Petr speaks, "A day of rest, then, to further heal your wounds and restore your capabilities. Whatever fate awaits my brother, one day will not aggravate it, surely. My mother is prepared to offer whatever services she may to restore you all as much as possible, and anything in my home that you might find useful is yours. I am already deeply in your debt, and going in further with every moment, but trust that I will find a way to repay you for all that you have done, and all that you will do, for me and mine."
Ullar responds to Petr's unspoken question, "But regarding your brother, we've experienced a little shortcoming from our side. So unless Leslie, Forte or Augustus are able to track down Goblins, we will need someone with that experience."
"Sorry," responds Forte. "I have no such skills. Though I would like to practice using my sword on them....."
Petr shakes his head, "I am afraid none of my clan possess that ability." Looking toward Gregor, who shrugs his shoulders, Petr says sadly, "No one here does, I think."
Marika interjects:
"I suppose we should start by trying to have a word with the goblins we took prisoner at the siege. They must know the location of some lairs, and they might even have been present when Gregor's camp was taken. Gregor, do you or any of your men speak Goblin?" she asks hopefully. "I have a spell that might help a little, but it's not nearly as useful as someone who speaks the language."
Gregor shrugs his shoulders, "Most of my men don't even speak YOUR language! Not very well, at least." As he is saying this, you see a definite expression of unease cross Petr's face.
As the group goes to see what they can get out of the captured goblins, you all are surprised to see the remnants of cut rope where they used to be. Petr shrugs a bit, "I am afraid that my SON" he says glaring at Matvey, his heretofore rarely seen younger son, "freed them when they muttered to him about some reward!" He seem more than a bit angered at this. However, as no one in the settlement speaks goblin in any respect, the concept of interrogating them was tenuous at best.
"It doesn't really matter," Marika says, sensing that Matvey could use a break. "Chances are we wouldn't have learned much from them. I'm just glad they didn't hurt your son when he let them go."
Privately, though, she's disappointed. Apparently at least one of the goblins spoke enough Italian to dupe Matvey...he might have been an interesting fellow to talk with.
After the response of Petr, Ullar walks over to Rhune.
"Hey there little one. Are you still in possession of the tube? It might be a good idea to have Kuzma have a look at it. Perhaps she knows how to open it, or know of anyone with those capabilities."
Looking up at the big man, "Yes, Ullar. I still have the blue tube. I should have thought of letting Mother Kuzma look at it myself. Good suggestion." She gets up after Augustus finishes and goes to fetch the blue tube. Once she has it she rejoins Ullar and they go to find Mother Kuzma. When she finds her, "Mother Kuzma, we were wondering if you could help us. I managed to get this before the bishop discovered it. We have tried to open it but we are not able to do so. It has something that can help in fighting the church, but we are not sure what it is. Can you see if you can open it for us?" she asks the matron.
Mama Kuzma looks at the tube with great curiosity. She summons up the older one-armed man and they speak in the other language. After some bit of this, she turns to Rhune, "I cannot open this, for it seems to have been closed by a wizard. I cannot undo magics of that type unless they are very primitive." Seeing Rhune's expression, she smiles, "However, child, I can show you something." She points at the seal on the tube, which contains some type of strange, indecipherable script, just a few symbols. "This is similar to the writings used by the Death's Head, who live far to the north. We only hear rumors about them, but one time an adventuring fellow came south through Stia, a town to the northwest of Arezzo, and he bore some script of such nature. Perhaps if you were to somehow speak to the Death's Head without them eating you, you might find some enlightenment." She chuckles, as does Stellios. "However, I will note to you that the fellow who returned with that script left with a party of twelve, and returned alone!"
"Thank you. I will talk to my friends about that. We will decide later what we can do about that," she says with a wan smile. She puts the blue tube back in her pack and turns to Ullar. "You heard. Do you think we should go to this Death's Head encampment to see if they will help us or not?" she asks the big man.
"There is no rush in doing so, pretty Rhune." Ullar replies. "As Kuzma said, it's a dangerous journey and we can't even handle a bunch of goblins!" A sigh escapes from the big warrior.
"However, I do want to visit that Death's Head encampment. I'm really curious what's in the tube, as it might be something against the bishop and the Catolik church in general."
"Do you think we should inform the others about it, or just keep quiet until the time is right to tell Forte and Leslie what happened in the Forum?"
Jacobus finds a chair and sits in it resting on it's back legs as he places his feet on the table. Eavesdropping on the conversation between Rhune and Mama Kuzma, he mumbles to himself, "The Death's Head ? Well now that sounds like an appealing prospect, I must say." He shakes his head "Why does nothing ever come easy to this group," he grins to himself. He glances once or twice towards Xania. "I seem to have an aversion to speaking to someone who would consider me food."
