"If Hrothgar can guide us, I'd like to employ him for that, if he can't I'd like to send him to Sukiskayn. Anyone a problem with that plan?" Ullar asks.
"What's to stop him from guiding us into a trap--and collecting his payment for capturing us?" asks Forte. "He's a thug. He may have back-up plans in case his original plan didn't work--which it didn't. As for Sukiskayn, how will we pay him? If Petr has already spent the money, he can't pay them. If we give them money before they get there, they may just take the money and run. We can't trust him. Anyone who works for the highest bidder, can just get bought out over and over again."
"Who said anything about paying? He clearly stated that he had nearly no money to support himself and his men. Next to that, I think that returning to this lady isn't the wisest thing for him to do. Sukiskayn should offer him shelter. Not only from here, but from the Catoliks in general as well. What does he gain by cheating on us? Will he get paid for NOT capturing us? I don't think so." Ullar responds.
"Why would he train people at Sukiskayn? You think he'll train people for just food and shelter but no pay? What if he robs Sukiskayn at the first opportunity? If I were Petr, I'd be wary of some poor thug showing up and offering his services." Forte answers.
Plebius nods, "There must be some assurance of trust."
"Good point, but if we can determine or judge if we can trust him, we can send him over to Sukiskayn as agreed upon with Petr. Anyone affiliated with our cause could find shelter there. Why not try to get an advantage out of this?" Ullar adds.
"But he is a thug, you're right about that one. However, in the eyes of the Bishop are we all criminals. I think we need someone to guide us over the mountains, unless someone has skills which are left unmentioned until now. I for one don't have a problem if a thug guides us. Do you?" Ullar asks.
"I guess not," Forte shrugs his shoulders.
"Good! Glad to hear that. Anybody else?" Ullar inquires.
Rhees nods agreement, "He mentioned he wasn't a 'cultist' - hardly a term of respect for the Bishop and his men. I suspect he's feeling a little put out by the lack of information the Bishop's agent provided him. I would bet he was expecting easier pickings that would allow he and his men to eat and perhaps find a dry bed." Looking towards Forte he adds, "You have been fortunate in your adventures and have done well for yourselves. You may underestimate the attraction of regular, good food and warm shelter to a band of hungry mercenaries. Also, this battle with the Bishop will take place in the minds of the people of this country as well as at swordpoint. It would do the cause of 'Lord Ullar's Resistance Army' a great service if the common folk knew that we offered food and shelter to those who saw the error of the Bishop's ways."
"It's certainly worth a try. Although it might not seem very appealing to them to take shelter in a camp, another thought crossed my mind. The caravans with goods need to be protected, when Petr and his clan as well as the other aligned clans are going to do some business with Arezzo or any other large town. We need someone for that job and if we can determine if Hrothgar can be trusted he would very well fit for that job." says Ullar, nodding appreciatively towards Rhees.
Listening to the conversation, "I don't really have a problem with it. But there is the matter of the one that got away. Where did he go? And you know Ullar, it is bothering me, also, that the bishop seems to know where we are going." she pauses for a moment, "You know there are spells that can allow one to scry on people from great distances. all you really have to be able to do it, I think, is know some details about them and he certainly knows details about us." Rhune looks around like she could almost expect to see someone looking down at them.
Looking at the others, especially those new to the group, Forte says simply, "Or we have a spy amongst us."
With a brief nod of the head, Ullar acknowledges this remark, expressing that he thinks the same.
Looking at Forte, "I don't even want to think about that. I mean how we would we even tell and if we start going on that line of reasoning we will soon be at each other's throats. No I prefer to think that it is some magic at work here." Rhune says
Plebius replies," It seems that the bishop has known of the movements of both groups before we joined. So, if there are spies rather than spells of scrying, then there are at least two."
Pietro doesn't look offended at the Forte's looks, but calmly states. "There is always the possibility of a spy, but I do not have to remind the rest of the new ones that the Bishop stated that he had ways to look into us at all times. As long as there is no evidence for a spy, we will have to believe there is none, we need to keep our ranks closed. We have to be alert though at all times."
