After pausing a bit, Forte says, "The sooner we get out of here, and hook back up with Antonia and the others, the better. I told them to move on if I wasn't back soon and I imagine they'll leave pretty soon if they haven't already."
"I have no idea what's going on. It doesn't seem they want the blue tube. Let's pay some quick respects to Manus and Amibar and get the hell out of here." The large warrior chuckles a bit and looks at his compatriots. "I can't believe it, but I'm really looking forward to Death's Head country after this shithole. Things couldn't possible get worse than this place."
"Probably wouldn't say that. It may very well get worse. As for taking Sligh with us, that wouldn't work. First I don't think he will go with us and second he would know which way we are going. No, I think we need to leave him here and get going. Take that bone scroll case and let's get out of here." Rhune says wincing just a little.
It is easy enough to drag all four prisoners and Sligh into the Inn, where Pietro has finished his rites in a back room. Searching the place completely comes up with absolutely nothing of interest on this floor or the upper. You have thus far hesitated to go down into the cellar where Manus still lies in pieces.
Inside, Giovani Caboto takes a mournful look at the big man's corpse. "Farewell, Erinman. I will honor the memory of you. Would that you could glare at me at another mountain guard post as I babbled on about dams with hidden watchmen who may well not have been dwarves." He shakes his head and wiped his eyes. "I would say that was when Manus and I first warmed up to each other. Remember that, Tag? Rhees?"
Plebius too dwells for a few moments over Manus' lifeless body. He gathers the parts and lays them in the appropriate position where they should be. Laying a sword on his chest, and his hand upon the hilt, Plebius says a quick silent prayer over the one man in this group with whom he seemed to have developed a friendship. He then rises and turns to the situation at hand once more.
Not sure what to do about Manus, Caboto tries to distract himself with thought on the items found and not found on yellow robe and lady. "I am puzzled" he says, re-inspecting them. "No sign of either spell components or a holy symbol, though perhaps this belt buckle is some sort of sign." The rings, coins, mace, dagger and jewels do not seem of interest to him. "We should cast a detect magic on these at some point" he says distractedly, sad and not really caring. "Not that I have the spell, though I would gladly copy it from one that does."
The woman indeed did not have anything of the nature of spell components or holy symbol. However, Golthar does have some small store of components in a pouch on his belt. Initially, Caboto ignored them. However, they make up several of each of the following: some fireplace soot, some salt, some strange green moss, small pieces of leather in a circle, some powdered silver, some talc, some feathers, some iron scraps, some bits of spider-web, some sand, and a single fine crystal, very small. All are separated into their own tiny compartments.
"Caboto, what's in that tube?" asks Ullar.
"I haven't checked yet, though I will shortly" Caboto answered, considering the items found.
With that, the Florentine mage studies the bone scroll tube he recovered from the lady while his companions move about.
It opens easily, a relief, but the phrases inside swim about as he tries to read them. Magical scripture, but not like any he has seen before. He puts it back in the tube, knowing he will not be able to understand it.
Having put the jade ring on her right ring finger instead of the pouch, Rhune watches as the stuff is gathered up.
Arkady looks down into the hole where the Erinman died. "Give me a torch and I will explore the lair of my green skinned foe. If you hear anything, abandon me to fate. None of you are unwounded enough to try and save me if there are more of those regenerating beasts below...."
Arkady climbs carefully down into the cellar. He bears the torch and silmar blade before him to sight and ward off danger. Carefully feeling the floor with his toe as he goes, Arkady thoroughly searches the lower floor.
The cellar looks to have housed that troll for a long time, as it's excrement and spoor are everywhere. Anything else of remote interest appears to have been smashed by the creature. There are no others of it's ilk, nor is there anything else that appears significant.
Satisfied that he has searched it all, Arkady gathers the pieces of Manus together and lays boards over them. He says a brief prayer of passing in his native tongue and then applies the torch.
After the interrogation, Forte approaches Ullar. "I don't think we can find a guide. We tried, and this hellish town almost killed us. It DID kill two of us, and only some successful magic kept us all from being murdered by Golthar and his thugs." Forte puts a comforting hand on Ullar's shoulder. "Unless we pass a guide on the way out, I don't know how we'll get one. I am never entering this town again!" he says with a weak smile.
"You're probably right.. " says Ullar with a sigh. "However, we were warned about Threshold, about all the villains here and we encountered them. We are also warned about Death's Head Country......Does anyone knows where Stephen is? He has the map and if we're chasing gold, we should follow that map."
For all you know, Stephen is back at the inn. He made his own arrangements there.
