Fight the Real Enemy!
  Arrival in Arezzo
Gradually, the others awake, Matteo and Urak finding a proper place to conduct their proper devotions as well. Marika watches with interest as Matteo undergoes the same type of process she had, an odd combination of magical and divine requests. However, Matteo finds that the conditions once again were not particularly conducive to his obtaining the good wishes of his divinity, nor is he able to focus enough with the rolling ship underfoot to gain his magical power. Cursing his bad luck, he turns from the effort and follows the others, who have gone off to find cook and some breakfast. Urak, his mind reeling from having to leave Kenishiro on the shore and most likely his death, is able to restore enough of his fortitude for only a single spell of healing.

Having been forced to discard just about everything he owns, including the set of chainmail that was the sign of his rank as a squire, Matteo will spend the day dejectedly going through what he has left. *At least my belt pouches and weapons survived. Without them, I don't know if I'd even be willing to TRY pushing on!*

His mind on all that he had lost, Matteo was not surprised when he was unable to attain the state of mind needed to retain his spells. It was all this water!!! Matteo had, of course, seen people swim before, but it just seemed unnatural to immurse yourself in water that way!

As it is the habit of the people of the Sand, Asif rises with the sun and prepares to give thanks to rising solar disc of the great Aten.

With deliberate purpose Asif washes his hands and feet and then kneels in the direction of his distant homeland of Egypt. As the sun begins to glisten of his muscled naked upper torso he bows once, twice and three times his head touching the deck each time. With each bow, a impassioned musical chant issues from his lips. A chant from the dawn of time, the lanuage of the prophets.

"Praise be to Aten, Lord of the Universe, the compasionate, the mercifull, the bringer of life, Soverign of the day of judgement! You are the Pharaoh of the Gods, guide us to the straight path. The path of those whom you have favoured, not that of those who have incurred your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray. We are the obediant people of the sun, lend us your strength and your light."

The others, none used to the queasy feeling of being shipboard, do not find themselves in much better condition or feeling than they were the previous night. It is now late morning. As Marika tends to them, she finds that very little natural healing has taken place during the night, though Asif is in marginally better shape. She turns her spell toward him first, as he remains the most injured of the group. Her energies are surely goddess-providence, though, as the magic flows into him and heals him completely of his injuries. Not a burn or scratch remains, and Asif feels as good as he did walking into the forum three days previous. It is most remarkable to him, as such powers are quite rare in his homeland.

Asifs face is a picture of great surprise at the transformation of his wounds. He looks to his arms and chest and then to Marika and then back again at his body. His eyes meet hers and with a warm smile he says a number of times the following words. The words are mostly foreign but his body lanuage is obvious, he is most pleased.

"Kattar kheirak! Kattar Kheirak, your heka is most strong. Kattar Kheirak!"

OCC - Translation - Thankyou, Thank you

Jacobus awakes with a slight headache, the product of his late night drinking session with the Helmsman. He sits up bleary eyed and looks at Urak and Matteo performing their religious devotions. Jacobus frowns and shakes his head slightly, but decides not to say anything. He leans over to Sam and quietly whispers "Do they always do that." he indicates to the pair.

"Anyway" he says outloud getting the groups attention, he begins to inform the group of what he had learnt the night before "the trawler we are on is climbing the Arno River to dock in Arezzo, some forty miles upstream. According to the Helmsman, he estimates that it will take most of tomorrow, probably early morning the day after."

He licks his parched lips and continues " There they plan to put on a few fresh oarsmen and shove off to an unknown location"

Jacobus grins "now here's the strangest part, he also told me that the Captain thinks he had been told by the Gods to wait for a group of people in need."

Marika then turns her attentions to doughty Sam, who has allowed the blood from the previous night to cake onto his face. As she tends to him, she notes that it is not Sam's blood at all, though his wounds are grevious enough. Her magic remains truly impressive, as the exact same result appears upon the little fellow. Though it may not please everyone, Sam is feeling one hundred percent once again.

