| Spell |
School |
Comp |
CT |
Range |
Target |
Duration |
Save |
SR |
DC |
Source |
2 |
Mass Snake's Swiftness |
Transmutation |
V, S, M/DF |
s.a. |
Medium |
Allied creatures in a 20-ft-radius burst |
Instantaneous |
Will negatesh |
Yesh |
14 |
Spell Compendium |
| Subjects can immediately make one melee or ranged attack. Taking this action doesn't affect the subject's normal place in the initiative order. This is a single attack and follows the standard rules for attacking. This spell does not allow the subject to make more than one additional attack in a round. If the subject has already made an additional attack, due to a prior casting of this spell, from the haste spell, or from any other source, this spell fails. |
2 |
Burrow |
Transmutation |
V, S, F/DF |
s.a. |
Touch |
Creature touched |
1 min/level (D) |
Will negatesh |
Yesh |
14 |
Spell Compendium |
| Subject can burrow through earth or loose rock (but not solid stone) with a speed of 30 feet (or 20 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load). |
Close |
25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels |
s.a. |
1 standard action |
Medium |
100 ft. + 10 ft./level |
h |
harmless |
Long |
400 ft. + 40 ft./level |
o |
object |