Weird Wars

  Visit Pinnacle's Errata page for all official errata.
  Errata from the official Pinnacle web site.
Weird Wars: Medals Table
D20 Roll US Decoration British Decoration French Decoration XP
1-20 None None None


21-24 Bronze Star Mentioned in Dispatches Mentioned in Dispatches 250
25-27 Silver Star Military Medal 500
28-29 Legion of Merit Distinguished Conduct Medal Medaille Militaire 750
30-31 Distinguished Service Cross Distinguished Service Order 1000
32+ Medal of Honor Victoria Cross Legion de Honeur 2000

Improved Healing   The Medic's power Improved Healing is also slightly confusing as the text says one thing and the table says the other. The text is correct (the Medic adds half his level to his healing roll).
Burst Radius   We noticed the Burst Radius for personal hand weapons (such as grenades) is in yards, not feet as was intended. The Burst Increment for vehicular weapons is also in yards (as they're supposed to be).

  Errata from Pinnacle's Weird Wars email list.
Improved Healing   The improved healing ability originally gave a fixed bonus to healing die rolls. We changed it to half the medic's level and then forgot to update the Medic Table.

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All Weird Wars content © Pinnacle Entertainment Group

  Page last updated 15 August 2001

  Graphics from Boogie Jack's Web Depot - check it out!