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Five Men and a Moron
The Story Thus Far....


Chapter Three

WARNING: This story hour contains spoilers for scenario "Old Acquaintance" contained in the Call of Cthulhu BRP book Before the Fall.

Keeper's Note: This title is not an aspersion on any one player. Each had moments where they earned the title "moron" during this adventure. Basically, I believe they all role-played beginning investigators very well. Bravo, team!

When Robert opens the mysterious letter from Rowley, he recognizes the handwriting. The letter contains a plea for help from a soldier who served in Robert's unit during The Great War. Willie Harsen seems to be on the verge of a breakdown--he begs Robert for help saying that he has seen things man was not meant to see. He also gives a cryptic warning not to travel through Innsmouth on the journey to his home. Willie has also included a rough map to show the way.

Robert remembers Willie, a farmer from Dunwich, as a jovial young man. Appealing to the ladies, Willie was strong-willed and completely in control of his emotion. Perhaps life in the trenches of France have changed him somewhat? Robert also notes that the letter is written in Haren's fine cursive writing, but the envelope is written in a very basic, child-like style. Not sure exactly what what is wrong, Robert asks his fellow investigators if they will accompany him on a short journey.

Robert Brooks finds that his new friends are willing to travel with him to assist Willie Harsen.

As the three investigators finish their convalescence, their doctor informs them that he understands they are seeking someone who knows Latin. The good doctor knows the classical tongue, and it willing to help out. Dr. Al-Akbar, agreed to accompany them on the short journey to Rowley, since they did not want the book out of their site. The doctor is horrified to see that the book is bound in human skin. Wesely tries to convince him that it is just very fine pigskin, but the doctor is not so easily persuaded. He tells them it will cost $15 to translate the book for them and it will take several weeks. Relieved to have someone who understands Latin on their team, they eagerly agree to Dr. Al-Akbar's terms.

Jimmy buys a motorcycle.

The group heads for Rowley. Wesely offers to drive Jimmy's car for him, but Jimmy declines.

George drives Mr. Brooks' Packard, and Jimmy takes the wheel of his own Model T. George makes the drive without a problem, but Jimmy suffers the ignominy of a flat tire. Other than that, there is no trouble getting to Rowley, Mass.

The group stops at a diner for dinner, and talks to the waitress. The name "Willie Harsen" does not ring a bell. When asked what is farmed around here, she replies tenatively, "Apples? Cranberries?" She also gives directions to a hotel when asked. Joseph orders a cup of coffee, and the waitress is obviously relieved to have an order to put on her ticket. Dr. Al-Akbar orders some baba-ganoush and falafel. The waitress replies, "Sir, it's Thursday. It's meatloaf Thursday. We have meatloaf." Pressed further, she replies with exasperation, "We have meatloaf, we have mashed potatoes, we have coffee, and we have water, and we have milk for the kids." The good doctor orders some meatloaf. Robet Brooks tries to order roast beef. "Sir, it's Thursday. It's meatloaf Thursday. We have meatloaf and mashed potatoes that go with the meatloaf." He, too, orders meatloaf.

Wesely wants to wait until morning to move on to Willie's farm, but remembering the urgency in Willie's letter prompts Jimmy to declare they should press on immediately after dinner.

After some delicious meatlof, the groups heads out to Willie's farm, passing through a salty marsh on the way.

Jimmy hears a loud 'cracking' sound as he hits a pot hole. He stops to inspect the damage. It's relatively minor--just a spoke on one of wheels has snapped--but as he checks out his vehicle he must endure the ignominy of Robert's car swerving around him and continuing on without him.

Pulling into the spot marked on Willie's map, the investigators notice that a truck parked out front has damaged grill-work. Omar asks Jimmy if he has been driving the truck, but gets no answer.

They walk up the decrepit stairs of the porch and knock on the door. A voice calls out, "Who's there?" Robert recognizes Willie's voice and calls out cheerfully, "Harsen, it's Brooks. You know, Robert Brooks." Willie excitedly opens the door and the group is stunned by his disfigured face. Seeing the shock on their faces, Willie apologizes for not warning them; he is used to his disfigurement and often forgets that his visage may startle other people. A shotgun held casually at his side, Willie ushers them into the crumbling structure and offers them some jerky which he has been eating for dinner. Robert offers Willie some left-over meatloaf from the diner, which the man gratefully accepts. Willie is very happy the investigators have arrived; in fact, he seems excessively happy to those in the group who possess keen insight into the human mind.

Harsen locks the door once everyone is inside; his awkward gait worsened by his wooden leg. Once everyone is seated, he tells his tale.

