Who Needs a City?

Dakath rubbed his hands together and smiled at Akhitos "A pleasure to meet you Akhitos, you've probably just saved me a couple of hours in a city assuming prices are fair? Might I have a word with you a moment?" He indicates that they should step away from the others for a moment

"Indeed, my friend. I shall be with you momentarily." The paunchy fellow smiles and bows just slightly as he continues to speak with the others.

Ullar smiles, still having the words of Dakath in mind for his offer to do negotiations for the group.

As Dakath wanders past Ullar he provides him with a sly wink.

"Dakath, you still have that list we compiled with all the items all of us wanted?" says Ullar, when Dakath walks past him.

Dakath smiles at Ullar "Don't worry I still have it here in my possession."

Just before Dakath moves past Pietro, Pietro makes a small remark. "Let him put on a show of his goods, then we can see if we need something, "a small grin surfacing on the elf's face.

Forte glances at Pietro. "Do you think that will get us a better price? I mean, if he shows us the stuff first?" he asks.

"Not really," Pietro remarks, "I just think that I am able to choose something, I do not really have a clue about what I need. Like I said a bit earlier, I think buying things in a big bulk does make a difference." This small conversation takes places in a normal tone, but so that the merchant cannot really hear it.

A request of this nature is met with a cold look for a moment, then Akhitos smiles again, "I am afraid no one is permitted to inventory my wares other than myself. I would be more than happy to have anything you wish fetched. Simply name it." He makes a half-hearted attempt to smile again, but seems obviously disturbed by Pietro's innocent request.

The gnomes also engage in barter with Akhitos, who seems to have no difficulty keeping three separate negotiations going at once, and indeed seems to use each group's offer to counter the others. He is obviously pleased to have come upon the group, and their wealth, as well as Stephen and his horses, as he thought he would not be able to trade at anything above a village until he reached Bologne in three or four days.

Ullar approaches Akhitos with a slight blush on the cheeks. "I'm sorry we welcomed you the way we did. We thought you were the Bishops men, and it seems we're not on speaking terms, to say the least."

He offers his hand to Akhitos, not familiar with the customs of this man. He frowns a little, trying to remember how Asif greets new friends, but to make sure he does not make a fool of himself, the warrior tries nothing.

Akhitos embraces his arm in Italian fashion, "Be not worried, my friend. I suspected some trouble when I saw the others riding hard with a dead man carried amongst them, an arrow still sticking out of his body." He laughs at Ullar's nervousness, "I have no relation to the Bishop, though he is the principal source of the information that I bear of value to you." In a conspiratorial whisper, he adds, "Have no fear. I hold no truck with the Catoliks. They tend to stifle free trade in their areas, though I have not been interfered with yet." He smiles menacingly, seeming to indicate that any who would trifle with him would not profit from it.

"Akhitos, I'm looking for a lot of stuff but mostly they are not really exotic. Perhaps you can help me.." says Ullar, smiling at the man.

"I'm looking for a flint & steel, a lantern, oil (five flasks), Greek fire (four flasks), some clothing (a surcoat, two shirts), a map or scroll case, some soap, clawed gloves, crampons and a winter blanket."

As Ullar lists items, Akhitos speaks quickly to one of the guards, then another, and they dash off quickly. He writes nothing down, nodding his head at each item Ullar lists.

"Next to that, I'm interested if you can provide the following: a shovel, grappling hook, block & tackle, a fishing net and supplies for horses."

Even as Ullar is listing the second group, the guards begin approaching with items from the first. Akhitos explains, "The lantern, oil, and tinder, and some of the other common items I do not normally trade in, but I am willing to part with what the guards keep in store in order to please you. He rattles off the prices, each with a tone of utter sincerity: Tinder Box: 4 gold, Lantern, Hooded: 70, Lamp Oil, per flask: 6 silvers, Greek Fire, per flask: 100 gold, Common Surcoat (he has much fancier ones): 8, Common Shirt: 12, Fancy Shirt: 28, Map Case: 10, Soap: 6, Clawed Gloves: 36, Clawed Boots: 70, Crampons: 40, and Winter Blankets: 6.

