Listening intently to the conversations before him, Manus chimes in after Rhees. "Would not Hrothgar been made known of the spy? Would the Katoliks really have just let him collect a bounty on their own spy? Surely they know if they murder those who serve them it will be harder next time they need a service."
Rhees considers the warriors point, "It is my understanding that the Bishop uses magical means to 'convert' his enemies to his cause. If this is the case, I don't know that he'd care whether the spy died or not."
Manus rubs his shaggy beard for a second and then continues...."Perhaps we should go with Hrothgar and collect his reward from the Lady who hired him? I am sure Hrothgar would go for this as he and his men will have a good deal of gold to divide among a lesser number than before if we are successful."
"I was thinking of the same thing, Manus," says Rhees. "However, the bishop's contact is only a pawn in this game. My impression is that the blue tube presents an important key. If the Bishop is counting on our being on our way to meet the lady as prisoners, then we can seize the initiative by making our way to the Death's Head Valley. If anyone can think of strategic value in taking on the Bishop's contact, I would gladly hear it."
Manus replies..."Do we really know that the contact is really just a pawn? Obviously this tube is of great value to the Bishop. Would he send out a pawn full of gold to search for the prize? When I was hired by the Bishop gold was spoke of but I never saw any of it. I was to be a pawn. I would wager that this contact knows more than I did at the beginning. Perhaps even how the party is being tracked?"
"That makes sense Manus. A pawn would not have the gold to go about hiring others. And this person may indeed have an idea of how we are being tracked. If it is by magical means then I am at a lost about something. If the bishop is tracking us by magic then he would have a magical means of letting this person know where we are. Since they were expecting us a week ago, there is a flaw there. Perhaps the bishop can not get word to his minions as quickly as he can obtain the information. If that is the case then at the present we have the advantage here and I say we take it and speed directly to Death's Head and forget Threshold for now." Rhune suggests
"I strongly agree Rhune." Arkady states.
Arkady leans down to talk. "I agree that we should bypass the Bishop's people. But do we go to Death's Head or do we go after Asif?? I am game for either as long as we get moving and stop sitting around waiting to be picked off by the Bishop. Our slow pace will make us an easier target for the greater numbers that the Bishop employs."
"Arkady, there is no way we can reach Asif, certainly not on the speed we're traveling. So let's proceed to Death's Head country and hope that Antonia, Tolik and Daegwyn reach him to bring him the good news." Ullar answers.
Arkady grins. "Of course you are right Ullar. We are far too slow to catch the Arabs. I want to go to the Deaths Heads but I think that stopping and waiting around anymore than is necessary is going to be our downfall."
Looking at Arkady, "I was under the impression that we were on our way to Death's Head and that Tolik and Antonia were going after Asif." Rhune replies.
"Fine by me. But I think we must get moving. Surely this sot..." Arkady gestures towards Hrothgar. "...was not the only agent hired by the Bishop's woman."
"If this blue tube is so important, let's get a decoy or two made soon," says Forte. "The more of us that carry a blue tube, the harder it will be for the Bishop--or whoever he hires--to get the real tube."
"Sounds like a good plan. Perhaps Rhees and Hrothgar could buy a scroll case in Threshold.." replies Ullar.
"Hear HEAR!!!" Arkady says. "We must practice duplicity and deceit and stealth to escape the Bishop's eye. If there is a spy among us then we are eventually lost. But if not then we must avoid detection and disappear into the wilds."
Engrossed in an additional study of the tube while the discussion was being carried out, Caboto pipes in: "My intention, to be sure! Though it may not be easy to duplicate it. The materials needed to do so might only be available in a city, such as Florence. Afterwards, the carving and rune work to be done would also take time. However, it is a wise and prudent venture."
"Yes but a simple one can fool many if seen from a distance," Ratlin adds.
Plebius presents a bone scroll tube," If this will do the job, I will donate it to the cause and carry my writing materials elsewhere."
Caboto nodded in deference to Plebius. "It may come to that, and I thank you for the offer. Let's collaborate in order to finish our notes and sketches first. Together we will surely do a more thorough job of describing and understanding what we can of it."
Rhees concurs, "Good point Forte. From Hrothgar's narrative, it also appears that the Bishop knows Rhune carries it, perhaps it would be wise to change carriers now and again."
Caboto laughed. "We should all carry a Blue Tube, if only to spite the bishop. Hmmm", he pondered. "Could it be that the Blue Tube is how the Bishop tracks us? Could he perhaps have a scrying device keyed to it?" Caboto seemed disturbed by his speculation. "It is highly unlikely, I would say."
"Highly unlikely. The blue tube was not in his possession, but in the possession of a Gnoll. He just wants it. However, it's magick. Since that's not my area of expertise, it could be that he has a way to pick up the magicks this tube radiates, or am I completely mistaken here?" says Ullar, looking at the magick-users in the group.
"It's not my specialty but I would think he could scry out the location of a powerful magic item which the tube seems to be." Arkady says as he reviews his meager knowledge of spells in his head.