"Yes we do. But we also need to be careful that we don't look in the shadows at each other. That would be a way for the bishop to get us, divide and conquer." Rhune replies.
Pietro nods to Rhune's wise words. "I will still assume everybody is innocent, can't do anything with vague suspicions."
Knowing he is included in the look, Rhees nonetheless speaks up, "Aye, but more likely there are spies in Rifflian and Sukiskayn. Also, I recall that Dakath used to take care to make sure no one was following you. Unless someone has taken over those duties, there may be a spy following you. But Forte's word are important. Whether there is a spy amongst us or not, the fear of one may interfere with how we work together. Perhaps someone who is known and trusted by everyone should pair everyone up in watch and sleep teams. It would then be harder for a spy to get away to report news. For what it's worth, Taglio has traveled and fought with both groups, perhaps he would be trusted to pair up people. Forte, would that ease your mind to some extent?"
"I am fine with offering him the chance to guide us." Says Manus as he peers around as if looking for something. "Problem now is that I am without a mount. The mercenary who fled, fled on my horse that surely welcomed the chance to escape my great bulk."
He then points to the tied captives and says. "But there is the problem of the captives. Surely they have some sort of loyalty to their captain and he to them. If we let them go who is to say that they will not try to get their captain away from us? And likewise if we do wrong to them how can Hrothgar be trusted not to betray us?"
"He can't, at least, not until proven that he can. And I don't know about his men. They might join Petr his clan. Perhaps Stephan can enlighten us on this issue? Stephen, what do you think the odds are that Petr can use new men?"
Stephen blanches when he realizes what they are talking about. "Him? In my village?" His mouth drops open, "There are women and children there. This is a highway robber! If he were to show up on my brother's doorstep with his ragged band in tow, no doubt we'd return to find the place destroyed and pillaged. No, I cannot agree to that. Were we to find a mercenary of good morals or a war-priest, that I think would work, but this fellow? No, absolutely not!"
Listening to the conversation, "Forte makes some sense. We don't know if he can be trusted or not. but what are we going to do with him and those still alive?" she asks
"We could sell them as slaves. Or give them the Fyodorll treatment. Or, I suppose, if worse came to worst," Forte looks around, "we could offer them a deal and pray like hell we can trust them."
Pietro ponders, "Ullar, maybe I've got an idea. Hrothgar will not guide us just because he wants to. He is a mercenary, most mercs have an honor code. A deal is a deal. Let's make a deal with the man, he will serve us for a set amount of time. After that time he is free to go where he wants to. In that time though, he has to guide us and help us. After that period of time we can always decide if he is worthy to train the men back in the camps. Swear him to silence for the time he is spending in our company."
Ullar frowns and thinks about the suggestion. "That might work, although Hrothgar clearly stated that his deal with the woman which employed him was already fulfilled. And I don't know why. We should check that out as well!"
"Pietro...remember he made a deal with the Bishop as well. Any deal we can offer him will most likely pale in comparison to the gold offered as a deal from the Katoliks. Still I doubt he awaits a joyous reunion with the Bishop after a failed mission." Manus answers.
"I do not trust him enough to guide us Ullar." Arkady says shaking his head. "However if he were to swear suitable oaths and fealties and then agree to be sent to Sukiskayn I will agree to that."
Looking to the other 'newcomers' Rhees chimes in, "Taglio made sure we were well stocked for travel. There were niceties I was hoping to acquire in Threshhold, but they aren't worth the price of the Bishop's dagger in my back. If Hrothgar can guide us around and to Death's Head valley, let us take advantage of it. For what it's worth, this may be your opportunity to acquire vassals, Ullar. Have Hrothgar and the Scange swear fealty to you. Perhaps Plebius can pry the nature of their religious beliefs out of them. I don't know what it will be worth, but it can't hurt."
Plebius smiles at the suggestion," I would gladly discuss matters of religion with any."
"Ok. Let's first ask Hrothgar if he knows the area north of Threshold. If he does, or one of his men, we should employ him as a guide. If he doesn't, well, then we can offer him the shelter of Sukiskayn. If he doesn't accept that offer we have a slight problem, but we'll deal with that later." replies Ullar
Returning to Hrothgar, Ullar speaks with him about his ideas. The large fellow nods his head, "I would be agreeable to either option, though I cannot lead you far north of Threshold. The Death's Head do not permit trespassing on their tribal land. I myself will not go there for blood or money, and my men will agree. If you have seen what they do to those they capture, you would understand."
