Distribution of Booty

Some minutes later, eager to open the chest, Ullar hears about the deal with Yuri. "You want a quarter of what is inside? A quarter? For opening a lock?"

The ex-gladiator burst out in heavy laughter and slaps Yuri on his back. "My dear, dear friend. I reckon you deserve some provision for your effort in opening this lock, but a quarter is a tiny bit too high, don't you think. I say we'll give you 1/8 of what is inside, and, as Forte says...we pick the 1/8. You have nothing to lose in this deal and a lot to gain, so I don't think you will start complaining, do you?"

Yuri looks squint-eyed at Ullar, "Big man, where I come from a deal is a deal, and your even bigger friend struck a deal with me for one-fourth of the loot in this here chest. I have already begun the work, so there is no going back on the deal now." He shakes his head, "All these folks 'round here seem to think that we owe you something, but near as I can tell, you weren't there with us when the hell came down and our friends were taken, mauled, eaten." His tone has not changed with the subject matter, "So if you want to change the deal I made with the fella who handed me this box, I'd suggest you take it up with him, 'cause near as I can tell, you got no say in this matter," He turns and steps briskly back toward the southern building, where he has been working on the chest.

After discussing the deal with Yuri, Ullar walks over to Gregor. "Hello Gregor. I'm wondering what you and your friends are going to do. Do you plan to start rebuilding your camp right away or are you going to retrieve some needed materials in the surrounding villages/camps? I'm asking, because I'd like you to keep your ears and eyes open. There are strange things happening here, and I'm afraid some stranger events will follow."

Gregor nods, "We plan on beginning work on Illyakana within the month, though it will be rough going with the winter season coming on. I imagine we'll have to reside here until the spring, working whenever Prirodna provides us the chance."

"What do you say if we make Sukiskayn our central point where the information will be gathered? Of course I need to take this up with Petr, but I don't think he will object to it, do you? And if other people will use Sukiskayn as a central point as well, we can all benefit from it. It is the camp where the Goblins faced defeat; and by making it an information center we honor the camp, I think," Ullar continues.

Gregor responds, "For now, there isn't much choice in that matter. I believe that for close to the next year, Petr will have to host many of us for quite some time. It will take much to repay him. He is a good man."

After Gregor's response, Ullar takes this up with Petr as well. Petr's response is positive, "Indeed, since the settlers have chosen this place to safeguard themselves, it seems a logical choice," He looks a bit chagrined, "Of course, coordination of any type of information gathering will take money and time, the first of which we do not have anywhere near enough of. It has taxed almost all our resources to feed the refugees and begin rebuilding. Without some more supplies soon, it will be a very hard winter," he shakes his head sadly.

Commenting on Ullar's request to Gregor, Augustus says, "I get the distinct feeling that we might wear out our welcome here, no matter what we have done for them in the recent past...Mother Kuzma has done more for us than we could reasonably expect, and I do not wish to risk their lives if the Church should find out that they have helped us."

Ullar interjects, "And what are we going to do with these hides? We can provide them to the camp, perhaps someone here can make Rhune and myself, or anyone else for that matter, some armor out of it. They can trade the hides for other valuables they will need to rebuild their home and I doubt we will have much use of it when we are going to continue our search. Anyone who objects in handing them over to Petr and his clan?"

"Are we going to take this mule with us as well? What if we leave it here and get something in return for it in the future, as I doubt Petr is able to pay us for it? I have the strong feeling we will return here again," he says with a smile.

"Unless one of us has the means to cure and tan the hides, perhaps we could offer these to the locksmith for his services. I would say keep the mule though. I think it could be useful to help us carry gear--or wounded companions," Xania adds with a wry look toward Dakath and Ullar.

"Indeed princess, I agree. Our experience with the gains from the tunnels shows we need some extra carrying capacity at times, si," Tag replies.

Dakath looks towards Xania and merely shrugs, a smile on his face.

