The Trial of Rhees

The clash of cymbals and drums resounds down the street accompanied by the blare of horns. White-robed clerics swinging incense burners lead a procession along the main street towards the temple. Next come the musicians and a detachment of town guards wearing their finest surcoats. A large white and gold palanquin held aloft by eight bearers sways down the street. Sitting in the palanquin and smiling warmly at the people below is what appears to be Patriarch Shermlaine.

As you attempt to muscle your way through the crowd to get closer, you see the palanquin stop at the broad staircase leading to what must be the courthouse, hard by a giant building with stained glass windows, a high steeple, and a large cross on the side, which must be the Temple.

Distracting you for a moment from the Patriarch and the procession, however, you see a tall skinny man in yellow robes glaring at you from across the street. Standing next to him is a tall dark-haired woman with piercing blue eyes you can see from here. Seeing you notice them, both duck into the crowd. Though only thirty or so yards away, you know that you will not be able to get through the crowd in time to catch them.

Poking Ullar in the side, "There, the two on the other side of the street. Maybe I can get around behind the crowd." Rhune says as she slips back through the crowd and around the side toward where she last saw the two people. If she spots them she begins to follow them as best she can. in the meantime she keeps her hands on her pouch and backpack. If she can't she returns to her friends worming her way through the crowd, making sure her pouch and pack are kept closed tightly.

With a colorful curse, Arkady ducks back behind the crowd. His temper is rising from the combination of theft, pursuit and noise. He shivers with the emotion but doesn't let it out, yet. "Ullar what are we going to do?? I don't think killing Golthar here would be such a great plan......."

Ullar, who didn't recognize Golthar at first, nods. "Those of us who want to save themselves, should spread out and retreat. The ones willing to take their chances by rescuing Rhees should stay, although the chances are high that 'my' group will be recognized by that lady and Golthar, if it was him."

Arkady's face colors. "I'm not saying I'm leaving to save my own skin, gladiator. I'm suggesting we find a different plan of approach."

"Ullar, I can see if I can get close to them and if I can't maybe I can be in a better position to help Rhees. If I can't get any closer I will be back. If anything goes wrong I will meet you at the stables." Rhune replies as she starts to slip through the crowd behind them.

Manus nods in Ullar's direction, obviously content and secure in staying put. Then quietly he says. "We need to keep an eye out for Ratlin. We still do not know where he is or what his business in Threshold is."

Caboto nodded at Ullar's quick thinking. The young Florentine flanked Manus, and kept a vigil on both the crowd and the Patriarch. "I will stay, friend Ullar. If all goes disastrously, shall we try to meet on the road a few miles out of town?"

"Sounds a good plan to me, Caboto. 5 miles out of town towards the Death Head Territory??" Arkady proposes.

Plebius nods," Agreed."

Ullar nods. "The same place where we encountered Hrothgar..." he says, somehow sounding a little worried.

Pietro nods, "Same place it is. I do not like this one bit, we are here for the taking." The elf doesn't seem at ease, his now gray eyes shooting from one place to another.

Rhune hears this just as she melts back into the crowd heading for where the two were.

"Everybody, stay close to each other and keep an eye out." Pietro mentions, stating the obvious. "The dark haired woman with those blue eyes is the woman who hired the Scange. So much for being unnoticed over here. If they want us, we are here for the taking. We can only wait and see, I must say that I do not particularly like the situation we are in, but we do not have a choice. Ullar, you are a warrior, check the surroundings for armed men. Try to see if we are being surrounded, stuff like that. I will look out for other signs of trouble."

A faint smile appears, and disappears from Ullar's face. He just nods at the guys in those nice surcoats. "Guards enough."

"Fair enough," a grin comes to Pietro's face which is getting a lot bigger. When you check his eyes, you can see that they are changing from gray to blue in a few seconds. "Why are we worrying now, we can't change a thing at the moment. Let's just see what happens, and then react to it. No need to waste hard needed energy by worrying." It is strange, but the elf is obviously feeling a lot better after his last words.

Listening closely to Ullar and Caboto as they discuss the identity of the two and splitting the party, Tag nods. "Caboto, without Arkady, Rhune and Ullar, we will have little chance of breaking Rhees free by force. I will come with you though and see what may be done. If nothing else, we can see what they plan to do with Rhees and whether Hrothgar is guilty of his abduction or innocent, si."

Ullar looks around, studying if any city-guards are standing at places which could be not that healthy to them.

Ullar sees that the guards are in bunches. As none of them are wearing plate mail, he doesn't think his opportunities for concealment amongst them would be great in any case. Added to that his rather serious lack of ability to do anything sneaky, and he decides this is a bad proposition all around.

