Shadows in the Mist

"Ullar, shall we take first watch?" Pietro already readies himself for his evening prayers. "I will pray first, after which we can do the watch."

"Sure, no problem." says Ullar, while finding a comfortable spot next to the fire.

"Wake me when you're done," says Forte. Before retiring, the large warrior walks away from the camp a bit to practice with the longsword and the new mace. He pauses once early in the practice to say, "Anyone want to spar?" Without waiting for anyone to join, he resumes practicing.

Hearing talk of setting watch, Rhees approaches, "I need some continuous rest to enable me to focus on my prayers tomorrow. If I am needed for watch could it be the last one? Forte, can I take you up on practice time later? I need to talk to the other magically able members first, but I'd like a chance to see how this new shield compares to my old one. My countrymen usually use hide bucklers - this metal shield will take some getting used to."

"Sure," Forte answers Rhees as Tag approaches to spar with the warrior.

"I'll spar with you Forte. Can't sleep with this smell anyway!" Tag replies.

"Great!" Forte responds with a smile on his face. He begins the exercise against Tag with the longsword.

Tag too begins to spar with rapier and dagger. In no time at all Tag is sweating and puffing. Forte's superior strength and reach with the long sword, make him a tough opponent for the Venetian, who tries to get the upper hand with a few feints and fancy sword play. There is little spare breath for talking as Tag struggles to keep the warrior's hefty blows from cleaving his skull and wonders if this was a good idea after all.

Yet, Tag still finds some opportunities as Forte struggles with the unfamiliar longsword.

Rhees approaches the spell casters and suggests: "Perhaps we should coordinate our powers for tomorrow. Does anyone know how much healing remains to be done? It would be nice to have a little healing in reserve, but we can also provide more than post-battle services. If our plan is to make as friendly a contact as possible with the gnolls, perhaps we should focus on spells that disable and misdirect and allow us to gather information rather than those that cause permanent damage - what do you think?"

Tolik nods. "I think that can be managed. I'm pretty sure I can still cast the sleep spell I got from Ami. Other than that, I suppose the disguise spell I used with Daegwyn and Antonia to be the best option. I can use it to blend in, though not speaking the language limits the usefulness." He shrugs.

"Good idea, Tolik. I have access to a similar spell. If we get a chance to see gnolls before they see us it may be useful. Even if we cannot talk to them, it may give them pause. Taglio, I'll also pray for the illusion spell we've coordinated before. Finally, I'll try to make sure I can neutralize any unfriendly animals we come across and heal at least one injury. Pietro, that freezing prayer you used - can you use it again? Also, how long does it last?"

"Good idea, I pretty versatile when it comes to prayers. I have quite a few prayers at my disposal. Yesterday was an exception, but normally I use less than half my prayers for healing magic. My hold person prayer is pretty useful, as you could see when fighting Golthar. I was personally thinking of taking the following prayers for tomorrow: Detect Life for the benefit of Rhune, Detect Magic, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold Person, and I am doubting about the last prayer. Another Hold Person or another Cure Moderate Wounds. What do you say?"

"I agree Rhees. We should try and be as healthy as possible before going to Death's Head, one more day of rest shouldn't hurt. And I think if we travel as much in the open as possible they may just wait before killing us" Rhune responds with a chuckle.

Rhees' eyes widen a bit as he hear the power Pietro can wield, "Yes, I put myself in the same situation when I saw how injured our warriors were this morning. Given the unfriendly reception we saw at the campsite, I would recommend the holding prayer Pietro - but that is just my take on this. Also, I am troubled by the disadvantage the dark gives us, would you have the means of illuminating an area in a hurry, should we find ourselves in a fight?" This last question is directed not only at Pietro, but at all the spell casters.

"No" says Caboto regretfully. "This is the shortfall of being a magic user on the road. Until I acquire new spells to copy into my book or acquire another's spellbook or find a scroll, the four I have in my book are the only ones I can cast. Divine magic is much more versatile in these circumstances."

"Sorry, no light from me." Pietro shrugs, "maybe one of the wizards. I have not thought of it before, Rhees, not paying any attention. I think it is a bit rude to peek, so I will just ask. What god do you follow, if I may ask?" As always, he seems really interested.

Rhees smiles at the question, "Like you, Pietro, I am always happy to discuss my faith with a receptive audience - I do not think your question rude at all. I follow the old faith of the Celts. It would be inaccurate to say I follow any god. Druidic beliefs predate human history - a few of the more dramatic of my faith maintains that our faith is as old as the earth itself, but I do not subscribe to such hyperbole. The forces we acknowledge, in my tradition are far more primal . . .elemental might be another word for it. There are beings of a divine nature within druidic traditions, and some choose to devote themselves in ways similar to what I think you mean by 'follow'. However, within the tradition I follow, we recognize that there are forces and principles which even the gods must obey. We seek enlightenment and understanding by aligning ourselves and seeking to come to terms with those universal forces."

