Character Name
Druid / Wizard Human (Suloise)
Class Race
4 / 2 M/5' 19 Male
Level Size/Reach Age Gender
Kent Wayson  
Neutral Good Phyton
Alignment Deity
6' 1' 140 gray blonde
Height Weight Eyes Hair
Living Greyhawk Highfolk
Campaign Home Region
16027 Letom
Experience Points Animal Companion
rat: Willard Devoted of the Green and White
Familiar Special dude
Ability Score Mod Temp
STR 10 +0    
DEX 10 +0    
CON 14 +2    
INT 14 +2    
WIS 17 +3    
CHA 10 +0    
HP  41   
SPEED  20' (due to armor)
  Total   Dex   Misc   Temp
INIT +0 = +0 + 0 +  
Saving Throws Total   Drd4   Wiz2   Abil   Familiar   Temp
FORTITUDE +8 = +4 + +0 + +2 + +2 + +4 vs. fey
REFLEX +1 = +1 + +0 + +0 +   +
WILL +10 = +4 + +3 + +3 +   +
Attack Bonuses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Abil Size
MELEE +4 -- -- --   +0 --
RANGED +4 -- -- --   +0 --
  Total   Base   Armor   Ring   Dex   Tunic   Temp
ARMOR CLASS 14 = 10 + +3 +   + +0 + +1 +  
 - Touch   11 = 10 + -- +   + +0 + +1 +  
 - Flat-Footed   14 = 10 + +3 +   + -- + +1 +  
Weapon Attack Damage Critical Range Weight Type Special Properties
Scimitar +4/-/-/- 1d6 18-20 x2   4.0 Slashing  
Sling +4/-/-/- 1d4 x2 50 0.0 Bludgeoning  

Armor Type Armor Bonus Max Dex Bonus Check Penalty Spell Fail Speed Weight Special Properties
Hide Medium +3 +4 -3 20% 20 25.0  
Tunic of Leaves               +1 insight bonus to AC

Name Ability Tot
Ranks Note
Concentration CON +11 +2 9  
Handle Animal CHA +7 +0 7  
 - in the Vesve Forest   +8     +2 from Tunic of Leaves
Knowledge: Arcana1 INT +8 +2 6  
 - during Highfolk events   +7     +1 circumstance bonus from Guildsmen of the High Art meta-org
Knowledge: Nature1 INT +15 +2 9 +2 Nature Sense class bonus;  +2 synergy from Survival
 - in the Vesve Forest   +17     +2 from Tunic of Leaves
Listen WIS +5 +3 0 Alertness from familiar
Profession: Farmer WIS +8 +3 5
Ride DEX +7 0 5  +2 synergy from Handle Animal
Spellcraft INT +11 +2 9  
Spot WIS +5 +3 0 Alertness from familiar
Survival WIS +13 +3 8 +2 Nature Sense class bonus
 - outdoors & aboveground   +15     additional +2 synergy from Knowledge: Nature
 - in the Vesve Forest   +15     +2 from Tunic of Leaves
 - in the Vesve Forest; outdoors & aboveground   +17     both bonuses--yay!
1 need 8 ranks for Arcane Hierophant

Feats & Abilities
Source Level Feat   Note
PHB 1 *Spell Focus: Conjuration   +2 to DC for Conjuration spells
PHB H *Augument Summoning   +4 to STR and CON for summoned animals
CAr 3 *Practiced Spellcaster (wizard)   add 1 to wizard caster level for each non-wizard hit die (4 max)
CAv 6 *Natural Bond   increase effective druid level for animal companion by 3 (no greater than class levels)
PHB familiar Alertness   +2 to Listen and Spot
Possible future feats:
PHB 9 *Leadership   Pseudodragon cohort--woo hoo!
PHB 12 *Natural Spell   Cast spells when wild-shaped
CAr 15 *Practiced Spellcaster (druid)   add 1 to druid caster level for each non-druid hit die (4 max)
Special Ability   Note
Nature Sense   +2 to Knowledge: Nature and Survival checks
Wild Empathy   Diplomacy check for animals: roll d20 + druid level + CHA mod
Animal Companion   Link, Share Spells, 1 trick: Guard
Woodland Stride   Move through any sort of undergrowth without penalty
Trackless Step   Leave no trail; can't be tracked
Resist Nature's Lure   +4 on saves vs. spell-like abilities of the fey
Summon Familiar   Empathic Link, Share Spells, Alertness, Improved Evasiono, INT 6, Natural Armor +1
Scribe Scroll   Free feat (Wiz1)
Share Spells   Familiar special ability
Empathic Link   Familiar special ability
Languages: Common, Druidic, Sylvan, Elven

Gear Encumbrance
Item Qty Wt
Pearl of Power 1 4  
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend 1 5.0
Wand--CLW (35 charges?) 1  
Sling bullets 8 4.0
Sling bullets 32 16.0a
Spell Component Pouch 1 2.0
Spellbook 1 3.0
Holy symbol - wooden - Phyton 1 n/a
Total Weight (includes weapons & armor) 43.0
a indicates items on animal companion; weight not included in total n/a
Favors, Influence, & other Intangibles
None (yet) 1
1 - 33 34 - 66 67 - 100
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
100 200 500
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag

