the silmar blade and runs to Ullar's side. "Let's go gladiator!!! I have no desire to be a pincushion."

"As much as I hate splitting the party up, those that don't have missile weapons should try working their way across while we keep missile going. Maybe we can take out a few more before you get there.." Rhune says to the others knocking another arrow in her bow and looking across the water to see if she can find a target.

Tolik pulls the pin out of his cloak and lets the cloak fall to ground. He pulls his dagger out and then tells the others, "I'm going to fly over and see if I can get them before they wake up." With that he takes off, flying over the river but being careful to check if the unseen companions are a threat to his well being.

Rhune pays close attention to the opposite shore, targeting anyone that may spot the flying elf.

As Ullar gathers the blankets and prepares to board, by Rhune's plan only the magic-users and Arkady would board, and Ratlin and Pietro do not seem inclined to run into an ambush, so the two warriors prepare as best they can behind the blanket shield.

Realizing the two warriors may be greatly outnumbered, and feeling a bond to Ullar, Amibar hops on the ferry behind the two man, crouching to reduce his already-diminutive size, so as to provide less of a target.

Watching Tolik wing his way over, the several archers keep watch, hoping their targets reveal themselves. However, they have dragged the others well into the trees, beyond any possible archery. And there Tolik pursues them.

Tolik flies into the woods after those who dragged off the sleepers. Perhaps fifteen feet into the forest, he sees the slumbering archers piled up. Moving closer to put them out of their misery, he sees two armed and armored warriors, brawny fellows, emerge alongside the victims of Ratlin's spell. They hold their swords at Tolik, "Surrender or Die!"

Tolik grimaces. "Oh, this is just wonderful," he mutters. Pausing for just a moment to consider his options, he drops his dagger, letting the blade sink into the ground, and plops down on the ground. "Okay, I give up." he says.

He co-operates with them in hopes that he can keep them distracted long enough for his companions to cross the river, but tries to appear slightly ignorant and poorly understanding to force them to spend as much time as possible dealing with him.

As Ullar and Arkady hastily begin towing the ferry across, they hear some shouts coming from across the river, from the direction where Tolik flew, but they cannot. Rhune is able to make out that a man is yelling at Tolik to surrender or be killed.

As Ullar and Arkady jump onto the ferry Dakath takes that as his queue to jump off and use the trees for cover. He hides behind the nearest tree and waits.

Trying to spot the person talking, her bow at the ready, Rhune is slightly frustrated at not being able to see him......waiting and hoping that Tolik is alright is about all she can do. Calling to Ullar, "Please, hurry, Ullar."

Arkady pulls with all his strength to get across faster. In order to keep from screeching in tune to the voices, Arkady gnaws his lower lip, reopening the nightmare wounds. Pausing once to wipe blood from his face he continues to pull the ferry.

Halfway across the river, Ami is already beginning to regret his hasty decision. " What was I thinking?" he mumbles to himself, " I'm no warrior, to be charging in like that...". But the deed is done, and all he can do is sit tight until the ferry reaches the other side.

Once to the other side Arkady draws his maine gauche and silmar sword. He rushes for the archers in a zigzagging pattern praying to anything he can think of that he isn't shot.

Watching the fighters moving on the archers as she scans for the male voice she heard, Rhune hopes she can spot any archers that might try to fire.

Pietro takes out his sling, and puts on of his stones in it. As soon as he sees on of the archers, he will swing his sling and try to hit the archer. "Please be ready to get on your horse, and follow the rest."

As Ullar, Arkady, and Amibar reach the other side, they see that the archers have recovered, but this time have concealed themselves from enemy fire from across the river. They have their bows pointed at you from within the trees. More disturbing than that are the two brawny warriors who hold Tolik between them with swords pointed at him. One of them yells out to the three, "Drop your weapons, or the winged elf gets it!"

Arkady struggles inwardly with the voice, ~He wants to fight, wants to kill, and Tolik has never really been friendly, so we could let him die. No!! NO!! I will not give in again.~

Arkady sheathes his blades and steps back towards the Ferry.

Tolik stands looking rather sheepish between the two men, ashamed at himself for allowing his foolishness to endanger his companions. He looks down at the ground where his knife sits, then up towards the sky. But he sees the large man on his right is watching his movements, so he just waits, hoping he can still redeem himself.

Ullar grunts in frustration. He tries to get eye-contact with Tolik, but acknowledges that the situation is hopeless. Making sure that everyone who is still on the other side can see it, he removes his greatsword and throws it at his feet, while keeping up the blanket with his other hand.

"Amibar.." he whispers, ".. can you cast a spell from behind me?" Ullar says softly.