Seeing the goddes with her, she turns to Ullar, the largest remaining party member by far, and the task of returning him to strength. Alas, her limits seem to have been reached, as the energies that flow into the ex-gladiator don't have great effect. However, Marika's tone changes, and she begins waving her hands about in an esoteric fashion. She brings forth a small piece of fine leather and rubs it on the warrior's chest. Immediately, he feels some sort of ward protecting him, though none of the others can see or feel it. Ullar is most comforted with this, especially after leaving his ring mail on the shore.

"Well thank you milady! Again you try to protect me from harm. It's my perception that I owe you for this. Therefore, I hereby pledge that whenever you are in trouble I'll do all the best I can to protect you. "

"Don't worry about me," Marika answers, guilt washing over her again at her failure to look after the injured Kenishiro. "I seem to be able to take care of myself."

Ullars eyes are now focused on the ground. He hoped that the pretty lady would gladly accept his offer, for it has not happened often that the warriors offer for protection was declined. However, as Marika continues speaking, she has the full attention of Ullar once more.

Shocked at the bitter sound of her own voice, Marika forces herself back into the present, and manages a smile. "I'm sorry, Ullar," she says, more warmly now. "Thank you for the kind words. Incidentally, this is a different spell than I used at the forum. It should compensate for the loss of your armor, although it is somewhat less durable, and can be shattered by a sharp blow or two. If we have enough time, I'll try to cast it on everyone who is without physical armor. But if you really feel indebted, I'll gladly accept a tale in return. What happened in the mines after the rest of us left? Was that blast the work of the grey-skinned folk?"

A smile appears on Ullar his face. Almost turning around to go back to his belonings, the warrior realizes that she asked him something as well.

He starts with some caughing, and some 'Ehm.. ehm' but finally starts. "To be honoust Marika, I owe my life to Matteo. It was him who recognized the voices of the Bishops men, and it was him who motioned me and the late Kenishiro out with great haste, for the Bishops men had some sort of spell-caster with them."

"I'm not really at home in the world of magicks, but I suppose that it was something like a fireball which created the devastation in the tunnel. I owe Matteo bigtime for his quick judgement of the situation, but I have no idea how to repay him for it." the warrior ends, with a big sigh.

When Marika moves on with whatever she plans to do, Ullar heads for Jacobus and tries to start a conversation:

"Ehm.. Jacobus.. Thank you for arranging this trip, but what exactly have you promised that man? Next, I overheard you referring to you partner in business. Who is he, and in what kind of business are you anyway?"

Jacobus smiles "Your thanks is not necessary" he says bowing, Jacobus looks around furtively as he asks his next question "What man ?" he looks over at the Helmsman "Ohhhh, I merely suggested that having a few women on board would certainly help raise the spirits of the men." He looks at her and feels the need to defened himself "what? It is good for morale !!! I look at you and it lifts my spirits." he says grinning.

Jacobus frowns at the mention of his business partner "Ex-business partner actually, he is a cheat, scoundrel and a low-life." Jacobus actually smiles "We got on like a house on fire. To be honest if the situation had been reversed I'd of done the same."

Jacobus can see that Ullar is confused. "When the Jerboha religion first arose it began to catch on slowly, being the sound businessman that I am I foresaw the opportunity that this religious fevor presented. I happened upon a batch of religious artifacts and sold them to a small local temple for quite a profit, well to cut a long story short my business ventures grew and I had to employ a partner to help with the running of the business. Before my little misunderstanding, I was the major supplier of Jerboha religious artifacts and trinkets."

He sighs "Now it's all in ruins and Derba is raking in all the money. I'm probably wanted by the church police as well and so I can't reclaim my empire." he sits down and places his head in his hands "I was so wealthy."

Urak somewhat humbly moves toward Jacobus, the only remaining injured member, and brings his sole spell to bear upon him. It is more than enough, and now Ullar is the only one in the group not at full strength.

Jacobus watches as Urak begins to heal him, "my thanks to you Urak, that feels much better, I must say your healing skills are impressive."

As the morning wears on, the group is treated to the delightful fare of salted pork and eggs, wrapped in some sort of plain pasta. They find that Cook, a huge middle-aged Italian man, is rather a talented fellow with this simple fare, and even the elves among you find yourselves able to tolerate the food. They are given a small glass of some sort of very bitter fruit juice to go with it, which Cook recommends that all sailors should drink.

