The Show's the Thing, pt. II

Taglio ponders this for a moment, a serious look on his face. "Brother Augustus, I too have had experiences which I dare not tell.....but perhaps now I can too lift the burden of secrecy." He takes a long sigh and a sip of coffee. "I came by sea 10 days ago now from Venezia to Ravenna. There I visited the tomb of a great hero of mine, the great poet Dante Alighieri. Do you know him Augustus, he who wrote Divina Comedia.. the greatest inspirational master piece of our time. This place has great meaning for me, for not only did I revere him in my university studies, but my father was a great fan also and taught me of Dante. He would take me to his resting place and there we would recite poetry together."

He sighs again. "I had not visited since my fathers death. As I climbed the hill I could sense something wrong, for the gardens surrounding were not tended as they had been. The tomb had been desecrated brother! His headstone broken, the ground trampled and torn by many feet, and HERETIC written in red paint on the broken pieces." Tag begins to weep softly. He then sniffs so he can go on. "I was approached as I wept in the garden by a monk and I asked him what had happened. Luckily, I feel for me, he mistook my feelings and assumed I approved of the misdeeds. He told me that the bishops had organized this destruction and that mass book burnings had been conducted to destroy the blasphemous works of the poet. That his writing was driven by pride and against almighty Jerboha."

"Have you heard anything of this brother, surely it cannot be true?"

"To my sorrow, I am ignorant of this Divine Comedy that you speak so highly of. The abbey where I have spent most of my live was fairly remote. Perhaps when this is all over, you could introduce me to the works of this Dante? After all, Heavenly Father gave us free agency to choose good from evil for ourselves, did he not?"

Taglio beams at Augustus. "It would be my pleasure, Brother."

He continues "Anyway in secret I resolved to seek out Dante's works and preserve them. I could find none left intact in Ravenna, so I planned this trip to Dante's birthplace, Firenze, to rescue for the world the great poet's prose."

He gives Augustus a worried look and kneels before him. "Have I committed a sin Brother?"

"Oh, Dear Taglio..." Augustus places a long hand beneath Taglio's elbow and attempts to help him rise to his feet. "Please get off your knees...if it is sin that concerns you, I will hear your confession...but then, you must hear mine. We are, all of us, in desperate times, and such time call for desperate measures, as they say."

"I believe that there is a greater evil that we must concern ourselves with, and if it is Jebohah's judgment that I have sinned in my search for the be it."

A look of rage comes over Taglio's face and he clenches his fists. "Perhaps, we could help each other Augustus, for if this evil in the church could be rooted out, then a great good would be done and the great poet's and perhaps others' work saved."

"Yes, Taglio...I believe that our paths our connected by this great mystery we face...If there is anything that I can do to aid you in your quest to save the works of this Dante, I will lend them."

"I am in sore need of absolution Augustus, I have not been to confession I admit since my father's death. When we have some quiet time I will take you up on your offer."

"Certainly, Signore..." Augustus says, "As the Holy Word tells us, Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."

As he finishes speaking, "There was another member of our party, Marika. She was a cleric of Minerva. She mentioned that a great many of the books in her church were destroyed as well. She was trying to preserve them and find out what had happened as well," Rhune says to the young man.

Remembering Augustus' tale, "Brother Augustus, you have been through quite an ordeal. How frightening to realize that your superiors are so violent and evil, and how it must have tested your faith to have to flee the church and be deserted by the gifts from your god." Tag pats Augustus on the back reassuringly. "How long have you kept that dark secret?"

"I have borne this secret for many months while I was assigned to copying text in the central library. Now that you mention it, there were times when entire sections of the more archaic books and scrolls in the great shelves would mysteriously vanish in the night. I never imagined that they were being destroyed," Augustus responds with some dismay.

"I am not learned in the ways of the lord as you are Augustus, but this seems to me to be a great evil. The church has for hundreds of years been the center of learning for all of Europe. If the ancient texts are lost, so will our history and culture. He who controls our learning, could surely control our thoughts and actions. The pen is mightier than the sword, after all."

"This is true, Taglio...a man with one sword you may kill one man...or two, but one man with a pen may order the deaths of thousands."

"I confess my faith was almost lost I think, until I spoke with you. Maybe now I can start to pray again, now that the burden of secrecy is lifted, and I can see that I might still be part of Jerboha's great plan." Tag pauses again. "Yes, I think if you will have me my fate must lie with you all. The lord must have brought us together, si."

Ullar watches the whole scene from a distance.

As they enter, Rhune stands and puts her sword away. She looks from Dakath to the stranger. She had barely heard his name mentioned outside. She smiles at him, "I am Rhune Morthaine. I didn't quite catch your name," she says her deep purple eyes twinkling. Tag sees a slight apparently young girl in chain mail and a cloak that seems to have an Arabic look to it. She has curly silver hair and deep purple eyes. Her hair is behind her ears which sweep to delicate points and she looks very elven. Her Italian has a medium French accent to it.