The party does their best to spread out without endangering themselves. Rhune quickly disappears into the crowd, her small size enabling her to make something of a pursuit of the two. The others look about for any signs of pursuit or danger, but there appears to be no such. The guards are scanning the crowd, but apparently only for danger to the Patriarch. As none of you get close enough to provoke such attention, you are left alone. Several times one of the guards walks right by some of you (not Ullar, notably) and only looks casually at your weapons and armor, then walks by.

A crowd of people follow the Patriarch and his acolytes into the courthouse, which is the destination of the wide marble staircase, you can clearly tell. Taglio and Caboto manage to impress themselves upon this group. The others for the most part remain outside, scanning the crowd for danger, but not seeing anything. It is most difficult to keep track of each other in the swelling crowd while staying out of trouble with the guards. But for the most part you manage it. Amibar is completely lost from sight, but you assume he can keep track of himself.

The doors remain open to the chamber so that everyone can hear the wise words of the Patriarch, and the smallish courthouse inside is filled to the brim with people. Some of the party take place on the stairs and some in the street, doing their best to be cautious.

As the bailiff is yelling for the crowd to be silent, Arkady sees a cart approaching the courthouse, pulled by a reckless horse and an equally restless white-bearded Italian driver. The crowd moves out of the way with all alacrity, but he sees an old Slavic woman limping her way down the street, apparently taking no notice of the racing cart. Surely she will be run down! He can most likely make it to her in time, but at the risk of drawing attention to himself.

Torn for a moment, Arkady quickly looks back and forth from woman to court and back again. By then his body has made the decision and he is in full run for the old woman. As he runs he begins to yell "BABUSHKA!! BABUSHKA!!" He hopes that tackling this old one away from the cart will not kill her.

With a valiant leap, Arkady hoists the woman out of the way. Slight and frail, she is, and is easy enough to move out of the way. Though Arkady's maneuver was a rough one, she seems hardy enough, as she grasps hold of him like a fish on the line. Arkady is not so lucky, though, as the edge of the cart smacks into his side and sends him reeling, the woman still in his grasp. He knows a nasty bruise will develop from the abuse. But it certainly would have been worse for the woman.

As the cart goes barreling past, the driver shakes his fist at both of them before heading away. The elderly woman smiles up at Arkady with sincerity in her eyes. Then her eyes grow wide as she clutches his hands in her own, "I see.....I see a tall man in yellow robes...He is here, in Threshold and he searches for something....I seem him quite clearly: he stands outside a building near the river...a sign bearing two crossed swords swings over his head...he--but the picture dims...."

Arkady starts at this revelation. "Grandmother, tell me more. Is anyone with him??"

The woman shakes her head, "I saw no one else. He stood by the sign. That is all I saw."

Arkady lifts the old woman to her feet, kisses her forehead and strides off to find the others. He calls back over his shoulder to her. "Be more careful next time Babushka!!"

Arkady does not see the menace in her glare as she shrugs, "It is my gift. And also my curse. Stay away from the man in the yellow robes. He means you evil. I am sure of it." She then turns and limps back into the crowd, quickly becoming lost from sight.

Arkady returns to the group, head full of pondering nagging questions.

Meanwhile, the court is silenced inside the building though the murmurs outside continue. The Patriarch has donned judge's robes and sits at a podium seat, surrounded by lesser priests. Without ceremony, Caboto and Taglio see Hrothgar and Rhees brought forward to stand in front of him. They are unbound, and still wear their armor, though you note that they are weaponless.

One of the lesser priests intones, "You have been charged with theft and the practice of sorcery in the town, both of which are against Catolik law in this town. Any deception, or attempt at deception, will be taken as an admittance of guilt. Such shall be instantly detected before our Lord's holy eye, so best admit whatever guilt you bear, and throw yourself on the mercy of the court."

The Patriarch asks simply, "The trial shall be brief. No witnesses are necessary as the truth of guilt shall be evidenced by our Lord." Turning to Hrothgar, "Were you ensorcelled by this man here?" Hrothgar frowns, apparently not expecting the question, "No, your honor, I was not." The crowd murmurs, apparently surprised. "Have you engaged in any sorcery or other illegal activity since you entered Threshold?" Hrothgar seems more able to handle this, "No, your honor, I have not."

The Patriarch smiles thinly, "It appears I may have to let you free, even though you apparently have brought false charge upon your comrade. I have just a few more questions, however. Is your name Hrothgar? And are you the leader of a mercenary company known as the Scange?" As Hrothgar's eyes grow wider, the Patriarch continues firing off questions. "And has this same company not been engaging in the ambush and capture of innocents, who are thereupon sold into slavery?"

