RPG Characters
  Barendd Nobeard

Barendd is a character I play in the Living Greyhawk campaign; he debuted on 30 June 2001. He has survived many strange adventures on Oerth, and met many interesting people. He has no beard, making him an outcast in dwarven society. But he did acquire a hat of disguise, which allows him to appear with a beard.

I used to keep track of every module he played, and list them on my web page. This old page shows his stats at seventh level. I don't do that anymore, but I do keep his character sheet online, so I can access (and print) it if I need it and I'm not at home.

This year, 593, has been a rough year for Barendd. He has died twice. Because of those two deaths, he is only tenth level. Right before his last death, he was 11th level. After this death, disaster struck. Barendd was reincarnated....as a gnome! Even though he finds his smaller stature annoying, he can always have someone cast Enlarge Person on him--just so he can use his magical equipment.

Currently, Barendd is 10th level (once again). Being a gnome ain't easy; he might just kill himself and be done with it.

The bad news: he didn't have to kill himself; a demon took care of that and he died once again. The Good news: his friends brought him back. The "my deity is being ironic" news: he is now a half elf. Shudder.

Well, another year of adventuring, another body.... Barendd died twice this year, but that's not the good news. On a recent trip to Hell (with several dozen other adventurers), Barendd was quite surprised to come across his old body. His old friend Danellaran acquired the body and gave it back to him. Now, to get back in the body.... This required a very complicated trade. An old acquaintenace, an archer named T---- had bartered with a planar creature for the right spell to put Barendd's soul back in his body. In exchange for a magical basket, Barendd could get the spell cast. With the help of Gregory (a paladin of Zilchus), Charmane (Barendd's halfing wizard/alienest friend), and especially Cuz (a new dwarven friend who gave up a talking pegasus he had acquired!), the deal was complete! And, WOO-HOO! Barendd is now a dwarf again! A round of ale for everyone!!!!
  © 2004 Kent Wayson

This page was last updated on 6 July 2004