The Florentine thinker shares his thoughts. "Tag, Pietro, Rhees; this theory of suppression is a long shot, but not unlikely. If true, the stories would be covered up by the Catolik hierarchy. I am only well familiar with men of Florence and western Italy. Surely though, such murders or attacks could have occurred anywhere, such as rival Venizia. The druoi of Ireland would also be an obvious target for suppression or destruction, as would followers of the elder gods of Greece. Each could have or have had magics and lore, which, properly applied, might be used to counter the Catolik hierarchy vileness."
"Caboto it is a good thought. I can think of many who have been treated so by the Katolik church. Dante himself is a good example. Unfortunately, the church seems to take a dislike to many, for all sorts of reasons. I suspect it would take many months to sift through the candidates, because there are so many of them." Tag responds.
"Yes, yet another tangent of thought of mine that does not appear immediately useful. Still, it will dwell in my thoughts."
The concern on Rhees' face mirrors Caboto's, "Yes, it has already begun in Eire. Though it is still quite subtle in my homeland, the Katolik's are spreading their influence and seeking to eliminate traditional sources of wisdom and power. I can see the day when the Katoliks will wield surprise and fear as indiscriminate weapons against any who would oppose them."
"What are they gonna do there? Drive all the snakes out?" asks Forte, legends of the fearsome snakes of Eire dancing through his mind.
"It occurs to me, though. Stephan isn't particularly interested in Death's Head country and he is interested in the well-being of his fellow villagers. Perhaps he could carry a warning to them and then meet up with us to go on to the Golden Valley. What say you Stephan?" Rhees finishes.
Stephen shakes his head, "This entire expedition was my idea! In order for my brother's village to be restored, for my family to survive the harsh winter, we must bring them back the treasure from the Golden Valley!" He continues shaking his head, "No, I will not return. My brother is strong, and he has plenty of help from Gregor and the others. In any case I think you broke the backs of the goblin tribes and Golthar is here, so there shouldn't be any risk. They will be fine when we return." He seems to be convincing himself as well as all of you.
Rhees looks puzzled for a moment, "Stephan, it appears that we may have business in Death Head territory before we move on to the Golden Valley. If we conduct this business and make the arrangements that allow for your safe passage through Death's Head territory, you would not be losing any time. Golthar isn't the only threat to your people. If Hrothgar or Plebius tell the Bishop of what is happening in Sukiskayn, Golthar and the goblins will seem like a pleasant memory. We are still the only ones with a map - no one will beat us to the treasure"
Stephen nods, "I hope that is the case." He seems dubious
"Well.. perhaps that is the case Stephen, but I think Petr can sustain the upcoming winter. We've invested quite some money in Sukiskayn, as well as in Gregor's camp and I'm sure that with the bartering and stuff they'll do fine." Ullar responds.
"And just HOW exactly did you learn about the map? Did Golthar ever give you money to pay for the expedition?" asks Forte, his eyes narrowing into slits.
"Exactly! What happened before you were kidnapped?" adds Ullar to Forte's question.
"What do you know about this Golden Valley that we don't? And what it the plan of moving the treasure if and once we found it?"
Ullar shakes his head, the bird-diversion relieved him somewhat of some tension, but Stephen's attitude quickly returns it.
Stephen shakes his head, "I came upon an ancient text talking about a culture that once existed in the Black Peak mountains and south, into what now is the Dymrak forest, the Wufwolde hills, where we have been traveling, and further north. A great empire they were, not humans, with great art and treasures. They have been mentioned only as rumors, and must have perished a thousand years ago.
He sighs at that, "But their treasures must remain. In fact, in my research I came upon another scholar who knew about this ancient race. Golthar was that scholar. He revealed to me that the race once dwelled as far south as my own village, and that they had left clues to finding them. He told me of the silver needle and golden thread he had read of in an ancient tattered scroll, and that it lead to their final refuge, a hidden place. All he needed was the tapestry which went with the thread."
He shakes his head sadly, "I did not want to share the treasure with him, nor did I think he would share it with me, and so I did not reveal that the tapestry he spoke of was in my very homestead, an ancient treasure which my clan had found generations ago. I told him that I would be back when I was able to find out more information. He agreed. He did not invest in any expedition, nor did we talk about that. He was very interested in anything I discovered, but that was the extent of it."
"Figures old yellow-robe was lying," Forte says with a 'hrmmmmph!' for punctuation. "Should have killed him when we had the chance."
He resumes with a sad tone, "But somehow or other Golthar found out I had kept the secret. In an effort to replenish my funds, I hired you to escort my clan's horses to Rifflian, which profit I would have shared with my brother, and helped my research. But then Golthar began sending the goblins out to raid homesteads, not knowing which I came from. And so I indirectly contributed to the raids, by whetting the appetite of that monster. And he captured me, finally, in one of the last raids.
Holding me captive in his tower, he interrogated me about the golden tapestry. Using foul magicks, he was able to wrest the information from me. But he did not know, as I did not, that you had come upon Sukiskayn while it was besieged, and lifted the siege through your heroism. Soon after, you came to rescue me, by my brother's request, and happy I was to see you. I was sure that I did not have long to live, now that he had the information he wanted."
