Cora Cora Cora

Previous ( Cora )
Previous ( Elmer )


My day had been mostly a quiet one. Sad to leave a town that had been home, at least for a day or so. At least it had spawned a friend.

His talk about beasties in the wilderness, and not so wilderness had a chill running up and down my spine. I kept a close eye on these towns that we drove through, not minding rolling up the window and locking the door. I felt a lot better just knowing that Denny had the gun with him and he was an experienced person in these matters.

Then everything happened. Denny not doing so well and the truck. Of course, right at the same time. Only the echo of Danny's words: 'I had to try to help my friends,' echoed through my mind. I try to do what I can. Not very much. In the scant minute since the car stopped, I have Denny laying down on the seat with his legs up on the dash. I also have his shirt open. I consider trying CPR, but then I recall that I really don't know how. Then I think, hey, it really doesn't make a difference because it's do or die. Go time.

Barely sparing the other car a glance, the slight, pretty woman, somewhere in her mid 30's straddles the older man, and starts to press down on his ribcage. The flannel shirt bobs up and down as she tries to press down and help, if what she is doing could help. She seems kind of small and not like she's really doing anything. Plus, just after a couple of heavy pushes, she's looking tired out.

''C'mon Benny, someone needs our help.'' I fling open the door on the Kia, lunging out of the car with my bag in my hand, leaving Benny to follow. Quickly crossing the street and opening the truck door, pushing the girl back, I put two fingers on the man's neck and my ear to his chest. I then feel for breath.

''Help me get him out of the truck.'' When I have him flat on the ground, I stick my fingers in his throat to insure a clear airway, then I will start CPR. ''When I say, pinch his nose and gently blow air into his mouth and lungs. Ready? One...two...three...four...five,' As I'm working, I will visually inspect him for injuries or wounds.

The man's skin has a slight bluish tint to it, and his breathing has stopped.

As Elmer gets the man on the ground, with the woman's meager assistance, he does a quick mental inventory of what's in his bag. Not good. Elmer can only wish that the antidepressants he scavenged earlier could provide immediate relief for the disappointment which will surely old man's impending death by heart attack. But as a trained pharmacist Before, he knows they don't work that way.

For several minutes, Elmer works on the old man. But to no avail. The man is dead, Elmer is exhausted, and the woman seems on the verge of tears.

''Stop, stop, he's dead.'' I drop my arms and head dejectedly. I rest my sore arms and catch my breath for a moment before I look back up.

''I'm sorry. Maybe a real doctor in a real hospital could've saved him, but...

I'm Elmer. And this fellow sniffing around is Benny. 'Stop it, boy!' And you are?

I guess we should bury him, though there's not much point in words over a grave anymore. Who was he and what do you want to do?''

On the Verge of Tears

I get pushed aside by this man that came bolting out of other car. Frantic to do anything, I try and help this new stranger out. Furiously, my heart pounds and I try to follow the directions the best that I can. But in the end, it's just not good enough.

Out of breath and tears streaming down my face, I stumble a little bit away and lean next to a ramshackle building, looking away from the scene, eyes not focusing on anything in particular.

'There are not real hospitals anymore. If everything was like before, this never would have happened.' A moment of silence and some resolve comes back to her. 'We're going to have to bury him, or at least put him somewhere safe. He was too good to leave out for the scavengers.' Another pause. 'He was my friend.'

I start to scout around looking for anything that could be used as a makeshift casket. 'I'd like to say a couple words once we get him interred.' A purposeful act drives back the tears and sorrow for a minute and a bit old fire comes back into her eyes. 'I'm Cora, and we're headed to Dubuque when we're done here.' And then a little quieter, 'My friend seemed to think is was safe there.'

Wiping the sweat from my brow and picking up a whimpering chihuahua, I say, 'I'm sorry. If it helps, a hospital couldn't have done much more except to use paddles and adrenalin. Might o' saved him, might not. Maybe we can find a blanket to put him in. Do you have a pick or shovel? If not, maybe I can find a hardware store around that hasn't been completely looted. I'll bury him, you say the words.'

As I start casting around for a site and tools and a blanket, I add, ''Dubuque is fine. Good as the next place, I imagine. Let's travel together. Are you prepared to travel? Are you armed?''


New Paths Forged

After a short while of scouting, we manage to give, what is left of my friend a decent burial. She says some soothing words over the burial mound. 'Old friends, new friends, animals, and animal spirits,' she says nodding to each in turn.

