Rhune dismounts putting more weight on her good foot. Using the horse as support she moves to Rhees and takes the tube from him then goes to the female gnoll, "Wait Forte. Look, we mean no disrespect to you. I and him," she points to Ullar, "were there when the one who bore this was killed by the bishop. The others joined us to help find out why. We came here to seek help with the tube, to fight the bishop. We do not mean you harm. Please help us." she replies to the gnoll trying to smile but wincing just a bit as she puts just a little weight on her foot.
Ullar glances briefly at Forte and than speaks to the female gnoll. "It was one of your race who told us of the powers of this scroll. I am aware that it must be sacred and we've protected it with our lives!"
"However, your friend was cowardly attacked by the Bishop of Florence, yes, another follower of Jerboha and we fled the place, only taking this tube with us. Inside should be some sort of a map which reveals a place where we can find something which will end the ever growing powers of the Jerbohans."
"We did not come here to fight you and your people, we came here for advice in this matter. We are unable to open it but we DO.." and Ullar clearly emphasizes the DO, ".. want to fight the bishop and his men. Are you able to help us or bring us to you chief?" asks Ullar, while his ears continue to buzz.
The shaman seems just as confused by Rhune and Ullar's monologues as she was by Arkady. She looks around as if someone in the group will translate, else she is waiting for something else entirely.
Pietro shakes his head a few times. "I will never get used to being unable to move," he mutters in himself. Immediately taking in the situation, he walks his horse behind Rhune. "She's right!" Is all the elf says. After this Pietro waits, looking almost pleading at the old gnoll shaman. He does not make a threatening move, or tries to ready one of his weapons, he just stands there.
Stunned by the shaman's magic, Rhees responds too slowly to Rhune's grab, "Wait . . ." The feeble protest dies as another wave of weakness forces Rhees to grab his horses neck in a desperate attempt to remain mounted. Forcing himself to sit up, Rhees can only watch and hope that Rhune's takeover of the negotiations is successful.
Rhees dismounts, recovers the spear he threw down and moves to Forte's side. Keeping an eye on the female gnoll, he whispers, "If she doesn't agree to cooperate, we should take her hostage before the others arrive."
"Good idea," agrees Forte, looking at Rhees but quickly moving his eyes back to the gnoll on the ground. "How long should we give her before we hold a knife to her throat?"
Rhees shrugs weakly, "When she says 'no' or when those others gnolls are getting close. Be careful, though, I doubt she'll be cooperative and I still want to collect that beer you promised." Rhees' smile makes it clear he knows the warning isn't necessary.
Rhees shakes his head, trying to shake the weakness that has befallen him. For the first time, he becomes aware of just what the elven skull rattle is. "She may not be impressed by the words of elves," he says quietly. In his mind, his next words are clear, calm and forceful, to everyone else the words are hoarse and come slowly, "We . . .have kept the sacred . . .tube . ... .from humans who would desecrate it. This one . . ." Rhees gestures to Ullar, "has fought long to keep the . . . human priests of Jerboha from . ...defiling what is yours. Even now . . .they pursue us. Let us help . . ...and your sacred treasures will be safe. Kill us and face the armies of the Katolik Bishop alone."
"Listen to him. I was in Florence when the Katolik Bishop murdered your priest. I managed to rescue this tube before he noticed it. Please, we came here to find out what it contains." Rhune utters in a pleading tone.
"Again, we don't want to fight you. We have a common enemy which is increasing in strength at this very moment! If we continue to fight each other, we just weaken our side even further and make it more easy for him!" says Ullar, trying to get eye-contact with the Shaman- lady.
Evidently somewhat more convinced by the clearer words of Rhees, though she seems clearly ignorant of any enemy by her doleful gaze at Ullar's words, the shaman responds, "Not know you say. Tube of ancients. No give to huuuumman!" She seems most convinced of that. "You help with tube want? Need ancients go." She looks to finally be getting a grasp on the situation, as her eyes widen, "In peace go ancients, stay out sacred place." With that she gestures to the area of hyena-man bodies staked out. "I tell chief." She seems almost relieved.
