Ratlin's Adventure

Some four hours after that, as Ullar begins to think about Rhees and Hrothgar returning, Plebius hears something coming from the south. A horse, he thinks, moving down the path toward you, slowly.

About the same time the horse is heard arriving, Ratlin quietly unties his horse while Plebius investigates the new arrival and wakes the others. He walks the horse away from the camp in the direction Rhees and Hrothgar had taken and after about a good 50 feet or so, mounts and begins his journey alone.

Heading north toward Threshold, reasoning that one of those people he wants to contact must be there, Ratlin rides quietly. The path is quite clear, and he can see the tracks of Rhees' horse and Hrothgar's much bigger one there. Not particularly wanting to catch up to them, he does not rush his pace, riding casually.

After a couple of hours, the town is bigger ahead of him, and he can see the smoke rising up. It does not appear to be a large town, but if it has what he wants, that will be no matter. Suddenly ahead he sees a well-armed man jump out of the forest. Knowing that he will be no match for another ambush, Ratlin is relieved when the fellow speaks, "Have no fear, man. We are searching for a flying elven sorcerer and his bird familiar. They are hiding in this forest somewhere. Have you seen them?" Having not, Ratlin answers easily enough that it is not the case. The guard then waves him by.

Ratlin is tempted to try and find Tolik himself, for that is surely who the man was talking about, but sees several other guards bashing through the brush and decides that the winged elf is better off without his interference. Besides, he had better things to do.

Continuing north, Ratlin finally comes upon the town. A giant human guard captain with a scar alongside his face and a black eye patch takes his name and then lets him into town, admonishing him that nothing illegal will be permitted, and casting spells is illegal in this town. Ratlin notes that a scribe writes the name down on a massive ledger.

Heading in, Ratlin sees that the town is abuzz. Apparently a flying sorcerer tried to kidnap a child and then vanished. Either it was helped by a swan familiar, or turned into a swan, the stories conflict. Then soon afterward, a huge northman in plate armor was arrested when his spear-carrier tried to pickpocket someone, and even now both are in jail awaiting sentence.

As he looks about wondering where to start and what to do with this information, Ratlin sees a grimy character looking out at him from very near the city gate. As soon as Ratlin spies him, the fellow merges into the crowd and disappears.

Ratlin tries to follow the man, but soon gives up as he sees that he will not catch him. He heads back to the main road through town and heads for the nearest Inn/Tavern.

He walks in the door and frowns slightly at the crowd. He makes his way to the bar with one hand gripped tightly around his money pouch and looks for the keeper. He waves the keeper down and says, "I need some information. I am looking for a mage that wears yellow robes and I'd like to know more about what has happened recently. Yes, I am new in town. I'd also like a glass of wine if you have it and a mug of ale if you don't."

The bartender looks at him with a frown, "Sorry, nobody like that has come through here." He pours a glass of wine for Ratlin and gives it to him. "One floren for that." A high price, but Ratlin pays it. The wine is quite delicious, surprising considering the low-brow nature of the place.

Once served, he goes to find an empty seat and watches the room a bit to see who comes and who goes.

After an hour or so, Ratlin sees that he is not going to have any luck with this strategy, and starts to get up. Suddenly from behind him he hears a sneering voice, "You want to see the boss? Then do exactly as I say. Any funny business, and you'll get my knife in your back." To accentuate the point, Ratlin feels the sharp point of a dagger at his kidneys.

The fellow puts his arm around Ratlin and walks with the dagger still laying in alongside his back. Looking over, Ratlin sees this fellow should have his name. He looks much like a rat, with sharp pointy teeth and a long nose protruding from his face. Nasty-looking fellow, and uglier when he smiled, as he was doing now.

He nods for a moment at the bartender as you leave. Emerging out into the street, the man quickly walks eastward. He then ducks into a dark alley. He hands Ratlin a hood. "Put this over your head. You've no need to see where we are going."

Ratlin complies with the man's orders, determined not to develop any leaks on his person and begins walking. He leans on the man a little more than normal to get an idea of how strong he is. He listens for any unusual sounds, things like water from a fountain, a blacksmith's shop, or a livery stable. He also tries to discern certain smells as well. The entire trip though, he says nothing.

