The Search for Rhune

Manus is visibly shaken that one of the small band could possibly be enchanted by the magics of the Bishop and his minions but says nothing except. "Let us go back to the inn now. We have much to do and I wish to be out of this wretched town soon." He then begins to make his way back to the inn oblivious as to whether the others are following or not. He scans the crowds as he walks through them looking for any of the missing party members as well as Ratlin and the Man and woman in yellow.

Rhees is clearly pleased with the welcome. For the benefit of any eavesdroppers, he begins with, "I am glad you share my yearning to get back into the country. I should be able to claim my horse from the guard as it was taken when I was arrested by guardsmen who, as the patriarch so eloquently stated, 'were misled by my wild appearance'. If Hrothgar will be held for some time, the guard may be willing to sell us his horse for a reasonable price. As the victim of his false accusation, I may even be entitled to compensation." Rhees' cynical grin suggests he doubts this will be the case, but he is willing to try. "If there is a rendezvous point, let us get there as quickly as we can, we should not tempt fate more than is necessary."

Ullar, who welcomes Rhees back as well, asks the 'wild' man: "Can you explain what happened? Did Hrothgar mislead you in any way? We feared that was what happened, but at this 'trial' the opposite was the truth."

Rhees answers, "I would be happy to share the whole story, and soon. But I would rather be away from all these ears first."

Ullar shudders for a brief moment, closing his eyes and quickly reopening them: "I fear for Rhune as well. I'm afraid she is captured as well and that we have to find out where she is held. Let's all return to the Inn; I think I have to settle some things with the inn-keeper; I'm missing a rather large amount of money!"

"This is not turning out into anything pleasant. Perhaps someone can inform our friends at the outside of the current status, I think they are worried 'sick' about you Rhees!"

"And why is Golthar here, with that lady who is sending search-parties after our asses? I can't say I'm really fond of this town" says Ullar, with some well-meant sarcasm in his voice.

Rhees nods agreement, "And I believe a good deal of this town is none too fond of us either. Let us return to the inn so everyone can claim their gear and we can make our plan from their. Am I mistaken, or is the person described in Arkady's vision the same as the person Rhune is following? We may want to follow Arkady's vision as a way to find Rhune."

"I think that's the only lead we have.. " says Ullar, sighing, ".. but at least we got a lead."

Caboto, briefly joyous at Rhees' release, scowls. "Mother of God! I too would like to be rid of this town, but I suspect that Rhune and Amibar are still within the gates. And is seems Rhune, who has the blue tube, may have gone in pursuit of the yellow robe, the one foul cur that clearly means us ill."

Arkady informs the rest of the party what he was told by the old woman.

The Florentine mage and scholar grips his dagger and nods to Arkady by way of explanation. "My intuition is to respect the visions of those who have the Sight, particularly when it comes unbidden, and as a response to your rescuing of the seer."

"Confound it! I do not think we can leave without Rhune or Amibar. It would be reckless and I fear for Rhune in particular. We should look for her, as best we can. The Lady is with child, and has the tube."

Tag silently curses himself for a fool, "Of course you are right, mio amico. But where could she have gone. Perhaps we should go back to the inn and wait for her there. Unless you have some magical way of finding her, Caboto?"

"Mi dispiace, compadre. I have no such magic at my disposal. I was thinking of wandering the streets looking for her. Though it may be wiser to wait at the Inn, at least for a while" replied Caboto.

Rhees looks rather alarmed at the mention of magic, "My friends, magic is outlawed in Threshold - surely we would want no part in breaking that law." Looking around to point out their potential audience, he then lowers his voice to a barely audible point, "or at least wait until we are in more private surroundings before discussing it."

"That is disturbing news indeed, but it will not change anything in our plans. We will have to get the hell out of here as fast as possible," speaks Pietro with a shrug.

"Let's go!" says Ullar, not willing to stand here out in the open any longer.

The group splits up but all head in the same direction, hoping not to draw too much attention to themselves on the way. However, it appears that most of the attention is still focused on the Patriarch's entourage. And so you are able to make your way back toward the inn.

At a quiet time later, Tag talks to Ullar privately. "Ullar, I am afraid it may just be my suspicious Venetian mind at work again, but Rhees should perhaps be watched until we can be sure he has not been somehow turned to the Bishop. I think two of us should be with him at all times, si, as a precaution."

Ullar just nods; it seems that the warrior is lost in thoughts. On a soft tone he whispers: "Something is not right here, not right at all."

