Fight the Real Enemy!
  Marika vs. the Bear!
A few moments later, Jacobus sits not far from Ullar outside, he seems to appreciate the outdoors since his long stint underground. "Do the birds not sound particularly magnificent today my friend ??"

Ullar, who was focusing on the tube, turns towards Jacobus and gives him a frowning look. "Well.. they could sound magnificient, but I'd prefer the sound of a city where merchants try to make a bargain with customers. I loved Florance, it's a pity it will take a while before I dare to return there."

"Most of us take this simple pleasure for granted, it will be a while before I do so again." Jacobus sighs audibly. "How are you faring today Ullar ? It would seem that the Bishop will be wanting my hide too now." Jacobus chuckles to himself "How do I manage to annoy people of power, I guess I should be honoured, a nobody like me warranting the attentions of a powerful man like the Bishop."

Ullar smiles and pats Jacobus friendly on his back. "Join the club my friend, join the club."

"But who else did you annoy enough so that he wants you as well as the Bishop?"

Jacobus looks around the clearing "One day I would like to live in a place like this, away from the bustling city, maybe settle down and raise a family" he thinks to himself and seems to be talking to himself rather than his companion "but would I miss the cut and thust of life in the great cities ?" he lapses into silence and enjoys the surrondings, he removes his longsword from it's scabbard and leans it next to his seat.

"Well.. if I ever get married I'd like a place like this as well, but as I said before, I miss the sounds of the city. I really enjoy a city. You have all kinds of shops, you are never short of bars, there is most often a quarrel or something where you can see how people settle things and it's my impression that most of the beautiful women come from the city. Just look at Marika and Rhune" he says, softly. "Xania is an exception on this rule, though she is truely, truely magnificient. Too bad she tends to attract arrows" Ullar adds, with a faint smile on his face, remembering how the arrows penetrated his body as well.

The group rests Xania against a tree while the healers tend to her and the other seriously injured party members, deciding not to disturb anything in the cabin for fear of offending Misha. It soon begins to get dark. Still no return. You all begin to settle in, several looking at the cabin and it's presumed warmth with some depression.

As you begin to nod off, though, Rhune hears a noise in the woods somewhere to the north. It's clearly something large. And whatever it is, it sounds unhappy. Then all of you hear an earth-shaking roar coming from there, and whatever it is begins to shamble in your direction quickly.

You all are immediately out in front of the cabin with the door still slightly ajar. Rhune judges that the creature is some hundred feet away and closing fast.

Rhune has heard bears before, but those were smaller bears. This one sounds incrediably huge and dangerous. And without Misha around there is no telling what the creature might do. Quickly getting to her feet and her bow out and an arrow notched, "Everyone back up slowly and toward the cabin. Don't run, just move slowly and easily, take Xania and the packs. He might ignore her, but if she comes to, she might scream. With the dry rations in the packs he might paw them open." she slowly backs up toward the cabin and the open door, keeping watch on the direction of the sounds from the bear.

Ullar does exactly as Rhune says, as it is the ways he is accustomed to at the Arena. "Avoiding or distracting a bear improves your chances drasticly" master Muphius told the ex-gladiator.

As the roar of the beast permeates the air Matteo stands and draws his sword. Then, upon seeing the size of the creature charging towards them, Matteo's mind turns to safety. He bends down and, quickly but carefully, scoops up Xenia before beginning to back towards the cabin door.

Still backing towards the door, Matteo spoke to the group, but loud enough that anyone in the woods nearby would hear as well, "Lets get into the cover of the cabin, my friends. We can apologize to Misha later. Kalanos said she wouldn't mind, and we were welcome to stay overnight. I believe Misha is even expecting visitors".

"Ohoh..." "Could that be that beer-bear?"

Ullar, not really fond of bears, since he fought with some while he was in the Arena, sees if there is any tree he can climb in.

Than he hears Matteo and nods at his wise words. "You are right Matteo, I think Misha would understand that we are forced to enter her cabin, in thits circumstance" he shouts.. while heading for the cabin.

Hoping that this beast WAS Misha's bear, and that this Misha had heard him talking, Matteo pushed his way into the cabin, setting the still injured Xenia down as comfortably as possible before turning to see what occurred outside. Setting himself as a defense in front of the injured woman, Matteo braced himself for whatever might happen.

Urak draws forth a simple dagger, and begins to examine the wooden staff resting across his lap. Yes, the grain was good, it would make a fine staff. Hunching over one end, he gently makes the slightest of incisions on the wood. After careful thought, he shifts his hand slightly, and makes two more, with deft, practiced motions. Glancing up, he sees everyone heading for cover, and looks surprised.

"Where is everyone going? It is probably Misha's spirit-bond, and even if not, it is unlikely that any normal wild creature would attack such a large party. Most wild creatures simply wish to be left alone, and have their territory respected. I don't think that this place *feels* like it has wild terrors in it, the land is too calm. I really do not think there is anything to worry about."

Before the echoes of the bloodcurdling roar have fully faded, Marika levers herself to her feet, still relying heavily on her staff for support. As Matteo moves the injured Xania toward the cabin, Marika hobbles along after him, her eyes on the woods, staying between Xania and the beast.

After Matteo has passed through the door, Marika stops, grasps her holy symbol, and traces a ward on her own forehead while intoning, "Lady of wisdom, guardian of your people, grant me thy sanctuary."

At Matteo's questioning glance, she says, "We should have an emmissary out here. The spell will keep me safe." Of course, she reflects, it's not wise to take the Lady's protection for turning to Matteo again, she adds, "If I need to come inside, I'll signify it by screaming, gibbering, and clawing at the door."

Rhune chuckles at Marika's words. She likes the young girl's humor very much. She still keeps an eye on the woods. "Can someone grab my pack, please?" she asks as the others begin to back toward the cabin.

