Bitenllerk's Story

My second character created for the "World's Largest Dungeon" (run by Paul Dohearty). We'll see how long this one lasts....

A Pixie in Prison

Bitenllerk was your typical fairy--silly and flighty at times, but also dedicated to fighting evil. He stumbled on the prison when it was still a prison. Intrigued by the work (and the variety of work, which kept his wandering attention span occupied), he decided to help the celestials for a while. Unfortunately, he was at the prison when everything went wrong. Captured and tortured by some of the evil escapees, Bitenllerk started to go crazy--literally. He managed to break free from his captors, but the torture had already warped his mind away from good though not yet wholly to evil. He flits about the prison, looking for a way out. He always remains invisible, trusts no one, and puts his own survival above all else. One day, when he is strong enough, he will track down his captors and kill them--after spending a few years torturing them just like they tortured him.

Bitenllerk has met, and agreed to travel with, an intrepid group of adventurers. The leader appears to be Thadwick, a human devotee of Pelor. He is accompanied by Baldassar, a human bow user of great skill; Ash, a halfling wizard specializing in fire spells; and Paxil, a very sneaky human. This odd group also has an ogre and a blink dog in their company, those these two odd creatures do not engage in battle.

As they journeyed through the dungeon, the group encountered an outpost of celestials, who are trying to keep the prison functioning properly. They warned the party of the strong demons that still roam free, plus a group of "inevitables" that with whom they have an uneasy truce. The party agreed to help the celestial outpost--or at least to attempt some aid. In particular, the celestials are interested in retrieving some lost wardstaves (used to recharge the wards that bind the fiendish prisoners) and an "alldoor" (some sort of teleportation device).

The group also took out several shadow mastifs, which pleased the celestials.

Bitenllerk's new company also gained much power, learning from their experiences in the dungeon. Their newfound power, however, was put to the test by a powerful shadow. Even the light of Pelor channelled by Thadwick could not destroy the foul beast, and several party members were drained of their very strength. Fortunately, the combined efforts of the group obliterated the undead menace, and Thad was able to blast away the lesser shadows which attacked as the group was leaving the room.

This seems to be a portion of the prison haunted by the undead, for the group also found a ghost. Fortunately, he was a friendly ghost and Thad's attempts to turn him were not successful. The adventurers also found some powerful items, but some of them were evil (a weapon and a black skull), so the group decided to destory those items.

After conversing with the ghost, the doughty adventurers knew they would have to pass a series of tests and retrieve a powerful item. They passed these tests, and though some party members did not succeed in all of the trials, all escaped unscathed.

The greatest challenge on this level turned out to be a goblin wizard. He was quite powerful, and did not wish to talk to the party. Choosing to fight (at least in the party's opinion), the wizard quickly divided the group with a wall of force spell. While Thad, Paxil, and Luna (Baldassar's blink dog friend) battled the invisible wizard, the other could only look on helplessly. However, Ash's hand of glory proved most useful, allowing him to see the invisible foe and pinpoint his location to the combatants. Once the wall came down, Baldassar, Ash, and Bitenllerk joined the fray and quickly dispatched the goblin. It was a blast from Bitenllerk's spellfire reserve that finished off the annoying mage.

The celestials were quite pleased with the group's efforts, for they not only found one of the missing wardstaves but also the Garrison Charter. Though some members of the party participated in a ceremony to join the charter, both Bitenllerk and Paxil chose not to swear the oath.

And Bitenllerk is begining to wonder about Thad. Stealing from celestials, trying to coerce powerful weapons from them....just how does this guy detect as both lawful and good?

>>insert more exploits here<<