Still pale, eyes wide at the large company of warriors accompanying the Jerbohan priest, Tag replies. "Bonjourno, Signora... I am Taglio....Taglio Di Gondola." He appears to want to say more, as manners would dictate, but just stands there looking anxious.

She smiles at him as she puts her sword away, "Come, sit by the fire and dry off. There is coffee and some toasted travel bread. Not much for breakfast but it is all we have at the moment," she says as she walks back to the fire.

Forte, who has been holding a cup of coffee in his hands, finally takes a sip. He grimaces at the taste, but appreciates the warmth it provides. He looks at Taglio and nods hello.

Tag allows himself to be lead to the fire by the captivating elfin maid. "Grazie. Anything would look good to eat right now, I thank you for your hospitality." He nervously gnaws on a bit of dry toast.

Dakath is happy to leave Taglio to be dealt with the others, as he makes his way outside to see Xania and Leslie. "This is not the Drummond Theatre Company, you know, we're not a bunch of actors here to put on some kind of comedy show for any stranger who passes!!"

"Did you find it funny?" Xania asks sweetly, returning his pat as he precedes her into the cabin.

Dakath turns and smiles at her "Be careful my dear I've been known to bite for less." he winks at her.

"Whereas I only bite for more," purrs Xania.

Dakath chuckles "If your Mother could hear you now. Be careful, you may get what you wish for."

He can't help but grin though "How we managed to persuade him Leslie was our son I will never know." His grin turns into a laugh and he finds it hard to keep his feet. "I can't see the family resemblance myself."

"Obviously you married an older woman with a child from her previous marriage. Misha, sweetness," Xania chuckles.

He moves into step alongside her "It's the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time, I call for Garak and out comes my wife, followed by my hag of an ex-wife's son. All in all a very convincing story."

He offers her his arm as they walk back to the cabin.

Xania takes his, still smiling.

"An Older woman? Not for the purposes of marriage, I think not. But there is always the benefit of experience with an older woman," he grins.

"True. Though it is so hard with men to weigh experience vs. stamina," Xania replies.

Again Dakath laughs, "It is the first time I've heard men being compared to Racehorses."

Xania smiles but remains silent. Her eyes dance at the rather obvious ways they can be compared but she bites her lip.

Dakath leans closer to her so he can whisper in her ear, "My mistress didn't seem to complain, alas her husband didn't seem to share her enthusiasm." He sighs dramatically, "Such a shame I was forced to flee the village, but I must say some of the threats I received from the man where rather colorful and I didn't doubt he'd carry them out."

His eyes sparkle wickedly as he smiles at her.

"Ah, I have never known the joys of wedded bliss. Well, other than the purely physical ones, of course."

Xania is clearly amused.

Dakath grins "Neither have I experienced the joys of wedded bliss, I don't suppose that being a married woman's plaything counts?"

"Ahh, the physical pleasures of marriage, with true love those pleasures are undescribable," he chuckles, "so I have been told."

"I have not experienced love either. Though the more baser emotions I am more familiar with." Xania grins, then glances sideways at Asif and Rhune, "Though I think not all of our companions can say the same..."

Ullar just smiles.

Dakakth follows her gaze and chuckles "I do believe you're right my friend. Perhaps you'd like to accompany on my evening stroll around the camp to ensure all is well?"

"I could be persuaded," Xania replies.

For the moment, Dakath and Xania stifle their flirtation to speak with the stranger, entering the cabin.

Once inside the cabin Dakath leans against the door frame. "My apologies Taglio for the deception, but one can never be too careful in these parts. My name is in fact Dakath and I'm a Spice Merchant fallen on hard times." He indicates the rest of the group, "This is the rest of our merry band."

"So Taglio, where are you headed? Don't worry you can speak freely. I don't think you'll find much love for the current activities of the church in these four walls."

Xania noting that Rhune has invited all the men of the group to breakfast, merely raises one eyebrow amused, and pulls rations out of her pack and makes her own meal.

Rhune noticing this crosses over to Xania, "If you can let me have some of that I will add it to what we have and try to make something other than just dry toast. I wish they hadn't made such a mess of Misha's cabin there were some really nice things to eat here," she says. "Why don't you have some coffee to begin with," she adds.

"I'm not sure what I have that would do you much good, Rhune, but you're welcome to whatever you want. I do have some herbs that make things more flavorful, but not toast, I'm afraid." Xania eyes her rations with the practiced eye of one who can cook but doesn't really enjoy it.

"Well we can try anyway. Not much can make travel rations taste any better. What I would really like is some nice bacon, eggs, and some pastry. Oh well," she says as she takes what Xania offers. "Maybe you can help. I don't cook all that well."

Xania sighs. "If you really want my help, I'll do what I can. Perhaps we can alternate? I've come a long way to go back into the kitchen."