Breathing a sigh of relief at finally being able to get somewhere, Rhune smiles at the gnoll.
Hearing this Arkady lessens his stance of violence but continues to circle, waiting for an ambush and wanting to be right here to stop the shaman before any spells can be cast. He watches her carefully for any sign of casting.
Sadly, he does not notice the furtive figured lurking just inside the mist a few feet outside his perimeter.
Forte turns to look at Arkady and the shaman. He finally seems to be lessening his vigilance in watching the prone gnoll under his boot.
As Forte and Rhees speak quietly, a dozen more hyena-men come up with spears raised in their hands, but hesitate as they see the old woman talking to you. Then, with agonizing slowness, you see her eyes widen once again instants before a straight blade springs up between her saggy breasts. Her mouth still open, she falls to the ground as you see a furtive figure slam a second blade into her back to ensure she is finished.
For just a second, you see the figure, an average sized Italian dressed in brown leathers. Several of you, most prevalently Arkady, recognize the fellow that was following you down the road north to Threshold, the one that he chased after. But Tolik, Antonia, and Daegwyn recognize him more clearly. Gactis!
Finally having a target for his pent up rage, Arkady slams his spurs home and chases the assassin. The sylmar blade is whirled around several times in order to have full momentum when Arkady slams it down on the wretch's skull.
He dashes into the mist, but like a wraith, Arkady is hard on his heels. This time the fellow is not mounted, while Arkady is, so it's only a matter of time.
Leaving Rhees with the gnoll, Forte rushing toward the assassin, mace ready for action.
Rhees files away the flurry of invective he has for the assassin - if the luxury of time is permitted to him later he'll damn that hunter's soul to a hundred different hells - for now, what seemed promising has quickly deteriorated. "Be careful," he shouts after Forte, "His allies are certainly close by."
Rhune utters a few more choice words as she attempts to help, inadvertently putting weight on her ankle and nearly falling down as sparks of pain shoot up her leg. Realizing that she will be all but useless on foot, she takes the time to remount her horse, hoping that this will help.
Antonia follows where Arkady and Forte lead in pursuit of the assassin, her only thought to kill him before he causes any more damage. She seems full of anger as she lets out a growl that seems to defy human the human voice. In her eyes this human offal has harmed her pack and put the rest of the pack in grave danger, and it is a rabid dog that needs destroying. The animal instincts take over as she moves to stalk her new prey. She gives no direction to shadow, so caught up in the hunt she is and he watches her with ears perked forward. The hunt calls him as it always does and he joins her in the hunt as they have always hunted together.
Caboto pulls on his horse's reins, changing directions. He was going to try to overbear Gactis the hunter but with Arkady riding past, Rhees, Forte and Antonia converging on the bastard hunter, Giovanni knew his trample-your-foe with your horse tactic was not needed, and likely counter-productive in the convergence. Here at least is one opponent we can all agree deserves no quarter.
The three dash off in pursuit of Gactis, though Forte quickly realizes he has no hope of catching the speedy fellow, and indeed is passed within seconds by Antonia and Shadow, the wolf's nose to the ground and racing after them.
The squad of gnolls does not hesitate. They howl with hatred and hurl their spears at you. You hear more howls in response, far to the north.
Shouting, "SHIT!!!!" Rhune quickly tucks the scroll case in her pack and grabs her sword. Trying to figure out how she is gonna fight with her injured ankle, wishing that for once people would leave them all alone so they can get something accomplished for a change.
The spears fall in amongst you like rain. Caboto moves his head out of the way of one speeding with lethal intent, only to have it slice his face on it's way down, leaving him a minor, but bloody wound. Several others are hit but escape damage by virtue of their means of protection.
Those left near the shaman's body note that two of the gnolls have run off, howling toward the north and east, while the others, almost a dozen, have drawn swords and raise them up, howling with rage as they rush at you. The horses are nearby, but only a few of you are mounted still.
Sighing deeply as she sees the rushing gnolls, Rhune yells at them as she is mounting her horse, "WE DIDN'T KILL HER. OUR ENEMIES DID THIS! NOT US!" she truly doubts if they will listen so she grips her sword prepared to fight once more and praying to her gods that none of her friends get killed or injured beyond their means to heal and they can somehow convince the gnolls of their innocence.