'Today we have experienced the passing of someone who I have considered a friend, Denny. Denny, please continue to where you wish to be. If you wish to continue journeying with me, please feel welcome. If you desire to head to Heaven, I wish you the best of luck.'

After a moment of silence, she nods and is ready to head out. 'Well, Dubuque it is then. So, one car or two? If we take both, we'll minimize the chances of losing transportation again.If we take only one, we'll need to strip the other.' She hefts what had been Denny's pistol. 'Now I'm armed,' she says defiantly. She checks out the sky to see if they have enough time to journey for a while or stay here the night.

'Nice words, Cora. I'm sorry about Denny. But, I'm real glad I ran in to you. It's lonely in this world now.'

'Two vehicles is more gas, especially with that pickup. The KIA is brand new, good on gas and a 4 wheel drive. I'd like to get something bigger, but haven't come across any military hardware yet. Actually, I'd just settle for bigger, but I think 4WD is a must. Let's siphon your tank and pack your stuff into the car. Benny, you're gonna lose your spacoius seat, buddy!'

'By the way, do you know how to use that gun? And how's your ammo? I'd really like to find a .45 auto sometime soon.'


On the Lookout

Seeing that it's already late, and it's more dangerous in the dark, Cora thinks that it's preferable to stay least for tonight. "Why don't you take care of the car. I'm not that good at things like that. I lost my last one. Phillip always used to..." she trails off, seeming sad.

She shakes her head, almost as if she's trying to free herself from the thought. "I'm heading off to see if I can find anything or at least a safe place to sleep and stow the cars. People were here, and they don't look like good folks," she says gesturing to the signs. "Be careful. Do you mind if I take your dog with me; he'll be able to see or sniff out things that I can't. I'll also see if I can find any ammo for your gun."

She tucks her gun into her waistband and heads out.

While Benny doesn't seem overtly hostile to Cora, it's clear the dog does not want to go with the new friend. He scampers behind Elmer when Cora reaches for him, and no amount of coaxing can entice him into her arms.



Cora realizes that the dog is not coming with her. She tried to be friendly, but it's understandably scared in such odd surroundings and with the oddness of the epoch.

Surveying the area, Cora's heart twinges a bit seeing another residential area. Three steps towards that direction, she finds that it's too difficult to keep on heading that way. Still too many memories of Denny.

"The Downtown shopping district," she mutters as her feet carry her there. "Now if only I can find some more food." A small voice in the back of her mind reminds Cora to keep one eye out for bullets.

One advantage to scavenging in a small town is the relatively small area to search. Cora has several targets close to each other, and one of them proves quite the find, at least as far as food is concerned.

Part of an old building downtown is now home to the 'Dubuque Rescue Mission'--or was, Before. Apparently, looters and survivors never thought to look for food there.

But Cora did, and much were her rewards. In fact, there's so much food she wouldn't be able to carry it all back even if she was strong. And there's certainly too much to fit it in the truck. Of course, it's mostly in large industrial-sized cans (think multi-gallon cans of ketchup, hot dogs, government cheese, etc.), so whatever is opened will either be eaten for several meals or large portions will be wasted.

Sadly, the small voice reminding her to search for firearms and ammunition apparently wasn't loud enough. But the food stores will prove quite handy for the moment--and in the future, if you decide to stay in Dubuque or return later.

Cora hoofs it back to the truck, and brings Elmer & Benny back to the Rescue Mission. Now--what goods to take? Items include:


Secret Stash

Happiness seeps into Cora's face, as she finds enough food to keep you well fed for quite a while and at least, stop those worries. "I think that we should eat some of the meat right away," only breaking sentence to throw a hot dog to the dog. "Maybe you'll come with me next time pooch, seeing that I can find good stuff."

"As far as the rest of the stuff, this rice and mashed potatoes look the best, as they really won't spoil. Sorry I couldn't find any smaller containers. We should probably load up as much as we can, after all, it'll only get lighter as time goes on."

''You're right. Spoiled meat can give you trichinosis and that can be deadly. I'm sure Benny would love to share in the bounty, but I think it's going to take awhile for him to leave my side. He was traumatically abandoned once. I don't think he's about to let it happen again, if he can help it. Ain't that right, Benny?'' as Elmer tosses him another weiner.