"That sounds like a very good idea, myself. I would much rather have what is in the chest," Rhune replies as they discuss the fur.

Ullar nods. "If the locksmith accepts... that would be a good deal. But are you sure you want to keep the mule? It can be a really stubborn animal, and in case of danger they are not really reliable, I think," says Ullar, while glancing at Xania.

"Mules are considered stubborn because they are generally more intelligent than horses. Thus, they won't do something they consider stupid--no matter how less intelligent beings try to persuade them. Mules are generally less flighty and less likely to run off as well."

"Granted, I am more familiar with horses than mules, but I'm sure that if we make reasonable requests and treat the beast well, then he will likely help us out a bit," Xania replies, stubbornly.

"Hmm.. so we'll end up with a Xania and a Xania-mule?," Ullar replies, quasi-nonchalant.

"As well as one Ullar ass," Xania retorts.

"That sounds fine to me. I'll keep track of my ass, you keep track of our mule," Ullar replies, a grin on his lips.

"I hope I take care of the mule better," mutters Xania.

"As I know for sure you won't be taking care of my ass...too hot to handle for you pretty one!"

"Too dangerous for me," Xania agrees with a sudden grin. "It might fall off a tree onto me or something."

In one of her transient mood swings, she touches Ullar's cheek suddenly, "I miss Marika too, you know. Not the same as you do, but...she was my friend," she turns away suddenly and walks off.

Ullar smiles at her when she is walking away. "A darn fine women, with a temper, but what the heck...with that look," he whispers softly to himself.

Ullar hesitates for a moment, unsure whether to follow her and put his arm around her, to provide Xania with some comfort or just let things go. Deep inside he'd like to put his arm around her, but his shyness (and fear of another sudden mood swing) keeps him from doing so.

The warrior stares to the ground and sighs deeply, thinking of Marika. Kicking some branches, fallen off trees, the warrior returns to his horse Zephyr, gently stroking it's nose and neck, trying to gain it's trust.

"Can mules travel as quickly as horses?" asks Forte. "I mean, what if we're galloping off as fast as we can -- can the mule keep up?"

"Mules are not as fast as horses, but for normal rates of travel, will keep up just fine. On the other hand, they can live on grass, which our horses cannot do. We could use a mule to carry the proper feed for our horses. Otherwise, they will eventually starve with the hard use to which we've been putting them."

"And, Forte, how many of us can stay on a horse at a dead run?" Xania queries.

"Calm down. I know I can't stay on a horse at a dead run, but I intend to learn how, if possible," he grins. "I was just worried about the mule. If a hasty retreat is needed, will the mule be o.k.? I'm willing to die to save your ass, but I will *not* die to save your jackass."

"If you are dead set against having a mule, for whatever reason, that is fine with me. But we do need to carry grain for our mounts, and, I would imagine, most of them are at best slightly encumbered, other than perhaps Rhune's and my own," Xania remarks, shrugging.

"That's a great idea. We certainly don't want our horses to starve. Or us to get beat up by an angry centaur for mistreating our steeds," Forte responds agreeably.

"I am the last one to tell you to take advantage of an opportunity. Were you bitten by a mule as a child?" Xania continues her harangue.

"Like I said, I was just concerned about the mule. Let's take the opportunity since it's here!" Forte pauses a bit, before adding, "I was never bitten by a mule as a child...at least, that I recall. I think I would remember something like that. At least, I *hope* I would remember something like that."

Xania looks at him, "I would not ask you to risk life or limb over a horse or mule. The centaur might--well, he did. And that's how your friend was killed--that and I couldn't get to him in time to help him," Xania's eyes cloud over slightly in remembrance.

"Or we can blame my arrows for not hitting their mark. Don't waste your time playing 'what if' Xania; it's not worth it. Until you get a 'reverse time' spell, anyway," Forte hastily adds.