First you descend down some rough staircase. The man pushes him off when Ratlin gets close, hissing, "No touching! Follow me. You may hold this." At that a rough rope is pressed into Ratlin's hand, which is then pulled along at a rapid pace. Ratlin manages to keep up. He notes that he is walking along through some type of liquid, which raises quite a fuss when Ratlin walks. Interestingly enough, the rat-faced fellow makes no such racket.

This must be a sewer or something similar he thinks to himself.

After what seems like an hour of walking, Ratlin is quite disoriented. He has no idea how many turns, or what sounds he has passed. He is quite sure he could not find this place again with years of time to do so. Suddenly he stops. A sneering voice speaks out, "What can you tell me of 'Lord Ullar'?" At that the voice is most sarcastic. "Has he found the map? Where is he going?" Ratlin feels a meaty hand smack into the side of his head, "Quickly, tell me what I wish to know and you may yet live through the night!"

No one moves to remove the blindfold, and Ratlin can sense that there are several people in front of him.

"Lord Ullar?" Ratlin laughs, "The 'lord' is headed to Death's Head. And as for the map, I know that they haven't found it when I left them. If they have since then, I have no idea." He stands there arrogantly, not moving to remove the blindfold and 'looking' in the direction of the speaker.

He sneers and adds, "I'm surprised you aren't curious why I left them in the first place."

The sneering voice responds, "Better you ask why I haven't yet killed you!" Ratlin hears a spitting noise, "Left them, have you? Of course. How convenient. And coming to assist me, of course, because that's just what people like you all do." Ratlin hears creaking as a chair moving, "I'm no fool, boy. I know your friends are headed this way even now. Death's Head, you say? Hmmmm...." The voice seems to consider. "Perhaps, perhaps not. In any case, you will prove useful to me whatever your motivations. And if I find you are worthy, then perhaps I will find out why you 'left'. If I find otherwise, then you'll be dead and your motivations won't matter one whit."

The chair creaks again, and Ratlin hears footsteps moving away, apparently up a staircase from the tap of the steps. The steps stop for a moment, "Bring him along." The sneering voice speaks again. Ratlin feels someone with very large hands grasp him, "Get up, scumbag!" A harsh Italian-accented voice grunts.

Pushed forward, Ratlin attempts to follow the direction, but stumbles several times. At last, the large-handed fellow exasperatedly grasps Ratlin and throws him over his shoulder. For a moment Ratlin considers using the opportunity to take of his hood, but then he hears the hissing breath of the rat-faced man behind him and reconsiders.

The broad shoulders Ratlin rests on splash loudly in the water as the fellow paces through the sewers. After some time, Ratlin is pressed to an iron ladder. "Climb!" The harsh voice simply says. He quickly complies, heading up through some kind of opening. Upon reaching the top, he feels the large meaty hand grab his ankle, "You're not going anywhere." The voice grunts.

Walking through a door, Ratlin feels the cool evening air against his face and realizes he's outside again. There is no light that he can detect, so while he was underground the sun must have gone down. He walks forcedly again for some time. Finally he stops. The only identifier he could detect was that they passed some sort of water on the way in, and lots of loud men. He can't hear either anymore, though. Getting his bearings, he must be somewhere on the east side of town, not far from the docks.

He is pushed inside a door by the large hand, and hears several others talking inside the room. Another door opens and Ratlin is pushed in there. "You can take off the hood now." The harsh voice says as the door slams. Ratlin sees he is some sort of crude, but clean room. There are several rough men therein, but he cannot see the fellow that pushed him in here. As he attempts to rise, one of the men chuckles, "Don't head anywhere, pally. You try any funny business and we'll feed you to the rats!" That gets a laugh from all the men. They are common low men, rough thugs at best. Four are playing cards while one stands near a window. There are two doors, one very near the standing man and the other in the corner of the room.

Any attempt to move around rouses the wrath of the guards, but they do not keep Ratlin from speaking. He sees no sign of the sneering voice, the rat-faced man, or the big fellow that carried him here.