He shrugs his shoulders, "Since then I have been with you. I apologize for not telling you the whole story at first. I did not think it important."
"Well, it's not important. It just shows, once again, that Golthar is a greedy liar, " says Forte flatly. Then, with a smile, "It does explain why you grabbed the needle and thread so quickly."
Stephen sighs audibly at Forte's conclusion, almost with relief.
"That story puts everything in a whole new daylight, Stephan. Too bad you didn't tell it before, I think it would have become handy in our 'encounter' with Golthar. Anyway, I apologize for my suspicion.." says Ullar, while offering Stephan his hand to shake.
Listening to Stephen's story, Rhune just shakes her head "It might have prepared us for this a little better, Stephen" is all she says.
Stephen nods, "If I thought that Golthar would come after us, I would have. I really felt he would give up, but I was wrong."
Taglio speaks, "Ullar, I have heard only briefly the story of the meeting with the Bishop your escape with the blue tube. If we are going to Death's Head Country to find out more about the tube and he who bore it, then perhaps we could start with the bearer. He was a gnoll, si?"
"Yep, that's correct. Didn't know that at that time, but Gnoll is the right phrase." replies Ullar.
"How was he dressed?"
"Well.. in crude leathers, as far as I can recall. What was striking that he carried a staff with a doghead on it, well, the resemblance of a doghead, don't know what it was made of!" says Ullar.
"Did he have a name?"
"Not known to me. He did mention huuumahns..." says Ullar, while trying to mimic and express himself in the same way the Gnoll did, "... quite often, in a rather funny way, although he was quite agitated about it. I think I can recall how he said that. But perhaps they all have that accent!"
"Did he have a regal bearing, like a noble or priest?"
"No, only that staff. I think I can describe it if necessary, but perhaps Rhune is better capable of it." Ullar responds to Taglio's series of questions.
"Do we have any way of knowing who his friends, companions or organization were?"
"I don't think so. We found out that he was a Gnoll and probably came from Death's Head Country a couple of days ago, so I didn't give it much thought either!"
"These bits of information would be a good starting point, si." Tag concludes.
Rhees is watching intently as Ullar speaks, during pauses his lips move as though he is speaking to himself, "Tell me, Ullar, you've said said gnolls are hyena headed. We have no hyena's in Eire, do they resemble dogs at all? I ask because you also mentioned a dog headed staff. When I add this to some of our encounters - do you recall the jackal headed pictures in that accursed tomb we raided before I left you the first time? And then those of us new to this group encountered jackal headed animated statues in the dwarven caves."
Ullar nods, in response to Rhees' question.
"It may all be coincidence, but I can't help but wonder if there isn't a connection. The gods curve the paths we walk to serve their purpose. I left your company, Ullar, but now I find myself traveling with you once again - I doubt that is merely coincidence. Dog headed figures of authority keep appearing in our travels. I have little more to offer at this time, but I think we should keep our minds open to this connection as we travel into gnollish territory." Rhees concludes.
Ullar answers, nodding his head, "I'll have to admire your quick and logical thinking, Rhees. Sometimes I'm lost when you start your theories, but this time we're on the same level. I was wandering about this for quite some time."
"As the ruin we visited was quite old, I was wondering if it might be the case that this whole area was first inhabited by Gnolls. Humans entered later, as well as Elves and Dwarves and other races. I've been looking through my maps once again, to see if we missed 'marked' spots, but there is not a lot we missed."
"Somehow I think the Gnolls and Jackals are functioning as some kind of watch-dog over some well hidden treasure; like that 'thingy' the Gnoll in Florence was talking about, or the mace Forte now has. I don't know why, but I have the same feeling as Tolik: our jackal headed friends are not going to welcome us with open arms, certainly not when they see the tube. Still, that's the only item we have that could lead us to someone in their tribe who speaks common."
"Do any of our magick-users have the ability to ask for some spell where you can communicate with a race which language you do not speak?" Ullar asks, while looking at all present.
"I agree. I feel that the gnolls may hold some key. Unfortunately I don't speak gnoll. I wish I did, it would make things easier. But, we will just have to deal with it I guest." Rhune replies.
"Regretfully, I have no such spell at present", explains Caboto. "Until that time it may be best for us to attempt to acquire their language. It cannot hurt."
Rhees' face lights up when Ullar mentions Forte's mace, but he lets the large man finish. "I don't have access to such magics, but if someone does, it might make our job easier. I never realized Forte's mace had a dog's head - since you promised to buy me that beer, Forte, I've been more concerned with your purse than your weapons I guess. I wonder, does it look anything like the dog's head that topped the gnoll's staff. You were right, Ullar, when you said that priests of Jerbohah would probably get a hostile reception. I wonder if we mightn't be able to capitalize on that.