After putting on her damp linen pants she pads down to the mess with the rest of the group. Rhune eats the strange foods feeling much better now that she has gotten something to eat. The bitter fruit juice is a little hard to swallow but she manages. Though her insides feel better she is still a little uncomfortable in the damp clothes and she would desperately like to get them dry and some boots to wear.

Stephan comes down into the galley along with Krige, who is clearly weary and must not have slept. "Your mate here made himself a bit of a nuisance up there. Please try and keep a bit better track of him." He looks happily at the group, "So you're it, huh? Not quite what I was expecting, but you'll do. You'll do indeed." He paces a bit on the small galley floor. "I have decided to give you my proposal in Arezzo under the roof of a nice inn, after you have gotten yourselves cleaned up and fed properly, which I of course will be happy to pay for. I think you will find it up your alley. I have pushed the rowers and it looks as if we will reach it by late this evening. Should be enough time to bed you down and get yourselves properly cleaned up." He shakes his head, "No, no, don't thank me. Not until you have heard my offer." He looks up at the bow above, "I'd recommend not letting these pretty ladies mix among the crew. They are a salty bunch, and might offend, particularly the young lass" motioning toward Rhune. "I am afraid Petty has already spread tales about them among the rest, and I fear they might become a little overly friendly. Just stay in here for the day and you'll be safe enough. Kalanos will keep his men under control that long at least." He then turns back toward the ladder, "I will be by to fetch you when we reach the dock." Smiling, he clambers up it quickly. Once again, he left little time between sentences for interjection. You sense this is a fellow who is used to getting what he wants.

Rhune watches as the man leaves the room. She sighs a little as she had wanted to go out on deck in the sunshine to dry her clothes. Now that is not going to happen. She looks around at the rest of the party, "I wonder what it is that they need us for? Given what Jacobus told us already, they have been looking for a group of adventurers." she says in a curious tone of voice. Then looking over at Marika, "it would seem that we have caused quite a stir among the men." she smiles a little at the young woman.

Rhune's comment draws a smile from Marika despite the priestess's dark mood. "Then either they've got an unhealthy obsession with mud and silt, or it's been far too long since their last shore leave," she chuckles, running a hand over her own mud-streaked face and hair. The brief desperate swim for the boat seemed to have done little to remove the stubborn grime of two days spend underground, and her tattered robes are uncomfortably stiff with slowly drying silt. Guided by the habit of years, she absently reaches up and tries to pull her tangled hair into place to hide her oddly-shaped, slightly elongated ears... then catches herself and lowers her hand, determined no longer to pander to the prejudices of her homeland.

Rhune smiles at the young half elf. Coming over to her, she helps to pat her hair down. "when we get to a town and get rested, I plan on buying some new clothes and armor, among other things. But if I have some money left over I can get you some ribbons to put in your hair. Your ears are lovely and should not be hidden. What do you say?" she asks her in a warm tone of voice.

After talking some more, Rhune spends the day very uncomfortably in the damp linen clothes. She paces about for a little bit trying to warm herself up as she is chilled.

The day passes slowly. The party members are subjected to the curious stares of the crew, who they can hear cursing, singing, regular sailor stuff, and occasionally looking down into the galley. Several find excuses to go after this and that in the hold, staring at the strange group, particularly the women, whose dampness and dirtiness does not hurt their attractiveness to this unkempt, scraggly lot. Several seem to contemplate making offers particularly to the friendly looking Rhune, but the protective glances of the others in the group disabuse them of the notion. However, after each comes down and returns above decks or to the oars, you can hear an increase in conversation and some hearty laughs.

The group makes idle conversation, clearly not particularly comfortable in the cramped quarters, particularly those who have grown used to a bit better style of living. As promised, though, soon after the sun goes down the ship slows down considerably until it thuds gently to a stop. Stephan's head pops down almost immediately. "On, my newfound friends! I am sure you are looking forward to a bath and sleep in a nice bed. Come before my favorite place closes!" His head vanishes from the opening.

