Weird Wars

Class Type Hit die Skill Points Highest level & its B.A.B. Saving Throws
Fort - Reflex - Will
# of Feats & Features
Total (pre-determined)*
Grunt Military d10 4 20 - +20/+15/+10/+5 12 - 6 - 6 11 (0)
  Grunts can only multiclass as scouts and officers (if offered a commission).
Officer Military d8 4 20 - +20/+15/+10/+5 9 - 6 - 12 8 (1)
  Officers can multiclass as any Military class except Medic.
Medic/Nurse Military d8 4 20 - +15/+10/+5 12 - 6 - 12 4 (2)**
  Medics may multiclass as Grunts to reflect experience gained on the battlefield.
Pilot Military d8 4 20 - +15/+10/+5 6 - 12 - 6 7 (2)
  Pilots may multiclass as Grunts with the air crew specialization.
Resistance Fighter -- d6 6 20 - +15/+10/+5 6 - 12 - 6 8 (8)
  No multiclass restrictions listed for Resistance Fighters.
Scout Military d8 4 20 - +20/+15/+10/+5 12 - 6 - 6 16 (9)
  No multiclass restrictions listed for Scouts.
Prestige Classes
Commando Military d12 6 10 - +10/+5 7 - 3 - 7 11 (6)
Sniper Military d8 4 10 - +10/+5 7 - 3 - 3 9 (5)
OSI Adept OSI d6 4 10 - +5 3 - 3 - 7 3 (3)
OSI Chaplain OSI d6 4 10 - +5 7 - 3 - 7 1 (1)
OSI Operative OSI d8 6 10 - +7/+2 3 - 7 - 7 9 (9)
*"Pre-determined" means the character has no choice regarding the feat/feature. Sometimes the choice is limited. The poor Resistance Fighter never gets any choices! And the lucky Grunt gets nothing but choices.
**Originally, the Medic/Nurse had 8 (6), when Improved Healing had 5 separate levels in the class table. But the errata indicates that Improved Healing is now just a single level-based class feature. (It could have been described as a single feature before, since it was basically level / 4 [round down] - now it's just level / 2 [round up]).

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All Weird Wars content © Pinnacle Entertainment Group
  Page last updated 27 January 2002

  Graphics from Boogie Jack's Web Depot - check it out!