As he is listing the first group, the second group begins arriving. Grappling Hooks: 8 gold, Block and Tackle: 50, Fishing Net: 48, Horse Rations, per day: 3. He regret to inform you that he has no shovels, but he does have picks at the bargain price of 100 gold apiece. All the prices above, unless noted, are in gold pieces. All the items fetched are of very high quality.

Than, somewhat softer in tone, Ullar continues: "Perhaps you do have some weapons as well, or some stuff which might have some magickal potential. Those have my interest as well, so I assume we can make a deal.." says Ullar, now fully grinning.

Akhitos shakes his head, "No, I do not travel with or trade in such merchandise. It creates problems among officials. However, I can tell you where to go to purchase such items, for a fee." He smiles again. "Weapons, on the other hand, I have some small trade in. Not enough to alert armies, but enough that I might have what you need."

Ullar looks at the wares in front of him. He nods at their fine quality, but nearly faints as he hears the prices.

"You certainly have quality here, but I'm not a fool. Acolytes at the temple of Mercury were taught in how to negotiate, as Mercury is the God of trade. I overheard some of the classes but I won't argue with you on this issue, Dakath will surely be able to arrange an agreement with you."

"As you wish", Akhitos bows. "All business shall be conducted through your spokesman."

Rhune tries to negotiate with him in his language but when it gets too hairy for her she gets Asif to help except for the special item she is looking for. For that she asks Dakath to help.

Rhune discusses the possibility of purchasing some new cloths; two pairs of pants, two tunic and a cloak at least one of the sets of cloths should be of heavier material; some arrows at least a score; lamp oil, extra blanket; and if he has some cloth for a wedding gown then will try and purchase that unless He has a really nice gown perhaps of silk already made that would fit her. She will also look for something special for Asif; a cloak clasps of some design that would remind Asif of his homeland, or a weapon of good design.

"For a fine lady such as yourself, only the finest quality will do, and I am the right man to come to for that!" As before, he calls out to his guards, and they bring forth women's clothing, from fine to exquisite, though very little of such a hardy nature that it could be traveled in. Prices are high on all, from a score to hundreds of gold pieces for a single item. He has nothing female that could suitably be called traveling clothes. Arrows he has, fine Spanish flights: 3 gold apiece, and heavier English War Arrows (Sheaf) for 6 gold apiece. Oil and blankets for the same prices he gave Ullar.

When Rhune mentions a gown, Akhitos' face lights up, "Why, I only have the finest fabrics known to man!" He calls out cheerfully to several of his men, and bolts of the most beautiful white satin and silk are brought forth. "I have other colors if your kind prefers such, in equally high quality. Such cloth is of such high quality that Rhune cannot remember even the elven clothiers from her village spinning it so fine. It feels like air on her skin. Each bolt of cloth (one could probably suffice for a dress) is 1200 gold.

Looking at the wares Rhune chews on her bottom lip for a moment, "I will take two flasks of oil (12gp); 2 winter blankets (12gp); 10 flight arrows (30gp) and if you have any bow strings would like to have 3 of those." She gently touches one of the bolts of cloth of pure white silk, but at the sound of the price lets go. "Thank you but I may have to wait on that. We'll have to see."

"Rhune, don't you think Dakath should do the negotiations?" Ullar asks. Chuckling, "Maybe you are right. I can speak the language but haggling is not my best suit. Maybe he can get a better deal than I can." she says still looking at the white silk cloth.

The merchant bows, though you can see he was eager to close the deal.

When she mentions the clasp in private, Akhitos smiles and bows, "Of course, my lady." Within seconds, he holds in his hand a beautiful golden brooch, etched with Arabic symbols, which Rhune cannot read. "It is even engraved with the symbol of his faith. An excellent surprise gift, would it not be?" He seems equally pleased to provide it to her. "Only 480 gold coins for this fine piece."