Later on, when Pietro is walking next to Ullar and Taglio as they are returning to the inn. "It seems that the possible list with suspects is getting a lot larger when we keep up splitting up like this. I haven't mentioned this any earlier, but it might be useful now. Hermes has given me the possibility to detect charms and the like. I haven't used it before, and I will have to pray before I will be able to use it, but I can do it tomorrow. Is it a good idea to tell everybody that I'm going to do the check, so we will not deceive them by doing it in secret? It will not guarantee anything, but it might remove all the suspicions a bit. We need to be strong as a group, otherwise we might as well turn ourselves in right away. What do you say?"

"Certainly, you should cast it. Peace of mind is of unmeasurable worth" exclaims Caboto.

"I'd say we tell the rest. If they are 'behaving' strangely afterwards, it's getting more and more obvious. Although the odds are working against us, I still believe in the fact that we're all here with the same intention: fighting the Catolik church. However, your suggestion is a good one!" says Ullar, nodding at Pietro appreciatively

Turning a corner to go down the street that the inn lies on, Arkady hears a noise from above, looking up just in time to receive the contents of a chamber pot splashing and plopping onto his face and shoulders. Those nearby him are truly offended by the odor, which is absolutely foul. The creator of the offal must be sick, you presume. You cannot help but withdraw from the mad Russian as he attempts to shake the particulate matter away from himself.

At the same time, apparently drawn by the sound of the cursing Russian, you see a large heavy fellow come walking quickly toward you. It's Forte! However, his face is grave. He appears to have some unhappy news to share with you.

A look of relief washes over the warrior's face as he spots his traveling companions. "Am I glad to see you!" is the only greeting he offers, hoping to get right to the point. "Rhune has been kidnapped! I saw a man in a yellow robe and some woman. They did some sort of spell on Rhune, tied her up, and ducked away into some sewer behind some barrels." Forte starts running back the way he had come, then turns to make sure everyone is following him. "Come on, we've got to follow them and rescue her!"

Very glad that Forte is back, Ullar runs forward: "Lead the way!"

Color drains from Rhees' face at the news, "It seems the inn, and my story, will have to wait - we cannot lose Rhune! Let us travel as a group though; it wouldn't do to have any more of us picked off."

"Hermes feet!" It is probably the first time since you know Pietro that you hear the man swear, or is it just frustration? "It seems that the choice is out of our hands right now, let's all go and try to get them, before they are taking Rhune too far away. " Pietro rushes with the rest, in search of Rhune.

At Forte's side, striding towards the barrels, Caboto breaks into breathless questions. "Why did you come inside the town walls, Forte? Did you do so this morning? Where are Daegwyn, Antonia and Tolik? How were Rhune's captors armed?"

Breathless from his hurried pace, Forte answers quickly. "We got anxious about you, and came to investigate. I was the only one who would come into the city. The others are waiting about a mile outside the city." He looks anxiously at the others before finishing, "I didn't see any weapons on the people who captured Rhune. I haven't been in the city long; I was lucky enough to spot Rhune almost immediately."

Manus follows Forte in a quick jog....just about his top speed in his mail shirt. Not being fleet of foot even when unencumbered Manus has a hard time keeping up as he holds the scabbard of his longsword doing his best not to trip himself up on it as he runs.

Once you have conversed with him, some of the party heads into the inn to gather what remains of their belongings. They find that most, in response to Ullar's robbery, had already gathered their items. Indeed Rhune left nothing behind at all in her room, apparently carrying all she possessed on her person, excepting the weapons she left with Forte. Amibar left nothing as well. Their horses are stabled, and Rhees is able to reclaim his easily enough from the guardsmen. However, Manus is still without a steed, though he could use Rhune's if necessary.

Caboto tosses an appropriate sum of coins to the stable hands. "Pray watch the horses a while longer, lads. We will be staying a while longer." With that Caboto follows Forte in pursuit of Rhune. "We should all go! Whether in one large group or two, I care not. Singly we continue to be easy prey. Andiamo, andiamo seniors!". Caboto hoped Arkady had had time to change.

Tag kisses Beatrice on the nose once, then gathers his belongings and is ready to follow Forte to Purgatory and back. "Lead on, mio amico, lead on!"

Indeed, as some of the others gathered their things, Arkady did his best to wash and change. However, the foul odor hangs about him like the furs worn by noblewomen, hardly to be shook off.

Too enraged to be totally concerned by this, Arkady grunts his readiness and heads for the stables. He doesn't even bother to distance himself from the rest.