Pietro is already standing next to Rhune as she mounts. Taking care of any gnolls that attack them with his staff. Once mounted, he says, "Rhune, we will join Ullar! I will get the remaining mounts" The priest gets the reigns of the horses. Once they join Ullar, Pietro yells: "Ullar, Arkady and Antonia raced after the killer! We will have to help them, otherwise they will get themselves killed! If we will be attacked by two parties, we will be crushed!"
Seeing that Ullar and Rhune are closest to the fallen Shaman, he calls to them, "Check the Shaman, if she can be saved, we should try, otherwise take he club and rattle and give them to Tolik - I have an idea." He then addresses the fallen gnoll before him, "I hope you understand my words, your shaman was felled by our enemy. Find us in peace and we will help avenge her." Knowing the words may not be enough, Rhees touches his spear point to his forehead and then to the ground, hoping his intent of a salute is conveyed. He heads to Giovanni and his mount, "We should regroup with Arkady and the others, separated we make easy targets."
Rhees' bow to the fallen gnoll and his attempts to communicate only elicit angry growls in response. It is very clear to him that there is not even the barest comprehension there. He is able to rise up and mount his horse as the gnolls do not appear to be eager to rush at you immediately.
Tolik grins evilly, as if he is getting a few ideas of his own. He casts a raised eyebrow in Rhees' direction to see if they are thinking the same things. He takes the items and slips them under his cloak for safe keeping.
Antonia moves to the fallen gnoll and sees if there is any sign of life still in her body. Antonia leans down to the fallen shaman in the attempt to save her life, but there is not the slightest spark in her eyes. She is beyond any type of assistance that Antonia is able to provide. Seeing that she is not alive, she howls out her anguish, hoping that maybe the gnolls will at least understand the feeling behind the howl that so closely resembles a wolf that few could tell the difference. Shadow joins her in her howl.
The gnolls seem far too angry to listen to the tonality of the howl, particularly as they are howling in anger themselves, and Antonia does not have understanding of their language enough to make hers clear in accord.
Somewhat disappointed not to be riding over the Tolik-hunter Giovanni scanned the dark, knowing other gnolls had been summoned. Continuing his gallop he rode to Tolik and Daegwyn's side. "Let's get ready, there may be more gnolls approaching. Damn hard to parley with them now that their shaman is dead. Curse Gactis."
Forte turns back in order to help with others with the coming assault of the remaining gnolls.
The gnolls seem fairly wary, though they howl with fury. Perhaps they are waiting for reinforcements? In any case, they do not advance full-force upon you all at once, rather continuing to snap and howl as they shake their swords. More bark than bite? Perhaps.....
Caboto tries to spot a leader in any newly arriving gnolls, and tries to convince them to stand their ground. "Wait Gnolls. No need for more to die! Take me as hostage to your leader."
There is certainly one larger among them, standing in their midst, but he betrays no sign of understanding a word that Caboto says. It must be to him as their yapping is to all of you.
Meanwhile, Arkady sees his prey in the mist, slashing downward and barely missing. He knows the next time he will not miss, as he feels the sylmar blade warming up in his hand. Hard behind him, Antonia and her familiar pursue.
Saying what jabbered prayers to Mars and the Orthodox God that he can muster, Arkady attempts again to fell the fleeing foe.
The mist lessens somewhat, and Arkady sees a group of humans ahead. One wears a dingy yellow robe, and another is a tall woman wearing chain mail. Also with them are two large men, heavily armed and armored, and another armored man bearing a staff. Gactis charges toward them, and you see them scramble into activity.
Ready to slay and bathe in gore, Arkady's head is flung back in a gibbering howl of joyous rage. Hacking again at Gactis, Arkady barrels forward screaming, frothing and hacking into the group.
Gactis clearly expected Arkady to hold up, as he slowed a bit, and pays the price. Arkady slams the sylmar blade into his back, eliciting a loud crack. Broken back, a horrible and most appropriate way for the felon to die.