Druidic Spells per Day: 5/4/3

Default Spells:

  • 0 - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds (x3), Detect Poison
  • 1 - Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Lesser Vigor, Speak with Animals
  • 2 - Barkskin, Mass Snake's Swiftness, Summon Dire Hawk

Wizard Spells per Day: 5/4

Default Spells:

  • 0 - Detect Magic (x2), Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash (specialist bonus spell)
  • 1 - Magic Missile (x2), Grease, Mage Armor (specialist bonus spell)

Spellbook       Spell list       NONC Druid Spells

Kisling, and his brother were both raised on a farm. Educated to believe in man's dominion over the natural world, both boys became followers of Phyton and eventually left the farm to wander the world and spread the word of man's glorious control of nature!

On his journeys, Kisling heard of wondrous instruments of Phyton! He is attempting to learn more about the legendary scythe, Reaper's Foe, which may be the key to securing Phyton's dominion over all nature.

If that quest fails, no matter--Kisling will be busy starting his logging operation in the Vesve.

Some information about Phyton:

  • Lesser Deity of Nature, Beauty, Farming
  • Worshippers: Suloise
  • Holy Symbol: A scimitar in front of an oak tree
  • Alignment: CG
  • Domains: Chaos, Community, Good, Plant, Sun, Water
  • Prestige Domain(s): Exorcism, Mysticism, Summoning
  • Weapon(s): Scimitar (m)
  • Weapon of the Deity spell: +1 defending scimitar

Kisling is my fifth character for Living Greyhawk. He has played the Highfolk Intro mod La Danse Macabre, adventuring with Myrtle, a favored soul (played by Tamela Bangs), Schmame, a dwarven barbarian (Peter Eckels), Elijah Wood, a dagger-throwing halfling scout (Joshua O'Conner-Rose), a human sorcerer (Jim Rochford), and a strange dwarf named Clangdor from the recently discovered underground land of Dargas Mor (Greg Plambeck).

After this exciting adventure, Kisling began to fill his role as my primary Highfolk character for the new story arc. He has played Twilight (part 1 of The Coming Dawn) and will most likely play all of the future Highfolk regional and Iuz meta-regional mods (and nothing else) as a hero Devoted of the Green and White.

Kisling's adventures continued, this time in Highfolk town itself. Helping the Bardic College with some Organizational Problems, he met some interesting characters in town. A wood elf ranger (played by Dan Werner), a barbarian (Brayden Glad), a fellow druid (Todd Ammerman), a rogue (Joe Jawson), and another, more mysterious individual (played by Dick Gilbert).

Kisling's kept meeting interesting people while staying in Highfolk. He joined some other adventures who performed a small task for the Guildmen of the High Art (the local wizard's guild). Along with another druid (Paul Dohearty), his rogue friend (Joe Jawson), and the mysterious individual (Dick Gilbert), he also travelled with (Ruben Johnson and Dan Werner). (Antipathy)

More people in Highfolk are busy, so Kisling once again joined some other adventures who performed a small task for a cleric of Pelor. Along with his new druid friend, (Paul Dohearty), Kisling traveled with (Gary Affeldt, Dave Krolnik, Tim Bailey). (Heavy Upon a Heart)

More fun followed in Highfolk town, following the Growfest celebrations. Kisling even proved an able card player, winning a "Three Dragon Ante" contest! (Collisions--Highfolk interactive 6-i01)

Relfecting back on his recent adventures, Kisling felt some pangs of guilt due to his mistreatment of the wizard's guild in Highfolk. He resolved to respect the arcane spellcasters more deeply, even spending some time learning their mysterious art.

Kisling found the arcane arts interesting, and specializing in Conjuration magic seemed to dovetail nicely with his druidic bent. On his next adventure, however, disaster struck and he lost Tiger, his dear animal companion. Good thing there were lots more on the family farm, eager to join in his travels. This adventure was a special, secret mission for the elves. Kisling travelled with several other adventurers, deep into the Vesve forest. There, they purged an old church, which had been desecrated by foul undead. All survived (well, except for Tiger), and the group has richly rewarded for their efforts. (Anathemas portion of The Taxman Cometh--Highfolk interactive 6-i02) Kisling also swapped spells with a wizard (Sam Hilgendorf) who also participated in the short quest. Kisling found that his intense study of Conjuration magic has prevented him from learning certain types of spells (Illusion and Enchantment), but he did mangage to learn the Comprehend Languages and Enlarge Person spells, while the other wizard was greatly interested in Kisling's Lesser Acid Orb spell.

Kisling's next adventure proved most unusual, but he does not like to talk about it (A Wheat for Your Thoughts). On this adventure, not only did Tiger II die, but Kisling's good friend Clangdor (from Dargas Mor) and Kisling himself also lost their lives. Kisling now must spend time, and all of his gold, repaying the Church of Pelor who raised him from the dead. Once back from the nether realms, Kisling's familiar (a rat named Willard) had disappeared. And the druid has lost the arcane talents he once possessed. Maybe in the future he can regain those lost abilities and Willard will return to him.