Hrothgar's mouth is agape, "Your honor, I throw myself upon the mercy of the court!" He falls prone upon the ground. The Patriarch continues to smile, "Take him away. His sentence shall be determined at the court's convenience." Hrothgar looks panic-stricken toward the audience, not catching sight of any of the party therein, as the crowd erupts in wild cheers.

The Patriarch nods his head, smiling, and motions for quiet. "Quickly enough." He then turns to Rhees. "This should be equally quick. Have you practiced any magicks since entering this town?" Once he has his response, he asks again, "And did you steal this man's coin-purse?" He motions toward a large fellow standing alongside the wall.

Caboto takes a long look at the would-be robbery victim.

The fellow looks somewhat abashed to be under scrutiny. He's a hefty fellow, with big red cheeks and small piggish eyes. He appears to be under the influence of alcohol.

Listening carefully to the Patriarch's words, Tag guesses that the man either must have some magical means of detecting a true word spoken, or this trial is a farce and the innocence or guilt of the defendants already decided. He curses silently, that he did not memorize the spell to detect magical emanations, for he would love to know if there is true spellcraft being used for the trials purpose. He looks around the room, gauging the exits and guards, should a quick escape be necessary.

As Rhees is about to answer Tag makes ready to create a subtle halo around the Celt's face. "Let us see if his holiness can gainsay a vision from 'The Lord Jerboha'" he mutters softly under his breath.

With what he hopes is an appropriately respectful bow, Rhees answers, "My Lord, never, not since entering town or at any other time have I practiced any sorcery. As to your second question . . .as even the arresting officer suspected, I did not steal anything from that man." Rhees hopes his change of wording goes unnoticed . . .

Manus listen with baited breath as he listens to Rhees' reply. A slight smile plays across his face showing approval of the Draoi's answer. He then shifts his glance and the robust man who accused his friend of pick pocketing and the smile vanishes only to be replaced by a sneer. He then looks around trying to spot the others in the crowd who have dispersed.

The Patriarch frowns for a moment, as if he is displeased with something. Then he turns his smiling face up toward the crowd, "And so the Lord reveals the truth of the matter. We have decided that the man's wild appearance led our faithful citizen astray." With that he casts a withering glance at the red-cheeked fellow. "And deem him guiltless of any crime." He turns toward Rhees, "Northman, you may go, and we apologize for any inconvenience."

Recognizing that this is a clear case of discretion being the better part of valor, Rhees refrains from spouting eloquently about the good and noble nature of the patriarch's judgment. He bows his thanks and acceptance of the ruling. As the guards indicate that he is free to go, he asks, "My thanks good sir. Pray tell, how do I go about claiming the possessions that were taken from me before I was placed in my cell."

The guardsman leads him back toward the small room near the entrance, where all his goods are restored to him. He nods as Rhees collects them, not speaking, and seems quite pleased to be rid of the Celt.

He then turns to addressing other, smaller matters with various functionaries and townspeople, though you note that he stares intently at Rhees as he departs. Taglio and Caboto cannot tell whether that gaze found them in the crowd or not.

All three re-emerge onto the street, with some of the peasants clapping Rhees on the back, but most keeping clear of him, as if the taint of his accusation carried some contagion. The others are on the street, and gradually you manage to reunite. However, Amibar, whose tiny frame disappeared into the crowd, cannot be found, and Rhune has not returned from her pursuit of the yellow-robe and the tall woman.

A combination of concern and relief play across Rhees' features as he meets up with the party, "My friends, I am glad to see you. Gladder still that the tribunal was a just one." Despite his best efforts, Rhees cannot hold back every trace of the ironic grin that comes forth at realizing the 'just tribunal' allowed him to get away with a half truth. Before speaking, Rhees looks around to make sure no one appears to be listening in, "As you may have guessed, Hrothgar was not true to his word. It was his false testimony to the guardsmen more than the drunk's which caused the trouble. He said he still intends to fulfill his contract. I fear that if certain parties find out he is being detained the court may reverse itself quickly. I see Amibar and Rhune are not with you. If they are already out of town we should join them - this town could prove more dangerous than the valley. If Rhune and Amibar are still in town we should find them and get out."

Hearing this explanation Ullar nods. "Ok, we've suffered quite some losses here, but we have to get out of this town pronto. However, if Rhune is captured than we have a serious problem, for she has the tube."