She looks at that fine cloak clasp knowing that it would be perfect for Asif. But she also knows she doesn't have nearly enough for that. Sighing deeply, "that would be a perfect wedding gift. But I am sorry till we make our way out of all this I must wait to purchase that." she says reluctantly. She turns from the Merchant to glance over at her companions to see how they fared, then slips away to be by herself for a short while saddened she wasn't able to purchase the cloth or the clasp. The cloth she is not so much disheartened by as she is the clasp as she knows it would have been perfect for Asif. as she goes off she hopes no one sees the tiny tear that escapes down her cheek.

Ratlin, ever watchful of everything frowns a bit when he sees Rhune's discomfort.

When several of the party members complain about the high prices, Akhitos responds, "I am certain that other items of value have come into your possession. I am very interested in bartering for more than gold. Jewels or any other sources of value," At this he points toward the platinum mirror frame which protrudes from Stenu's pack "I would find equally valuable, if not more so!" He smiles at his obvious hints.

Resigned to the high prices when he sees other, more experienced negotiators are not having much luck bargaining, Forte decides to see what the Akhitos has for him. He approaches the merchant with a smile and asks, "Do you have any swords or armor?" Without waiting for an answer, the large warrior adds, "And I need some more mundane items. Some clothes - 2 shirts, a coat, a winter blanket....hmmm, what else?" Forte muses to himself. "10 flasks of lamp oil...." Noting Ullar's items, he adds, "I might want some of those, but I'm not sure." Forte turns to Ullar, "Hey, Ullar, can I see your clawed boots and gloves?" Turning back to Akhitos, Forte finishes with, "And I'd also like to look at any boots or gauntlets you might have that might fit me."

Akhitos shakes his head, "I fear I have no armor or weapons suited for such an expansive frame, at least no ones stronger or finer than that which you bear even now. As for the other items, they would go for the same prices I have offered your burly friend. Boots I have for only 10 gold pieces and gauntlets as well for the same."

"Yes, I would be interested in boots and gauntlets," Forte says. Knowing that his fortune with bow strings can not last forever, Rhune's purchase prompts Forte to add, "And a couple of bow strings, if you have them."

Pietro stands next to Ullar, talking to him, so that the merchant can't hear him. "Probably the smartest thing to do, is to buy everything in one stash, not to let everybody negotiate their own prices. Dakath is our best negotiator, I reckon. Wonder what kind of things the merchant has in his wagon? I have never been able to buy lots of stuff, it's kind of strange to be able to do so. How much money do we have left per person or as a group?"

"We still have quite some money to spend.." responds Ullar. "I just gave him my wishes, if we all do that, I'm sure Dakath can negotiate us a fine deal. We need to be prepared for our journey!"

The party's stash, that which has not been divided, is something over 2250 gold, most of which is on Forte's horse. That's in addition to the money that each person carries (averaging about a hundred gold, some have none) and the gems, which Dakath still carries with him.

Ullar ponders for a moment, and then continues: "What do you say if we buy one of these horses from Stephan and Taras? I'm sure we need a horse to carry some gear and if we happen to run on some Rifflians, we might get ourselves a good deal as well."

When approached, Stephen and Taras are happy to give you half of the horses in lieu of paying you half the proceeds of their sale. Neither has any intention of selling the horses to this robber, insisting they can get more than twice as much from the elves. However, they cannot object to you doing so.

"Hmm.. if Akhitos really makes such a poor deal..." says Ullar, frowning at Taras and Stephen.

Rhune appears later and speaks with Stephen and Taras. "While I would like one of the horses, I would wait till we reach the elves. Then I would like my share then if that is alright?"

A few moments later, Akhitos, apparently having heard of the deal, though no one spoke to him of it, approaches Ullar, "My friend, if you were of the mind to trade some of those fine horses, I am certain that I could barter a fine deal for some of the mentioned merchandise, and indeed we would both profit from this, no?" He smiles grandly once again.