"Leslie's courage was great....perhaps to the point of foolishness. I'm starting to think he would have charged all the demons of hell, given the necessity...and the chance."

"Horses nor mules are sacred to me. I like them and will care for them as best I can, but my humanoid companions are more valuable to me. And I am more valuable to me. Perhaps you or Asif would think that cold, but that is how I feel," Xania says.

"No, I think I agree with you there. We should treat them well, but our human and elf and... whatever.... companions are more important. I don't think it's 'cold' to value people more than animals. Especially in this perilous time and place," Forte responds.

"I will lead the mule if we choose to keep him," she adds.

"Well, you've given a lot of good reasons to keep him. We probably should, then. How much grain did you say you think he can carry?," Forte asks, smiling.

"A lot," Xania replies, the beginning of a smile curving her lips.

After the party has decided which way to go, Ullar goes to mother Kuzma. "Mama Kuzma, I owe you a great deal for restoring my health once again. And since our path seems to continue on it's road to challenge and danger, we will surely need your aid again, someday. However, I was wondering if it lays within your capabilities to create some potions for our group in case we need your healing powers right away?"

Kuzma wryly grins, "I do have that ability, it's true. Interesting that you should ask, as I just completed one of my herbal magic elixirs yesterday eve. Would that I could mass produce them, so that you would not need to return here so often in your search for my son." , With that fairly unsubtle hint passed on, she continues, "I would be more than happy to give you the vial that I just finished, but I will not have another one for a week, possibly two, and hopefully you won't be in such dire need at that time. My hope is that by then, we are all gathered about the hall with both my sons discussing this whole bloody mess with a tankard and a smile," she hands Ullar a small crude metal flask.

Ullar continues relentlessly, "Do you know of any healer in the surrounding area which we might gain more of such potions? The foul and evil creatures we encounter seems to increase in strength and even with this great sword of mine it will become harder and harder to survive such encounters. A potion could save one of my friends, or my own life in this circumstances, and that's why I'm asking you this favor."

Kuzma shakes her head, "As near as I can tell, the only people with that ability within the whole of the Dymrak and the surrounding area would be Catoliks, and I gather those are not ones you can go to for support. From what I understand, the goblins captured or killed the only other people with any divine inspiration among the settlers, and I was the strongest of them in any regard. Sorry I could not be more help."

Ullar's eyes are sharp again. The warrior has regained his self-control and found a way to deal with his feelings regarding the missing Marika. A new source of energy is floating through his body; the ex-gladiator is eager to continue their tracking of the prisoners.

When Dakath appears well again, Rhees approaches him "It seems that provisions are becoming something of an issue - food, armor, feed for the mounts, weapons - both for us and the villagers. I fear that they are starting to think that we impose on them. Perhaps it would be worth our while to sponsor a trading party. If a group of villagers is willing, they could take what spoils we wish to sell to a town and purchase supplies needed by us and the settlers. We get what we need without disrupting our quest, the settlers get the supplies they need, and we re-establish goodwill with the village. I am not a leader of men, perhaps I am overlooking something; but I put the idea forward for your consideration."

Dakath seems uncharacteristically noncommittal about this plan, or any of the others the group has discussed this day, and you suspect that the shock of his nasty injuries has temporarily subdued his usual extroverted nature.

The conversation is interrupted by Yuri, who comes up to the group with a smooth smile on his broad face, "I have managed to open the chest without damaging it even slightly. I have heard that you are willing to trade the furs you brought in upon that mule for my services, and I find that a fine deal indeed. Those furs will work well as barter for the supplies we need hereabouts, better than the gold probably within that chest, which usually draws the attention of the straightnecked bunch from town," Some of the more recent refugees look on in amazement as he says this, obvious looks floating toward Augustus (as they have been for most of the duration of his trips here).

Augustus is ever-aware of the distrusting stares, but either ignores them, or pointedly looks back at the refugees with a friendly, "Greetings," When greeted in this manner, the villagers either wave uncomfortably or just stare in disbelief.