If the gnolls of the death's head country are the descendants of that ancient people Stephan has been researching, we may get a decent reception if I can make it clear to them that I represent beliefs that date back as far as their own. Forte, would you be willing to loan me your dog's head mace when we enter Death's Head country - carrying it as a symbol of office rather than a weapon I may be able to buy us time to establish communication. By the way, everyone," Although he is addressing everyone, Rhees' gaze stays on Stephan for a time, "it would probably be a good idea to avoid any mention of taking ancient treasures for ourselves until we know with some measure of certainty how the gnolls will react to that. If those treasures are sacred to them, we might find our heads on pikes for sacrilege."
Showing the mace to Rhees, Forte says, "Uh, my mace doesn't have a dog head on it. Neither does Jolenta's mace," Forte adds, showing Rhees the newly-acquired mace. I think Ullar was referring to a staff used by the gnoll at the meeting in Florence."
Ullar is about to comment, but let's Rhees finish. When he is done, Ullar adds: "Ehm.. I'm not sure if the mace has a dogface on it, but we got it from a place where jackal statues didn't really welcome us, to put it lightly.."
Tolik shakes his head, and rolls his eyes. "Does it really matter? Pretend it does. We'd be walking into what is probably a culture as restrictive of strangers as mine, carrying an object taken from the shaman who left and never returned, and a magic weapon that was last left is some guys burial chamber. It makes us look like grave robbers, murderers, and worse. Do we want that?"
"Is that so? I doubt it. I bet that you would be honored if some is returning a holy item of your people back to you. At least, I would be. But this is all hypothetical. We first have to reach Death's Head Country, and than live through it..." a pondering look appearing on Ullar's face after having these words said.
"I could see it being shoot first, ask questions later." Tolik says, his voice ominous.
Rhees looks at Forte with more than a little bewildered "It isn't? But didn't Ullar just . . ." Rhees pauses and looks upward; again his lips move quietly as though he having an inner conversation. "He looks around a little sheepishly, I guess I read too much into Ullar's comments. "That would explain why I never noticed the dog's head on your mace.
It's too bad though. I disagree with Tolik's point of view. I doubt seven foot tall, xenophobic humanoids with prominent carnivore's fangs, as Ullar described them, who live in an area referred to as Death's Head country will be inclined to deal with our intrusion peacefully anyway. If we walk in with nothing, we're just more human invaders to be ambushed or killed in our sleep. If we bear something they recognize as sacred with appropriate reverence they may pause before killing us - that pause gives us a moment. We don't have an object of reverence though, so we need something else to make them pause."
"Do we really have a choice? If we are to open the blue tube, we should go to the gnolls. My objective, and I think of most of us, is to open the tube, so that we may learn of the map in contains." Pietro looks a bit worried now as well. "You are very right though Tolik, we have to be careful and not start a fight or something like that. It's a leap in the unknown and a matter of faith. On the other hand, I like the unknown."
"How do you know the blue tube contains a map?" Forte asks Pietro, with a hint of suspicion in his voice.
Worried about suspicion breaking into the group again, Rhees gives Forte's his friendliest smile - joking but without any trace of mocking, "Um, you guys told us Forte. As I recall, the gnoll told the assembly that the blue tube led to the location of the thing that would undo the Bishop's power. Even if it isn't our usual conception of a map, whatever is in the tube will be a map of some sort - or am I seeing dog-faced maces again?"
"Ullar," Forte interrupts, "do you remember when we first approached the lake elves. Someone had a weapon taken from those tombs where Dakath and I almost died. I'm not sure which tomb, but one of them. Maybe it was Asif, who had a sword or something."
Forte gets a bit excited, and starts talking rapidly. "Anyway, one of the elves was very upset that we had this sword. And not upset like, 'give us back our ancient heirloom' but *angry* upset. I don't remember ever finding out why he was upset about that sword, or whatever it was."
Forte looks around, as if to see if the weapon in question is still in their possession, but quickly dismisses any search he had him mind. "What if that weapon was some ancient gnoll artifact. Maybe the elf was upset because it was a weapon of their traditional enemy--the gnolls who were there first!" Forte finishes triumphantly, his face beaming.
Ullar rubs his temples, faster and faster as if he is trying to remember everything what has happened. Finally he shakes his head. "Sorry Forte, I can't remember what it was. Asif had two blades and I believe he lost one and replaced it with this one. I doubt that it's still in our possession!"
In any case, rest is the priority of the day. It is not difficult to find a fairly well-concealed spot amongst the rocks. For the rest of the night, the spell-casters attempt to get as much thoughtful rest as they can in order to regain their magical abilities. Those with natural healing capabilities do their best to clean the various wounds and injuries of the party, replacing bandages as best they can.
In the morning, you have gained sufficient rest to regain spells. Assessing your ability to begin the journey, Antonia, Caboto, Pietro, Rhees, and Rhune are the only fully healthy members of the party. Taglio bears only minor injuries, while Arkady and Tolik are about half strength, though Tolik's ability to fly has not been restored, and probably will not be anytime soon. Daegwyn, Forte, and Ullar bear very serious injuries which still impair them.