"You are right Arkady, there are some spells out there that can allow the caster to locate unique items, and sometimes even people." Ratlin replies with a slight smile.
"No, maybe it's VERY likely. Maybe the Bishop spies for the tube. Since our group happens to have it, he knows where we are." Forte rolls his eyes, "God, why didn't we think of that before?!"
Plebius asks a question to the mercenary captain," Hrothgar, can you reclaim your man who escaped with one of our horses? Where will he be headed?"
Hrothgar nods again, "If you release one of my men, he can fetch him if he retreated to our rendezvous point. If he fled, then that might prove troublesome. Seeing our condition, he might very well have ridden for town to escape your wrath." He seems most agreeable.
Some time later, Plebius approaches Rhune, "Is it true you hold the Blue Tube? May I ask how you acquired it?"
"Yes I have, Plebius. I got it at the meeting in Florence. Fortunately the Bishop's mind control spell didn't work on me and I managed to snag it from where it had fallen." she says to him.
Plebius continues, "I would very much like to see this object that has been the cause of my involvement in this struggle. May I examine it and its contents?"
"Well you can take a look at the tube and if you can open it I would be most grateful. We have not been able to find a way to open it. Apparently it is magically sealed and has runes all over it. Some of which seem to be those used the Gnolls at Death Head." she replies as she fishes the blue tube out and shows it to him.
Plebius examines the runes and applies all of his knowledge of languages, history, and religion to the task of gaining some understanding of the writings.
Plebius does not recognize the runes at all. They are in no language or script he has ever heard of. The tube itself seems simple enough. It is blue-colored and tightly sealed. It should be simple enough to open, but it is not. Plebius, nor any others, can figure out any way to get it open without damaging it.
Seeing Plebius and Rhune examine and discuss the blue tube, Forte wanders over. "Maybe someone should copy down all those runes. Then two people could examine the writing at once, if needed. We could also show someone the drawing, so they wouldn't have to know you have the tube. Just might be a little safer." He looks around at the group. "Can anyone here draw decently?"
"I can!" said Caboto, glad to have the time to study the Blue Tube in detail. He pulled open the unwieldy wooden box / satchel he carried, withdrawing charcoal and a bound set of parchment. "This may not be the ideal place to do this sort of thing, however. May I suggest that we make camp early, that sufficient light remain for Plebius, myself and any other to make notes and sketches of the tube."
Plebius smiles at Forte," A fine idea. I will attempt to scribe the runes." Having said that, Plebius unpacks a quill, ink, and scroll tube full of papers and begins copying the runes as he looks them over.
Caboto added: "I am particularly interested in the dimensions, heft and the runes. I have half a mind to build a duplicate tube, with which I could wreck a longer term revenge and punishment on the Bishop."
Forte smiles at Cabato. "A worthy goal!" he chuckles.
Chuckling "that might be a good idea, Caboto." Rhune nods in agreement.
Plebius grins wryly at Cabato," You are a schemer aren't you. Good."
Caboto's notes already taken of the tube are well done, and he has mimicked most of them completely.
Taking the tube and putting it away, Rhune smiles at the man and gets up. crossing over to Forte and Ullar, "Now that we know that he was hired by that person that was sent by the bishop, what do you plan on doing to him and the others? we need to get going soon as I think one escaped but not sure about that." she asked him with soft luminous eyes. then whispering up at him "I am sorry about what I said."
"Sorry about what?" asks Forte with a confused look on his face.
"Never mind Forte. I was referring to the way you were questioning the prisoner." she says looking up at him
"You have nothing to apologize for. You merely voiced your opinion on a matter you felt strongly about," Forte responds with a small sigh.
"Thank you Forte. I just didn't want you to do something that you cause you to regret later on you know." she says with a soft smile.
"Well, truth be told," Forte says wearily, "I've had pretty much nothing but regrets since I left home two months ago." He attempts to smile, but it looks rather sickly. "If I make a good decision any time in the next year, I'll be sure and let you know."
"I will look forward to that my friend." she says with a smile.....then rises to cross to her horse, "We should try and get thing ready to leave. I would like get going and make as much ground as possible." she says, looking a bit wan and she deliberately avoids looking at the dead and bloodied bodies.
Arkady smirks sardonically at this. "If we make a good decision will you please let me know. I've been noticing a lack of them lately." He chuckles to himself as he wanders over and retrieves his horse.
Dryly Pietro adds, before finishing with a grin. "It seems we are not deciding at all, rather that decisions are taken for us. Death's Head Country will be a perfect opportunity to lose a lot of the minions of the Bishop, as not a lot of men go there. When we come out, we just take another way, so we will lose trackers and the like." Since the elven village, the elf has obviously relaxed a bit, and obviously bears newfound confidence as if he is settling in his role in the group.
Ratlin has been unusually quiet since leaving Rifflian. He seems lost in thought most of the time. Anyone getting a good look at him though will see that there is nothing missed in his point of view. He walks up to Rhune while she is leaning up against the tree and asks quietly, "How are you faring? Has the nausea gotten worse? I may have a few herbs that might be able to help you feel better, physically if not emotionally." He leans up against her tree as well quietly awaiting her answer if any.