Ratlin just sits and waits, knowing that any comments he makes will ensure a sneer and a laugh from the others. Oh how he hates being laughed at. He commits everyone's face to memory while he waits vowing to make them pay once he is more powerful. He wonders how the others are faring and if Asif ever returned to Rhune. He smirks thinking of how the others are probably labeling him a traitor now, especially Tolik. If only they knew....

Back at the campsite...

Arkady has been resting and caring for his weapons since the camp was set. He lays propped against a log staring aimlessly while he fingers the hilt of the silmar blade.

Plebius quickly and quietly relays what he hears to everyone else.

Looking up toward the sound of the approaching horse, Rhune decides to take no chances. slipping behind a tree off to the side away from the road her bow out and an arrow knocked waiting to see who it is.

Manus follows Rhune's lead and makes for the bush at the side of the road. While not well hidden at least he is harder to spot than he was in the road. He holds his sparth axe at the ready should the traveler be hostile.

Forte watches Rhune and Manus take cover by the side of the road. Knowing he can't hide his large form so easily, Forte leads his horse over to the side of the road, hoping it will be out of harm's way. Then he grabs his goblin battle axe, casually slings it over his shoulder, and stands in the middle of the road, waiting to see who - or what - appears.

Arkady stands and stretches luxuriously. He draws the silmar blade and his maine gauche and steps to the middle of the road to wait.

"Be silent!" the warrior whispers to the mercs and the rest of the group, waiting to see what is crossing their path.

Taglio, who has been quietly studying his spell books for the last few hours, follows Rhune and Manus' lead and finds cover. There he loads his crossbow. "Now we find out if the Mercenary can be trusted, Si" He whispers.

The sound abruptly stops, then you hear a curse erupt in Italian man's voice, followed by the sound of galloping away from you at a quick pace. You cannot tell who or what might have spooked whoever it was.

Moving toward the origin of the sound, you can see the figure of a man dressed in brown leathers riding away at top speed. You cannot make out any defining features before he rides over a slight rise and is lost from sight. You can hear the echoes of the horse continue, getting quieter and quieter.

Arkady rushes and leaps onto Kril-pesh. Spurring the horse to as much speed as he can he pursues.

Tag too leaps onto Beatrice and follows behind Arkady. His crossbow in his right hand ready to fire. "l' arresto o io sparerà!" (stop or I will shoot)

Knowing that Zephyr is and wounded and too heavily burdened, Ullar can do nothing but stay and grunt in frustration.

Knowing all the goods on his own horse would make a chase impossible, Forte walks over to Ullar. "Well, Arkady will probably be back soon," he says with a shrug. "He may be covered in blood, waving someone's scalp like a war banner, but he'll probably be back soon."

Having no horse of his own to jump on for pursuit Manus goes and checks on the remaining Scange mercenaries. Holding his great pole axe before him he counts the mercs to make sure they are still all there. Then a thought occurred to him. He turns about and says to Ullar and Forte. "That is probably the mercenary who made off with my horse!"

"It could be.." replies Ullar, while looking at the other mercs to see if they are dressed alike.

Giovanni, reviewing his recollection spell, closes his spellbook and stands ready. If things quiet down he will attempt to resume his study. He scans the sky and comments to Ratlin. "It may be that the flying platform and the rider that Arkady and Tag pursue and related. If so, either the platform riders, if any were seeking the rider, or in collusion with them."

Looking about, Giovanni sees no sign of Ratlin. For the moment, you have no time to reflect on it, but once thought of, no one has seen him since he the square object went overhead the second time, when he excused himself to go into the woods.

Giovanni makes a mental note of the direction in which the platform was headed, both when he saw it, and when Pietro saw it earlier. He looks for landmarks in both directions, and wonders if the flying platform could reach the Death's head Valley in either, 'as the crow flies'.

"Has anybody every seen something like that before? It is completely new to me, and I have seen a few strange things when I was living in Italy in my time. It's probably magical, isn't it," Pietro asks to nobody in particular. "Could it be something like a fabled flying carpet?"