Dubuque, Iowa, was never considered a top getaway spot Before. It's probably not considered a top notch destination in the New Eden, either. Digging a grave and having a funeral within 24 hours of entereing the city doesn't make it any more attractive. But finding another person--a friend in these dark times--brings a little slice of peace and contentment that nothing else can. Finding some much-needed food supplies is just the icing on the cake.

After loading up Elmer's SUV, you find a suitable shelter for the night. The evening winds down and you prepare for a quiet night before hitting the road.

Perhaps you weren't close enough to hear them before. Perhaps they weren't there last night. Perhaps they are waiting for you to make the first move.

Perhaps. You're not sure.

But the one thing you do know is that there are people. Camped out on one of the bridges leading out of Dubuque. You hear a rumbling sound off in the distance, and spot some sort of camp fire. The rumbling seems to approach the fire and retreat. Eventually, you decide it must be motorcycles, arriving and departing. For what purpose, you don't know. But they're loud--probably Harleys. A lot of them. The sound is not reassuring, especially to Cora.

There are two bridges in Dubuque. Both cross the Mississippi River, but lead to different states. US Hwy 20 goes into Illinois, while US Hwy 151 goes into Wisconsin. The biker gang (for what else could it be? you reason) is camped out onthe southern bridge--the one that leads to Illinois. The northern bridge, about a half-mile up rivier, appears to be uninhabited, but it's hard to tell from this distance.

Cora tells Elmer that the next city north had no bridge--it was destroyed. In return, Elmer cautions that traveling back west--especially south west to Cedar Rapids--would not be a good idea, considering what he saw there.

A quick check of maps shows that there is no large city south of you until St. Louis, Missouri. Before that, there are the 'Quad Cities' (Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa; Moline and Rock Island in Illinois), but who knows if the bridges there are any good.

The logical choices appear to be northeast, over the bridge into Wisconsin, America's Dairyland. Or northwest, heading over land toward Minnesota and its Twin Cities.

'Elmer....what should we do?' Cora asks her new friend.

The motorcycles make her nervous and it shows. She seems to be looking around constantly, as if the motorcycle gang will just suddenly appear without any warning.

'I really wanted to go to Illinois, but now...', she says, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. 'I guess that's out of the question, now.' She quickly wipes the back of her hands across her face.

'Where to? Any ideas?'

''Golly, how should I know, Cora? If I had to pick, I suppose it would be to take a closer look at that other bridge. I hope we can find civilized people west of here, but if I'm wrong, I don't guess we'd want to backtrack. Cheese country sound good to you?''

Cora's face actually seems to brighten. 'Well, it is closer to Illinois. Wisconsin it is.'

'Should we leave right now?'

After finishing loading up the little KIA, I make a mental note to keep an eye out for fuel and a mobile hospital or, at least, a vehicle suitable for one. I open the passenger door for Cora, saying, ''We did pack parkas and longjohns? Hell, we might do with a coupla Eskimo umlaks, or whatever they're called. Make sure that rifle's loaded, Cora. Now...after the lady.''

When she gets in, I climb into the driver's side, make sure I'm familiar with the controls, especially if we have to go into the boonies in a hurry. I start her up, give a reassurring smile to Cora, even though I'm scared witless, and we begin to move. I'll bring it up to about 40, easy to speed up, easy to slow down.


Another Night in Dubuque—Not!

It's dark, right after dusk. That's why you can see the fire on the bridge to Illinois.

The bridge to Wisconsin lies north of your current location, but the road signs are still there and you have no trouble getting to the bridge in a just a few minutes. Something about the bridge makes you uneasy. Maybe it's just the dark--after all, that makes it rather hard to see any holes in the structure and its a long way down to the mighty Mississippi.

Regardless, you press on, albeit carefully, and make it across the bridge in one piece.

Leaving Dubuque behind feels good. The place holds no happy memories for Cora, the death of Denny overshadowing the positive aspects of her stay.

Now, onward! Highway 151 winds through southwestern Wisconsin, eventually winding up at the state capital in Madison. Before you get that far, you could rest in one of the smaller towns--Platteville, Dodgeville, Mt. Horeb....there are dozens to choose from.

It's dark, you're getting tired and who knows what's out there.


Dairy Air

Shortly after you cross the river into Wisconsin, you see a sign. Someone has gone to the trouble to paint over a 'Welcome to Wisconsin' sign and make sure it's lit by floodlights. Bright letters now say,

Welcome to Wisconsin!
Enjoy our Dairy Air!