After the war, Willie thought he would return to Dunwich and continue farming. But he was not happy there, so he threw his meager belongings into his truck and wandered away. Willie didn't pay attention to what he was doing or where he was going. Eventually, his gas tank was running low. Luckily for him, he drove by this farm, which someone had abandoned many years before. With his bad leg, Willie did not want to walk back to Rowley for more gasoline. A friendly neighbor named Nick Casper noticed the truck and made Willie's acquaintance. He got Willie some gas, but Willie decided to stay and farm this land. Nick also warned Willie to stay away from Innsmouth and its inbred locals.

About a week ago, Willie needed some groceries and it was too late to drive to Rowley. With one eye missing, he explained that he doesn't like to drive on these bad roads at night and did not have time to make it to Rowley and back. So he ventured to the grocery store in Innsmouth. Leaving the store, Willie got lost and ended up at the harbor in Innsmouth after sundown. He hit a dog with his truck. When he stopped to help the dog, or at least find its owner if the dog was wearing a tag, he was horrified to see that it wasn't actually a dog--but some oddly deformed child that barely appeared human. Worse, altered by his screams, some adult residents of Innsmouth had begun to gather and were staring at Willie with hatred in their eyes. Fearing for his life, Willie fled the scene. He has been waiting ever since for the residents of Innsmouth to assault him. Now, with an entire group of friends at his place, Willie feels confident that he is safe and the townsfolk will not dare attack.

Willie doesn't know why the foul folk of Innsmouth have not come for him yet, but he's sure they're out there watching and waiting....

Jimmy suggests that the group stay the night and leave first thing in the morning. Some members of the group want to leave right away, but ultimately they decide to wait until morning when they can see the roads on which they'll be driving.

As they talk with Willie, Robert notices that Willie is wearing a wedding ring. When Mr. Brooks broaches subject, Willie looks sadly as his ring for a long time. Jimmy says, "Sir, you don't have to say anything. Here's my business card," and hands him a card. Willie finally speaks, saying that his wife left him when she saw what the war had done to him. "Time heals all wounds," Robert offers in an optimistic tone. Jimmy countpoints coolly, "Women--you can't trust them."

Sensitively changing the subject, Jimmy asks Willie if he has any moonshine to help them relax. When Willie emphatically says, "No, sir, that would be illegal!" Jimmy then asks if there is any water. "Well, yeah, there's a pump out back," responds Willie. Shaking his head, Jimmy responds, "No, you know, water water." "Uh, no," responds Willie.

Wesely questions Jimmy for a few minutes, but learns nothing new. The poor man has seen nothing else unusual, and has not even checked for foot prints outside his house to see if someone really is skulking about after him. When Willie mumbles, "Maybe I should have looked for footprints," Robert admonishes him: "You don't go alone, now." "I'm not goin' outside; it's dark out!" responds Willie. "Well, we'll take a look tomorrow," offers Wesely. Willie seems relieved, not wanting to go outside after dark since he feels the Innsmouth residents would sneak up in the darkness just as Huns did during The Great War....

Wesely asks if there is anywhere to bunk, since it's getting late. Willie cheerfully leads them through the messy kitchen to the bedroom, which he offers as a resting place for his weary visitors. When Willie explains that he will stay in the living room to guard with his shot gun, Jimmy offers to guard with him. With a tear in his eye, Willie thanks Robert for coming to his rescue and then heads for the living room. George, Robert's chauffeur, also joins them in the dingy room. Due to the crowded conditions in the bed room, Wesely sleeps in the very barren spare room.

Early in the morning, the clatter of boxes falling down in the kitchen wakes up George and Omar. As they enter the kitchen from opposite directions (George from the living room and Omar from the bedroom), they are horrified to see Willie Harsen collapsed on the floor, his body somehow looking even more grotesque due to swelling. His limbs seem barely able to function, as Willie struggles to avoid complete immobilization.

Omar cries out in horror, "Oh my god, he's been poisoned!" But the good doctor can not tell what specific type of poison is involved. Willie needs immediate medical attention, and the contents of Omar's doctor's satchel are probably not sufficient to help the poor man. Omar suggests they get to the nearest town--Innsmouth--as quickly as possible, and further reasons that perhaps the friendly neighbor (Nick Casper) can direct them to the doctor's location in town.

Not surprisingly, Jimmy offers to drive. As the group leaves the house, they all notice small crab-like creatures crawling over Willie's shotgun, which is lying on the ground next to his truck. Wesely picks up the shotgun, and gets bitten by one of the crabs. He can't seem to get the tiny beast off his arm. Robert tries to grab the crab off Wesely but fails. Jimmy pulls his gun and shoots at the crab, finally obliterating the foul beast. (It's an impale!)

The excitement of the crab attack over, Robert notices a yellow piece of paper on the ground. It is a Coast Guard-issued Commercial Fisherman permit. There is no name on the card as it is a bearer document.

(Thus ended the session. Next session is June 1st.)

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