Satisfied with that backup plan, Marika then steps away from the door a pace or two, looking as inoffensive as possible, and waits to see who or what emerges from the woods.

Seeing the young woman step away from the door, "Marika, just in case you be ready to dive for the door and close it will try to find somewhere safe and high up." Rhune whispers over her shoulder, her bow pointed toward the spot where she thinks the bear will emerge.

Urak smiles at the priestess's words. It was well that his companions could still jest after recent events. "I will wait with you," he offers, still sitting tailor fashion on the ground, "It will take time before this staff is right, and it is best to work on such thing in the clear light of day."

Examining the wood again, he adjusts the knife, considers for a moment, and sets the blade back down. No, that wasn't the right place for a line. Studying the grain of the wood, he offers Marika a reassuring grin, and considers where to place his next mark.

Hearing the noise from the woods, most of the group makes for the cabin. Matteo loudly proclaims their good intentions, but hears no response. Jacobus scrambles for the roof of the cabin, finding it a fairly easy climb. He sits upon the roof looking down. Meanwhile, Marika murmurs a quick enchantment on herself as the others gather up their things and Xania and move to the safety of the cabin. She remains outside to see what's what. Meanwhile, Urak looks on with some confusion, seeing no impending harm.

The creature emerges from the woods, and he is truly impressive. Nearly eight feet tall when he emerges on his rear legs and half that from shoulder to shoulder, he is a magnficent animal. However, he is also clearly a very angry animal. Dried blood mats his fur about the shaggy ruff around his neck. Upon seeing the remains of the group, he utters another bloodcurdling roar and dashes toward them.

Marika blanches, but tries to remain calm. She is quite aware that the creature could rip her to pieces without a thought. However, he seems to take no notice of her, charging directly at Urak sitting casually on the porch. Being a wise fellow, Urak dives backward toward the door, which Rhune slams behind him, leaving Marika and Jacobus outside. The bear once again passes by Marika, ignoring her completely, and then sees Jacobus perched on the roof. He moves up toward the wall of the cabin and begins shoving on it with his front paws. Those inside hear the boards creak as the massive creature's muscles exert pressure upon them. He then pauses to emit another echoing cry of rage before returning to his efforts.

Those inside are uncertain how much more the cabin can take, though it seems to be standing satisfactorily now. Noone else emerges from the woods. Suddenly, the bear stops it's efforts and turns toward Marika, almost deafening her with it's bellow. Jacobus shouts to Marika "Come on my friend move around to the other side and I'll help you up."

Marika is sorely tempted by Jacobus' offer, and even the "scream and gibber" plan has its attractions right now...but if she makes it to the roof, or inside the cabin, what then?

Instead, she lets her staff fall to the ground and stays where she is, both hands open and empty. She avoids direct eye contact, keeping her own eyes downcast while talking softly to the creature: "Where is Misha, friend? Does Misha need help? Misha's grandson Stephan sent us here."

She continues to talk soothingly as long as the beast allows, using the names "Misha" and "Stephan" as often as possible, hoping that these are two words of human speech the bear might recognize. An odd, detached part of her mind remembers reading a monograph on the question of whether bears really can smell fear...but troublingly, she can't remember where the author came down on the issue.

Jacobus can only watch in frustration as Marika tries her plan. If the bear moves to attack her he will have no choice but to try and distract the bear again, failing that he will leap down and defend Marika if the bear tries to attack her.

The creature paces toward Marika slowly, then rises up on it's hind paws, showing Marika it's forepaws, which she sees have claws at least six inches long each. It raises one of them back and Marika cringes, knowing that one rending blow could mean her death. Jacobus begins to raise a fuss from the rooftop, but the creature is nonplussed. Slowly, however, he drops his paw of doom. He stares longingly at Marika as she mentions Misha's name, though there does not seem to be any recognition of Stephen's. He moves closer, putting his nose immediately up against Misha's unmentionables and briefly lifting her off her feet before releasing her. Marika's continued talking seems to have calmed the beast quite a bit. In fact, it's gigantic brown eyes seem downright somber.

Suddenly, it brushes past Marika, nearly knocking her to the ground by it's casual impact. It walks directly over to the dock and looks down into the water, splashing it about with it's paw. It then turns and bellows once more, brushing past Marika once again, this time sending her off her feet for real as it turns around and returns to the cabin and begins shoving it, this time even harder. The planks protest loudly, and Jacobus begins to fear losing his footing.

Rhune looks around at the inside of the cabin for a window (there is one on each wall, small and square). Finding what she is looking for, she quickly goes out it and around to side of the cabin. She stops just before she gets to the front where the bear is. She slips over to the nearest tree and puts her bow on her back. She then steps in front so that the bear can see her, "HEY BEAR!!!! OVER HERE. CAN'T CATCH ME!!!" she shouts, waving her arms around. As soon as the bear notices her and heads in her direction she scrambles up the side of the tree well out of his reach.

Unfortunately, the only tree within range is not an impressive member of it's species. Rhune is near to the top when she climbs over. Upon shouting at the creature, it comes charging her way, then leans against the tree with it's back. The tree bends and breaks in moments, leaving Rhune no other choice but to hit the ground with it. She drops and lies perfectly still, even if he paws her.

The bear seems hardly mollified. He clamps onto Rhune with both his front paws and pulls and shoves her back toward the river. Marika protests, but the bear ignores her, rolling the pretend-unconscious Rhune along like a log. He does this until he gets to the dock, then with a rough shove pushes her off.

Rhune grimaces and winces as the bear rolls her along toward the docks. She knows without a shadow of a doubt that she is going to have bruises from one side to the other.

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  Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 2 May 2002