Plebius replies," Never have I seen the like of that. It is difficult to gauge the size of the object from this distance without a nearby reference."

It is indeed difficult. Judging without such reference, you estimate that the rectangular object was about ten feet long and perhaps eight feet wide, though it could be smaller or larger if it was closer or further away than you estimate.

"I have never seen anything like it either. but I think given the light of the stranger we should take steps to head out and soon." Rhune replies.

"We can't leave until Rhees and bandit-boy get back," objects Forte. "Or, if we leave," we need to head to Threshold to look for Rhees."

Muttering a curse herself, "I think we had better leave and quickly. There is no telling who that was or what he wanted now." Rhune says as she puts her bow away and heads for her horse....or starts to but she inadvertently passes by some of the blood from the fight. Though the others may not be able to smell it, her senses can. Turning a bit green she slips over to a bush and loses what she had just eaten for breakfast. After a few moments she comes back around wiping her mouth off on a piece of cloth, looking just a bit sheepish. Glancing at the others, "Sorry about that. We can go now." she then slips to her horse.

However, as Forte says, there is nowhere particularly to go until Rhees and Hrothgar return, unless you wish to go to Threshold. A few minutes pass, and you hear horses approaching, Taglio and Arkady returning.

Unfortunately, their horses bore too much weight with their gear and armored men on their backs, while the pursued had no saddle bags even and wore no armor. He quickly outdistanced them and they realized they would not catch him.

"He's gone." Arkady sighs. He steps off the horse and ties him up.

The horse did not look like Manus' horse, and the man did not look like one of the Scange, but neither could tell absolutely.

Returning to the group, they see at the same time another mounted party approaching from the north.

Arkady stiffens and prepares for combat again.

Three riders. Alert, the party jumps into a defensive position, but quickly are pleased to see not enemies, but Tolik, Antonia, and Daegwyn. All three look very weary, even more so than you all, particularly Tolik, who looks dead on his feet. They ride into camp. There is no sign yet of Rhees and Hrothgar, and Caboto can tell that the time limit to pursue them has just about passed.

Pietro recognizes the small group first. "It's ok guys, its Tolik and the rest." The elf rushes to them, helping the of their mounts. "Sit down and rest, I will be with you shortly, I will take away the horses first if you want." As he asks the last question, he looks at Antonia, knowing how much her animal friends mean to her. "Seeing the state you and the horses are in, I think Hermes would be proud of you." He gently leads away the horses, making sure that they will be able to eat and drink properly.

Arkady relaxes his stance and grins widely as the others ride in. "Did you find him?? Tell me!!"

Ullar, curious if the three succeeded in their mission, approaches Tolik: "Did you manage to reach Asif?" is his short question, not wanting to tire them with more.

Seeing that it is the others Rhune steps out and watches them approach. Noticing their expressions, Rhune takes a deep breath. She does not hold any hope that they even caught up with Asif. She waits for them to get closer then looks around at the others. Crossing to them "We can't leave now. Tolik, Antonia and Daegwyn need to rest. And the others haven't shown up yet either." she says not mentioning Asif yet. Then unable to wait any longer, "Did.....did you catch up to Asif?" she asks not sure if she wants to know if they did or not.

Tolik doesn't manage much more than to shake his head, and seems to be asleep on his feet. He opens his eyes to a little more than slits and looks at Ullar with a half-dead gaze, before he stumbles off and falls asleep in the middle of the camp.

The warrior picks the elf up, paying carefully attention not to damage or touch his wings, and carries him off to the side of the camp, providing him his blanket. A faint smile appears on Ullar's face when he looks at the sleeping Tolik. "Rest well, my friend..."

Tolik doesn't stir at all as he is moved, indeed he seems to not even be aware of his surroundings now that sleep has overcome him. Even the change from his usual sleeping conditions, from the trees to the ground, doesn't phase him at all.

Seeing Tolik shake his head, Rhune attempts a smile but it doesn't really brighten up anything. She helps Ullar with the elf then goes over by her horse to remove the saddle again, studiously avoiding looking at anyone as tears are brimming in her eyes.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 March 2001

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