"Before we go" Caboto adds, "I'd like some answers. Rhune, what led you to disappear without warning anyone, and how were you captured? Any idea how Amibar was taken? We've lost two friends today. You, Rhune, could easily have been stabbed instead of Amibar. We waited, hoping to leave town, instead we ended up here, and Manus dead too. By the Virgin, I wish you had not gallivanted off on your own." Caboto pauses, again wiping his eyes. "I will try to put that behind us. How is your arm?"
Whirling on the man, "First of all I am sorry about their deaths." she utters as tears brim in her glittering lavender eyes, "Second I didn't JUST go gallivanting off. I did tell Ullar or Forte, not sure now which one, that I was doing so. I was hoping to see where they were going. As for getting caught, it was this damned chainmail, I think. They spotted me. Before I could get out of sight I got hit by some kind of spell that froze into place. I didn't know they had Amibar. And third my arm hurts." she replies as she turns around, her shoulder shaking with suppressed grief as he her one arm slides to her belly again
"Uh, it wasn't me 'cause I wasn't even with you guys," Forte quickly interjects.
"Okay, Forte. I know I told someone what I was doing I just can't remember who at the moment" she replies.
Pietro puts a hand on Rhune's shoulder. "Rhune, nobody is accusing you. I know you said that you were going to investigate. It was a good choice. You could do nothing about getting caught. I just used a prayer that did the same thing, you saw that Golthar and the woman couldn't move. I have been in the same position as you, and not even in unfriendly territory, but I know the feeling can be terrifying. Just let it go Rhune, you are with friends again." Pietro smiles reassuringly. "Nobody said it was going to be easy, easy is boring, don't you reckon?"
"Yes you have a point there I suppose. But it is very hard to see others die." she responds in a low voice.
Caboto's face is expressionless as Rhune replies. "Ill luck follows a spontaneous decision to act alone, worsened by the fact that you were wearing chainmail. I miss Manus and did not know Amibar well, but will mourn his passing. It could have gone better for you, for us all, to be sure. I will say no more on this matter" Caboto grimly concludes, aggrieved.
"Caboto, do you think Rhune, or any other person present here would have wanted this? I didn't know Manus that long, but I honor him as a good fighter. I did know Amibar for quite some time and I will miss him with all my heart. We all lost today and there is ABSOLUTELY... " says Ullar, raising his voice while saying that last word, "... no point in starting to point fingers to one another. Today just proved once again that we are totally on our own, and depending on each other. If you cannot trust your back to your party members, you'll end up death, I'm sure of that."
"I don't want to lecture you. I feel very guilty for the fact that Manus died. If I didn't turned my attention to something else, he might still have lived, but there is nothing I can do right now but pray that he found his Keltic friends in their sacred place, somewhere." says Ullar, pausing for a few moments.
Pietro looks around standing relaxed, his tone is neither accusing or fueled with anger. "Will everybody stop feel sorry for themselves? What happened, happened. Actions have consequences. Do not let the grief for fallen friends cloud vision, fuel hatred or demean self esteem. You especially Ullar, you have got it in you to be a great leader. A lot of that has to with caring for people, but do not let your emotions rule you. That would be the mistake with the biggest consequence, you would lose hope. We are going on, no matter what, our morals make sure it is the only thing to do. We will have to endure more before this all finishes, just let it strengthen your resolve."
"Well, let's not argue any further and find ourselves an Inn, not too close to this fire we just started. We better hurry, before we get arrested for putting this place at fire. Once we found a place, I'll pay for good rooms and I'd say we sleep with two persons in one room, for I do not trust this part of Threshold for a bit."
Then, remembering Forte's words, Ullar frowns. "No, that's not a good suggestion. Let's follow Forte to the place where he agreed to meet with Antonia and Daegwyn and rest outside the city. Perhaps the gates will be closed, but it's worth a try. I hope that we're able to speak with them and inform them about what has happened."
Tag nods in agreement with Ullar and Forte. "And what of the wizard, gentlemen? Do we let him go now? After all he has done, I think not? This whole affair still smells to me of some strange plan. I cannot think why Rhune, Amibar, and Rhees were taken. They have not been searched or interrogated, though it seems Rhune was harmed. Perhaps the kidnappings of Rhees and Rhune were unrelated, but we do not know much about possible links between the Patriarch and Golthar do we? "
Ullar laughs a little: "I've got an idea. What if we keep Golthar with us, and at the first confrontation we keep him as a shield. That would get Sligh in action to protect Golthar! Nah.. just kidding, we've got to get rid of him and Forte made a great suggestion."