He continues, "However, I know the town, and if you cannot enter it, I will do so and find a guide for you. I know of a few that have claimed to be there, though I do not know for certain if they tell the truth. I could bring one out to negotiate with you. Would that be acceptable?" He waits for an answer.
"You know, Ullar," Rhees appears uncomfortable with the suggestion he is about to make. "I traveled with you well after your encounters with the Bishop, and I joined the others after their own encounter. I doubt I am well known to the Bishop and his spies. I could accompany Hrothgar and make sure his dealings and preparations are straightforward. If I do not return you may assume he has betrayed the group. Otherwise, we will have obtained a guide for ourselves."
Ullar looks at Rhees with respect in his eyes. "Rhees, this offer requires quite some courage. I've the greatest respect for men willing to risk their lives for such a goal as ours. Thanks for the offer. If you really feel that's something you want to do I'll gladly accept your offer."
"The same thing can be applied to me, the Bishop has never seen me, and Akithos told us that I'm an unknown for the Bishop as well." Pietro is comfortably stating this. "I don't look like a priest at all in these normal clothes, so people will not think that I'm a priest. We will have to ask though how many elves there are in that place, because otherwise it would still be to obvious."
"Hrothgar, I've said I trust you but you'll have to admit that it's a funny change of sides which is happening here. Therefore I'd like to take Rhees up on his offer to accompany you to find us a guide in Threshold. If the Death's Head country is really as terrifying as you pictured it we certainly need one. We, and the rest of your men, will remain here in the forest, waiting for your return. How long do you think it will take to get this job done?" Ullar asks.
Hrothgar shrugs, "Perhaps six or eight hours, depending on how easily I can find an interested party. It may be difficult."
"Ullar, If you don't' mind, I would like to go with Rhees and Hrothgar as well. I'd like to get a good look at Threshold since I haven't been out of Florence before now." Ratlin asks quietly.
The warrior eyes Raygan for a moment, but doesn't reply, yet.
Regarding going to the village, Hrothgar nods, "These here are little more than peasant lads. Living free of outside control is a powerful motivator. I could take the remainder of my men there and arrive within a week. I would swear the oath to not betray your trust in this matter, and would not require pay. Only that my men and myself be given food and accommodations once we arrive. We would work for it. This I would exchange for my life, and the lives of my men."
Stephen shakes his head angrily, but does not speak.
Rhees turns to Stephen, "You know me not and I doubt my opinion will sway you much, but please consider. There are eight mercenaries left - if they are openly hostile they will be easily overwhelmed by the villagers. >From what I saw of her, Mother Kuzma is quite wise and she would see betrayal in their hearts. They are eight fighting men and could do much to stiffen the ranks of your growing militia."
Stephen looks at the wild northman, obviously not convinced in the slightest.
Nodding to Rhees' words, Ullar adds some of his own: "Stephan. It was not up until the day that we met Akhitos that you heard about what the Bishop thinks of us. I think you would have judged upon us as thugs as well, and you wouldn't have trusted us with the women and children in your camp. I think we have proven our trust towards you and Petr and if I wasn't certain that Hrothgar and his men would be a valuable asset to the camp and have a considerable contribution to the 'Resistance Army' I would not have suggested this."
"These men are not 'thugs' by choice, I could argue that they were forced in this situation by their poor conditions in which they are living. Hrothgar said it loud and clear: living in freedom is about the most precious thing there is for the ones amongst us who are not confident that the Bishop has 'correct' motives. Trust us on this one; we have at much as stake regarding Sukiskayn as you." Ullar concludes.
Stephen looks very dubious, "If you are certain that they will bring no harm to the village, perhaps I am being too cautious. But the devil on your head if I am right. Those are my family members there, and I do not believe your need for a strategic rallying point is more important than that."