As you stand by in the stables discussing what to do, you see a slight figure pass by the door. Rushing out to see who it was, you just glimpse a long-nosed fellow disappearing into an alley. The rat-faced man! However, none of you has anywhere near the stealth to pursue him, as by the time you reach the alley, he has vanished without a trace.

Arkady swears violently and slams his fist into the alley wall. Muttering and cursing he stomps back to the others.

Rushing to catch up with the others that ran after Forte, those who went to the inn see that Manus has fallen behind. However, Forte's pace is no dash, as he isn't much of a runner himself.

You see that Forte has shown the others where the iron-runged ladder leads down amidst the barrels behind the cobbler's shop. It's not a particularly cleverly concealed entrance, but enough to stop a casual observer. Some of the group have already descended.

Arkady slides down the ladder as best he is able. When he hits the bottom he draws the Silmar Blade.

Realizing that only Pietro and Plebius have the ability to see in the sewer without the benefit of light, and feeling the clumps running down through the water, not knowing which are turds and which might be rats, the group elects to light up a torch to see what's what.

They are dismayed to see themselves at an apex of tunnels, leading in five different directions. Beyond this initial apex are several more, and you realize that within the hour, you would be hopelessly lost. There are no signs of any recent passage, but any such signs would surely be lost within the filthy water in any case. There appears to be very little hope of pursuing those that took Rhune, with a very good chance of being totally lost within the hour.

Gathered together, you realize that all of you will smell much like Arkady very soon, as the odor of this place is truly horrible. There are no obvious indicators giving the slightest sign where to go from here.

Giovani Caboto put his cap over his mouth and nose in a futile attempt to block the odors emanating from the sewer. "Five different passageway?" he exclaims. Caboto stood up, looking away from the dark sewer opening.

"We has little chance of following Rhune in these tunnels. I say we search the village for the inn or tavern with the crossed swords on its sign - the place Arkady's babushka saw in her vision. With luck we should find a lead or clue there. It may be dangerous, but no more so than venturing underground here" Caboto concludes.

"A wise idea, Giovani," Says Rhees. "Also, I don't know about your city ways, but I don't relish the thought of wallowing through this filth any longer than I have to." Rhees' attempt at a grin is spoiled by the grimace he makes as a particularly foul piece of refuse floats by.

Taglio holds a handkerchief over his mouth and nose and waves in the direction of the ladder. He follows the group and Ullar into town to search for the crossed swords.

Pietro looks at the dirty muck, and dryly comments. "We had a saying among acolytes when things went wrong. Shit happens! This time it is literally though."

Ullar sighs and nods at Caboto's words that surfacing again and starting looking for the 'crossed blades building' is the best lead the group has.

Forte also nods agreement with Caboto's words, then says with a smile, "Another vision? Well, the gods must like us, otherwise we'd never get these helpful visions." The large warrior breathes a slight sigh of despair at losing Rhune's track, but it glad to be leaving the foul sewer. Finally realizing that Rhees is with them, but not Hrothgar, Forte asks, "What happened to my favorite punching bag? You know, strange Scange guy."

Overcome with the irony of this all, Arkady throws back his head and begins to cackle most madly. His mirth is all consuming and lasts several minutes. Finally he stops and wiping at his eyes he speaks amid giggles. "Come Friends, let us swim.......The water looks fine!!"

"You honor us with your irony" calls Caboto from the street. "Come back up the ladder, your grandmother's vision may be the key we need."

Ullar's face is a sad one. In a low and monotone voice he speaks to the group: "Let's head back towards the Inn where we stayed this night. Perhaps our host can provide us with some information; if persuaded with a little force. I'm sure that it's not going to be a good advertising for his business if we spread the word that in the morning rooms are being burglarized."

"You were robbed?" Forte asks. "What happened? What did they steal? I've got some gold with me if we need it."

"Yeah, this morning. We gathered to discuss what to do, and when I got back to my room, one of my sacks was missing; the one filled with quite some money! I'm quite agitated about it and wouldn't mind if we end up in some kind of struggle. Boy, am I feeling aggressive. This doesn't feel good, it's like I'm back in the Arena, getting ready for another fight to please the public." says Ullar, who is glad that Forte is back with the group.

"We have to find Rhune. So it's essential that we find someone who knows his or her ways around in that maze down there" says Ullar, while gesturing towards the entrance ladder. "Perhaps our 'friendly' host of last night knows some addresses where we can find a guide and perhaps retrieve our money. It's no more mister nice guy for me; this town is as corrupted as it is going to be and there is no way that we can change that!"