However, the response is not so good for the mad Slav, as Golthar begins waving his hands about, then casts a handful of sand into the air. Arkady begins to fall from his horse, quite asleep, but Antonia is able to rush up in time to keep him mounted, pushing his head forward onto the horses neck.
Seeing the others advance and knowing that she and Shadow will fare poorly if they confront them, Antonia leads Arkady's steed away from them. They do not rush after you, seeming content to let you retreat. As she cuts back into the mist, Antonia sees the human with the staff lay it upon Gactis' prone form. Just as she gets out of sight, she sees him rise to a seated position, clearly mobile again!
Ullar shouts, at the top of his lungs: "Follow Arkady! Than we might have a chance to survive!" Not wanting to get sandwiched between two enemies, Ullar tries to get the gnolls after him, hoping that they will engage in combat with that Gactis guy if encountered or whatever persons are with Gactis.
No trouble there, as the gnolls seem most ready to follow you wherever you go.
As the gnolls close on them, Rhees begins to ride off, using spear and shield to parry any possible attacks.
Hearing Ullar's shout, Rhune spurs her horse to follow, trying to give him some cover till he can get his horse.
While running, he calls Zephyr, hoping that the horse recognizes his voice and follows. While switches to his greatsword, Ullar takes a defensive stand as far as possible when attacked by the Gnolls. It's clear that he is avoiding combat and getting out of the way. Softly he whispers to himself: "Why can't they trust us?"
"Come Ullar, get your horse, I'll help here." Rhune yells at him as she attempts to ride down any gnoll hitting with the flat on her blade also trying not truly damage them unless forced to.
His weight doesn't make him an excellent dasher, far from that even, but still the ex-gladiator retracts himself from the Gnolls, hoping that Rhees follows him, carrying the tube.
Rhune is there as well and is also in defensive mode but is now on horse back.
Daegwyn draws close to the others, taking a defensive stand and waiting for the others to get mounted. Once they are ready, he quickly mounts and follows them.
Strangely enough, the gnolls and Golthar's party allow you all to mount your horses. In fact, once the party is mounted and goes back to the spot where Gactis was felled, none of that party remain. In the soft earth, Daegwyn most likely could track them, but it would take time, and judging from the increasingly loud howls that now seem to come from every direction, that is time you do not have.
The shaman motioned north when she spoke of the ancients, but that seems to be where the majority of the howls are coming from. However, now they have begun from the southeast in strength as well. As near as you can tell, only two choices remain, either head north with all speed and hope to blast through any opposition, or retreat forthwith to Threshold.
In any case, the mist appears to have lessened considerably since the shaman was killed, and you can see the edge of the canyon ahead, which must be east. Turning right will lead you back the way you came, while turning left will carry you further into this hostile land.
"North!" Forte calls, turning his horse to the left. However, he does not urge his horse forward, waiting to see if the others agree.
A mad laughter erupts from Pietro's mouth. "North it is! Lead the way, ol' fearless!" As you glance to the elf riding his horse, you can see a look of ecstasy on his face.
Tolik scans the vanishing mist to both sides. "Onward, I say. We run into danger in either direction, so we might as well move onwards in the identification of the troublesome tube." He prepares to head left, regardless of what the gnolls might have planned.
"Yes, let's get going. Maybe we can convince the gnolls that we didn't kill their shaman," Rhune shouts as she readies her sword to follow.
Daegwyn follows Tolik's lead, pulling his horse alongside Tolik's. He waits briefly to see if there are any objections, then begins moving North.
"Take the shaman with you, if you can. Even if she can't be healed. We have to win their trust!" shouts Ullar while preparing to head north. "If we want to unravel this mystery, we'll have to go north." says Ullar, while wondering why the group is not being attacked.
"Of course we'll run into more and more Gnolls, but if we just continue to call out for their ancients we might get out of here alive!" says the Gladiator, finally regaining his senses after the sonic blast.
"Aye I agree. North maybe we can still pull this out somehow." Rhune agrees nudging her horse toward his.
"North it is." agrees Rhees. "Rhune should ride in the middle - as the tube bearer, it is essential she get through."
Hearing this nudges her horse so that she is in the middle of the party.