"Thank you, I would appreciate that," Rhune replies

Augustus looks up as he overhears this, "Mistress Xania, you need not bother with cooking if you do not wish to do so. I learned my way around a scullery as a small boy in the monastery...I will be more than happy to provide sustenance for all."

"As long as it doesn't become a permanent function of my duties, I don't mind too much, Augustus. Though I would welcome another to rotate the duty with," replies Xania courteously.

Rhune looks relieved, "Thank you Augustus. I don't know how to cook that well," she says to him.

"Well, it's not much, but I do have a bottle of the best olive oil in all Italia!" Forte reaches into one of his pouches and pulls out a vial of golden liquid. He practically beams as he continues, "It's from my family's olive farm! It might liven up some of these bland rations."

"Lovely," smiles Xania.

Augustus proves adept with the fire and pot, making a halfway decent meal out of the hardbread, dried meat and fruits, and some small herbs from Xania.

The group decides that to ferry across the river would be too dangerous. Also, if those they are pursuing are outdoors, they surely must be facing the same hardships, and thus almost certainly cannot make much more progress than you all have. While it is not a choice that pleases all, it is decided that you will rest here for the night and start again fresh in the morning.

Rhune spends most of the day going over the lessons that Asif has taught her so that Tag will hear words repeated both in Italian and Arabic.

Tag listens with interest to the lesson in Arabic. "May I join in your lesson Signora, if Signore is willing I speak a little of the Saracen and I would appreciate the chance to brush up a little."

"That is fine with me, Taglio. I am not that good it," she replies as she makes room for him near her and Asif.

Tag turns to the tall turbaned warrior. "As-salāmu calaykum. kayf hāluk? ismī salīm ismuhu Taglio, Taglio Di Gondola."

Asif's face beams with great pleasure at the tones of his own tongue spoken by the stranger.

"Kattar kheirak Efendi, Es salam alekum efendi. Ismak Faris Asif al Masour."

Occ - Translation - Thank you friend, May peace be upon you efendi, my name is Faris Asif al Mansour.

Asif continues in Arabic with the following.

"Efendi much scholarship you show to speak my tongue so well. Rare is gift in this land of merchants. Where may I ask did you come by this gift? Have you by any chance traveled to my homeland? It be the land of the Nile, the holy city of the great Aten, the new city reclaimed from the desert, Amnara"

Tag carries on a conversation with Asif in Arabic. "I consider it a great gift too Asif, but it was not always so. My father as I told Jacobus was a merchant with a wealthy trade business in Venezia. He attributed his success to his contacts in Damascus and friendliness with the Saracen. Indeed we had many luxuries from the east in our house, like soap!" He looks meaningfully in Xania's direction. "Cinnamon, Nutmeg, silks and fine jewelry. My father would always insist on a Saracen physician when the family were ill. Me he taught Arabic through tutors when I was a child. Ha! I resented the lessons very much. How we resent the gifts our parents give us when we are too young to understand." Tag looks far away into his past with sorrow.

When they settle in for the night Rhune takes the first watch and then beds down near where Asif has his pallet. There is only a few inches of space between them and those on watch will notice that this space disappears during the night with Rhune ended up close by his side, though not touching him. In fact when Asif wakes in the morning he may very well be looking directly into her face!!

Asif's hormones are not oblivious to the attention.

Asif is unable to sleep and watches Rhune's sleeping form for some time in the dim light. He looks upon her peaceful face, the exotic beauty of the elvish form, his heart racing as it once did upon the fateful night of his banishment. What strange path he had trod since that fateful night six months ago. Seeing Rhune shiver slightly Asif moves closer nervously, sharing the warmth of his blanket and body. Then as if in peace with the world Asif finally falls asleep.

He notices that as he does so, Rhune instinctively cuddles closer to him and simply sighs a small smile coming across her face.

Many hours later the stillness of night is suddenly broken by a scream. A scream of terror not far from her ear rips Rhune from the peace of sleep. In the now strangely shared blankets Asif now sits bolt upright his arms shielding his face from an imaginary blow, his hawk like eyes white with terror.


Occ - Ancient Egyptian Translation - Stop Prince Stop Prince in the name of the family Stop Prince all is not as it seems.

Rhune sits bolt up right instantly awake, her ear ringing from the scream. Seeing the terror in Asif's eyes she tries to calm him. First she tries the little Arabic that she knows but seeing that is not working all that well, she switches over to her native language. The words are musical and melodic and the French accent only serves to accentuate this aspect of elvish. Speaking softly, she reaches out to Asif and gently lays her hand on his shoulder, "Asif, my friend, it is alright now. You are safe. It was just a bad dream," is what the words actually mean.

Tag is pleased to share the cramped hospitality of the cabin with you all, though he notes the fairly nasty smell and the cramped conditions, along with the increasing smell of unwashed warriors. However, compared to his last days of travel, it will do.



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Benjamin Lomax

This page was last updated on 6 November 2000

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