Yuri looks at Forte with a sincere smile, "Then we have a new deal?" He clasps hands with the large man,.

"Of course!," beams Forte, shaking his hand firmly. His smiling face hides his relief that the deal worked out better than he had originally - and poorly - "negotiated." He is beginning to have an appreciation for everything his father did - not the farming skills in which he shared some talent, but all the skills necessary for trading. He had often heard his father talk about wheeling and dealing with various people, and until now did not appreciate the talent it took to get the most for your product.

"Great. I can't imagine whatever is in there is worth more than those furs anyway," Yuri smiles again, obviously feeling he's gotten quite a deal, "Throw in the mule, huh?" When disparaged of that notion, he grins, "Couldn't hurt, neh?" He then walks the group over to the chest, where a group of spectators has drawn up. He shoos them away with authority, then takes a small pick-like tool to the lock. After just a moment, it clicks and the lock falls away, "All yours, fella!" He then walks over to the mule and begins offloading his payment.

The chest is filled about one third of the way with small gold coins. Interestingly, they do not appear to have been minted, though they are cut into pieces. It almost appears that they are unfinished, as some are slightly different sizes than others. A rough estimation reveals that there must be over a thousand such pieces. Digging within them reveals a small beautifully etched glass vial with some type of liquid inside and a leather coin-purse which contains three gems; a medium-sized dark green stone (Dakath IDs it as an Alexanderite, about 200 gp), a small whitish stone (Chalcedony, about 100 gp), and a small olive green stone (Dakath cannot identify the stone or it's value).

Tag once the loot has been sorted, looks over the tapestry and gems and try to ascertain if Dakath's appraising has done the job. "Senior Dakath, I to have some skill at determining the value of things, may I look over those items, grazie," He privately thinks that the Chalcedony is worth a little less than Dakath thinks, but doesn't wish to offend. He evaluates the olive green stone and cannot remember the name of the stone, but values it at about 75 gp. The tapestry he doesn't have an idea on, as artwork is not what he knows much about.

Rhune looks at the small olive stone, "That is so pretty," she says to him.

"What do we do with all this?," asks Forte his eyes widening. His parent's farm was prosperous, but he could not recall ever seeing so much money in one spot in his life. And those gems! He was especially attracted to the olive green stone, but only because its color reminded him of his family back home. The warrior usually had no time for pretty things, so his attraction to the stone surprised him.

Ullar, frowning, replies: "We take it with us." Ullar examines the vial, opens it and sniffs at it. "I don't have a clue what this could be. Auggie, do you have an idea?"

Augustus takes the vial from Ullar, and sniffs gingerly at the liquid. "I am not certain..." He peers at the liquid in the vial.

Ullar pockets the vial absently when he gets the response from Auggie.

Augustus' eyes widen at the sight of such wealth. "I have never seen so much gold in all of my life!" he says, reaching out to touch, but pulling back before he does so. "This looks strange," he blinks twice as he stares at the gold and gems. "The love of money is the root of all evil," he says quietly, and turns to leave.

"Without evil there is no good," Xania replies, eyeing the money with some interest but the gems even more so. "Interesting," she makes no move to go toward it, however.

"That might be the case," Ullar replies, peering into the chest ".. but I think this will come in handy if we need to get some supplies from a nearby village."

"Rhees, your suggestion of sponsoring a trade-route might become more easy now. I think Petr can arrange such a thing and if we can agree on what we need, we can all benefit from it. Even you Augustus, since I think your bandages need to be restocked, don't they?"

Turning to Ullar, Augustus says sadly, "Yes...you are right, but...perhaps it would be better if I did not handle any of the gold...but give a list of the items I shall need to someone, that they might handle the transactions as needed."

"That's fine to me," Ullar responds. "I'll gladly take care of it, just name the things you need and I'll arrange it with Petr."



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 27 October 2000

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