"I agree with you there, most priests follow a specific god, that is the reason I assumed that you did as well. I know the druids are a bit different in that way. You are right, there are a lot of forces the gods must obey. For example, in the end Zeus in the main God. He is be stronger than any other God, though they can make life pretty hard for him if they want to. In the end, all the Gods are children of Gaea, who is a universal force." Pietro smiles at Rhees, and finishes with saying. "Gaea is the giver of life, but she can also take it away, even from the gods."

While Forte practices and the others converse. Arkady sits far enough away to be alone and draws the troll, Jolenta, Golthar, Slige and the fire. He rubs at the healing scars he got from his mighty green foe and feels a well of pride that the voices quickly devour, leaving him empty and bitter.

As the evening comes on much too quickly, it becomes dark and deathly still in the canyon. No birds chirping or other noises to which you have become used during your regular stays out of doors. It's rather eerie. You have not gotten to sleep yet, as Forte still spars, Rhees speaks with the others about spellcasting, and you try your best to eat another cold ration, fearing the effects of lighting a fire will be the same as it was for the three you found earlier.

Looking around Rhune shivers uncontrollably as she thinks about is what ahead. Trying to she thinks over all that has gone before, as she rubs her belly her thoughts turn toward Asif and with all her heart she wishes he was here now.

The lack of animal noises makes Daegwyn very nervous. The only times he has experienced this type of silence has been when something was dreadfully wrong. He has his staff in hand, nervously looking about.

As the darkness sets in, a thick mist rolls into the valley. Strange, as you say no signs of this a few miles to the south. Even the horses stop moving, and all is still as you stop your own activities and conversation.

Glancing around as the darkness settles in Rhune moves over to where Ullar is sitting very slowly, seeking the comfort of his closeness.

Rhees looks around and pulls his cloak tighter around him as he pulls an extra blanket from his saddle bags, "Damned mountains, you can never tell when the weather will change."

The thick, dense mist clings to your clothing and moisture drips from the sparse bushes. From all around comes a sound reminiscent of the dull clack of dried bones, and the stench of long dead creatures assails your nostrils. The breeze that has come up from the northward carries the stench directly into your camp. Further to the north, an unsettling wail begins, causing the hairs on your neck to stand up.

Rising from where he laid to rest, Arkady draws the sylmar blade and maine gauche. He stares into the darkness, looking for a sign of what is happening.

Daegwyn closes his eyes and stands still for a moment. Relying on his hearing and sense of smell, he tries to pick up any signs that someone, or something, is approaching.

Giovanni Caboto snaps his spellbook shut, belaying his review of the magic missile and unseen craftsman spells. The stench, the eeriness of the night and the wailing are too much. Unrolling his handkerchief he stuffs it in his ears, hoping to mute the sound somewhat. Rising and pulling his cape about him, he alternatively watches Daegwyn and faces downwind, ill at ease.

"Gee, Tolik, I think that's the welcoming committee you mentioned," says Forte, drawing his mace. "Anyone got any bright ideas? Or something to freshen the air?" he adds, making a grimace of disgust at the stench assaulting his nostrils.

"Let's take our horses and walk back the way we came. If this is going to be the trend for nights in Death's Head Country, we're not going to get much of sleep..." says Ullar, trying to conceal his feeling of unease with some irony.

"I agree, Ullar." Rhune replies with a shudder as the clammy cold permeates her cloths, obviously ill at ease.

Rhees starts to pack up his blankets with a look of longing, "I was looking forward to some well-earned sleep. But I guess I prefer having my rest interrupted my a move than by having my skull contribute to the area's name. As we move let's make sure we're not being flushed - you know, the way hunters use noise to scare prey into a killing ground." That said, Rhees straps on his shield and carries his medium spear. The other two are strapped to his mount where he can grab them easily.

"Those bodies seem to me like they were killed in a ritual way. Some sort of sacrifice perhaps. Rhees, your people, the Celts, used to take heads to display in battle, to show their prowess once, did they not?" Tag shudders in horror at the thought. "Or perhaps the heads are a delicacy and have been taken back for the chief's consumption?" Tag draws out his crossbow and loads it ready for any trouble.

"I don't like the sound of that at all," Rhune whispers, shivering from the dampness and cold. Wrinkling her nose against the stench, she very slowly draws her sword just in case. "I think that we need to all take a watch and let those who have cast spells try and rest as best they can. In any case, we need to be ready for anything." she adds.

Antonia, having been preoccupied for so long pipes up with a growl when the death stench wafts past her nose. It is a feeling deep in her bones that puts her on the defensive. Shadow's hackles rise and she barks him to the horses. She moves with the grace of a cat when she sweeps her weapon up in her hand and starts to dart her eyes this way and that, searching for the sense of unease she feels in the nature of things. Somehow she acts as if there is some sort of personal affront in the smell that seems to permeate even the clothes she wears. She stands ready to defend. Her eyes glance to her companions as she continues to scan the area.

As Rhune's eyes met hers, she nods in agreement that this situation makes her wary as well.

Ullar watches Antonia and her companions, wondering if the animals are nervous as well. He sees Caboto stuff the handkerchief in ears and grins. "Funny way to avoid getting a cold..." he mutters to himself.