As the group departs the inn, the flimsy wood begins to erupt in flame from the torch of Arkady. Within the hour, the whole place is burning. Knowing that this will draw attention, the group departs quickly.
Arkady throws Golthar over his shoulder as he leaves the inn. "Once we are clear of the city. I will give your master back to you Sligh. Till then he stays with me."
He turns to the others. "Make haste. We need no guide, this disaster is due to our softheartedness and inability to jump to the horn call of adventure. Let us away to the mountains and discover what we discover. After this fracas, we will no longer be safe anywhere in Threshold."
A furious glance of Ullar is Arkady's result of action. The ex- gladiator bites his lip not to say anything, frustration reaching even higher levels than they were already at. A bit of blood drips downwards to his chin, while Ullar, once again, shakes his head.
Following Arkady's lead, Forte slings the lady over his shoulder. "Ah, my love," he whispers to her, "Why did you promise to kill me? Dearest, I must remember your wise lesson now." Before anyone can stop him, he drops her bound and gagged into the hole and she falls to the basement floor where Manus' body parts are already burning. "Wait, my love! Don't go!" Forte cries into the hole before quickly turning to leave.
Arkady stops and prepares himself to tackle Sligh.
Sligh shakes his head, refusing to leave Golthar, and indeed moves closer, "You are men without honor, to agree to something, then break your vow." He frowns condescendingly, "And to a bound woman, no less. Pure cowardice and shame." His hand rests firmly on the hilt of his sword, obviously guarding against such action towards Golthar.
Plebius reacts quickly," Forte, our deal was that we would not harm them while they were bound." Upon saying that, the priest mage leaps into the inn and attempts to pull the woman from the building before she is consumed by the flames.
Caught off guard by Forte's actions, Caboto now responds, doing his best to help Plebius pull the priestess out of the building.
Unfortunately, the blaze has started up almost immediately, and the woman is nowhere in sight. Considering the heat of the fire already from the cellar, she must surely have fried.
Pietro's head twists around, immediately realizing Forte's intention. With an anguished voice, he yells. "Forte, don't!" The elf immediately realizes that nothing can save the woman now." Eyes black as a crow, Pietro shoots a murderous look at Forte. "You killed her." It not a question, just the observing of a fact.
"So?" the warrior responds. "Now she can't kill us."
After emerging from the place, Plebius speaks. Turning to Forte his eyes reflect the flames of the inn," I bore the caustic remarks of yours with a hope that you were using the scheme to interrogate the woman and terrify her with your lying threats. I was wrong to do so. The ends do not justify the means. Lies and murder will never overcome the wickedness that the Bishop has begun. If I am to fight, it will be with honor and a true heart and tongue."
"Sure they will, priest-y. They just did," Forte answers with a smile before walking away.
"No, the deal was that we would not harm old yellow-robe while he was under the effects of the spell. I have not harmed them. The spell has worn off." Forte's face looks very quizzical, as if he can't understand why Plebius would be upset with throwing the bound woman into a burning building.
Plebius defends his stance, "That was what you agreed to. Rhees presented a much more broad agreement to the man."
"Do not rewrite history, or put words into conversations that were not there," Forte says angrily. "Rhees did no such thing!" Calming down, again, the large warrior says flatly, "They will all be dead soon, anyway."
Plebius continues to stand guard over the woman but responds calmly, "I speak truth. Rhees proposed to the man that none would die."
"The actual deal was proposed by Sligh. He requested that we not harm his master while entranced. We agreed. That is all." Forte looks Plebius right in the eye. "That is what was offered. And accepted. Nothing more. Rhees made no grander offer, by his own word just now! Why are you lying? Are you really working for the Bishop?" Forte asks, his voice suddenly suspicious.
Arkady steps to stand beside Forte. He carries his blade openly.
"We tried that 'be nice and honorable' shit with Hrothgar and look where it got us--two of us dead." Forte smiles and it looks rather sickly. "You can't protect them forever. I'll just wait till you're sleeping to kill them. It's self defense and nothing more. If you're too stupid to see that, that's not my problem. What's more, I think most here would agree that we have to kill them." He turns to Rhune. "Do you want them to live?" To Ullar: "Should we let them go so they can just kill us later?" Looking over at Arkady, "Hey! Mr. Sanity! Kill 'em or let 'em live?"
"Cmerta!! Death!! Throw them and Sligh in the fire. Have we not lost enough??" Arkady yells as he dumps Golthar on the dock. "I'm leaving to find the Death's Head!! If you want to argue here and all die...fine!!" Arkady fumes as he stalks across the bridge furious and still carrying his blade.