"Eh.. you would like some horses, we would like that merchandise. I see a possibility, but, as those fine men.." says Ullar, with a nod to Taras and Stephen ".. expressed, they are worth more than you are offering. I'm sure we can meet each other in the middle."

"But of course, my friend. The first offer is only that, an offer. I am sure we can come to reasonable terms."

Later after a meal, Asif makes inquiries about the purchase of a number of items.

"Most honorable merchant, this land of the merchant contains many things of value, but lacks things essential for happiness for a son of Aten. While fortune has been kind to this son in recent times, the path to this fortune has been a hard one. Many sacrifices have been made to comfort and the necessities of survival. A few items from your bountiful caravan would bring some happiness to a son far from home. One is a simple pleasure. A bag of coffee beans with which to drink a portion of coffee. I shrug my shoulders in despair at the inability of these infidels to find pleasure in this drink. What is beer and wine as compared to this. Coffee is a blessing of the gods.... A second request is a replacement helm for this most pious head. I like not the chamber pots wore by the people of this land, but wish a turbaned helm worn by an respectable Faris. Mine was lost in the cursed rivers which cross this land and I desire a replacement."

Sitting over a small glass of honeyed mead at the hostelry, where the conversation has led the party, Akhitos has concluded his negotiations with the gnomes, and you see much merchandise flowing into their storage rooms in small parcels. No such deal was made with the Sukiskayners, who do not seem pleased at the high prices of the Arab.

Akhitos smiles at Asif's requests, "Of course, of course, such things a man cannot do without!" He motions, and within a few minutes, he has a bag of strong, fine-smelling beans within his hands. "Smell this, my friend, Turkish it is, and no better shall you find in all these lands!" Indeed, to Asif it smells wonderful, heady and strong, and he knows it shall brew a mean cup. "28 gold coins for a bag, effendi."

Asif sucks in the wonderful aroma of the coffee beans, his heart bursting with homesickness.

"Ah by the gods, efendi such pleasure have I not sensed since I came to this wet and miserable land three months past. Some happiness have I found in this land of exile but little is found in the taste of food and drink. Its lack of spice and blandness to the tongue does bring sadness."

"Indeed. I would not keep you from such a pleasure in this tepid land." He smiles, finally dropping the price down to 15 gold for a bag after some strenuous negotiation.

A few seconds later, a man comes up with a crude turbaned helmet. Nothing like the quality of Asif's original, but it is certainly of his culture. "I apologize I have nothing of noble quality. Such items are scarce in need in this land. However, this shall serve you, for only 80 gold pieces." He never seems to tire of the negotiation, as a light comes into his eye with each price mentioned.

Asif looks upon the helm with some thoughtfulness, crude indeed is its manufacture but much better indeed than those worn by the infidel.

"Your apologies are accepted efendi, but this pious head needs some protection and I like not the armor of the infidels. This shall be adequate. A turban of new cloth wound around it shall give the quality it requires. Sad as it may be, my time at audience with Sultans is past, the turning of a blade from a Catolik is of more a necessity."

Akhitos bows respectfully, "I would be pleased to merely take in trade that helmet you even now wear, with the small gem upon the brow, and would rewind the turban and throw in the coffee for free!" He smiles at his magnanimous nature.

"I see that you have quite some men-at-arms around. Did you happen to run on any Goblin-raids? We have information on that matter, if you're interested. But, if you charge for information, we'll do the same!" says Ullar with a smile.

Akhitos laughs deep in his stomach, "Ah, my friend, but do you know why the raids? Who leads them? And who employs that leader?" His belly rumbles with amusement, "No, my friend, I fear I know more about this than you do as well!"

"Than indeed you have information I want!" "I think we can arrange something. " says Ullar, grinning at the merchant who seems very self-confident.

Ratlin is interested in information, particularly information dealing with whether or not the Bishop knows exactly what is going on with us.

The merchant smiles again, as he has done for almost this entire time, "Indeed, I have such information that you might think me a sage, and yet I have no such limitations. All things in my area are known to me. You would know what the Bishop knows of you. That I know, and far more, if the price is right!



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 March 2001

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