Fight the Real Enemy! Characters
  Forte Galletto

  Fortissimo "Forte" Galetto is a large man - 6' 4" tall, weighing about 280 pounds - most of it muscle. His black hair is long enough to sweep back over his high forehead without flopping back into his hazel eyes. Quick with a smile and appreciative of a good joke, Forte is fun to be around....yet his sword is never far from his right hand.

His starting-to-look-tattered clothing does not seem to match how he carries himself proudly, almost regally. Yet he will answer "Nothing" if asked what's the most important thing about himself.

Forte is the most abused member of the party. After having left his employ with the treacherous horsewoman Fyodorll, he has come near to death several times. He loaned his sword to Ullar when the ex-gladiator's broke, and has since then used a magical mace he got from within a tomb. He is often without armor, which tends to contribute to his injured state.

  Kent Wayson
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  © 2000 Ben Lomax


This page was last updated on 4 December 2000