"Thank you Ratlin. It hasn't gotten worse but maybe the herbs may help anyway. I would appreciate it, thank you." Rhune replies
Ratlin nods and replies, "Tonight when we camp, I will see what I have."
"Thank you again." she replies as she looks up at him.
After Arkady recovers Wingfoot he rides back to the rest of the Companie. He circles Hrothgar and carefully observes his mannerisms, is he nervous?? Arrogant?? confident?? Arkady watches to learn everything he can about this "Captain" as he rides in a circle around him over and over again.
Hrothgar seems composed, though perhaps that covers his nervousness. He does not seem particularly confident, though he attempts to be so.
Finally he turns his steed away and rides toward Ullar, Rhune and Forte. "Well, what is the decision?? If they are to be killed, then let's do it. If they are to be hired then let us set terms and be on our way. We are wasting time." He leans close and whispers...... "Time that takes Asif ever further......"
"How about if I follow through on my proposal - and yes, I do recognize the inherent danger, Ullar, but I think it beats the alternative. I will go to Threshhold with Hrothgar and find a guide who could take us to either place. I know a few of you offered to travel with me, but I think a smaller group would attract less attention. I will not pretend that I am above suspicion of spying, so if you wish to assign another to travel with me I shan't object." Rhees attempts to draw the matter to a conclusion at last.
"While Hrothgar gets us a guide, the rest of the party can rest here - we have already traveled the night and it may not hurt to rest anyway. By the time I get back, you will have hopefully made a decision as to where we go and Plebius will be ready to perform his magical scan. As an added bonus, those of us going to Threshhold will not know where you plan to go and cannot reveal what we do not know."
"I respect Arkady's need for action, so if there are no objections, we should be going. Make your camp where you will. I will return along this road and allow you to let me know when I have traveled far enough. That way I will not know where you have made camp and cannot lead an attack to it. Is there anything else?"
Arkady thinks on it for a moment and replies. "Sounds alright to me Rhees. I will stick with the plan decided upon by the rest but I still say we should continue to travel towards Deaths Head territory while Rhees and Hrothgar go to Threshold."
"Seems like the original plan you came up with is indeed still the best. So Ratlin, I'm sorry, but I don't think it's wise that you would accompany Rhees and Hrothgar." Ullar says.
Ratlin nods and goes off by himself to look through his pouches for any herbs that will help Rhune.
"Rhees, we'll stay here for another eight hours, and after that I think you have a search party after you if you didn't return. If you leave now, you could be back before it's dark." says Ullar, moving over to Rhees.
"Do you have enough cash to bribe a guide to come with you?" Ullar asks.
"If not, I can give you some of the group funds off my horse," offers Forte.
Rhees does, and so he and the large man, now having put back on his heavy plate mail, mount up and begin heading for Threshold. It is a couple hours ride from here, so they will most likely arrive early in the morning. The sun has just begun to rise over the eastern mountains, and it looks like a pleasant day, warm with a slight wind.
Rhees and Hrothgar quickly disappear down the trail, leaving the rest of you to watch your seven prisoners and wait for their return. Those spell-casters that wish to rest do so while the others maintain a vigil.
As you are sitting about, not long after the pair departs, Pietro sees a shadow on the ground. Looking up, he sees a large square object pass by the rising sun, traveling along the river northward. It is far up in the sky, and nothing else can be made of it, but it certainly is no bird, or no living thing that any of you have ever seen. In any case, there is little you can do about it at this point.
After tending to her horse, Rhune sits down to rest some more. As the shadow glides across the sands she looks up squinting. "I wonder what that was?" she asks the others.
Interestingly enough, about two hours later, Giovanni sees the same object, flying at the same height and now heading southward along the same trail. You begin to wish that you had not let Tolik depart with the others, as only he could help you find out what the mysterious object is.
Wary, Giovanni watches the platform-like object glide across the sky. "Look, there it is again. The platform appears to be 'patrolling' along a fixed route. I wonder if watchers upon it will notice or bother with us."
"There it is again." Rhune utters as she points it out to Ullar and the others. "Now what in the name of the gods is it?" she muses.
Ullar, who seems to be lost in thoughts, shakes his head to refresh his mind and peers up in the sky. "I don't know what it is, Rhune, but I'll bet you that it is something which can be used against us. Perhaps they are trying to find us and these mercs, since it's been probably too long since the start of their mission; the should have been back already."
"Let's just make sure we're covered under the leaves and branches and watch the sky in the future with more care." Ullar concludes.
For what seems to be most of the morning, Ratlin tosses and turns in his sleep. He wakes a few times and tries vainly to return to slumber about the fourth time. He finally resigns himself to sleeplessness and sits with Plebius. After the thing passes overhead, he gets up and walks out of the camp mumbling something about nature calling and disappears into the trees.
As he walks quietly past Rhune, he drops a pouch near her containing the herbs he had mentioned earlier.