"I suggest that those of us who are familiar around towns spread out after our meeting with our Innkeeper and report back in 2 hours from then. That could give us an impression where that building is, if it's here in Threshold at all. I'll start searching for the building, who else and who is going to get us a guide to find our way down the sewer, if needed?" Ullar asks.

"I'll go with whoever wants a little muscle along for protection. This town isn't safe." Forte looks around to see if anyone takes him up on his offer.

"You guys are right, let's search for the lead Arkady provided us with, this will be impossible in here." Pietro immediately goes outside, gulping in the fresh air. "Ok, the action is still the same, let's search as a group, we can't afford to lose any more persons. Let's go and follow Ullar's plan, get information fast and act."

Manus climbs out of the sewer grimacing at the stench which follows him. "I agree with Pietro, we must stay together. Every time we split up something goes wrong. But we must find more about the sewer I agree as if worse comes to worse we may find that the sewer may be our only safe escape route out of the city if we are pursued."

"Manus, if we're going to stay as one group, we most certainly draw unwanted attention to us. Haste is needed and if we split up, we can cover lot's more of this city in the same amount of time. Of course there is a potential danger, but Rhune's well-being is at stake here!" says Ullar, slightly frustrated by the fact that the group is wasting time discussing issues which not really the most important right now. However, after taking a deep breath the ex-gladiator realizes that reason is more sound to rely on that intuition and nods an apology to Manus.

Arkady twirls his disheveled moustache as he speaks. "The old woman said she saw the building near a dock or water front. That should be where we start. Speed is of the utmost, gentlemen, Shall we proceed??"

"I must agree with Pietro and Manus," says Rhees. "This town has taken advantage of us whenever we split up. Perhaps, though, we can kill two birds with one stone. The old woman's vision said the building with the crossed swords was by the river. If we find it before Rhune's captors, we can set up our own ambush while the more loquacious amongst us gather information about the sewers. If we get there while Rhune's captors are there then Ullar will get his fight, I suspect. If we get there and they have already left then I fear we have no time to inquire about the sewers - we cannot afford to let Rhune get farther from us than she already is. Speaking of fights, I was not allowed to carry my spears into the city - can anyone spare a dagger?"

Manus pulls his lang skean(Long knife or dirk) from his belt and hands it to Rhees. With a blade near a foot in length it is almost a shortsword. "Here you go mo Draoi...a blade from Erin for a man from Erin."

Arkady reaches into his boot and pulls out his spare blade. He steps over and hands it to Rhees. "Take this and use it well, You were not there to hear it, but I doubted you and I was wrong. You sir, have my apologies. " Arkady finishes with a flourished bow and waits for the group to set out.

Ullar tosses one of his many daggers to Rhees. "You can keep it, I have plenty.." he says, with a slight grin.

Rhees returns the bow with more style than most would expect from the wild looking Celt. "Your apology is not necessary, Arkady - circumstances have made many things doubtful. But I will accept your loan of the dagger and what trust you can spare in these times . . .with thanks." Turning to Manus, he returns the lang skaen, "This man of Erin was glad of your offer,

Manus, but truth be told I am not overly comfortable with a blade. And while this blade looks a dagger in your grip, it felt more like a claymore the Scots wield in mine. Though it is not of Erin, Arkady's blade will suit me better until I can learn to wield a proper blade."

"Tag and I are familiar with city ways" answers Caboto, "and likely Arkady too, no?."

Still mirthful, Arkady nods. "Da, I am a city man."

"I will search for the building with you. Manus, Rhees, I would certainly like you two with us as we look for this crossed-sword sign. Forte, you as well." Caboto continues.

"So are we to travel in a group??" Arkady asks.

"As for finding a guide to show us through the sewers, I suggest we wait. If after finding the building and whatever else, we may decide we do not need to venture into the sewer tunnels. If instead we must descend, allow the artisan, scholarly and craftworking among us to banter with the guildsman and laborers. Perhaps plans were drawn of them, or they are well remembered by an old guild hand who helped excavate them. Over an ale or two we may learn where lead the passageways. I would trust these more than a hired rogue." Caboto finishes.

Arkady grins and slaps Caboto's shoulder. "A fine plan from that crafty brain sir. I too would trust the ways of scholars and engineers more than I would those of Rogues."

"I don't care who we try to persuade to get us through the sewers, as long as we find someone, or something. Look, I have no intention to go there if it is not necessary, but something tells me that we're going back down there. I don't know what it is, but I think that under this city there are several ways to reach a certain point. Traveling underneath it is one of them..." Ullar says, scratching his head.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 May 2001

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