Character Name
Wizard 1 Druid 4
Class Level
Human Kent Wayson
Race Player
banned schools: Enchantment Illusion
Spellbook       Spell list       NONC list
Druid Spells
Lvl DC1 Total per Day Bonus
0 13 4 4 --
1 14 4 3 1
2 15 3 2 1
3 16 -- -- 1
4 17 -- -- --
5 18 -- -- --
6 19 -- -- --
1 Add 1 for Conjuration Spells
Lv Spell School Comp CT Range Target Duration Save SR DC Source
2 Mass Snake's Swiftness Transmutation V, S, M/DF s.a. Medium Allied creatures in a 20-ft-radius burst Instantaneous Will negatesh Yesh 14 Spell Compendium
 Subjects can immediately make one melee or ranged attack. Taking this action doesn't affect the subject's normal place in the initiative order. This is a single attack and follows the standard rules for attacking.
This spell does not allow the subject to make more than one additional attack in a round. If the subject has already made an additional attack, due to a prior casting of this spell, from the haste spell, or from any other source, this spell fails.
2 Burrow Transmutation V, S, F/DF s.a. Touch Creature touched 1 min/level (D) Will negatesh Yesh 14 Spell Compendium
 Subject can burrow through earth or loose rock (but not solid stone) with a speed of 30 feet (or 20 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load).
  Close 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels   s.a. 1 standard action
  Medium 100 ft. + 10 ft./level   h harmless
  Long 400 ft. + 40 ft./level   o object