Plebius stands still in place over the woman and looks at the bound Golthar on the dock as Arkady departs. The priest-mage whispers quietly to his departing form," Thank you. Jerboha go with you."
Rhune just watches Forte for a moment, "Live or die we really can't do much about it now. Sligh will fight protect his master and most of us are to weak to fight well. I say let's just get out of here"
"I agree on some parts with Plebius. Killing people which are bound, gagged and left under our control is comparable to murder. However, what does a priest do with a man who has been convicted for murder? Do they let him loose and start the hunting season? No. He's delivered, bound, to a 'caretaker' and loses his head." replies Ullar.
"Look, I'm not as suspicious as Forte is regarding your motives. I've tried to prevent unnecessary bloodshed by our friend before and will continue to do so where possible. However, I have no mercy with people who try to get me and my friends killed for the benefit of getting a map which can bring them to a place where they can become even richer. Greed, as some of us have put it, is one of the most despicable motives a person can have."
"Forte is right, we agreed that we will not slay them as long as they are entranced. As soon as that spells wears off, the deal is of as well. Even Sligh knows that. What will happen to Golthar is up to himself. If he tells us valuable information, he might live. If he just starts insulting us as that woman did, I'm afraid he suffers the same fate."
Sligh's knuckles grow white on the hilt of his sword. He moves toward a defensive position against the wall of a nearby dock warehouse, staying within a few feet of Golthar at all times.
Ullar looks Plebius in the eyes for quite some time, making clear his message reached the devoted priest of Jerboha and than refocuses on Golthar, while gesturing to the group to move on.
Plebius attempts to persuade with reason once more," I will not argue with you over what Rhees said or did not say. I heard what I heard and will live by it. Forte, I was there when you trusted Hrothgar. I did not think it wise, but chose to be silent and trust your judgment of him. It was a mistake we all made. There is a difference between then and now. Then, we placed our trust foolishly in an enemy. Now, we stand in judgment of those in our power. We are not placing our trust in them, we are granting them a second chance at life because we lack the time and resources to try them in a fair trial. It would be different had they been killed in fair combat. But this is not honorable."
"KILLING AMIBAR WAS NOT HONORABLE!" Forte shouts at Plebius. "They have forfeited any right to honor!"
Tag stands next to the priest and silently stares at the warrior (Forte). He is clearly supporting the holy man in this.
"A small correction my friend. It was me who trusted Hrothgar, not Forte. And it saddens me that you did not speak up if you had your doubts. If there were doubts shared amongst the group members we might have not gotten in this rotten situation at all." replies Ullar, spitting to the ground.
Plebius replies," My apologies. We were all wrong to trust him. I admit my part in the error." Plebius shakes his head sadly and stands silent as the warrior turns his back and walks away. The woman surely dead behind him.
"We should have tried to take her and Golthar both out of town, her on my horse if need be" says Caboto. "It there was trouble, we could have dumped her on the ground and rode away."
"So she could track us down and kill us? So she could raise the town guard against us? No, she's dead," says Forte flatly.
"She was no tracker, and I have reason to believe she would not have raised the guard, if we played this out properly and luck followed."
Plebius looks to Caboto, unspoken thanks expressed in his eyes for support in doing the right thing.
Rhees, whose been watching the goings-on with something of a pained expression speaks up at last, "Our oath with Sligh was that we would not kill his master while he was in a trance - under the influence of our spells. We must act according to our conscience but let us not muddy things with promises we never made. We seem to be giving Sligh the benefit of the doubt in assuming he is an honorable man. The truth is he works for a blackguard - a foul, self-serving man of the worst sort. His references to honor and fault in the recent deaths are either the rationalized prattle of one lost in his own greed and self-interest or the justifications of someone who's been charmed. Either way I don't see how they should carry any weight.
The woman hired Hrothgar to slay us and kidnap Ullar and Rhune. Golthar slew Amibar and was about to slay Rhune. The only authorities available to us are representatives of the Katolik church - I see no place for due the process you crave. They could have bought respite by being more communicative - they chose otherwise. "
Sligh speaks in a tight voice, "Spelled and gagged, then doomed for not speaking? This is justice?" Plebius replies," I do not deny their crimes, nor will I vouch for their honor or lack thereof. What I cannot do is stand by while a murder is taking place. And that is what execution without due process is. Do not justify killing these two out of hand because of the difficulties involved in serving justice. The details of the oath are secondary to the case made that killing a bound and defenseless enemy is murder. Much less to speak of the light heartedness with which it was done which appalls me."