Rhune smiles at Ullar's words and blushes a little, "You are right about that. We need to be able to handle ourselves much better. As for keeping this to ourselves," she turns to Jacobus, "I believe Jacobus has over heard us anyway. As for the others they were at the table last night when I mentioned some of what happened at the forum," she replies to him.
Rhune turns her attention to the head of the clan "Peytr, I don't know that much about goblins either except that they like dark, dank caves to live in. Perhaps if someone were to show us where your brother was when the goblins attacked we might be able to find some clue to their direction. I would be willing to help in finding out what happened to your brother and if we can rescue him get him back for you," she replies to the man.
Petr turns toward Gregor, "Of course. Illyakana is directly north of here, past Hokol, another small settlement that Gregor says was destroyed as well. You can either just head straight north through the woods, or you can follow the river's eastern bank. The bank would be easier, but it would be a longer trip. Either way, I imagine that you could get there in less than a day riding." Gregor nods at this.
Rhune considers this aspect of the situation. "Thank you. We will need to make some decisions as to how to go about this." She turns to seek out her companions and discuss the situation with them.
Marika looks up from the corner of the great hall where she had sat poring over Fyodorll's books and papers, and discussing her findings with Xania. After hearing Rhune's report, the priestess nods soberly. "Yes, I suppose our only chance to find Stephan will be to start at Illyakana. The river sounds like the easiest way there. But we're more likely to run into other travelers there...and for some reason, a lot of people just flat out don't like us. And I'll lay odds that my horse will find a way to throw me in the river. Damned infernal beast." She snorts in mock disgust. Actually, the chestnut mare which Alfana helped her pick out is as gentle an animal as any first-time rider could ask for...still, Marika doesn't look forward to another day in the saddle.
"And if we head straight north," she adds, "we can see what's left of this Hokol on the way; we might learn something there." She looks around at the others. "That's about all the bright ideas I've got," she admits. "What do the rest of you think?"
Augustus suddenly sits up straight in his chair as if struck by a bolt of lightning, "What if the goblins are in league with those who are using the church for evil! mentioned the possibility that the goblins might have known enough Italian to trick Peytr's would they learn Italian?!" He crosses himself, looking more than a little afraid.
Rhune frowns at his words, she had forgotten that part of Petr's story. "If they are then we are truly in for it. Let's be prepared for that just in case," he says in troubled tone.
Asif nods with agreement. "Your Language not easy speak. Goblins not clever as I. True must be involvement of some others in this?"
"I do not mean to frighten you by this," Augustus turns to Asif, "But it might go a long way to explain some of the evil that has been afoot...believe me, it frightens me more than I care to admit."
"It bothers me as well, Augustus. I would have liked to known how that goblin came to understand enough Italian to fool someone. Perhaps there is more to these goblins than we know." Rhune also agrees. For a moment she looks thoughtful. "Petyr didn't you say that normally the goblins that attacked you don't work together?"
Petr nods, "It is very rare for the subhumans to work together. They usually fight between themselves more than with us."
Looking back at Augustus, "Just the other night this village was attacked by at least 3 different tribes of goblins at once. And this time they very definitely seemed intent on destroying it," she says to the young priest. Her deep purple eyes are thoughtful as she thinks over this and the fact that one of the goblins did speak Italian.
Augustus' slams a large hand on the table, "This is maddening! I cannot fathom what has happened!" He seems to tremble with anger. "Jebohah forgive me, but I will get to the bottom of this!"
Xania nods. "Marika's plan sounds good. In addition, if we have any who are good at a stealthy approach, perhaps one could act as advance scout. Maybe we can try to avoid running headlong into danger."
"Yes I think that heading straight north would be the way to go. We would be in the woods most of the way and that would hopefully hide us from any one on the river that might still be looking for us," Rhune says with a grim smile. "And I, for one, would like to avoid any fights till we find Stephan."
"Er, I don't think many of us actually enjoy fighting. Do we?" Xania looks around to see if any could dare be so foolish.
Xania turns to Marika, almost shyly. "If you want me to, I can try and help you with your riding skills. I got plenty of practice growing up. The pastimes of the idyll rich." She laughs slightly.
Looking around at her companions Rhune speaks up again, "Marika, Xania, can either of you do detect magic or identifies? There are some things that was found at the woman's camp that might be magical, but I can't tell," she asks them.
"Not today," Xania says, "After I sleep, I should be able to get a single spell to use. However, if we go on the morrow, it would perhaps be something more aggressive than the power to detect magical emanations."
"I can look over the items, Rhune," says Marika. "I'll tell you if any of them are magical, but as for identifying their exact properties...I know the spell, but I don't have the components it requires." She shrugs apologetically. "Powdered pearl is hard to find in the corner market these days...especially since the Sorcerers Guild threw in with the Church."
"Xania, if you can get some rest today, I'll show you later anything interesting that I find in Fyodorll's spell books. I'd love to learn that flashing light spell of yours when you feel up to teaching me...and maybe if I teach you the armor spell, we can get everyone protected before the next time someone tries to kill us." She smiles at the other mage, hoping that working on spells will help take Xania's mind off her troubles.