"Uh, don't you mean trust YOU, Ullar?" asks Forte. "I'm not entirely comfortable sending these men to Sukiskayn, and neither is Rhune. If they do go to Sukiskayn that's fine, but if something bad happens--if these men do something bad--I don't want it on my conscience. I've got enough there already," the warrior says rather glumly.
"Fine, make that trust me than." says Ullar, raising his shoulder as if it's unimportant. "Perhaps you are right, perhaps it's not completely safe but I rather take my chances and send Hrothgar and his men to Sukiskayn than dispose of them, or do you have any other solution in mind Forte, because if you have I'd like to hear it."
"No, I don't have a better idea, but we can't make decisions for Sukiskayn. Only Petr can do that, and the person here who is closest to him doesn't like the idea." Forte pauses, trying to crystallize his thought. "The way I see it, there are three things these men can do for Sukiskayn. First, the can help build up the compound. Second, they can train the residents there in basic warfare. Third, they can act as guards for the trading caravans. If they do all these things, great! I *hope* they do go to Sukiskayn. I *hope* everything does work out. We can *all* benefit, if they agree to those tasks. But we can't force them on Sukiskayn. Only Petr can agree to let them work there."
Rhune looks over at Ullar and Forte, nodding for both of them to step off to the side for a moment. Once they have, "Stephen doesn't want them to go to his home and I think we should respect his wishes in this matter. Come up with something else for now." she whispers.
"I disagree Rhune. The whole spy issue made me aware of the fact that it's rather uncertain what Stephen's motives are. Rhees said it very well, and Hrothgar expressed everything I wanted to hear. We have as much at stake here as Stephen. Do you think I would suggest this if I didn't see it as a benefit to our cause?" Ullar asks.
Forte adds, "Just because something benefits our cause, doesn't mean it carries no risk. It doesn't even mean the risk is small. We would be entrusting the lives of everyone at Sukiskayn to these men. I'm not saying we shouldn't do it. But let's not assume everything will be just fine and dandy because it benefits us."
"If that is the impression I gave to you, than I offer my apologies. I'm no fool and I know that there is a potential risk here. That's the reason why I wanted to discuss this with the group before offering it as a suggestion. However, after hearing Hrothgar speak and weighing the whole thing, I do think it's the wisest thing. Is there any other solution, which keeps them alive?"
"No you would not Ullar, this I know. Perhaps you are right." Rhune pauses for a moment, "You know there was something that I have been trying to remember about the time that Stephen had disappeared. I finally remembered it. I am not sure where I heard it or who told me but I remember that someone said that they saw the boat that Stephen uses sailing down the river and that a red-head was at the helm and did not appear to be in any duress. That has always bothered me and now this talk of spies." she stops and looks up at Ullar and the others.
"Stephen isn't the only red-head." Rhees straightens his own red ponytail to illustrate the point. "But since this talk of spies continues to haunt us, I recall Hrothgar saying he expected 9 people and that he expected you sooner than this. I'm guessing he was expecting Ullar, Asif, Forte, Rhune, Arkady, Amibar, Pietro, Stephan and Tolik. That might lead us to believe the spy last saw you, or contacted the Bishop, before you arrived in Rifflian. Also, some time ago Plebius examined everyone present at the time for signs of magical traces - a geas, a charm or something to aid a magical spy. Perhaps it would be wise to delay further travel one night so we could follow the same procedure."
"That might be a good idea. And that is something to consider what he said he would find." Rhune pauses to think about things.
Plebius nods," It would be wise to continue the detections periodically. I will attempt to do so on the morrow for any that wish it."
Arkady shakes his head negatively. "Can you do it while we travel?? I feel that if we sit here longer than is absolutely needed we will be attacked again."
Plebius replies," Yes, we can continue traveling."
"Travel where, Arkady?" asks Rhees. "If we charge off after the horizon without purpose, we spend our limited energies needlessly and risk tumbling headlong into whatever the Bishop has planned for us. It appears there are two courses before us - Death's Head Valley and the island with the Bishop's contact. Manus has made a good point regarding the latter. Regardless of which way we go, we still need to make a decision regarding Hrothgar, we still need a guide, and I can't help but think precautions against magic would be wise."