More to the air than to anyone Rhees speaks quietly, "'Damned mountains' was only an expression." Addressing the party, he keeps his voice low, "We should have a light source low but ready, in case it comes to a fight. I don't know if they can see in the dark, but I know I can't." Rhees loosens his spears in their bundle, he makes sure his shield is close at hand and he loosens his cloak so it can be thrown off in the event of a fight. "If it becomes clear someone is close, should we attempt to talk - let them know of the tube?"

Retreating some distance back from the wailing and the stench, you manage to find yourself somewhat sheltered from the mist by the canyon wall. Interesting, as you must have traveled several miles east in order to be this close. The mist must be very disorienting. In any case, Antonia and Daegwyn, having alerted their every sense to approaching or imminent danger, hear what sounds awfully like footsteps coming from the southwest. Some distance off, they must be, and traveling north.

Rhune focuses her hearing on the footsteps trying determine anything else about them. She looks at Daegwyn and Antonia her lavender eyes twirling like twin jewels

A single being, with soft riding boots, Daegwyn thinks, but walking, not riding. Only the grim silence enables him to be heard at all. Not wanting to walk into any trap or problem, the group waits, listening intently. Some moments pass.

Then there is a harsh guttural bark, followed by several more, then the sound of something wooden and metallic striking stone, followed by several more such clattering sounds. The footsteps can be heard rushing back south, out in the mist somewhere, this time further off. No sounds can be heard pursuing, though a great howling sound comes from several sources to the northeast, all joining in a great communal bay at the barely visible full moon.

As the footsteps come rushing by, their maker hidden by the mist, a ringing curse sounds into the night. A familiar voice to the three who did not spend the night in town. Gactis! The single curse is the only vocalization, followed by the fading of the footsteps as they head south.

Mace in hand, Forte does his best to remain completely still, moving only his eyes to look at this companions (as best he can) and see their reactions to the sounds around them.

Pietro is silent as well, not moving at all. He looks to the other ones, surprised by the look of recognition on Tolik's, Antonia's and Daegwyn's faces.

Rhune shudders at the shouted curse and tightens her grip on her sword. She looks to the others to see if they recognize it as she does not. Not wanting to utter any sounds at the moment she just waits intensely alert for anything.

Daegwyn waits until there has once again been silence for a while, making sure he will not be heard by other than his companions. "Tonight the mist is our friend," he whispers. "That was Gactis." Turning toward Tolik, "It seems the hunter still thinks there is prey about. He said he would be returning with others to seek us out. We should be prepared to move as soon as the mist begins to clear. I will do what I can to remove our trail, but I would expect we will need to be on the move quickly to avoid him. If any others with him share his skills we will be better to face those in Deaths Head than him. He loosed arrows more quickly and accurately than anyone I have ever seen, as evidenced by our wounds."

Tolik shudders, less from fear than from the chill in the air. "I'd rather take him down. He didn't sound like he had many allies here, judging from the howls. But if you think we need to flee, I will."

"The hunter? Why is he hunting you, or us? This doesn't sound good at all! And kill him, Tolik? You sure about that?" Ullar shakes his head, it's clear that the warrior has no clue on this issue. "I remember what you said that has happened, but I never got what that Galic's motivations were/are to hunt on you/us..."

Listening to the others only in a half way, Rhune continues to try to keep track of the howls and any other sounds.

"Gactis wanted Tolik as a prize," Daegwyn says to Ullar. "I don't think he cares about the rest of us, but he certainly wouldn't think twice about killing us to get Tolik."

Turning back to Tolik, "I too would like to see Gactis pay. Hunting so that the prey can be exploited is an outrage, whatever the prey may be. But I fear that now is not the time. I am not willing to put our lives in danger so soon again. There have already been many losses to bear recently. Let us not add to our sorrow."

"Tolik, he will not get you this evening or any other evening." Rhune replies to the elf.

"I think this Gactis will get a surprise, when he sees how many friends you have, mio amico." Says Taglio, crouching quietly, alert, with his crossbow at the ready.

Caboto nods. "He sounds like a vicious man. Permit me to lure him back here by acting as a lost and wounded survivor of the carnage a half hour away. Then we could either capture him or slay him, using arrows if need be. To be out on a night such as this, he must still be hunting for Tolik."

Tolik shakes his head slowly, but is struggling too much with his own thoughts to clearly voice his opinion.

"Sounds like a good plan, just be careful.." Ullar says to Caboto. The warrior takes his handaxe from Zephyr and maneuvers himself into such a position that his back is protected and that he is facing the direction the guy ran away.

"You're probably right, Giovanni. But we're still short of magical support, and you'd become a great hostage for them - I don't like the plan. Also, it doesn't sound as though he is allied with the gnolls - they may do our work for us, if we aren't detected ourselves."

"While that might sound like a good idea right now, I really don't think you should do that, Caboto. We didn't seem to walk all that far just a little while ago when we moved from the carnage site, but we seem to be several miles from the spot. You could get lost out there." Rhune whispers to the man.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 20 May 2001

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