" I'll try and get them both, but be ready to charge if I only get one of them," whispers the gnome back. "Assuming I get even one..." he adds. Edging back a little, Ami hides the hand-into-pouch movement behind the big man, then casts his Sleep spell at the two men holding Tolik.

Seeing this Arkady side steps to be slightly obscured by the blanket. He rocks onto the balls of his feet and gets ready to charge.

Tolik, having fought with Amibar and Ullar before, gets some idea of what they are plotting. He closes his eyes to prepare himself to cast a magic missile at the archers as soon as there are no longer swords prodding his gut.

Across the river, the rest of the party hears what's going on, and sees the trio stop their progress. One or two of the archers is visible, but they would be a near impossible shot to hit, and several are completely hidden from view, as are the two who hold Tolik.

Watching the opposite shore Rhune curses to herself.....she can just barely make out one of the archers. And hearing the shout it don't look good. She holds her actions, hoping to get a better shot at one of the enemy.

Ratlin watches from his spot near Rhune and hopes nobody does anything stupid.

Forte looks around at the other as best he can from behind his tree. "What the hell do we do now?" he asks, obviously frustrated by the situation.

Dakath turns to the person closest to him (let's say it's Asif) "If they ask where I am tell them I ran." he pats Asif on the shoulder once before sneaking off further away from the river bank.

Asif nods. "As you wish efendi. Be careful."

"I am always careful my friend." he says barely above a whisper.

Pietro looks around frantically, seeing if he is able to do anything useful. Resigning in the fact that he probably can't do anything, he just keeps his horse ready, so that he might be able to join the action.

And action he has. Amibar abruptly finishes his spell and casts the sand into the air, felling one of the swordsmen and an archer as well! Slavering, Arkady draws his sword and rushes the other as Ullar reaches down to reclaim his greatsword.

Interestingly, as before, Arkady's foe does not appear to desire facing the mad Russian, and retreats back into the woods, "Defend me!" He yells to the archers, who quickly drop their bows and engage with short swords. As he turns to run, Tolik hits him in the back with a blast of magical energy, but he rushes on.

Tolik looks at the man running away, and for a moment considers chasing after. He decides he has caused enough trouble for the day, and so he just scurries out of the way of Ullar and Arkady.

Arkady finds his way blocked by two of the shaven-headed silent archers, one of who's head is cut open like a melon, blood and brains spewing everywhere. The other narrowly misses slicing through Arkady's neck, as only an involuntary backing away from the gory mess leaves him with a small bloody cut as opposed to a lethal wound.

Screaming and frothing in tune to the voices Arkady hacks at his other attacker.

Tolik sees his companions are already getting hurt, so he kneels on the ground to get his first aid supplies ready for when he can help them.

Ullar turns his blade on one of his foes, merely hitting it with the flat, but his strength is enough to turn that into a smashing blow, crushing ribs and sending the fellow sprawling. His partner's response clangs into Ullar's armor ineffectively.

Ullar practically cuts his second opponent in half with a vicious stroke, while Arkady's opponent sends him reeling with another nasty lunge toward his throat. This fellow is deadly. The blow is close enough to make him reorient himself and fight in a slightly more defensive style. However, it is not necessary, as Ullar hews the fellow's leg completely apart, felling him.

After having turned to defend and seeing the man fall Arkady hacks at the body for a few moments and babbles incoherently while clutching at his neck. Finally he calms and begins to feel weak from blood loss. He sinks to his knees and fumbles with a cloth torn from the archer to bandage his neck. "Katolik Bastards!! Let's leave this place. Ullar, lend me your arm for a moment please."

The warrior complies, although he has a frown on his face. He helps Arkady back on his feet and then shouts to the other side: "It's safe now... you can come over!"

"Oh jeeze I'm sorry Arkady. It was stupid of me to come chasing over here, and I ended up getting you hurt." His eyes are clouded with guilt, and he sets in to bandage the big man's wounds. As he finishes with Arkady, he moves to check Ullar then Amibar. As he reaches the gnome, he mutters, "Thanks," but does not raise his face to make eye contact.

"Sure," says Ami, offering a smile to the Elf. When he gets no response, he just shrugs and walk over to where Arkady is being helped by Ullar. "We did pretty well, huh?" he says cheerfully. "Except for you being hurt, that is..." he adds quickly, grimacing at the Slav's wounds.

Glad that someone is able to see the bright side of life, Ullar smiles at Amibar. "Well, my little friend, do you still doubt your abilities in combat? You saved our asses for about the sixth time with your magickal skills my friends. Tolik, Arkady and I owe you a lot.." says Ullar on a genuine tone.

"I try to help, you know... You guys do all the really difficult work, and get hurt all the time. This," he gestures towards his arrow-scratch, " is the worse I got injured.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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