...Poor Bastards Story House Rules

Current Characters Former Characters NPCs


Character Creation

Stat Cost
9  1
10  2
11  3
12  4
13  5
14  6
15  8
16 10
17 13
18 16

Create characters with a standard 28-point buy (see DMG, pp. 19-20).

You start with an 8 in each ability score, and spend points to raise them.

After you are done spending points, determine your character's age and apply the appropriate modifiers (p. 113 in The End).

Characters start out at 1st level.

Each character must have a Sin (what kept you out of Heaven). Pick one:

Or make up your own. If you make up your own, clear it with me before we start the game. Remember, your sin was bad enough to keep you out of Heaven, but not bad enough to send you to Hell.



Some skills work differently than described in the PHB. Additionally, some new skills exist:

But wait!

Some skills won't be used in this game. We are not using Tyranny Games' "I don't want to role play" optional rule. You will have to role-play the following skills, instead of just rolling them:

There is an additional wrinkle to this rule. If you need ranks in these skills for a Reborn Class, you still must spend skill points on these unused skills.



This campaign will start in the northern Midwest of the United States (Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc.). Your character must either (1) be from this region, or (2) have a good reason to have travelled there after The Rapture.


Mature Themes

I don't plan on introducing any "mature" themes, but I would like to keep this game to adults only (that's 18 years or older). This will keep us all free to develop whatever themes/issues/stories/characters we want, without worrying about corrupting today's youth.


Got a question? Suggestion? Just email me and I'll answer it here!
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  Page last updated 4 April 2003