Other than that, the drive is boring. The adrenaline from your flight (driving in the dark, avoiding the bikers, crossing the bridge without light) keeps you awake, apparently taking a long time to fade.

Still, sometimes it is slow going. Thankfully, you've got 4-wheel drive and can go off-road to get around some of the traffic jams of 'dead' cars that clog the road at odd places.

You stay on Hwy 151, because every other road where you might turn off appears to be in bad shape. Better safe than sorry, especially at night.

You don't notice anything worthwhile for a long time. Cora even drifts off to sleep, occasionally, actually appearing relaxed as she rests.

It is well past midnight when you finally get to Madison--at least the outskirts of the capital city. You stay on Hwy 151, which has now evolved from a four-lane thoroughfare (two lanes in each direction) to a major eight-lane highway.

As you pick your way down the highway, apparently, called 'The Beltline' if the signs are accurate, Elmer blinks, to make sure he is not seeing things. He isn't--there it is.

A Hummer dealership.

Perhaps he could get off at the next exit and travel down the frontage road for a little shopping trip....

If Cora were awake and it was daylight, Cora would see my eyes light up. I whisper, ''Now there's some 4-wheel drives!'' I turn down the ramp an roll into the dealership, my eyes still roving for possible danger.

When we get there, I gently shake Cora. ''Wake up, wake up. Time to get some new wheels, dearie. Keep watch with that elephant gun o' yours while I do a bit of shopping, k?''

Getting out of the KIA, I have a look. I pick out the most military model I can find (what's that, the H1?), hard covered, beige or sea green, some easily concealable color (camo?), extra lights, winch (standard?), set up for cargo, not passengers. [Not having the vehicles in front of me, anything I've forgotten?]

Though I'm no mechanic, I figure a visit to the service department would be productive. ''C'mon Cora, you might be useful. Know anything about mechanics? Heck, you might see something important I'd miss.'' Making a mental checklist, service manual, a couple of complete tune-up kits, replacement lights, spare wheels and tires, toolbox and tools, fluids, um...anything that looks useful.

Cora wakes suspiciously at first but then realizes again where she is. She pulls out her pistol and looks to Elmer with a quizzical stare, 'You mean this thing?' then shrugs and places it back in her thigh holster.

She follows Elmer around only pausing briefly at the discussion of the body of the truck. 'Perhaps ... a soft top for ease with the cargo? Or at least get a Safari Rack?' She continued to follow Elmer around, this obviously not being her area of expertise.

At last, towards the end having seen everything that Elmer had picked out she spoke up again. 'Maybe a few of those containers for gas? Never know if we'll find an open gas station for miles, and I'd hate to see you loose your new toy to something as simple as an empty tank!' she chuckled as she finished but realized quickly that perhaps it wasn't such a light-hearted matter stopped and just smiled lightly.

''A cargo rack is excellent. A soft top won't do, because my dear, you see, this isn't my 'toy'. It's my new rolling hospital! Now all I have to do is equip it properly. Maybe I can make up for what I've thrown away.''

My face takes on a momentary pained expression, then I sigh and shrug my shoulders. Looking pensive and forlorn, I lose track of what I'm doing in reflections of the past and my part in it. Dropping my head and shaking it, I look up, alert again and comment, ''Jerry cans, yes, of course. That's a given.''

I resume my scavenging as if nothing happened.

Cora looks a bit like a scolded dog after being reminded this is no 'toy' but attempts to hold her composure as Elmer moves on and continues his shopping. She tries to keep watch for suspicious activities or people and now keeps her opinions to herself.

She almost seems afraid to speak, as if afraid of something.

''Ahh, that looks like the one we been lookin' for, Benny. C'mon, lessee if you can actually jump into the monster!'' Giving a grin and wink to Cora, with the little dog following, I test just how much gumption he's got.

Cora follows, continuing to keep an eye out for people of possible 'use' to her.


Every Man Loves a Hummer

Shopping is relatively easy. You find one of the doors smashed in and walk right through it. After a few minutes poking around the dealership, you find a bunch of keys in a manager's office. It seems you have your pick of the lot.

There are several choices. H1. H2. H2SUT. H3T. Over half of them are black in color. Some are red, some are yellow, some are dark beige. But there are none with any sort of camouflage pattern. Looks like that would be a custom, self-done paint job.

