The End


Here is a list of all the clarifications and errata in The End. Most of these have come from questions on the Tyranny Games message board.

Issue/Area   Errata & Clarification
"Main rule book"
Starting FEATS   The Meek start with three FEATS - one for 1st level, one for Level 1 Meek, and one for being human.
Skill Points   Add in the single bonus skill point for being human. So, at first level, Meek get (5 + INT mod + human bonus) * 4 skill points. Add the human bonus skill point at additional levels, so Meek then get (4 + INT mod + human bonus) skill points.
WILL Save   Add the (+2) to WILL saves (for the Soul class ability for Meek) to the base WILL save. So, a first level Meek with no Wisdom modifier has a +4 WILL Save.
"The Dogs of War"
Grand Central Station   That's supposed to be Union Station.
The Wastes (p. 11)   The Wastes starts at "Arlington National Cemetery and spreads westward between Interstates 395 and 66 until it meets Interstate 495."
Route 66   The locals' new nickname for Interstate 66.
The Smithsonian   The Smithsonian actually has several buildings (over 12). The Smiths use the old "Castle" building (the original Smithsonian building, built in 1855) as their defensible HQ.


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  Page last updated 5 January 2004


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