
  Here's a list of links, related to painting miniatures.
  • Not comprehensive!
  • Not organized!
  • Not rated!

Just links people posted on the mini-painters list, links people posted on the message boards, and links I found on the web (either in a google search or on someone else's link page).

  Maybe, some day, I'll get these organized better. Until then, happy hunting.

Be A Gamer, Inc.
Brother Joseph's Forge
Capt. Stern's Astartes Index
Capt. Stern's White Dwarf Flashback
Caution: Wet Paint
The Chambers of Miniatures
Christian Danckworth's Process of Miniature Design
Chuck Gartland
Citadel paint equivalence chart
Color Wheel & Color Theory
Cool Mini or Not?
Craig and Friends
Craig Stocks
Cult TV Man
Dan's Miniature Page
Deadlands & The Great Rail Wars
Dr. Faust's Painting Clinic
Dragon with "backwards" wings
DragonPaint – check out Paolo's "bad casting turned into scar" Aenur vampire. Cool!
DragonPaint's cave
Duck Blind Miniatures
Dwarf with buggy eyes
Eduardo Cominquez
Eduardo Cominquez Gallery at Little Brush
eGuild of Miniature Figure Enthusiasts
Email list mini-painter files
Euro Militaire 2001
Evelyn's Pages - Dragons
Expressive Monkey
Fictional Reality
FinnHammer 40,000
Finn's yahoo pix
The Fortified City of Karoath
GameX 2001 Report by
GenCon Painting Competition
German Game Day photos
Golden Demon winner
Gremlins in the Garage
Gryphon's Miniatures
GWMadMan Presents
Harry Colquhoun
Historical Miniatures
The Home of the Emperor's True Believers
Honza Skępala
Hot Lead
Jason Richards
JJ Models Magazine
Joe Thomlinson ... 2048 x 1536 pixels image of a28mm figure
Joe Thomlinson? I
Joe Thomlinson? II
Joe Thomlinson? III
Joe Videki's files
Joel Patton
Joel Patton - Check out Joel's awesome Gallows Horse conversion
John Luebert's California Beach bum Orks
Joshua Dyal
Katamaran's Miniatures
Katie Gonzalez
The Little Brush - Miniatures gallery
London Gamers
Matt's Workshop
Michael J. Casavant
Mini Madness
The Miniature Gallery
The Miniature World of Joe Videki
The Miniatures Collecting and Painting Centre
Miniatures Gallery
The Miniatures Page
Mr. Wyzzurd
Off the Scale
Onyx Ocelot Painting Studio
Paintrix Miniatures
Ratfink's Stripping tutorial
The Salamander's Army
The Seige Tower
Silver Serpent
Slapping Paint
Starship Modeler
Strategic Headquarters
The Stuff of Legends
Sven "Vulture" Wichert
Sven "Vulture" Wichert
Tainted Minis
The Taken
Tincture Adept
Tincture Adept - Pix of Shroud's minis are here
Veranzi Productions
Vonstrom's Stuff
The Warharmmer Gallery
Werner's work
Winning minis at Con in Espoo, Finland
Zinn Figuren Museum

Miniature Painting Web Ring (I really should join this webring....)

Files from the yahoo mailing group, mini-painter.
These files are cleaned out periodically.
Email list mini-painter files

Some other Groups & Forums you might want to check out:
Mini Dealers discussion group (Yahoo)
Sculptoring discussion group (Yahoo)
Historical Modeler's Forum

Here are some painting tips from the Wizards of the Coast website.
Brian Mitchell - Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

J. D. Wiker - Miniatures On Your Own

  And here's a post on the Eric Noah boards with some good basic mini-painting instruction.
  Scroll down to the 9th post, by Maerdwyn
Well, there was a good post, but the Eric Noah boards are no more. I think I have this archived on my hard drive; if I can find it, I will post it here.

  Mini Vendors
Discount Hobby They have some exclusive pieces. Search for my favorite artist, Sandra Garrity!
Grim Reaper Casting"Nasteez" minis
Ral Partha (WizKids)
Reaper MinisSandra Garrity does a lot of work for Reaper; unfortunately, they have no "Search by artist" feature. Drat!
Thunderbolt Mountain

Albino Rhino
Amazon Miniatures
Art Express(Vallejo paints in the UK)
Black Orc Games
Brookhurst Hobbies(Rackham minis)
Cyber Dungeon
Elf Fantasy shop
Excelsior Entertainment
FantizationRackham minis
Fellowship Foundery bride & groom cake topper
Franz Sander
Great Canadian Miniatures
Griffin Games
Hobby Online
Kenzer & Company
Last Square15mm vehicles
Mage Hobbies
Michigan Toy Soldier Co.
Model shops in the Netherlands
Modeler's Resource magazine
Pewter, etc.Star Wars minis
QualityCast15mm vehicles.
Ral Partha Europe Ltd.
Ravenstone Games (Void minis)
Saber's Edge Hobbies and Games
The Sentry Box
StarPlayer (Confrontation France)(Confrontation minis)
Walthers (glazing liquid for building transparent wings)
Jeff Valent Studios(premade 25mm armatures)
The War House
The Warhammer Gallery
The Warstore
Woodland Scenics - Static Grass, flocking, snow, etc.


  Camera review sites


  Scanner Tips sites
ZDNet Scanner Information


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Miniatures Games

© 2001-2002
  Page last updated 8 February 2002


  Graphics from Boogie Jack's Web Depot - check it out!