It's late at night--about two in the morning--and creeping around the dealership in the dark does nothing to settle your nerves. You find the car you want, in great shape, out on the lot. At least you don't have to open the dealership doors to get one out. You even find one with a roof rack, as Cora suggested. The keys from the manager's office are clearly labeled, and you easily find one that fits.

Turning off your lights for a few minutes, you decide it's safe to change vehicles. The night is silent and it appears that no one has spotted you. Driving the Kia over to your new Hummer, you transfer all the items as quickly as you can in the dark. You also pick up a few new supplies--the gas cans Cora mentioned. The dealership actually has a few in the service department.

You hit the road again, Elmer ecstatic about the new wheels. However, it took longer than expected--about an hour--to get the new vehicle, Elmer's been up for 20 straight hours (and driving for the last 6), so Elmer's energy level finally begins to flag.

You continue down the large highway, It is apparently several highways at once--US 151, US 14, and US 18 all at the same time. A few exits later you see some graffiti. On the exit for Hwy 151 North, the road you have been on since Dubuque, someone has painted:


and put an arrow that points north (left), the direction Hwy 151 goes. To the south, Hwy 14 splits off, and you assume that Hwy 18 goes straight as the main road.

Does the graffiti lead to a colony? It does lead north, to the heart of the city. Madsion, as the state capital, is a logical place for survivors to congregate.

Elmer is getting tired, and Cora isn't faring much better, sleep-wise. Her cat-naps help, but only a little. You both need some sleep.

Perhaps, the tiredness has increased your trustworthiness. Elmer takes the exit north, toward the state capital. And just a few yards up the road is a small hotel. Perhaps you can sleep safely here.

A cursory inspection reveals no problems. Elmer goes in and grabs a room key. Fortunately, this hotel never converted to the newer electronic locks--there are just room keys with numbers on the tags. The room is out back, which is convenient for parking the Hummer where it won't be visible.

The key works, and you now have a small hotel room, with two double beds. You barricade the door and settle in for the night. You can't help it, but you're both too tired to keep watch. You both fall asleep and dream your usual nightmares.

Benny keeps watch over both of you, his senses better suited to night watch, anyway.



The next morning, Cora wakes before Elmer. Apparently, the cat-naps did help.

Cora looks around the room, a bit shocked at their surroundings at first, then settles down reliving the day in her head, and realizing that this strange place, and strange person, really aren't a threat. It does take her a moment, though, to remember who Elmer was and how they got there, and even more importantly, and harder to remember, where exactly they were.

Looking out the window cautiously Cora tries to see if anyone spotted their vehicle and to see if anyone, or anything, was outside. If the coast looks clear she will un-barracade the door quietly, so as not to wake Elmer, and take a short walk outside ... She could use the fresh air and a brisk morning walk.

Before leaving Cora looks around the room for a paper and a writing utensil. If she is able to find one she'll leave Elmer a note, if not, she'll leave with a shrug and just hope to return before Elmer wakes up:

went for a walk, hope you slept well. I'll be back soon.

The car is still there. This part of town seems deserted.

You are on a 'main street' with businesses, but just a block away (in either direction) are more residential areas. While Madison is not one of the largest cities in the country, it is the second largest city in Wisconsin. There are lots of shops and houses within walking distance.

Cora is looking for weapons and ammo for said weapons. Clothing, not fancy stuff, mainly necessities. She doesn't want to wander too far though, no need to put herself in too much danger, nor give Elmer reason to leave without her if he wakes up without her there.

There are no guns stores near the hotel. In fact, there is nothing very unusual. You see a dry cleaners, a few convenience stores, and some restaurants--the kind you see in strip malls. You also see a used CD store, a 'paperback exchange,' and a few haircut places. And some gas stations

And off the main road, there are lots of houses.

Does any of this interest Cora? The dry cleaners might be a good place for clothes. But none of these places really scream 'guns & ammo'--at least to the untrained eye.

Actually, yes. Cora doesn't know how ritzy the town is, there is a Hummer dealer saying it might be, however ... The convenience stores are possibly going to have a gun/ammo used for protection from robbery. She'll check the restaurants for canned goods, and lastly if it doesn't seem time has gone too quickly She'll check the dry cleaners for anything interesting, maybe a new hat for Elmer, or some clothes.

At all the places until she hits it big she'll probably check under the counter for guns & ammo.