The group stretches their muscles and climbs the ladder after the red-headed man, who leads the group from the dock quickly. They notice the crew heading for the rough warfside bars while Stephan leads the group deeper into town before approaching a bar with a beautiful white stallion on the lintel. He smiles happily and walks inside. The place is fine, and he immediately is greeted by the bartender, another largish fellow with a great nose, "Stephan my friend, I expected you some days ago! And with a whole host of friends no less. Well, I was just getting set to close up, but I think I can muster up some food and drinks for you and your people. Sit down!" He then strides off into the kitchen, obviously rousing some of his people by the volume level.

Quickly a young fair lass approaches from the kitchen. She is blonde and looks a bit tired, but smiles as she comes to the table. "What would you like?" After the group makes it's orders, you all have quite a nice meal, though it's obviously hastily prepared. Stephan pays for everything, then arranges for private rooms for each of you. On his way out, he sets up several tubs of hot water for bathing, allowing the group to clean themselves up. Once again, though, he does not put forth his proposal, "Once you are all cleaned and rested, feeling tip-top, I'll let you know what I need from you. Simple thing, really, and certainly something you'll be able to handle in your sleep, capable adventurers such as yourself. Have a good rest and I will see you in the morning." He then departs.

Rhune luxuriates in the hot water as she just sits and soaks for nearly an hour before quickly washing herself and her hair. She then gets out and dries off, puts on the dressing gown and gives her dirty clothes to the maid. She then secures the door and puts her pouches under her pillow and goes to bed.

As soon as they had reached the Inn Jacobus seemed to be sporting a permanent grin, he hadn't eaten good food in weeks, let alone seen a warm bath, the closest being his brief stint in the river.

He attacks his food with relish savouring each mouthful fully and commenting to the others on just how good the food was.

Once he eats his fill he takes a bath and soaks in it for a good hour, washing the weeks of ingrained dirt out of his skin and shaving off his beard and trimming his hair.

Once Jacobus is done he dons the sleeping gown provided and gives his loin cloth to the chubby italian lady, she looks down at it questioningly, "We've been through a lot together" Jacobus says to her smiling, feeling the need to explain.

When he walks out of the bathroom he looks vastly different from when the group first laid eyes on him.

The group can see that he has cut his dark black hair close to his scalp and has removed all trace of his beard. This has now exposed his darkly handsome features and accenuates his dark soulful brown eyes. It's now more clear to see the friendly, but deceptive, smile on his lips. His eyes belie his intelligence and you can almost hear his mind working frantically behind that friendly visage.

"Well what do you think ?" he asks the group as he gives them a twirl ?

The night passes much more comfortably, as the rooms are quite nice. A chubby Italian lady arrives to take each of your dirty clothes from you, and you find a nice sleeping gown on the bed in each room. On the morning, you all feel well rested and strong. All three spellcasters are able to gain their full inventory of magical powers, and everyone except Ullar is feeling as healthy as they ever have. Even Ullar feels quite strong, not far from his full strength.

You all come down to a fine breakfast, already at the table. It is hot and obviously freshly prepared, and quite delicious. Stephan arrives later in the morning, and begins eating lustily. Once the plate is clean, he motions for the bartender, who points toward a door in the back of the inn. Stephan moves toward it, gesturing for the group to follow him. He opens the door and the group passes in. It is a private room, well-lit, but quiet, with just enough chairs for the group to sit in.

After taking time to prepare her spells, Marika comes downstairs to find most of the group already gathered for breakfast. "Good morning, friends," she smiles. "I hardly recognize any of you, without the dirt." The young woman's state of mind seems much improved since yesterday, although a look of deep regret still passes like a shadow across her face from time to time. She has tied her hair back in a loose ponytail, no longer seeking to hide the ears which mark her half-elven heritage. She wears a simple, slightly ill-fitting forest green dress which she must have borrowed from one of the inn's employees.

Marika fills her plate and sits down to savor the meal. To be clean, warm, uninjured and well-fed, all at once, seems an impossible luxury after the experiences of the past few days...and almost certainly a temporary one, she reflects with a smirk.

For a while there is little conversation, as everyone hungrily attacks the delicious fare. After two platefuls, Marika wanders to the kitchen to compliment the cook and the rest of the staff, then returns to the common room just as Stephan is arriving...

Feeling much better now that she has had the bath and two meals of good food, Rhune is quite ready to listen to this man with the red hair. She sits back as he begins to speak to them.

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  Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 May 2002