Tag heartily claps the Celt on the back. "I am glad to see you in one piece, mio amico. Caboto here and I were ready to take action, should the Patriarch's decision have gone against you. Yet I sense that all this was for some show of fairness. If the authorities wished to dispose of us unjustly, while making a show of justice, it could be done thus, si. I suggest we make haste from this place, to the rendezvous and make sure we are not followed, but on our guard, si."

Relief is also visible on the face of Pietro. "It is good to see you in back in one piece. Where is Rhune? Are we going to wait on her, or are we departing to the rendezvous point? Let's at least get back to the inn and the horses, let's just check how we are being followed. We can lose them later." Pietro makes a statement here, it is obvious that he knows that they will be followed.

Manus joins Tag in patting the Draoi's back..."It is good to see you free Rhees. I agree with Tag though...we need to make haste in exiting Threshold. Are we going to be able to get your horse?"

"Next to that, I think Hrothgar deserves quite some payback; if he rats on the Sukiskayn situation, we're in big trouble. Anyone suggestions?" Ullar asks.

Manus then turns and looks around and says. "I'd like to get my hands on that bastard Hrothgar...or at least on his horse since his crew stole mine."

"Ullar, I think myself that whole trial situation deserves some thought. Hrothgar was in the employ of the Bishop, si. Why would the Patriarch arrest him? I am presuming the Patriarch is an ally of the Bishop. I think this whole thing was set up for our benefit in some way."

Taglio turns to Rhees, "Mio amico, were you interrogated in any way? Have you had any spells or enchantments cast on you? Had any dreams or visions? You have been beyond our aid for a day or more, in the hands of the Bishops allies, and yet you have come to no harm. I know you would not knowingly betray us my friend, but somehow I feel the enemy must have some purpose in mind, when they have captured you and then released you again. Perhaps they were merely looking for the tube.

Now I fear for Rhune and Amibar even more than I did, Ullar. If the Bishop's men find them before we do, they could both be in the arena without a weapon as it were. If only there were some ally within the town we could trust. Perhaps if we split up and search, after collecting our things from the inn?"

"Wise words Taglio, wise words. It is indeed a strange thing. However, I don't think we should split up. Let's just head to the Inn, get all of our remaining stuff and get out of this town, meeting the rest at the place we fought the Scange. Perhaps Rhune is there as well, but I doubt that. It could be we have to search for her, for without her and the blue tube our mission is lost."

"How could I be so stupid to let her chase that lady and that Golthar guy. I certainly hope that she left the tube with her other belongings at the Inn, otherwise she could be in a lot of trouble!"

Caboto starts at Ullar's exclamation. "I doubt she left the Blue tube at the Inn, especially considering you were robbed there this morning. No, most likely she has it in her possession. She is no fool. But you are right that we should search her belongings, as a matter of diligence. That said, I would be loathe to leave this town without her. If we needed to look for her, we would have to return here anyway, would we not?"

"Rhees, one more question: did Hrothgar say that you had put him under a spell or not? Because I can't understand why he said that WASN'T the case at the trial. Anyone?" Ullar questions.

Shaking his head in dismay, Rhees agrees, "I was thinking the same thing about Hrothgar myself. His arrest was legitimate enough, as I'll explain later, but the patriarch's knowledge of his activities surprises me - I wouldn't be surprised to see him again. Until we can find proof to the contrary, it may be best to assume our opponents know everything Hrothgar knows.

As far as my own condition, Taglio, I was not mistreated. The cell was no more comfortable than any other, but I was in Hrothgar's presence all the time and he never had the opportunity to speak to any Church officials. I was never questioned. I suspect they put a great deal of faith in the patriarch's ability to detect lies." A slight smile makes an appearance at this point, Rhees is clearly pleased with himself. "If anything was done to me, I have no recollection of it. And, of course, if I have been charmed to betray you I would lie about it now. It may be best for all of our peace of mind if someone made sure I had no enchantments or charms placed on me." Rhees ends with a questioning look to Pietro.

Plebius nods," I will use the eyes of Jeboha to look upon us all this day for magicks."

Pietro nods at Rhees. "Nothing personal, but I already wanted to do such a thing. Not just on you, but on everybody in the group. We will take a democratic vote about it as soon as possible. As I mentioned earlier to Ullar, I will have to pray tonight to be able to do it."

With just a touch of cynicism, Rhees smiles at Pietro, "Oh, it's very personal, Pietro. I take my free will and the well-being of this group to heart. I don't see that a vote is needed on this. It seems to me that the only ones who would oppose this action would be those with something to hide. What you propose isn't invasive or harmful - you merely want to take a careful look at everyone. I for one will feel much better when this cloud of doubt is lifted. Now let's move along before we lose anyone else."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 10 May 2001

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