"I would be honored to share any of my spells that you feel would be helpful to you," replies Xania courteously. "If you can sometime today, I have a couple minor wounds that probably need a healer's skill before they will heal properly."
"Of course, I'd be glad to do what I can for you," Marika smiles back. "Although my skill is nothing next to Kuzma's."
"I trust you," says Xania.
Marika works her magic on the injured members not cared for by Augustus, healing Xania and Jacobus. At the end of the magic, only Marika and Jacobus bear any race of injury, and neither of them is more than slightly hurt.
Once the injuries of the group have been dealt with, the wagon is unloaded and a huge stack of goods is put in a pile for Marika to put a spell on. Just before casting, one of the quiet twins approaches with a piece of paper. "Little man had," is all he says before turning.
He and his brother and Gregor's other man then pile up the weapons recovered from the goblins. They shrug as Gregor says, "Can't hurt," smiling.
Marika throws the mumbo-jumbo on the pile of goodies. You all are somewhat pleased to see that several items throw off a dim glow. First is the great gaudy axe that was wielded by the biggest of the red-garbed goblins. It is covered in several layers of red paint. Fyodorll's book and Sam's paper also glow, along with Rhune's blue tube and another sheet of paper that was in Fyodorll's belt pouch. Jacobus is disappointed to see that the horse dealer's sword does not glow, but the armor that Rhune briefly coveted does. Her ring, however, does not.
Those of you of a curious nature are quite surprised to see several items among Petr's clan glow as well. They have gathered closely about to see what's going on and are within the effects of the spell's radius. Petr's sword and shield, along with (someone very curious would have to notice this) a ring on Irina's finger.
You all are more than a bit confounded as to what to do next.
Rhune sighs at this. However her gaze returns to the items. She looks at the armor again. She really would like to take it but is not sure if Marika would benefit from it more or not. She is also not sure if Xania could use. She is almost certain that the men will not be able to use it. She looks around at the others, not sure if she should mention she would like the armor or not. She decides to wait for the moment.
"Marika, can you use the armor? If you can't I would like to use it. It will be better than these," she indicates the ill fitting clothes she has on.
The priestess smiles and shakes her head. "It's all yours, Rhune. I've never been much good with armor. They tried to train me in some light cuirboulli once, but even that slowed me down and threw my balance off. Messed up my staff play, and my spells kept backfiring." She chuckles and adds, "I couldn't even run away properly in it."
Rhune smiles at the woman. Then looking over at Xania, "I don't know that much about magic users, can you wear it? If you can't then I would like to have it," she asks her.
"Nope," says Xania. "I don't like that much material between me and my skin." She smiles wickedly.
Rhune blushes at Xania's words, "Then if there are no objections I would like to take it. I won't be able to wear it if I am going to be doing any scouting but if I can wear it to fight in. Perhaps, later I can get some leather armor again when we get to a town and someone else can use this," she says taking the chainmail armor and going off to see about wearing it. She then seeks out Petr's daughter to find if she has any more clothes that she could purchase from her. Some that are much smaller than the ones that she is wearing. When Irina is able to find her something, Rhune pays her some money for them and then goes to change clothes. She then puts on the chain mail.
Rhune crosses over to Peytr, "Peytr, you mentioned that we might be able to buy a horse from you. I know that offer was made before we found out that some of them had been killed. If you would prefer not sell me one I can just take one of the others," she says to him.
Petr seems a little displeased at the notion, somewhat strange as he has been more than generous previously, "Indeed, you might purchase one of the horses if you wish. We hope to get somewhere near 300 gold sovereigns for each...." He seems a bit squeamish about what price he should give to the woman.
Seeing his obvious dilemma, "That is alright Peytr. Our arrangement was made before we found out that some of the horses had already been killed. I will take one from the other woman," she replies with a smile. She then crosses over to the corral where the horses are. She pauses for several minutes just looking at them. her eyes light on a beautiful charcoal gray with an almost silver mane and tail. She looks the horse over and notices that he is a stallion. He also looks different from the other horses, more finely boned than they are, though he doesn't appear to be any less stronger. As she watches him prance around the corral he seems to notice and turns to look at her. His soft, brown eyes seem to bore into hers and after a few minutes he walks over to her. Rhune reaches out to touch the silky skin of his nose. Smiling, "Yes, Quicksilver. That is your name. I am Rhune." She slips into the corral and grabbing a handful of mane pulls herself up and on to the horse. He looks back at her for a moment and then they ride around the corral together. Looking over at Peytr, "I have my horse. Thank you anyway," she says with a smile as she leans forward to pat Quicksilver's neck.
Augustus continues to administer healing and whatever other assistance is needed. He listens carefully to the discussions between the others, not interrupting until they finish.