Unfortunately for Cora, all she finds is plenty of what she and Elmer already have--food. Still, edible food might be in short supply somewhere else; perhaps she could barter with it.

She makes a mental note of where the food is. It's certainly too much to carry back to the hotel.

Despite some careful checking, Cora does not find any guns or ammo. Well, any unused ammo, that is. She does seem some bullet holes in the wall of one convenience store, but no guns or ammo.

Cora also finds one unusual thing. In a differenct convenience store, someone has painted something on the wall:


Nothing else. No directions, no names, no arrows even pointing the way.

She also finds a dry cleaners, giving access to many clothes if she and Elmer are interested.

If at all possible, Cora would love to get her hands on a few maps, especially with the curiosity of whatever that spray-painted message was. If she found 'em she'd probably take a US road map, and local maps for the couple-of-state region she is in.

She easily finds some maps in the convenience stores. Local ones (Madison, WI), and state maps for Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Cora returns to the hotel passing by the hummer again then walk sup to the door. She goes to turn the handle to get in but thinks better of it.

*knock knock* Gently Cora knocks on the door a couple of times before announcing her presence. 'Elmer? You awake?'

Elmer looks up from the table he's sitting at dividing his time between organizing his meager medical supplies and retrieving the items Benny is snatching from his supplies as the little pest cavorts about on the table. Benny drops a roll of paper tape and starts yapping. If I'd not been awake, I would be now!

''Hi there, girlie. 'Hush, Benny, It's Cora. It's OK' ''Been awake for a bit. Long enough to bundle up our supplies. Seems like I don't need a lot o' sleep these days. Leastways, I'm sleeping less.

Saw your note. Good idea to let me know. Considerate, too, but I was concerned. Until we're truly armed, it might be best if we stuck together. I'm glad you're all right''

At this, you're not sure whether you're being spoken to as a daughter, as a woman, or potentially, something more. From the expression on my face and in my eyes, it's obvious I've grown fond of you, but the nature of that affection is unreadable right now, probably even to me. You sense that I might have issues in the past helping to confuse me.

''So, whaddya got there? You hungry?''

'Sleep less do ya?' she asked with a slight sarcastic flirt in her voice. 'Sure need more sleep then me!' she giggles, obviously having forgotten, conveniently to be sure, that she had slept most of the ride into town.

Cora walked over to Benny and pat him gently with a smile, obviously in a good mood. 'I didn't find too much to be honest. There's a few places out there with some food if we want to stock up, and even a dry cleaners if you want some new clothing. I couldn't find any weapons though,' her flirtatious nature subsided upon the bad news.

She looked up at Elmer now, away from Benny, and continued on without much pause. '''side from that there wasn't much out there, 'cept these maps I thought may be helpful.'

She pulls four maps from her waist that were just sticking out. A local from Madison, WI ... and state maps for Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. She carries a grin about her having shown the maps, almost a aren't you proud of me smile.

Elmer does not know, but on her trip Cora also saw some spray paint in one of the stores. Brainerd Minnesota it read, and it obviously caught her eye, as she was ecstatic upon finding the Minnesota map. However, this is something she did not yet tell Elmer.

''You didn't find too much? This is fantastic!'' I rush over wide-eyed, grab the maps from her hand, grinning, glance at them, grab her around in a huge hug and kiss her full on the lips!

I take a step back, look at the maps a moment with both hands, then slowly raise my head with a look of horror on my face. The red creeps up from my neck to the top of my balding head as I slowly back away, watching Cora's reaction.

Cora looks utterly stunned. At first, speachless, she just watches Elmer's actions. As she see's the red rush through his face she smiles slighty and opens her mouth.

'Well, lucky me that I didn't com back empty handed.' A smile took over her face as she turned around and bent down to pet Benny. 'So, what's the plan today Elmer?'

Cora obviously was not ignoring what happened, but it seemed she did not wish to embarrass Elmer further, nor to outright reject him. For what reasons, well, that's for her to know, and us to find out.

I look down sheepishsly, muttering ''Um, um...,'' but recovering quickly, I raise my head and move to the table. ''Let's have a look at these maps and see if we're on the right track and where we might want to go after Madison. Afterwards, let's load the Hummer, everything's packed and organized, and take your suggestions on stocking up with food an clothes. After a shower, of course!'' A touch of red enters my face as I look sideways at Cora with a small grin when I realize my latest faux pas.

