Chris: |
I'm making a series of encounter charts, and was curious as to what the frequency of human encounters should be? I realize that you can go for days w/o meeting another human. I was going to base the encounter chart off the chance of meeting someone for every four hours of travel time or once a day while not travelling. Does this sound right to you? What is the percentage of human encounters on a percentile dice roll on average? |
JTyranny: |
Yeah sounds about right in terms of time. I would place a human encounter at about 25%. Consider the following East Coast list: |
East Coast Random Encouner Table |
01-05 | | Mobile Gang (Black Spike or other) 3-8 members of a gang on the prowl or on a mission. |
06-10 | | Dogs Recon. 2-4 members of the Dogs of War seeking information on colonies. |
11-15 | | Slave Team 2-4 members of an Atlanta Confederation slaving group, possibly with 2-3 captive women. |
16-25 | | Wanderers A group of 2-3 lost souls moving across the land seeking food, equipment, and shelter. |
26-85 | | Dire Animals |
86-00 | | Monsters, Soulless, Agents of the Beast, Locust, etc. |
Consider adding or subtracting all sorts of other groups and types by listing. Players should not encounter any of the people in Apocrypha except on a 00 roll and then only at your discretion. |
Chris: |
I had guessed that the PCs would run into other humans about 10% of the time and various animals/monsters about 15-20% of the time, with about 75-80% of the time not encountering anything. Does this sound about right? I'm trying to get the right feel of isolation in The End so that Ennui becomes a big deal to the PCs. What about discovering useful items, i.e. the notorious "treasure" charts. Do you have an idea of what something like those might appear like. |
JTyranny: |
Yes, you are right on. As for "treasure" charts, they should be built by former population density and type cross referenced with the locations current use. An uninhabited old farming community would have a higher chance of having machinery but not a large stockpile of telecommunications equipment. However, since it is uninhabited, most items would be in a sorry state unless very carefully packed in grease and/or cared for when stored. It is very important that any encounter charts take into consideration the item condition rules. |