Cora smiles at Benny, hiding it from Elmer, and gives him a big playful pat before she stands up. She finally looks over to Elmer, with a straight face, to respond. 'Play with your maps a moment, Doctor, while I take my shower. You and Benny can be sure no one tries to harm me!' she finishes with a wink and a smile and walks into the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

Cora takes the liberty of a fairly long shower (so long as there's no unexpected interruptions), its been beyond her memory of the past days, maybe even weeks, since she's had the opportunity to shower. The warmth of the water washing down her body was something that she had taken for granted throughout most of her life, now it felt invigorating and all around just amazing.

She had never thought about it before, its a subconscious thing that she doesn't even notice, but Cora sings & hums in the shower. The tune seems to be Native American, the words likely the same. She isn't even sure she knows the meanings, only that her mother used to sing it to her when she was a young child.

Watching her go wistfully, I let out a sudden exasperated sigh at myself. While she's in the shower, I'll pack the Hummer, leaving Benny outside as an alarm while I clean up. Next stop the dry cleaners. I'll let Cora change first, then to breakfast.

After her shower Cora comes out the bathroom, long hair dripping slightly down her back, in the same clothing as before. She looks alive and walks with a spring in her step, obviously happier then before.

'You gonna shower sweety?'

You get some food, let Benny do his business in the parking lot, and finish loading up the Hummer. Remembering the 'Survivors' sign from last night, you continue northward.


Fine Library

After a few miles, the road changes. As you approach the center of town, you see large buildings. In the distance is the state capital, and a bit closer is the University of Wisconsin. Both the Capital and the University sit on hills, facing each other.

As you get closer to the center of town, it feels more claustrophobic. Maybe it's the concentration of large buildings--in less than stellar shape. Maybe it the geography--Madison is an isthmus, and in two different directions the capital building lies only a few blocks from water. It's almost like the physical layout is forcing you into a narrow canyon, reducing your escape options.

The other thing that unsettles your nerves a bit is the graffiti. Shortly after leaving the hotel, you noticed some spray paint on the side of buildings:


As you continue, the graffiti becomes more frequent. Sometimes it is shortened to just:


And the colors change. But those initials arouse your curiosity. Who--or what--is EN? Friend or foe? Help or hindrance?

These thoughts do not reduce your apprehension at the unknown.

As you finally get into the heart of town, it's obvious that The Blues have been at work. Only about four buildings are not decaying at an abnormal rate. Well, abnormal for Before. The state capital, and one of its adjacent office buildings look o.k. The main administration building for the University, Bascom Hall, and the Library look to be in good shape.

Apart from the few buildings that are in good shape, nothing really grabs your attention as you check out the heart of Madison. Except for the grafitti. EN has been busy.

The state capital is a standard-looks-like-the-US-Capitol-Building state capital. The office building nearby that is in good shape is unremarkable in its blandness.

The University campus is quite large, and most buildings are falling into disrepair. Bascom Hall still looks nice. The other nice building is the library. Looks to be in good shape, too.

As you ponder which building to investigate first, you both realize something. Benny can almost see matching light bulbs going off over your heads at the same time.

The library. There's a large Bronco parked outside--on the sidewalk right by the main door.

A voice shouts out from the roof of the library. 'Stay in your vehicles! You, in the Hummer, pull up to the door, by the other car. Hurry!'

The urgency in the voice is unmistakable.

You also begin to hear something--the sound of an engine in the distance. But it's approaching quickly, from the east.

Cora looks nervous towards Elmer. 'I don't like that sound Elmer. Not at all.'

Ummm....Guess I'd better do as the man says. A human voice, especially one with controlled fear in it, is likely more friendly than the rumbling of a car racing toward us. Show your pistol, Cora. It's against my better nature to display an unloaded gun, but it's all we have right now. That, and what little courage we can muster. Sit tight.''

I quickly pull in front of the door. '' Lock your side, girl. If anyone's coming in, it'll be on my side so you can train that lethal weapon on them.''

I watch Benny's reactions closely.

Cora nods, pulling out her gun and holding it tightly, almost too tightly, and she waits, looking around nervously in the direction of the noise.

As you pull the Hummer up next to the other car, you get a good look at the people inside.

There is a woman at the wheel, and a man in the passenger seat. In the back, you think there's a child.

The oncoming engine grows louder.


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...Poor Bastards The End

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  Page last updated 11 February 2004